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Archive for February 4th, 2013|Daily archive page

The Daily GOP Ignominious: McCain Goes Racist And Calls His Actions Joke!

In Uncategorized on February 4, 2013 at 10:45 PM

I am no psychiatrist, but if the image is not a deeply rooted example of contempt for another human being, a manifestation of personal  inferiority and self-loathing, I cannot recite my middle name.

Can you remember hearing anyone in the GOP, in Congress, or for that matter any white person, use the word monkey (either figurative or literally) to disparage another white person? Factually, the vast majority of white Americans do not use the word “monkey” to disparage anyone regardless of ethnicity.  I will wager copious amounts you have only heard the word used a few times if at all.  My purpose in going there has nothing to do with criticizing a race of people (in this case white people); that is not in my belief systems, style nor inclination. 
I am, however, ever-mindful of privilege in America. Privilege for some seems to span a continuum from job opportunities, neutral treatment while department store shopping (vs. that of many black people), and the privilege to level racially insensitive jokes at people who are non-white.
Apparently, the very privileged and biased Senator John McCain continues to show why he really should gracefully retire from public office.  Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently commented that he would like to be the first Iranian to travel into space via the developing Iranian space program. If you are one to follow current events, you know that Iran launched a monkey into space last week.
NBC is reporting as follows….
McCain (Linked)

“So Ahmadinejad wants to be first Iranian in space – wasn’t he just there last week?” McCain said in a tweet that also linked to a story about Iran launching a monkey into space.

Apparently, the supposed “New Guard” in the GOP has taken exception to McCain”s Jurassic Era bigotry and racism. 
Two points.
Upset at a reporters questions
I wonder how many times McCain must have uttered to himself about his loosing the 2008 General Election. How many times did he do so with similar disparaging references to Barack Obama?
McCain has previously made career damaging remarks towards Iran through use of a Beach Boys singing reference to Iran, “Bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran”.   His personal behavior makes me wonder about his mental stability. I also wonder about his social skills as a cognitive basis for his behavior.
John McCain ran for President of the United States of America. While campaigning,  McCain’s  first critical decision while campaigning was the selection of a completely inexperienced, non-worldly, and misguided Sarah Palin. Apparently, the extremely wealthy (via marriage) John McCain considers himself a bit of a comic.  The US Presidency is the last place for someone who consistently shows erratic behavior and inadequate judgment.  
If there ever was a candidate for retirement from Congress, McCain fits the model in all forms. An even sadder reality is the GOP’s 2007/8 primary results that led to McCain as their candidate in 2008.
Another quick item. Wasn’t it John McCain who referred to the Rhodes Scholar Ambassador Susan Rice as “Not very smart”?

……And The Band Plays On…..