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Archive for February 21st, 2013|Daily archive page

The Cycle, Fumbling Cupp, and A Winner With Ball

In Uncategorized on February 21, 2013 at 5:30 PM

I am going to post a segment of MSNBC’s Cycle. The Cycle is not a news related show that I will rush to watch each day. While I think a couple of the hosts are worthy of sitting and soaking up their dialog,  for me a couple of the four are real sleep inducers. I will spare one of the names as that level of specificity is not critical to my point in this screed.

For sake of supporting my macro posit, I offer the name of the one “so-called” conservative on the panel.   SE Cupp fits the model of the show from a number of perspectives.  She is conservative, she fits within the carefully crafted show host age demographics, and she sits across from the other woman on the panel.  A nice mix and an appropriate balance for MSNBC, eh?  The staffing model is weak!

Yes, Cupp is a major reason I do not go out of my way to watch a The Cycle. Of course, my avoidance radar failed me today for a brief time (actually two segments).  I watched a segment about the “sequester”. The host was Michael Scherer, White House correspondent, TIME. The two sequester embeds below span the scope of that which I found intriguing and telling.

Segment One is a full 11:39 minute segment. Segment Two is an excerpt from the full segment and reinforces my thoughts on the most conservative host on the panel.  Viewing both segments is not necessary. Segment two embodies my point on Cupp and GOP strategy.

Segment 1. The Sequester (Full segment)


Segment 2. Watch Cupp’s feeble lead-in (sneak attack) “gotcha” attempt.  Her motive appears to be an attempt to interject the popular GOP talking point and mantra of , “Obama’s sequester“, “His sequester“, “the Administration’s sequester“.  Watch closely as the host’s feeble setup moves along.  She  moves “the hook” along replete with fairly unprofessional “yeahs” as if  nudging to the attempted zinger question.  Also notice the competent correspondent answered from a perspective of knowledge and facts, thus sinking the ‘bubble’ of the flailing Cupp.  The planned setup squirted-out like a child’s damaged water-gun. Do not forget to watch till the end of the short segment. Cupp’s (non-verbal) facials tell all. “OOOPs, that did not work at all. Oh well, I get paid for this, so what“.  


Seriously, I do not know factors related to Cupp’s contract as a member of the panel, but I question MSNBC’s choice of the panel’s most conservative host. 

As to today’s show, I offer another perspective on anbother segment. 

You simply have to watch the show closing segment (closing remarks) from Krystal Ball.  The segment is shy of four minutes, but one of the most cogent points I have heard on the network in a few days.


Point well stated!

American Liberals Times OP-ED…. "Sequester?"

In GOP on February 21, 2013 at 3:24 PM

Cross posted from Liberal Times Dot Com

Basashi (raw horsemeat) from Towada. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Posted on February 21, 2013

Op Ed 

Republicans are all over the airwaves and the internet today screaming and yelling what I believe to be the lie that the so-called “sequester” is “the president’s sequester” when they should know damned well by now that there was never any mention of such a draconian measure until it was included in a power point presentation given by the speaker of the house to one of his committees way back in 2011.

Republicans, it seems to me, are trying to shift the blame now and looks to me like they are doing everything in their power to make the coming disaster look like “Obama’s Fault.” Isn’t that what some of them do best?

Another reality check for those who don’t always pay attention: There were reportedly one helluva lot of right wingers in congress who voted for the sequester in the first place so now is not the time to be right-winging the blame onto the president who, in what I think was another failed attempt to reason with a-wads, simply went along with the measure.

After all, in the best case scenario, the sequester was supposed to be a harsh enough measure that anyone in their right mind would never have allowed it to actually happen but then one has to consider the fact that we are dealing with Right Wing (“thinking”) – – – ( wait for a minute while I get my tongue out of my cheek again ) – – – and whether you can call that a “Right Mind” can be kind of an adjective doubled-edged sword, can’t it?

Anyway, I have been looking at the list of “hits” the economy is bound to take once the Repug Sequester kicks in on March 1st ( It won’t all happen at once – – like anything else done by some who share the ambitions of a few over in the far right wing crazy faction, the effects of sequester, for the most part, will most likely come on softly like a thief in the night and will probably appear more subtle than any beastie of the field.

This is how something that might have been fabricated by the somewhat popular figure known as “The Devil” is reputed to work its destructive magic – – it appears to be enticingly worth while at first glance and then once people have gotten their feet wet in whatever it is, they suddenly discover that something has started eating their feet – – or ( best case scenario) stealing their shoes. This looks to me a lot like anything but a “Christian-Like” development, this sequester thing!

I note that some “ex-spurts” are predicting that the sequester will cause a situation where there are expected to be a whole lot less Federally employed food inspectors on the job.

“Well, I thought to myself,” that’s a fine kettle of fish because as I understand it, the food inspection group is already underfunded and short-handed as it is ( again , I believe, because of Republican budget whacking) and I am thinking that maybe that is the reason the great “Horse Meat In Your Grocery-Bought Beef” scandal has erupted in the past few days. Yeah, that’s right! Somebody ( read about it on the internet) has reputedly ( allegedly) discovered horse DNA, donkey DNA and pig DNA in certain meat products that people buy with confidence and stuff down their gullets every day of their lives. There has reportedly been a lot of newly-minted vegetarians since that news broke.

But if the sequester kicks in ( and it certainly looks like it is going to ) there are expected to be even less food inspectors than there are now and God only knows what kind of “extraneous materials” (define that as “crap” ) greedy corporate food processors might see fit to allow in the stuff we eat. . . and, most likely, get away with it Scot free!

That’s one of the prices we are probably destined to pay for that old “Republican” stand-by called “Smaller Government.” We get our food supply corrupted due to a shortage in Federal food inspectors.

Thanks a lot, righties!

I don’t even want to think about standing for an extra two or three hours in an airport once the sequester kicks in and causes a cut back on Federal TSA employers or what the hell ever it is supposed to do within the air transportation system – – but the eggs-spurts are talking about “delays” in-transit at airports. Can’t wait! The good part as far as I am concerned is that there are probably as many “True Believer” right wing idiots who fly as there are Libs, so the inconvenience will be spread around at least. That is some consolation to a fanatic Libber like me to be sure! Snark!

More benefits expected from the Republican Sequester:

1. Less unemployment benefits for those who are not working – – the benefits are expected to be trimmed by almost 10 per cent in many cases.

2. Meat prices are reportedly expected go through the roof ( again) . . .

3. Older folks who have been depending on things like home-delivered meals may have to get out the old can opener again.

-4. Head Start pre-schoolers might have to start staying at home with Mommy and Daddy a little more often because the sequester is expected to close the door to as many as 70 thousand kids from low-income families on such amenities as “Pre-School.” I wonder if the obstructionist intransigents in Rightie-Tightie Land are aware that there are a lot of children from Conservative families just the same as there are from Liberal families and I wonder if that makes a peck’s damn worth of difference to any of them?

5. If there is another hurricane or an earth quake or something, those who suffer property damage are probably going to get a pragmatic lesson in good old Republican “Self-Sufficiency” because the gubmint ain’t gonna have the money to come and fix things back up again like they have in times past.

If you want to read more about this damnable mess and how it got started, Read More Here:

Conservative Bloggers, News Sources?

In Ed Schultz, MSNBC, Rand Paul on February 21, 2013 at 1:52 PM

Enjoy while the caffeine kicks-in!!!!

A look at GOP News sources to go along with your Sumatra, Kopi Luwak Indonesian, Kenya AA, Tanzanian, French Roast, Kona Coast, ‘Black Ivory’ [Thai Elephant Dong], Jamaica Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Costa Rican, Espresso, Moyobama Peruvian Organic, Indonesian Blend, Coffee Latte, Kauai Blend (often bitter), Colombian Red Lips, or your Folgers 100% Colombian

If you ever wonder why GOP politicians come-up with wild over-the-top and ridiculous accusations they attribute to news sources, the answer is near.

Rand Paul attacks Sec’y of State Hilary Clinton with innuendo from the completely insane Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Fox News et al.  (Edit for brevity. Full 6:12 minutes here)

Rand Paul, other GOP committee members and their news sources (Skip to the 6:00 mark, if you have time constraint , but entire 13 plus minutes is revealing and damning for republicans at the hearing).
If you want to see a contrast of how the conservative website The Blaze posted the Paul/Clinton exchange checkout the link just below.  First the headline, “VIDEO: RAND PAUL LAYS THE VERBAL SMACKDOWN ON HILLARY CLINTON.”   Before clicking the following link make special note of how The Blaze reported the “SMAKCKDOWN” and when the website editors ended their “SMACKDOWN” video embed.    The Link (and then play video).
Did you notice the Andrew Breitbart like choice of presenting the interaction?  The Blaze reported a smack-down without bothering to show substantive portions of the interaction.  Thus, a common method of how right-wing media influences the minds of its viewers.  What a thrill to watch the alleged smack-down, eh?  There was nothing to Paul’s (The Blaze) video beyond personal attacks from a committee member to the sitting Secretary of State. Insults flew from Paul’s mouth as if throwing punches at a handcuffed witness.  It is alarming how people who watch right-wing media or read conservative websites, seem to love such exhibitions.  “Boy, did he get after Hillary Clinton, that was great”. Yes, and without one Iota of substance during The Blaze video.  The uninformed are entertained by the acts of bravado associated with the false allegations than concern for Paul’s veracity. How about another look and listen as Ed Schultz reveals more GOP member’s of congress (and millions on the Right) news sources?  The staff at MSNBC put together segment for the ages.  Watch how the segment ends. It really is sad and shameful.  
As I have stated quite a few times, since the validating loss in the 2012 presidential election we know how Mitt Romney failed to prepare a concession speech.  He watched and listened to right-wing media.  
A message for the electorate. What you have witnessed above is exactly how 47% of you cast ridiculous votes for Romney/Ryan?