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ERIC L. WATTREE’ BENEATH THE SPIN : The African American Black Man: The New Neanderthal?

In Eric L. Wattree on May 31, 2013 at 7:38 PM

Reposted from The Wattree Chronicle

THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2013

The African American Black Man: The New Neanderthal?


The African American Black Man: The New Neanderthal?

I was in Los Angeles on the corner of Vernon and Central the other day, just after school let out. If it hadn’t been for the fact that I grew up in that area and recognized my surroundings, I would have thought I was in Mexico. What use to be an almost exclusively Black community was now filled with happy, playful – and mannerly – Hispanic children coming home from school, and as I looked around, I saw thriving Latino businesses being patronized by poor, but thriving Latino patrons. I was intrigued, so I decided to take a detour through the neighborhood.

Now, I don’t know whether the area is primarily Mexican-American, or filled with illegal immigrants, but what was clear was that the area was changing. There was a new vitality there. I saw fathers and teenage boys in the yards, both at home and enjoying the love of family rather than hanging out in the street. I saw a neighborhood free of young men glaring at me, or waving me over as I drove by. The neighborhood was no longer threatening. It was a neighborhood that now said family, instead of gangster. It was a neighborhood that was clearly trying to make a comeback.
It felt good to see my old stomping grounds rejuvenating itself, but I also felt a twinge of both guilt and envy. I felt guilt because my own teenage antics contributed greatly to dragging this very neighborhood down to its previous state, and envy that what comes so easily to most cultures seems to be so elusive to my own. I also felt more than a tinge of fear, because to anyone who’s familiar with Charles Darwin’s theory on natural selection, it’s clear that the Black man is swirling around the event horizon of a massive black hole. If we don’t do something to get our young people’s attention real soon, at best, the Black man is going to become irrelevant, or at worst, the new Neanderthal.
According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, which at this point is considered more fact than theory to most scientists, nature is in a constant process of selecting which groups or species will survive to perpetuate itself, and which will die out. The concept is called natural selection, or popularly known as the survival of the fittest. In order to insure that only the best, most adaptive, and strongest life forms populate the Earth, nature eliminates the weak to insure they won’t procreate and contaminate the Earth with their weak offspring.
The process of elimination starts even before an individual is born. Every individual starts out with as many as 40 million potential brothers and sisters, all scurrying towards their mother’s egg. But most die off before they reach the mother’s egg. Therefore, just the fact that you were born means that you’re not just one in a million—you’re one in 40 million. You were the strongest and most viable of over 40 million others.
And nature takes the survival of the fittest very seriously. Anyone who has ever watched a dog or a cat give birth to their young have probably seen first hand how brutally serious nature can be in this regard. If you haven’t, just ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a puppy born with a birth defect. If you have, it’s very rare, because if an animal is born defective in any way, the mother will kill it on the spot—and in many cases eat it. Nature doesn’t provide animals with a welfare office, so they know by instinct that they, and their young, must to be able to hold their own weight in this world, or die.
But a life form doesn’t have to have a physical defect for nature to weed it out. Nature will also weed out things that are maladaptive or have an inability to adapt to its environment – like many of us, for example. God made birds to fly, fish to swim, and man to think. If a bird refuses to fly, it cannot survive. If a fish refuses to swim, it will not survive. The very same rule applies to man. If a man refuses to think, he will not survive – and that has become a serious problem in the Black community. Many of our young Black men simply refuse to think.
It’s as though we’re on a mission to ensure our own extinction. While the men of other cultures seem to have no problem in stepping up to the plate to solidify the family unit and ensure their children get a running start in life, we’re abandoning our children, and referring to the very womb of our culture as “bitches and whoes”; and if we’re not killing other Black men over drugs, we’re killing ourselves with drugs – and then struttin’ around braggin’ about it! And even when we aren’t killing ourselves, we’re making dumb decisions that’s causing us to have to spend years at a time locked up in jail like animals. Many of us have embraced a philosophy of manhood that enforces a moral obligation to be stupid. It’s like, you’re not a true Black man unless you take a pledge to remain ignorant.
This is a sad state of affairs, because nature is already hard at work weeding the Black man out, and we’re giving her all the help that she needs. Every time one gang member or drug dealer kills another, that’s nature at work upgrading the gene pool. Every time someone dies of an overdose, nature’s right there – “well, I don’t have to worry about him fathering anymore weak minded people.” And when you go to jail, that also takes your seed out of circulation.
But the biggest impact is right around the corner. Look around you, Black man. While you’re acting a fool nature is also selecting traits in Black women that’s allowing them to do without you. Notice that while you’re out there saggin’ and getting dumber and dumber, Black women are becoming better educated, and getting good jobs. That’s right, brother – nature is rendering you irrelevant. You are no longer a suitable mate, so nature is preparing the Black female to do without you – and it’s happening right before your eyes.
So if you’re a young brother, you can just standby. That pretty young lady of yours may think your droopy pants are cool now, but as she becomes better educated and gets that good job that you’re too maladjusted to be considered for, she’s going to begin to see you for what you really are, a looser—and a broke one at that. She’s going to realize you’re not a suitable mate. And she’s going to recognize that saggin’ (spell it backwards) doesn’t make you a man. In fact, it makes you an embarrassment in the world she wants to move into – and it’s not because she’s getting uppity, it’s because it’s true. She wants to live, and she wants her children to live and prosper, but she can’t do that with you, because you’re a dying breed. As a direct result, their very survival is going to require Black women to go outside of the Black race to find suitable mates.
That’s right – that beautiful young sister that you love so much is going to have to go out and find her a real man, one who’s capable of survival in the real world. Then once that starts to happen, what was once a proud Black race is going to become less and less Black with every generation that passes, until the Black man, at least, as we know him, will only exist as pictures on the wall of natural history museums–a relic of the past.
I can hear the anthropologists discussing us now – in the past tense, of course. They’ll probably give us a scientific name like “Africantus Americana Fool”. They’ll be in the museum looking up at some brother that they found dead of a drug overdose in the snow and then had stuffed. Then the anthropologist will say to a class of visiting students, “You know, it’s really amazing when you think about it. They had the intellectual potential to thrive, but they just didn’t have any common sense. The major downfall of ‘Homeboy’ (a nickname they assigned to our species) was that he lacked a sense of community, and had less than rudimentary coping skills. But there’s one thing you’ve got to give him – he was the coolest thing on the planet, while he was around. He didn’t have much common sense, but the brother could sho’nuff sag.”
The upshot will be, we’ll finally get the attention that we so passionately craved. But the downside is, it’ll be on the History Channel.


I Bear Witness
I sit, I watch,
and I grow ever more obsolete
as I bear witness.
I bear witness
to a once vibrant people greedily gulping down society’s hemlock. Even as they claim to be “keeping it real,“ they continue to maim, kill, and despise their own in hot pursuit of the prime directive with the passion of a sheetless klan.
I bear witness 
to Black fists in the air in false solidarity promoted by self-serving poverty pimps as the world looks on and giggle at crooked fingers pointed elsewhere.
I bear witness
to the superficial attempt to ban the “N-word” while the new “un-niggas” stand around watching children killing children and fathers drugging sons, as they celebrate, lionize, and enrich those who denigrate the very womb of their culture with impunity.
I bear witness
to a generation of lost knowledge, cut off from its roots by Ronnie’s “Just say no” generation of crack, greed, death, and political corruption; A generation where the new N-word is pronounced “Responsibility” and the keepers of the flame completely ignore the destructive power of bitch, slut, whore, and tramp. 
I bear witness
to the reckless disregard of the words uneducated, irresponsible, and classless. Should we not ban these words as well, or should we ban banning words altogether as we celebrate their meaning?
Yes, I do bear witness. 
I bear witness to a new world –
a world where gross ignorance comes disguised as enlightenment, and funky sneakers look down with disdain upon the sweet smell of Florsheim; a world where saggin’ pants and gaudy glitter enable country bumpkins to masquerade as elegant, and the exquisite surrender of eloquence is the very essence of what it means to be hip. 
Where’s Langston? Where’s Baldwin? Where’s Oscar Brown, Jr? 
We need you stormin’ this beach, because . . .
I now bear witness
to a world where motherhood stands alone, to be “dope” renders a smile, and posterity is forced to embrace the wind for paternal sustenance; A world where the walking dead strut about rapping the wisdom of idiocy, and we praise the illiteracy of vulgar nursery rhymes as profound; a world where the mother of salvation’s final gasp is compared to the pigmentation of brown paper bags.
Malcolm, Martin, where are you? 
I once stood with a crowd. Now seemingly alone, I’m forced to bear witness –
horrific witness . . .
to the imminent demise of our people,
And my heart bleeds.

Meghan Kelly Takes Down Lou Dobbs and Eric Erickson: Fox News Misogyny Confronted

In Fox News on May 31, 2013 at 6:21 PM

Check out Media Matters  here
FoxPEN (Fox Propaganda and Entertainment Network) employs an attorney/model named Meghan Kelly. If you doubt my assertion of model, simply Google the commentators name. (here, here and here) We think it safe to assume the images are not photoshopped.

Ms. Kelly is known for very effectively delivering FoxPEN propaganda third only to Hannity and O’Reilly.  She also is a staple on O’Reilly’s “co-signer” seat. The seat is really a distinguish spot for sycophants, co-signers, and victims of the multi-million dollar demagogue   

Ms. Kelly has taken a couple of Fox News commentators to task for an early week segment that was so full of misogyny even Roger Ailes must have approved a Kelly “Take-down.:  

Before we move to today’s take down, let’s place Ms Kelly in true perspective as the ill advised cosigner for O’Reilly.
Pepper-spraying a group of students in California drew a propaganda laced rationalization of pepper spray use on innocent and unarmed protesters. Ms. Kelly agreed that pepper spray is comparable to being sprayed with a vegetable!   After that interview, Kelly’s credibility is set at a very low level. Her comments were not much better than sleazy mercenaries who travel the globe for hire.

Early in the week we published this piece.

I am hearing a couple of FoxPEN women commentators are questioning the sanity and wisdom of the four men in the linked video.  It wouldn’t be a surprise of Ruppert Murdoch (or his wife) took exception to the loud and clear misogyny and ordered it addressed.

Now, sit for the FoxPEN sanctioned lashing of two of the four misogynist.

The FoxPEN women who have spoken out should have three words delivered to their dedication “bringing” right-wing propaganda for a fee: “Serves you right.” 

I offer a bit more of an apropos image for the Fox News woman who have spoken out.

“When you wallow with a pig, the pig loves it. First, you are in his pen in the muck and grime and he is happy. and now you STINK!”

The deeper message should go to American women. You must know that “isms” travel in flocks. People who practice bigotry, racism and deep bias do not restrict their psychological deficiencies to one subject or group of people.  Also remember you were granted the privilege to vote in the early 1900s.  That was less than one half a century before black people who given the right to vote. There men have a position for you that they generally do not speak publicly. They want you in the house, in the bedroom, in the kitchen and with your mouth shielded in many ways. 

The men in the Lou Dobbs segment are no different than this man.
Scott Terry of the White Student Union ends his racist railing during this years CPAC “oozing” with a direct confrontation to a woman seated behind him.

scott terry slavery commentsWhen a woman began challenging his knowledge of the Republican Party, Terry responded with a straight out of the 1950s answer: “I didn’t know the legacy of the Republican Party included women correcting men in public.”

The comment is a real anthem for the GOP and their consistent and ongoing “Shock and Awe” against women. 

It should be noted Mr. Juan Williams cares little about the level of muck in which he wallows for sake of his paycheck.  The journalist who was once considered a credible speaker of opinion and reporting. His affiliation with FoxPEN gives the impression he has sold his credibility to the lowest level of ‘yellow journalism” and “co-signership” of right wing “isms.” 

The Daily GOP Ignominious: John McCain (A Retirement Too Long In The Making!)

In Marion Young, The Pardu, US Senate on May 31, 2013 at 1:49 PM

Marion Young (Guest writer from the 2412 Obama Supporters Consortium)
This will make your day. I promise.

When asked why he didn’t know they were kidnappers, McCain’s office said no one told them. 


When was the last time a criminal or kidnapper told you “I’m the thief?” Of course, you won’t hear this on most of the media…because they’re not going to tell you they are controlled by the RIGHT WING! 

Once again, McInsane stepped in it. If he had gone through Obama to make this visit, the CIA would have checked all of this out for him and cleared the visit. Stupid is as stupid does. In their effort to bring down Obama any way they can, the GOP is stepping all in it.

John McCain denies he knowingly posed with with 'rebel kidnappers' in Syria

John McCain denies he knowingly posed with with ‘rebel kidnappers’ in Syria – 

John McCain has denied that he knowingly posed in a photograph this week with Syrian rebels who kidnapped 11 Lebanese Shi’ite Muslims.

End Marion Young

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, All In, ran a piece on the McCain’s SNAFU.  How many times have we heard the spiteful McCain declare: “fails to lead!”  I ask you, “is this leadership?”

Of course, McCain did not show leadership.  He exhibited overwhelming lack of judgment and validated exactly why America voted against he and Sarah Palin.  

Ray Kroc, McDonalds Corp. Founder, on leadership. (Brainyqoute Leadership

The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.~Ray Kroc 

 And, a thought from me.  Leadership

The person who applies learned competencies in accomplishing goals and aspiring people to a higher order, while exercising impeccable judgment,  a higher level of ethics and who  exemplifies a path to success. ~ The Pardu

As stated in the title of this piece. John McCain should retire from the US Senate. McCain continues to show the same distorted cognitive processes that lead to his selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008.  He reminds of the Naval Academy Cadet who finished 894th in a class of 899 graduates. His poor decisiveness and judgment could have placed an active US Senator and the nation at risk. Even at his advanced age, he appears guided by the same mental processes which lead to his disobeying orders while flying over North Vet Nam during the Vet Nam War. We know how that ended. Finally, his actions should induce thoughts of his barely escaping serious Senatorial actions for his ‘greed laced’ involvement in the 1989 Keating Five Scandal. (Phoenix Times 1989
McCain’s continued vindictiveness regarding his loss to Obama, his quirky mental processes and his advancing are leading to increasing “McInsanity.”  Imagine the kerfuffle had the Syrians taken him hostage!  Now, allow your brain go a bit farther outside the box. Imagine him as a hostage and the murderous Syrian government (troops) inadvertently freed his butt?  


Cheerios Ad Depicting Interracial Family, Met Wth Racist Ccomments On YouTube

In Newt Gingrich on May 31, 2013 at 12:10 PM

What do you think of this Cheerios cereal advertisement?  Do you think it is cute, informationative (as to health) and well crafted? 

Reports are a segment of the population finds it distasteful.


Did you notice what some find offensive? Offensive enough to flock to YouTube for ‘safe” exhibitions of racism equal similar to that experienced by other persecuted peoples throughout history.  We have posted an excerpt from a Huffington Post piece related to the ad (below).  



As I have long posited since 1980 racism in the United States has metastasized into a full blown eruption. Among some Americans it is not only OK to proclaim their racism, it is fashionably “cool” to go overt. 

People like Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich openly espouse racist oratory as a tool in their political toolkit, the GOP has osmosis-ed into party of 92% whites, and Right-wing media feeds the psyches of people who apparently hate our president primarily based in race. 

Since January 2009 and just after President Obama’s inauguration, the newly founded and ‘money backed’ tea party allowed infiltration of overt and boisterous racist replete signs, placards and spitting on black members of Congress. David Duke Ku Klux Klan leader and former aspirant to the US Presidency published a rather long video in support of the Tea Party. 

The published a piece in 2010 that embodies the essence of what we see as growing and overt acts of racism in the United States. 

Despite social changes across the nation we are seeing a re-birth and re-energizing of both overt and closet racism.  Most people have moved from a paradigm of racism or bigotry via concerted efforts to be a different person. Others are stowing away racial indifference an intolerance and supplanting such with reality based life with less consideration of skin color.  Yet, noble efforts to realistically portray a changing society are, by some, met with hatred and racist acts. The acts we reference are not as overt as the images and video above.  We reference acts of racist people who flock to their desktop PCs and laptops to practice personal and closeted racism. They are people who are far more dangerous to the fabric of the nation than the quacks imaged above. The less overt racist provide a solid foundation for the  “southern strategy” the GOP uses for political leverage. “Leverage” that could eventually lead to a president and vice-president who could forever ruin all economic and social foundations of the United States. They are also more dangerous to a cohesive nation as they are fertile ground for state sanctioned racism that eventually leads (in all cases) to civil unrest (and in  genocide). The DailyMail piece above includes a militaristic dressed racist who declares he would disown his daughter if she chose to date a black man. The racist’s comment is probably far more common than we will ever know, have known, or will admit to, but it is a reality that has been or is irrefutable. 

We offer kudos to Cheerios and Parent Company General Mills. Interracial relationships, LGBT relationship, Heterosexual relationships and singles makeup the populace of the United States.  Why should companies avoid use of realism in advertising when reality depicts a world averse to the racist or the bigot?

That said, note the carefully creative way the family is depicted.  The African-American father is physically removed from the white mother (separate rooms) with the catalyst of the advertisement, the daughter, delivering the message to the audience.  The advertisement seems the perfect pioneering depiction necessary to touch into reality and appeal to diverse audiences, while carefully avoiding the big taboos: touching, hugging, kissing and even dancing together

Kudos to General Mills and its Cheerios Brand Management. 

An adorable Cheerios commercial featuring an interracial couple and their daughter generated such a strong racist backlash on YouTube that the comments section had to be closed. 

The ad had received more than 1,600 likes and more than 500 dislikes as of Thursday evening. 

Prior to the closure, the comment section had been filled “with references to Nazis, ‘troglodytes’ and ‘racial genocide,'” according to Adweek. 

YouTube comment sections have a reputation for breeding racist flame wars. CNN focused on the issue earlier this year, after a panel addressing racism and race on YouTube was held at South By Southwest:

“Everyone gets hate comments on YouTube,” said Andre Meadows, the creator of the Black Nerd Comedy channel. “You can make the most wonderful video in the world and you will get ‘Fake!’ and ‘Gay!'”

But for minority creators, “when you get comments, it seems to be targeted toward race almost immediately. A lot of people get ‘dumb video, stupid video’ — but with mine it immediately goes to racial slurs.”

We will leave this piece for your interpretation and contemplation.  

What will you do when your friend calls and rails about the disgusting Cheerios’ ad?  what happens if the kids you have raised to avoid interaction with black people, sees the ad and ask you, “Mommy is that a black man lying on their couch?”   

Did The Justice Department Deliver Subpoenas to Fox News?

In CNN, Fox News on May 30, 2013 at 7:22 PM


Jake Tapper of CNN broadcast a segment yesterday indicating Fox News received subpoenas regarding the Justice Department’s probe into security breaches. 

Tapper’s reporting, at least for me, rivals reporting that refute John King’s Boston Marathon Bombing “dark-skinned” bombers (reliable sources reports).  
Voice4America Link


Of course, Huffington Post reported the following regarding the subpoenas. 

News Corp.: We Have No Record Of Fox News Subpoena

Do we have a kerfuffle?  Now, who do you think I believe?

Mario Piperni Goes "Frank" About The GOP

In Mario Piperni Dot Com on May 30, 2013 at 6:33 PM

Re-post from Mario Piperni Dot Com. You have to visit Mario’s page!

GOP – America’s White Party

Quotes - Phylis Schlafly  :
Surprise, surprise. Stupidity is alive and well in the racist wing of the conservative movement.
Eagle Forum’s Phyllis Schlafly is riled up about comprehensive immigration reform, and she has hardly been hiding the reason why. Last month, Schlafly predicted that comprehensive reform would be “suicide for the Republican Party” because immigrants “come from a country” where they expect “a handout” from the government. Last week, she lamented that today’s immigrants are less patriotic than the “Irish, Italian, Jewish, etc.” immigrants of “earlier generations.” Then, she claimed that Mitt Romney lost the presidential election not because of eroding support for the GOP among people of color, but because “his drop-off from white voters was tremendous” – which is just blatantly false.
But in an interview this week with conservative radio program Focus Today, Schlafly just came right out and said it. Calling the GOP’s need to reach out to Latinos a “great myth,” Schlafly said that “the people the Republicans should reach out to are the white votes, the white voters who didn’t vote in the last election.”
That’s a lot of stupid packed into Schlafly’s statement. First of all, Mitt Romney did not suffer a drop-off from white voters. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Republicans picked up 59 percent of the white vote in 2012 – a 4 point improvement over John McCain’s 55 percent in 2008. Romney lost the presidential election because he was unable to pick up a majority of votes from the key demographics. He lost the women’s vote (45%), the Black vote (7%), the Hispanic vote (29%) and the Asian vote (27%).
In fact, Romney lost the election for the exact reason that Schlafly claims was not a factor – eroding support for the GOP from people of color. To claim otherwise is delusion at its grandest…but Democrats won’t mind a bit if Republicans take up Schafly’s advice and adopted a renewed Southern Strategy. Republican opposition to immigration reform and more stirring up white resentment toward immigrants will ensure that Republicans get an even smaller share of the minority vote in 2016.

    But all that aside, Steve Benen

    I have a related question for Schlafly and those who agree with her: exactly what would it look like if Republicans tried even harder to “reach out to … the white votes”? The GOP is already looking an awful lot like the driven snow, so what more can party leaders do, specifically, to make white folks feel even more welcome?

    Great question. Short of donning white hoods and burning crosses on Hispanics’ lawns, what more could the GOP possibly do to draw out every last white vote?
    Follow MarioPiperniDotCom on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

    The Daily GOP Ignominious: "Shock And Awe" Against Women

    In Tea Party on May 30, 2013 at 5:48 PM

    Minorities in America have long known that many whites assume they have a conferred privilege not afforded to others.  African-Americans and Latinos have been the recipients of oppressive relegation to second class citizenship since any of us can remember.  Well, before minorities of color became the object of scorn and life of the oppressed, other minorities “caught hell” from what can only be described as white people.  Their is one major difference in oppression of old (in the US) and oppression today. Oppression of old was focused on the Irish, Germans, Italians and people of other European nations (other than England). Once those groups assimilated based on a common, or close proximity, skin color the oppression focused squarely on women, Asians, blacks and Latinos. 

    Oppression against Asians, blacks, and Latinos stand on one side of the “Fabric Of Oppression.”  Women stand on another side of the “Fabric”, and may never achieve the level of acceptance comparable to ethnic and racial minorities.  There is this overriding and dominate perception that the male is the dominate being and should have the dominate role in all facets of life. 

    Women in most countries have been forced into specifically acceptable roles and into their respective societies preordained  “capped-off level. Often that level included or includes sex (in some cases) raising children, cleaning and cooking.  The vote was not granted to women until the early 20th Century.  

    From John and Abgail Adam’s jousting about women in matters of government (via the Constitution) through GOP refusal to even consideration and Womens’ Equal Rights Amendment, men have stood in the way of women as fully assimilated in our (and most other societies). There are many religions that do not respect women as equal to men. 

    The following exhibition is typical of some men and endemic to conservative America.  Lou “I have no equal” Dobbs lead a panel discussion that included template GOP misogyny.   You will also notice that Fox News (Business) called-in its resident cosigner of all things bigoted by fill a camera shot with Juan “color commentator” Williams. 

    Erick Erickson: Female Breadwinners Are Antithetical To Nature (VIDEO)
    1:03 PM EDT, THURSDAY MAY 30, 2013

    Read more

    We cannot simply stop there with overt cases of oppression against women.

    Let’s explore one more continuum of conservative disregard for women as equal to men.  We start with the lowest of denominator, “street racist and misogynist.” Our point on misogyny appears towards the end of the video and is captured at the end of the excerpt below the video (highlighted). 

    Townson University’s rebuked (and non associated) White Student Union.  This year’s CPAC circus was highlighted by yet another example of Tea Party ignorance and stiff-neckdeness.  A Tea Party group sponsored a paneled mini-session entitled: Trump the Race Card: Are You Sick and Tired of Being Called a Racist and You Know You’re Not One?” 

    A Tea Party titled session guaranteed to attract Tea Party  like flies on manure. And, it worked!
    CPAC Tea Party event.  Avowed racist Matthew Heimbach and slavery rationalist Scott Terry attend with clear plans to disrupt the black conservative speaker.

    Mediaite also published a piece to accompany the longer version video posted above.  The Mediaite piece shows yet another perspective of the interchange between Scott and Katy Jordan, a documentary filmmaker.  Despite the more widely broadcast version of  the K. Carl Smith video (with some in the audience showing obvious signs of dismay at Scott’s racist tirade) Jordan published a different perspective of the interaction. Kim Brown, who was seated near Heimbach and Terry she was shouted down by members of the CPAC audience. 
    The Blaze published an expose` on Townson University White Student Union (WSU)  founder, Heimbach.  The Blaze piece includes a link to the WSU Blog.  Of course, my inquisitive mind facilitated a click of the link.  Two articles standout as noteworthy.  One article title refers to Heimbach as “Commander.”  The other noteworthy piece was a March 4th, post related to WSU’s plans to attend a Ron Paul speech at George Washington University. 
    Both Rand and Ron Paul have documented expositions and archived information related to their anti-Civil Rights beliefs and positions, their angst about EEOC Title VII Fair Employment legislation and their Libertarian lust for states rights. “State’s Rights” is a euphemistic idyllic state of libertarian and racist Land of OZ. 
    The Atlantic Wire’s March 15, piece revealed yet more about the “Trump the Race Card” session.  
    Before we move to a short video Thom Hartmann interview with Matthew Heimbach, let’s finish on the very vocal Scott Terry.   
    On March, 16, CBS News writer Jake Miller published a piece related to the segregationist in the CPAC session.  
    After the panel, the blog reported that Terry asked, “Why can’t we just have segregation?” 

    Terry, who was sporting a Rick Santorum sticker and claimed to be a direct descendant of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, told ThinkProgress he’d “be fine with” a society in which African-Americans were permanently subservient to white people. He also said African-Americans “should be allowed to vote in Africa.”  

    At one point, when challenged on the heritage of the GOP by a female onlooker, Terry responded, “I didn’t know the legacy of the Republican Party included women correcting men in public.”

    From street racist and street misogyny to billionaire bigotry that is even more negative towards professional women and women as contributors to our society. 
    Linked Washington Post article

    You may ask why we moved from street racist/misogynist to Paul Tudor Jones.  You shouldn’t have to ask; of course, there is strong connectivity.


    Jones has donated money to numerous Republican candidates.  In 2012 he donated $200,000 to Mitt Romney.[23] In 2008 Jones donated to John McCain and Rudy Giulianis presidential campaigns.[24]

    Ah yes, WIKI has its issues, but in this case deep searching for Jones’ connection to conservative politics was shortened significantly. 

    “Shock and Awe” against women is a embedded in conservative America as systemic as the party obstruction against improving the nation’s econ,y and working to provide jobs.  


    Bachmann’s Legislative Incompetence, Master Story Teller And Drain On GOP Veracity.

    In Pants on Fire on May 30, 2013 at 12:07 PM

    Despite the well developed and produce statement from Michelle Bachmann related to her decision not to run for a 5th Term in the US Congress, we are reminded of the scope and depths of her penchant for lying.  As we moved through the 2011/2012 General Election campaigns, we realized that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s first thoughts and responses to elections issue was to tell a lie.  Their penchant for lying manifest in many instances. The most notable of which was Paul Ryan’s “bull-rush” (unscheduled, unannounced visit) of a soup pantry with cameras and family in tow.  Ryan’s “bull-rush” was bad enough, but when compounded with their using clean posts and pans as a prop, the true level of their mores` and ethics were revealed.  Our second and third most notable instances of a serious lack of personal integrity and respect for others was Romney’s tan-face at the Univision Event and his stumble over his ethics with the Chrysler/Jeep Plant closure lie. 

    Politifact recently published information supportive of their position that the GOP exercise far more falsehoods than their counterparts in the Democratic Party.  

    “PolitiFact Rates Higher Percentage Of Republican Claims As False, Study Finds”

     We offer yet another piece that shows Bachmann as the “Queen of Pants on Fire.”

     The Progressive Influence: Politician Veracity: “Pants on Fire.”

    Well, are you surprised? If you are surprised your time spent on the International Space Station was far too long and obviously without news coverage beyond,, Fox News and The Daily Caller.

    If PolitiFact runs another review of political party veracity across the political spectrum in two yeas, the GOP may pull-up from the gutter.  Their Number Three (#3) “naysayer and chicken little false hood spewer” has announced she will not seek a 5th Term in the US Congress.

    As you review the abbreviated segment from last evenings Rachel Maddow show, think about the real prospect the absence of Mitt Romney and the absence of Michelle Bachmann could increase the potential for veracity in the GOP.  
    Rachel Maddow in classic form!

    If you are like me and like a nice spread of icing over your cake, Jason Linkins, Huff Post published a piece about Bachmann’s legislative incompetence. And, the icing really does close it all out very well.

    Michele Bachmann’s Complete Legislative History (source:

    Other than that, sure, Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan are essentially correct when they say that Bachmann “has never had a bill or resolution she’s sponsored signed into law” and “never wielded a committee gavel, either at the full or subcommittee level” and that her “amendments and bills have rarely been considered by any committee, even with the House under GOP control.”  

    But, you know, details. There’s still a chance between now and the time she leaves office on Jan. 3, 2015, Bachmann might sponsor something that becomes law. Isn’t there? You never know what could happen! Minnesota is 155 years old now, for instance.
    Bills Sponsored 58
    Referred to Committee (aka: went nowhere) 53
    Reported by Committee (Got out of committee) 1
    H.R. 850 (112th): To facilitate a proposed project in the Lower St. Croix Wild and Scenic River, and for other purposes.
    Agreed To (Simple Resolution) 3
    H.Res. 373 (111th): Expressing support for designation of the month of September as “National Hydrocephalus Awareness Month”
    H.Res. 923 (110th): Recognizing the State of Minnesota’s 150th anniversary.
    H.Res. 789 (110th): Honoring public child welfare agencies, nonprofit organizations and private entities providing services for foster children.
    Passed House 1
    H.R. 45: To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
    Signed Into Law 0

    It is intriguing and disappointing to think that Bachmann could go down in US History for the reasons delineated above.

    Intriguing because her history is deserving. disappointing as we consider those who placed Bachmann in office.
    Who voted for their congresswoman across four election cycles?

    54% Do Not Favor ObamaCare?

    In CNN, Fox News on May 30, 2013 at 10:48 AM


    ObamaCare not favored by 54% of the people?  Wow!  

    My faith in the America People waned for a few hours as I had no opportunity to dig into the CNN/ORC Affordable Care Act (ACA) Survey data.  A Fox News headline link navigated a piece from with expected dire consequences for the ACA.  The CNN piece referenced below in the Rachel Maddow video indicates that ‘unfavorable’ poll results do not mean people do not want to have some form of healthcare reform. In fact, it seems there are poll respondents who feel the law does not provide enough coverage to be truly (in their minds) effective.

    You have to know there is a back story that is not being published by Fox News and other right-wing media.

    Rachel Maddow and her team dissected the 54% and Voila,”the truth.”

    An amazing reality about the news reports, is the extent of outright false and misleading reporting especially those reporting from the Right.  Professionals over at Fox News read the very same report from CNN that is linked above and referenced in the Maddow piece.  

    Is their business model so corrupt and inclined towards propaganda they do not believe their viewers will seek a bit more information? 

    Or, is the network so disrespectful of their viewers it simply “short reports”  and expects no additional probing for information (thus propaganda)? 

    Lastly, are Fox News viewers so hateful of the president, and all things progressive, they swallow “hook-line and sinker” any misleading reports from FOXPEN? 

    Here is the answer to all questions just above: “YES.”  And, that really sad and tragic as it speaks to how 47% of the voting public (in 2012) voted for the  ticket despite overwhelming evidence the two were flawed from head to toe.
    The lesson here for those who are not inclined to probe a little deeper, “know there are major efforts on the Right to oppose any and all things from President Obama.” They do so without regard for the nation and citizens of the nation.

    If you want what reads as a “learned” opinion on the ACA (ObamaCare), you might want to read, here.

    Open Secrets On The Money In Politics and Hilary Clinton PAC

    In The Progressive Influence on May 29, 2013 at 8:32 PM

    Well, not really!

    We are really “digging” the Tracking Money In Politics series. Our true excitement with the series is its balanced focus on “tracking the money” in politics.  We must never forget Democrats have deep pocket supporters who provided a foundation for our 2012 contributions to the Obama Campaign. 
    The New York Times published a spread on the 2012 Money Race an information dashboard that is full of campaign contribution information.   Yes, the Obama Campaign raised more than the Romney Campaign $80 Million dollars and spent less than the Romney Campaign. We liberals have proven we can invigorate, energize and ‘step-up’. Since, money is so interlaced with winning office, we are forced to accept the less than ideal reality of he who ‘has the most dollars, has the greater opportunity to win.” 

    Now, let’s visit Open Secrets and a huge Hillary Clinton PAC. 

    Before we move to Open Secrets, I want to state for the record, I am not a full supporter of Hillary Clinton for President. It is unfortunate Hillary Clinton’s gender (and government experience), is working in her favor, but I feel she is missing the necessary “umph” to follow the prolific Barack Obama.  

    She appeared to have been shielded in the Post Benghazi communication via Administration use of Ambassador Susan Rice as deliver “television” communication to the public.  There are counter arguments that Rice was being showcased for the pending Secretary of State nomination.  We posit a little of both contributed to a CIA/State Department Talking Points debacle. 
    Last point, Hillary’s “go off” in response to a asinine accusation from the “digging” Ron Johnson (R)  Wisconsin was uncharacteristically outside the emotional quotient of one who aspires to President. Point of fact, we now know that Congress denied cut for US embassies and consulates across the globe. Moreover, we have recently learned that Ambassador Stevens refused three opportunities to have increased military support in Benghazi.  Why not fire such information back at Johnson Vs. losing one’s cool as shown in the link above? NOTE: I predict the clip above will be a GOP campaign ad in 2016, should Hilary secure the nomination.

    I digress! Open secrets!
    OpenSecrets Blog

    Ready for Hillary Super PAC Moves Forward With Big Funders

    Although Election Day 2016 is still more than three years away, powerful funders within the Democratic Party have been moving to support the potential campaign of Hillary Clinton for the presidency.

    The Ready for Hillary super PAC, which arrived on the scene in January, established its National Finance Council on Tuesday. Its founding members include Steve and Amber Mostyn, two lawyers based in Houston, Texas, who have contributed significant funds to political groups in recent years, along with Susie Tompkins Buell, a clothing entrepreneur who assisted Clinton’s fundraising efforts in 2008. The trio’s willingness to make financial commitments to liberal political groups in the past could be a good omen for Ready for Hillary’s future fundraising.

    The Mostyn family was among the nation’s biggest political spenders in the 2012 election cycle. Over the course of the past two years, Steve and Amber Mostyn were the 10th biggest overall donors to super PACs, ranking fourth among liberal contributors with a total of nearly $4.3 million. Priorities USA Action, the pro-Obama super PAC, received significant funding from Steve Mostyn, who contributed $3 million to the group in the 2012 calendar year. Priorities devoted more than $65 million to his re-election campaign, all of which was spent targeting Mitt Romney. Mostyn Law Firm ranked as Priorities USA’s third highest contributor in the 2012 cycle.

    Other liberal organizations also received support from the Mostyns in the months leading up to election day. Amber Mostyn contributed more than $1 million to House Majority PAC, a super PAC that helped Democratic House candidates. That made her the group’s seventh top donor. Mostyn also pledged $200,000 to Planned Parenthood Votes, another super PAC, which supported candidates favoring abortion rights.
    Steve Mostyn recently showed his commitment to the pro-gun control group founded by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) and her husband, Mark Kelly, by donating $1 million to Americans for Responsible Solutions. Mostyn is also listed as the group’s treasurer. Mostyn Law Firm is similarly associated with Texans for America’s Future, having contributed more than $400,000 — or nearly one-third of the total amount raised by the group in the last cycle. 

    Rounding out the powerful trio of Ready for Hillary’s finance committee, Buell, too, has been a big supporter of liberal political groups. In the 2012 cycle, she gave $200,000 to American Bridge 21st Century, a super PAC that worked against Republicans. The Californian has also contributed more than $140,000 to Democratic campaign committees since 2007. However, she ceased contributing to President Barack Obama’s re-election effort last year, citing his lack of decisive action against climate change.

    Buell also led Bay Area fundraising efforts for Clinton’s 2008 campaign for the Democratic nomination, and she appears to view Ready for Hillary as a key way to mobilize early support for the former Secretary of State and First Lady’s potential campaign. “Ready for Hillary is the wisest investment right now for anyone who wants Hillary Clinton to be the next president,” Buell said in a statement.

    Information on how Ready for Hillary has spent its money so far will be revealed when its second quarterly report is submitted to the FEC in a few weeks. But the presence of three historically active liberal donors on the group’s masthead indicates that additional funding will likely be pouring into the super PAC in the months to come.


    You may have noticed that not one word above can be construed as The Progressive Influence will not support a Clinton Ticket.  Any Democrat will garner our support over ANY Republican for the presidency.