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Archive for June 2nd, 2013|Daily archive page

GOP Talking-Point Machine Blackburn, Paycheck Fairness, Per Research Study And Conservative Regressivism

In CNN, Romney on June 2, 2013 at 7:43 PM

Marsha Blackburn (R) TN. (Small image of the Day)

During a week when Michelle Bachmann stated she would not seek a 5th Term in the US House of Representatives, we get another blast of a GOP lost.

Representative Marsha Blackburn (R) TN, joined a panel on Meet The Press earlier today.  The conversation apparently segued from discussion of Syria to the Pew Research study indicating women are becoming the major earner in an increasing number of households.


SDT-2013-05-breadwinner-moms-1-3 SDT-2013-05-breadwinner-moms-1-4

Two points before we listen to Blackburn. First The Congresswoman for Tennessee is the epitome of a “talking points machine”.  Rarely, do I hear her speak without the ever-present: “the American People”, jargon from the GOP.  How can the GOP speak for the “American People” when it is composed of 92% whites and little diversity beyond that census.  Are we to believe that congressionals and surrogates like Blackburn go into African-American, Latino, and Asian communities for interaction and dialog about their opinions, wants and in some cases needs? Personally, I have never experienced a case where the woman as partner in heading a household did not work.  Second, it seems the issue evolves around a matter of perspective.  I have never lived in or know anyone who lives in a world where the income was so high the mother was not forced to work. Better, yet many women have professional careers and it is almost a natural that after decades they have begun to show as major bread winners.  Women are attending college at a higher rate than men, and women generally attain higher grade levels than men. Therefore I ask, why is the Pew Research study generating alarm in conservative America and in the media.  

As I completed the last sentence, I initiated a quick Google search of  “women Vs. men” in college.  In .58 seconds Google returned 165,000,000 hits. Of course, most are not directly related to the search, but the salient point is the topic is well archived and readily available for review.  The first four  Google links are posted below.  

  1. 25% Fewer Men Than Women Graduate College; Obama: It’s ‘A › News

    Jun 24, 2012 – According to the Census Bureau, 685,000 men and 916,000 womengraduated from college in 2009 (the latest year for which statistics have …

  2. – College gender gap widens: 57% are women…/…

    Oct 19, 2005 – Not only do national statistics forecast a continued decline in the … of 154 women for every 100 men in the state’s colleges and universities in …

  3. At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust –

    Jul 9, 2006 – Men also get worse grades than womenAnd in two national studies,college men reported that they studied less and socialized more than their …

  4. College Enrollment and Work Activity of 2012 High School Graduates

    Apr 17, 2013 – Recent high school graduates not enrolled in college in October 2012 were … rate was 71.3 percent for young women and 61.3 percent for young men. ….U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics | Division of Labor Force Statistics, PSB 

I again ask, why is this even an issue? It is a rhetorical question, but would you like an answer anyway?  Women working outside of the household is yet another issue born of conservative regressivism and their desire for a society with only the white heterosexual male as beings of true relevance and significance

Would conservatives expect the graduating women, and women who are forced out of the household due to poor economic policy to refrain from earning money to sustain life for their families?  On the other hand, the GOP has well worn mantra related to SNAP food programs for the needy (AKA food stamps).

There is yet another dynamic related to the increasing number of households headed by women.  It is hard to imagine the huge number of job losses in 2007, 2008 and early 2009 are not having impact on the number of women as major bread winner.

Media Matters may have addressed the issue long ago, as part of deeper discussion of Mitt Romney’s claim that women disproportionately lose jobs under Obama.  As is the case with all Romney comments, the words were yet another campaign lie.  And of course, FoxPEN’s Steve Doocy (Linked via Media Matters) would follow suit by matter of network policy.  As you read this short excerpt from the Media Matters piece, think about the number of men who may never have recovered jobs at the levels of their previous employment, if they have actually secured a job. 

CNN: “Since February 2010, Women Have Actually Gained 863,000 Jobs.” CNN reported that employment among women has actually increased by 863,000 jobs since February 2010:

[T]he statistic does not reflect that men constituted a much larger chunk of the job loss pie in the year leading up to Obama’s inauguration. 
In the 2008 calendar year, men lost a total of 2.7 million nonfarm jobs, compared with 895,000 jobs lost for women. Men made up 75.4% of the 3.6 million jobs lost that year. 
Romney’s claim also does not reflect that the job losses for women began in March 2008, almost a full year before Obama took office. At that point, women held a total of 67.3 million nonfarm payroll jobs, the highest level of female employment of the Bush administration. 
From that high point, the number of women with nonfarm payroll jobs fell for 23 consecutive months, spanning from the final 10 months of the Bush administration and first 13 months of the Obama administration. Since February 2010, women have actually gained 863,000 jobs. [, 4/11/12]

The image is very revealing in many ways. It seems to be an  imaged reality of the mindset for the regressive GOP and conservative America.

Marsha Blackburn?  The Meet The Press panel discussed n the topic from a somewhat light-hearted perspective. I will ad appropriately so as the topic should not warrant deep societal and psycho-conservative dogma. 

During the Meet The Press segment, Blackburn moves through her talking-points as if a spokesperson for women.  After a brief introduction into the reality of the Paycheck Fairness Act, Blackburn seems to turn her rhetorical dogma to issues of affirmative action. 

Her soliloquy starts at the 1:00 minute mark of the 2:23 minute segment. While she relinquished the dialog for a moment, she reverted to her usual non-stop talking-points dominance about topics that were not part of the dialog.  The Pew Research Study did not focus on vestiges of affirmative action, nor did anyone ask Blackburn her thoughts of ‘nonrecognition‘ of women in the workplace. 

By the way, didn’t Blackburn join all members of the GOP House in voting against the Paycheck Fairness Act? Alas, the reason she may have wanted to deflect the dialog away from paycheck fairness and women as primary “breadwinners.” 

A Requiem For Michelle Bachmann’s Congressional District And A Very Misguided GOP

In Ed Schultz, Lawrence O'Donnell, MSNBC on June 2, 2013 at 2:08 PM

Requiem for  a conservative voting district.  

Minnesota 6th District

Why did the people of the United States of America suffer through the shame and disgust of Michelle and Marcus Bachmann for eight full years?Minnesota‘s 6th congressional district

According to the The National Journal Bachmann’s 2008 constituents (voters who may have voted to give her the House seat ) were:

Urban  White   H/S grad  Private   White collar Med. inc. Med. home value
63.8%  92.3%  92.8%     82.9%    61.8%        $68,195   $233,600

       And, the district  voted to elect McCain/Palin in 2008!

       2008 Presidential Vote
          Cook Partisan Voting Index
          R+ 7
The question of how the United States came to carry the embarrassing burden of a politician who was imminently unqualified for office, is answered accordingly. 

They are urban whites median age 34.4 years, with high school education, working in white collar positions for private companies earning in the median salary range of $69,000 per annum, while living in homes valued in the $230,000 range.  And more significant, they voted for McCain/Palin. 

Bachmann won her 6th Congressional District seat in a state that has a history of virtual lock for Democrats. It is time to ask a salient question.  Could Bachmann have ridden the tied of resistance to a presidential candidate that was so outside the commonly accepted model (white male), more (53%) 6th District voters gave their representation to a legislative misfit?

After the quick data assisted look at the voters who gave us Michelle Bachmann, and as we move away from her time in US history (and before she joins Fox News as a Palin-like commentator), we should remind ourselves of history to facilitate avoiding a repeat that history.

We are going to offer a closing reverse-lament for one of America’s least colorful, dishonest, master story tellers and absolutely least ethical politicians since Richard Nixon left the Oval Office. Bachmann was actually more of a character than Richard Nixon’s felonious Vice President, Spiro T. Agnew.

Spiro T. Agnew – Resignation in Disgrace (One minute video)
Characters go, as characters go! Agnew was chosen for the Nixon Ticket for the very purpose he served so well: mouthy rhetorical hit man.  Bachmann appears to have been elected in 2008 as the 6th District swung very right with votes for Bachmann, Palin and McCain.  The Horror! Should such voters have their right to vote suspended for outright disregard for civility and decency? 
Before we turn this piece over to Ed Schultz, Lawrence O’Donnell and The Business Insider, we offer facts related to her legislative prowess and success (or lack there of). We also offer a review of Bachmann’s ethics and credibility.

We now offer a perspective from a couple of liberals news  professionals  and one national business news source (The Business Insider). 
At the end of 2011, PolitiFact rated her as the most inaccurate Republican presidential candidate. Today, 61 percent of her statements over the years have been rated at least blatantly “false.” And of those, 25 percent were rated “Pants on Fire” — the website’s lowest rating.

Some of the more recent whoppers:
In mid-May, PolitiFact gave Bachmann a “Pants on Fire” rating for saying that the IRS would be “in charge” of a “huge national database” that will share Americans’ “personal, intimate, most-close-to-the-vest secrets.”

In March, Bachmann said that “scientists tell us” they could have a cure for Alzheimer’s disease within 10 years if not for government regulation, taxes, and lawyers. Scientists told PolitiFact that this was absolutely not true.

Also in March, Bachmann said that 70 percent of food-stamp funding is reserved for “bureaucrats.” PolitiFact found that even the using the most broadest calculations, that number was more like 5 percent.

Here’s a chart that showed her standing with other Republican presidential candidates back in December of 2011:

Michele Bachmann Politifact
 Note: We also wonder why Politifact omitted Herman Cain form the list above.


Lawrence O’Donnell, The Last Word abbreviated segment.


Ed Schultz, MSNBC, The ED Show, non-abbreviated (17 minutes plus), but worth every second.

Our purpose in this screed was not to indulge in a personal attack on Michelle Bachmann. Bachmann like so many tea party quacks are the product of a constituency that places social paradigms and programmed dogma  ahead of matters of credible governance. The case of Bachmamn is particularly intriguing. While she was as prone to outright lies and unsubstantiated innuendo that surpasses the “Innunedo Machine” Allen West. She was reelected for four terms in the House.  She was  repeatedly reelected and eventually placed on the Congressional Intelligence Committee by the befuddling John Boehner.  Over the past week, we have heard the Bachmann is a very intelligent person; undoubtedly. Anyone who finishers law school and passes any bar exam is a person who has a high-level of intellect. No, Bachmann is no Sarah Palin. We have no reason to question her level of intelligence.  If you think hard, it is impossible to be a charlatan without a high-level of intelligence   A high-level of intelligence in no way have an appendage that  guarantees a high degree of ethics, morality and values. Bachmann’s alleged intelligence was not accompanied by personal characteristics that contributes to a good politician, neighbor or friend. 

We very much question a couple of factors that contributed to her eight years of completely nothingness.

Of the utmost importance, the shallowness of the GOP.  As with Sarah Palin, voters should evaluate reasons for the proliferation of politicians like Bachmann, Todd Akin, (Missouri), Mourdock (Indiana) Joe Walsh, Allen West, Gohmert (Texas), Rand Paul (Kentucky), Ted Cruz (Texas) and many others in the US House or Representatives. The reasons are simple, people have bought into master mind-influencing dogma, false fiscal prophecy, and corporate/Top 1% fertile political manifestations born of Ronald Reagan. 

False Fiscal Prophecy
The GOP is not even close to party of fiscal conservatism (here, here, here, here, here).  It is a party that works overtly in favor of all things big business and often at the expense of the citizenry. Since Reagan, the GOP governing model  has spread to a controlling force on the SCOTUS evidenced by the Citizen’s United ruling.  The party has also allowed the Reagan Southern strategy to systemically infest to the point of a metastasized cancer that is manifesting in overt racism unseen prior to the Reagan Years. 

Corporate/Top 1%fertile political manifestations
Income disparity has wedged apart like a Richter Scale 9 Earthquake with associated land separation (here, here, here). 

Social Constipation

Finally, we stand-by our assertion that so much of US politics today is overly influenced by matters of social paradigm.  The Right is represented by a party that is 92% white and a party that forced termination of one of Mitt Romney’s most component advisers and managers because his is a gay man.  The party has proven it has no interest in moving towards a more inclusive party, despite ‘false’ promises and hopeful rhetoric about, a party autopsy.  The Right has also very successfully used issues related to choice, gun control measures, education and other ‘red herring’ issues to influence the minds of people who flock to the pools and cast votes against their own personal best interest. 

There-in lies the dilemma of votes for Michelle Bachmann. Votes that were not quickly reversed (cast against) the likes of Joe Walsh, and Allen West. The Congressional 6th  district (53% of voters) stuck with Bachmann far longer than was rational. Especially,  despite her intellect she showed early signs of an irrational mind. Now, we are reading and hearing that same mind may have been heavily influenced by tendencies which could verge on criminal.