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Archive for June 7th, 2013|Daily archive page

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Mitt Romney!!!!!

In Mitt Romney on June 7, 2013 at 8:07 PM

“I wish the hurricane hadn’t happened when it did because it gave the President a chance to be presidential and to be out showing sympathy for folks. That’s one of the advantages of incumbency,” Romney said. “But you know, you don’t look back and worry about each little thing and how could that have been different. You look forward.”  Mitt Romney June 6, 2013.

Do you believe this man will ever wake-up to the reality of his very existence?  Is it possible he still has advisers who are not frankly helping understand why he did not even come close to winning the 2012 Elections?  My speculation could not be true, as I am certainly advisers wold advise against the following.

“….it gave the President a chance to be presidential…”

“….to be out showing sympathy for folks…”

Did Mitt Romney say appearing presidential?

At the Annual Latino Univison event….




Advisors to Mitt Romney‘s presidential campaign told British newspaper The Daily Telegraph that Romney would be a better president regarding relations between Britain and the United States because he understands the “special relationship” between the two countries, claiming President Obama does not “fully appreciate” the two country’s shared history and the United States’ “Anglo-Saxon heritage.” 


Did Romney say, “…out showing sympathy for folks.”

Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, as well as the second-costliest hurricane in United States history. Wikipedia

Total fatalities: 285 

DateOctober 22, 2012 – October 31, 2012 

CategoryCategory 3 Hurricane (SSHS)

His choice of words clearly shows he has no sympathy for “folks”. Of course, not Vulture Capitalist rare have any sympathy beyond their acquisitions,  off shore accounts, and acquiring opulent toys.


Mitt Romney responded to a question about his loss to President Obama in the most callous and insensitive manner. He answers accordingly because of his mindset. He can think no differently. We are fortunate he is not in the White House.

If we think a bit farther down the line, we can see that Mitt Romney was the candidate for the GOP in 2012 because he most exemplified the GOP.  He never once uttered, it was sad the hurricane it and lives and property was lost. His heart and mind went straight to timing of the event and how, in his twisted mind, it hurt his campaign.

Every time he and his wife sit before cameras, I am reinforced in the divisions among Americans. How could anyone vote for a candidate who continues to exemplify exactly why he lost an election?


Quick Hit: Actress Involved In Ricin Mailings To Obama and Bloomberg

In Barack Obama on June 7, 2013 at 6:10 PM

CNN breaking news! 
Shannon Rogers Richardson has been arrested in connection with alleged ricin-tainted letters mailed last month to President Barack Obama and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, federal law enforcement sources said. 

Richardson is an actress also known as Shannon Rogers Guess and has had minor roles in the television series “The Walking Dead” and “The Vampire Diaries.”

Outraged Civil Libertarians???? We Did Not See Nor Hear Them Back Then!

In Uncategorized on June 7, 2013 at 5:38 PM

Before you read the screed that follows from Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.,  consider a quick check-in on a article published in 2006. The article relates to my often mentioned (this week) previous revelations of NSA and telephone carriers. AT&T has previous experience with NSA and security measures post 9/11.  
Mr. Moore’s linkage addresses, there was no groundswell of noise and clamoring about invasion in 2006. Why all the noise now?  We actually know why, but the question is worthy of posing from time to time. Also know that many of these leaks are for a reason. As the economy improves and other positives relate to our well being manifest. Some entitles need issues that may help in coming elections (e.g., 2014 and 2016).  
This link was furnished by Benjamin T. Moore, Jr. Click here

WHERE WERE ALL THESE OUTRAGED CIVIL LIBERTARIANS 7 YEARS AGO???  Hey! I don't want the Government reading my mail, email, listening in or monitoring whom I talk to. I've been hollering about this since the mid 90's. Very few listened and quite a few were convinced I slept in a tin foil hat.   Now everybody is waking up to the reality that has been in existence for years now. If you are just now becoming aware of invasive government spying, okay, you've been living your life as an inane twit! Objectionable, but I can forgive you.   What I cannot forgive are these suck mouth Congress Critters who've known about these programs all along. Many of them voted on them to put them in place. Don't feign shock now! What? It was alright when G. Dumb W. Bush was reading your mail and monitoring your phone calls? Now that the President is a Black man... that's a bridge too far??? Really???   I personally think it is great that not only are the People suddenly paying attention, but perhaps those spineless hypocrites in Congress will reverse some of these totalitarian Bills they once thought were good ideas?  The simple truth is, *pay careful attention*: The Government hasn't broken ANY laws! That's right, none of these fake scandals have been able to point to a violation of the actual laws passed by - guess who - THE CONGRESS!   • Benghazi: Come to find out, Ambassador Stevens refused additional security forces... several times! • Dr. Susan Rice: She was not involved. All she did was present the briefing prepared by the CIA. Should she have ignored the CIA and started guessing about what happened?  • DOJ Media Probe: Clearly a matter of National Security because someone committed espionage. Publishing the fact that we had gotten our hands on one of their new explosive devices put countless American lives at risk. Yeah, I'd want the DOJ do find out whom was leaking information! • IRS - TEA Party Investigation: Turns out, according to the Law passed by Congress, NONE OF THE TEA PARTY GROUPS should have been granted 501c4 status. Not One! So looking into them and yes, Democratic groups too, should have been done!  So what's the "scandal?" The scandal seems to be that for once, our Government is actually doing its job! Imagine that! Where was the outrage when the Patriot Act - should have been called the "UN-Patriotic Act" - was passed? Where was the outrage when Echelon went on-line? Where was the outrage when "60 Minutes" ran an expose`and actually showed the door to the room where AT&T was capturing ALL telephone calls for the NSA? Microsoft Windows used to have a "Registry key" in the Windows Registry that was labeled "NSA." Of course they denied it was a back door... but they never could explain why it was there.

Hey! I don’t want the Government reading my mail, email, listening in or monitoring whom I talk to. I’ve been hollering about this since the mid 90’s. Very few listened and quite a few were convinced I slept in a tin foil hat. 

Now everybody is waking up to the reality that has been in existence for years now. If you are just now becoming aware of invasive government spying, okay, you’ve been living your life as an inane twit! Objectionable, but I can forgive you. 

What I cannot forgive are these suck mouth Congress Critters who’ve known about these programs all along. Many of them voted on them to put them in place. Don’t feign shock now! What? It was alright when G. Dumb W. Bush was reading your mail and monitoring your phone calls? Now that the President is a Black man… that’s a bridge too far??? Really??? 

I personally think it is great that not only are the People suddenly paying attention, but perhaps those spineless hypocrites in Congress will reverse some of these totalitarian Bills they once thought were good ideas?

The simple truth is, *pay careful attention*: The Government hasn’t broken ANY laws! That’s right, none of these fake scandals have been able to point to a violation of the actual laws passed by – guess who – THE CONGRESS! 

Benghazi: Come to find out, Ambassador Stevens refused additional security forces… several times!

• Dr. Susan Rice: She was not involved. All she did was present the briefing prepared by the CIA. Should she have ignored the CIA and started guessing about what happened? 

• DOJ Media Probe: Clearly a matter of National Security because someone committed espionage. Publishing the fact that we had gotten our hands on one of their new explosive devices put countless American lives at risk. Yeah, I’d want the DOJ do find out whom was leaking information!

• IRS – TEA Party Investigation: Turns out, according to the Law passed by Congress, NONE OF THE TEA PARTY GROUPS should have been granted 501c4 status. Not One! So looking into them and yes, Democratic groups too, should have been done!

So what’s the “scandal?” The scandal seems to be that for once, our Government is actually doing its job! Imagine that! Where was the outrage when the Patriot Act – should have been called the “UN-Patriotic Act” – was passed? Where was the outrage when Echelon went on-line? Where was the outrage when “60 Minutes” ran an expose`and actually showed the door to the room where AT&T was capturing ALL telephone calls for the NSA? Microsoft Windows used to have a “Registry key” in the Windows Registry that was labeled “NSA.” Of course they denied it was a back door… but they never could explain why it was there.

Verizon, PRISM and President Obama

In FBI, Lawrence O'Donnell on June 7, 2013 at 4:22 PM


The National Security Agency’s headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland is the nexus for signals-intelligence activity in the intelligence community. The agency’s PRISM program is designed to intercept terrorist and other hostile traffic on the Internet that originates outside the United States but passes through domestic communications infrastructure en route to its destination. (Photo credit: octal)

The Patriot Act has fissures that now seem to have metastasized into allegations of full blown national spying via the NSA and the FBI. We suspect the NSA and FBI monitoring involves a basic choice. “We have to accept measures that monitor information and communication, or we live with terror.” 

The Washington Post has published the best explanation of the secretive program which is reported to have started in 2007.    The Patriot Act we re-authored in 2008 and again in 2011. We published a piece a yesterday which focused on the existence of national intra-country spying via Verizon and other phone companies. Those intrusion were not surprising as we can have read similar reports well back to within one year of the 9/11 attacks in New York City.

The Guardian’s Wednesday June 5th article received as mixed a set of comments from Members of Congress as the variety of thoughts in my mind about knowing the roots of the spying was supported through the Patriot Act. Variety of thought from resignation that the Patriot Act was in place and we have suffered no large-scale in-country attacks since 2001, to, “well not completely excited about the program, but as a non-combatant, why should I worry about it.”

As is frequently the case,  a few hours passes as we move through the post Circa 1990s Information Age (the Internet and associated human electronic interaction) and more information comes forth.  Rachel Maddow is reporting an intelligence officer in the US security community leaked a PowerPoint presentation to the Washington Post regarding a program called PRISM. Lawrence O’Donnell addressed the alleged (spying) with the source of the NSA story: Glenn Greenwald.


  June 7, 2013   UPDATE: President Obama speaks.

It appears we have a choice. Either trust the Administration or believe the ‘scandal’ laden environment which for some reason has raised its head (continually) since January, 2013.   We choose to trust the president while remaining suspect of efforts by opposition forces (within the US) are about fighting battles aimed at 2014 and 2016.  Our honest assessment; this is a lesser issue than initial thought.
Additional sources (dated June 6, 2013…pre Update)
Internet News

A.) Business Insider  B.) Huffington Post    C.) Washington Post (also linked above) D.) Forbes (Great Information)