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Toure"s "Proper Negro Fatigue", Fox Guest Says Trayvon Martin had "Street Attitude"

In Fox News, The Progressive Influence on June 11, 2013 at 11:29 PM


I am going to make this a quick hit.  As you can imagine, I have very strong opinions regarding America as an non-evolving society. In fact, much of the social advances in our nation have been rolled back (like a Wal Mart special) since insemination by none other than Ronald Reagan.

In addition to administering the most corrupt administration in US History, Reagan gave birth to a couple of very significant current manifestations in our society.  The spreading income disparity among the middle class and the wealthy started in 1980.  Reagan and Lee Atwater’s “Southern Strategy” has yielded millions who do not believe in equal rights, human rights, educational rights and no rights related life accompanied by humanity.  Millions who will flock to the polls to vote for candidates as flawed as Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan; two of the most dishonest people I have observed in my years on Earth.   

We live in a world where guests will actually go on Fox News and rail about how Trayvon Martin would be alive if he did not “have a street attitude.”

Wonder if the Fox News guest, Harry Houck, thinks these people heads “Street attitude”. 

You think that is not a fair question? Hey, the guy has his cap on backwards! They both have guns and they attended Columbine High School in Colorado.

Watch the former New York City Cop speak on Fox News. You must keep in mind the New York City Police Chief recently came to the defense of a precinct officer who ordered his officers to target black and Latino males.


Former NYPD detective Harry Houck on Tuesday told Fox News that Florida teen Trayvon Martin was responsible for his own death because he had a “street attitude.”

Toure`s MSNBC, The Cycle  comments about “proper Negro Fatigue.”   

The business of a Fox News guest and “street attitude.”

May I ask for a contrast between the two people involved in Trayvon Martin’s murder?

Martin: 17 year old high school student, football team player and probably influenced by all that is supposedly cool by some high school students. After watching the first half of a professional basketball game, journeyed to a nearby (walking distance) store for what could be called munchies. He probably felt he could return for the second half of the basketball game. He had no idea the walk would be witnessed, summarily labeled trouble, and accosted by a literal ‘vulture.” A vulture with a gun mind you! The gun probably gave Zimmerman a sense of security and bravado he probably knew the teenager could not match. The vulture followed the prey and lurched despite admonitions from a police officer to ceased following Zimmerman’s tried and convicted (“Trouble, they always get away”) criminal. Unless the possession of canned tea and a bag of Skittles was reason for Martin to “get away.” Tea and Skittles while black and wearing a hoodie! Of course a death sentence for the vulture.

Zimmermann: Self anointed “Neighborhood Watch “vulture”. A vulture fully equipped with gun via Conceal Carry and supported by Jeb Bush’s ever-dangerous “Stand Your Ground” License to kill. The Vulture was a walking man-hunter with all the requisite mindset generalizations and social paradigms that would ensure a career as a New a York City Cop (from a precinct ordered to stop and frisk minorities). He also appeared to have possessed a Wyatt Earp mentality replete with a willingness to confront the teenager despite being told to hold off. 
Does the Fox News guest have any viable reason for labeling young Martin as having “Street Attitude?”  Did Zimmerman have any idea of Martins marijuana use, occasional bling wearing and an alleged gun owner? No, Zimmerman had no sense of the white Fox News guest “Street Attitude” characterization. Have you ever heard of “driving while black?” Have you ever been profiled?  The former cop has illustrated exactly why 99% of video taped police brutality is perpetrated by criminal minded cops who hold black people and Latinos in stereotypical contempt.  
The former cop illustrates Toure`s brief dissertation in a most timely manner (within hours).  
Zimmermann is the classic example of Toure`s point.   Of course, you know how the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman interaction ended. 

Snowden’s Deserted Girlfriend! Pole Dancer?

In Uncategorized on June 11, 2013 at 10:05 PM

Another victim of Edward Snowden!

Talking Points Memo and other sources are reporting on Mills and her withdrawal form the good life. There are times when people really must look much deeper at what is in front of them.

We suspect Ms. Mills was but another victim of the self-centered and opportunistic Edward Snowden.

Parting comments as Mills shuts down her blog.  

“You can probably understand why I’ll be refraining from blog posts for awhile. My world has opened and closed all at once. Leaving me lost at sea without a compass,” she wrote. “At the moment all I can feel is alone. And for the first time in my life I feel strong enough to be on my own. Though I never imagined my hand would be so forced. As I type this on my tear-streaked keyboard I’m reflecting on all the faces that have graced my path. The ones I laughed with. The ones I’ve held. The one I’ve grown to love the most. And the ones I never got to bid adieu. But sometimes life doesn’t afford proper goodbyes.”

What we have is a “used” person, just as Snowden used every entity and agency that gave him a break in life.  Just think of people who never come close to such a storied life who are far more intellectually gifted, honest and loyal to a set of mores`, values and ethics.

Read Talking Points

Mississippi May Abandon 700,000 Medicaid Recipients!

In MSNBC on June 11, 2013 at 5:05 PM

The Small Image of the Day
Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant. Love that Confederate Flag Gov!

Seven hundred thousand (700,000) people in Mississippi could lose current benefits under Medicaid!  Could this be to a political impasse? According to MSNBC Politics Nation’s Morgan Whitaker, a political impasse is the basis for potentially throwing people  to the wolves and ravages of ill health. We will add, n the state with the lowest per capita income (of 50 states) and one of the highest experiences of “no” medical coverage.  I will wager the Mississippi State politicians are also throwing a good number of children to the wolves as part of the 700,000 figure.

MSNBCs Whitaker….

“Democrats and Republicans have been at odds over Medicaid expansion since the beginning of the year, with Democrats pushing for expansion that would give Medicaid coverage to an additional 300,000 people in the state who fall slightly above the poverty line. One recent compromise floated by Democrats would instead use the federal money to help individuals purchase their own plans on the state exchange — modeled after an Arkansas deal — but Governor Bryant promptly rejected the plan. 

A recent survey of “deep south” states found 58% of Mississippians supported Medicaid expansion, as well as 85% of African-Americans from South Carolina to Louisiana.”

Executive Summaries can be most boring , yet at the same time very relevant to issues for which the document was or is created. But, who enjoys reading them?  No one I suspect. Let’s instead take a look at a graphic associated with the Whitaker piece.

Support for or opposition to Medicaid Expansion.

Interactive Link, here.
If you chose not to visit the interactive link, at least take a peep at the states in Powder Blue. Does it remind of a GOP voters map
While the interactive page also includes a list of states with current Medicaid Expansion status, we offer a sorted list.

Status of State Action on the Medicaid Expansion Decision, as of June 11, 2013

Location Governor’s Position
United States 30 Supports; 15 Opposes; 6 Weighing Options
Wyoming Opposes
Alaska Opposes
Wisconsin Opposes
Virginia Opposes
Texas Opposes
South Dakota Opposes
South Carolina Opposes
Oklahoma Opposes
North Carolina Opposes
Nebraska Opposes
Georgia Opposes
Alabama Opposes
Idaho Opposes
Mississippi2 Opposes
Louisiana Opposes
District of Columbia Supports
Iowa1 Supports
Kentucky Supports
Arizona Supports
West Virginia Supports
Maryland Supports
Massachusetts Supports
Michigan1 Supports
Minnesota Supports
Illinois Supports
Hawaii Supports
Montana2 Supports
Florida2 Supports
Nevada Supports
New Hampshire Supports
New Jersey Supports
New Mexico Supports
New York Supports
Washington Supports
North Dakota Supports
Ohio Supports
Delaware Supports
Oregon Supports
Arkansas1 Supports
Rhode Island Supports
Connecticut Supports
Colorado Supports
Vermont Supports
California Supports
Missouri Supports
Utah Weighing Options
Tennessee1 Weighing Options
Pennsylvania Weighing Options
Kansas Weighing Options
Maine Weighing Options
Indiana1 Weighing Options
One could actually see the “OL” Confederacy brewing and festering under the oppressive ObamaCare (A double entendre for certain) edicts of the “OL” Union!
As you read the Politics Nation piece, it is easy to see the Democrats in Mississippi are not the catalyst of the potential disruption in services for 700,000 state residents.  Some of the most ardent of Southern and Plains states have sided with their citizenry (highlighted in Red with Blue “Supports” or Green “Weighing Options.”). ObamaCare offers unarguable “liberal’ funding potential for the states. It is amazing how people will actually cut their own throats for sake of a social paradigm.
The message is clear and stated very well by a host on MSNBC within the past week. If President Obama was white, this level of GOP obstructionism would not stand the pressure from citizens in those states.   While there are other factors which contribute to the insane obstruction from the GOP, one cannot dismiss the ease of the ‘race’ dog whistle (even when not audible) in shaping GOP policy and conservative state subservience.
The prospect of 700,000 poor people, aged people and children thrown into states of no medical coverage based in the Red State governor’s state of obtuse and marching to a GOP drum is disgusting.

Pew Research: 56% Find Surveillance Palatable; Millennials Seems Unconcerned!

In Pew Research, Reuters on June 11, 2013 at 3:24 PM


Allow me to open with the fact that I also am not comprehensively enamored with how our world has been turned upside down regarding authorized surveillance. It seems in most industrialized nations increased surveillance is as common as American hotcakes and maple syrup. America has been forced to join other societies in surveillance not common in our nation prior to 9.11.2011.

While I have an innate concern with surveillance,  I am committed to the position that the nation must undertake any measure to deprive secretive enemies of the state opportunity to coordinate attacks. My thoughts are also supported by years of angst in watching surreptitious monitoring (spying) develop to its current state. The US government used wiretaps to dismantle the Mafia, disrupt and plot against the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (COINTELPRO and similar measures), against Martin Luther King, against the Ku Klux Klan (quite gleefully) and against Occupy Wall Street.  

These measures are not new, and when the measures show they work, it is hard for me to find major fault.  Of course, we now have opportunity to shape the programs if our INTEL and security agencies will allow such. “Shape”?  We really should have some degree of transparency and assurance of how the programs are used with a focus on educating slightly less than half the nation which appears very concerned. 

Since late early 2002, a number of “terrorist” attacks against the United States have been thwarted, disrupted or “busted in the act.”  A few of such attempts failed based on divine intervention via bomb equipment failures.  There is one case that is very much attributable to some monitoring of people who had connections in foreign countries known as terror heavens (i.e., Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen). I will add another critical point.   We as citizens have no idea or may not be able to comprehend the extent of success in eliminating many Al Qaeda leaders and fighters (Via the hated drone attacks) could have some data and information feeds via similar programs.  One very clear and well reported cases involved a home-grown terrorist and a few high school friends (plus his father in cover-up). 

The case of a Colorado man (his father’s attempts at cover-up) are reported to be directly attributable to monitoring (email and possibly).

…..Najibullah Zazi, 26, who admitted to planning an attack on New York City with assistance from Al Qaeda operatives in Pakistan.”  Zazi and three co-defendant planned to bomb the NYC City subway systems. You can only imagine the plot involved high traffic periods.  After last week’s revelations of Edward Snowden an INTEL official spoke openly on cable news about the plot and how Zazi communicated to handlers in Pakistan about failed bomb components. 

Let’s take a moment and review a few passages related to Zazi and his (foiled) plot to perpetrate mayhem in the NYC subway system. First, a question, “Have you ever been in the NYC subways system at peak travel times and at high volumes train locations (train stops)?

Najibullah Zazi
Zarein Ahmedzay
Adis Medunjanin


The admitted mastermind of a foiled plot to bomb New York subways testified Tuesday that he wanted to wage jihad in Afghanistan after coming to believe that the U.S. government was behind the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


Zazi has testified that during their 2008 trip to Pakistan, the three Americans met a top al-Qaida operative they knew only as Hamad. Authorities say Hamad was Adnan Shukrijumah, a Saudi still listed on an FBI website as a fugitive who plotted attacks for al-Qaida worldwide.


The men ended up choosing the subway because “it’s the heart of everything in New York City,” Zazi said Wednesday.

Read more

Email to handlers led to dismantling the plot. 


The government’s broad programs to collect U.S. phone records and Internet traffic helped disrupt a 2009 plot to bomb the New York City subways, a senior U.S. intelligence official said. 

But the assertion raises as many questions as it answers because court testimony indicated the subway plot investigation began with an email.


Afghan-American Najibullah Zazi pleaded guilty in the 2009 plot, saying he had been recruited by al-Qaida in Pakistan. 

The break in that case came, according to court documents and testimony, when Zazi emailed a Yahoo address seeking help with his bomb recipe. 

At that time, British intelligence officials knew the Yahoo address was associated with an al-Qaida leader in Pakistan. That’s because, according to British government documents released in 2010, officials had discovered it on the computer of a terror suspect there months earlier. 

Because the NSA and British intelligence work so closely together and so little is known about how the NSA monitors email traffic, it’s possible that both agencies were monitoring the Yahoo address at the time Zazi sent the critical email in 2009. 

What’s unclear, though, is how the phone program aided the investigation, which utilized court-authorized wiretaps of Zazi and his friends.

 Read More   (A must read)

As stated previously, I am not totally excited about knowing my Verizon phone calls, my email and other electronic communication are pat of a meta-database, or read by people like Edward Snowden. I am completely in sync with the Administration killing known terrorist and fighters (I also abhor callous slaying of innocents). On the other hand, I would not like to have witnessed another massacre as we witnessed on 9/11.  A successful slaughter in the NYC subway systems could have been equally catastrophic and even more psychologically devastating to the nation. Even if you are not an investor another consideration is the deep losses in the financial sector post 9/11.  The monitoring may help to ward-off loss of life, damage to national security, and deep financial losses when the US can ill afford such setbacks.

Apparently, a slight majority of a specific survey group felt they would prefer the security of monitoring to ward-off or mitigate clear and-present danger.

Pew Research


The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center and The Washington Post, conducted June 6-9 among 1,004 adults, finds no indications that last week’s revelations of the government’s collection of phone records and internet data have altered fundamental public views about the trade off between investigating possible terrorism and protecting personal privacy.  

The small survey group (1,000 respondents) interwove their sentiments regrading surveillance in a most interesting and probably accurate manner.  You will notice the preponderance of users (the young) in this small survey group does not seem to consider surveillance a critical issue.
 6-10-13 #1                                     6-10-13 #2 6-10-13 #4

6-10-13 #8


Currently 62% say it is more important for the federal government to investigate possible terrorist threats, even if that intrudes on personal privacy. Just 34% say it is more important for the government not to intrude on personal privacy, even if that limits its ability to investigate possible terrorist threats.

Read much more 

We will again state the right to modify my positions on national surveillance. Until effective methods of combating enemies of the state, who must use communications tools for expedience, are available I remain open to surveillance.   My openness is buoyed by the fact that the programs are not new to our world, and may have developed more technological based as unstoppable technology continues to develop. 

Additional information sources

CBS Denver

People Press Dot Org


Morning Java: Did Obama Say His Administration Briefed Congress?

In Barack Obama, Huffington Post on June 11, 2013 at 12:30 AM

Enjoy while the caffeine kicks-in!!!!

PRISM Briefings to go along with your Sumatra,  Kopi Luwak IndonesianKenya AA, Tanzanian, French Roast, Kona Coast, ‘Black Ivory’ [Thai Elephant Dong],  Jamaica Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Costa Rican, Espresso,  Moyobama Peruvian Organic, Indonesian Blend, Coffee Latte, Kauai Blend (often bitter), Colombian Red Lips, or your Folgers 100% Colombian.


Not good company Edward!

We actually have some members of the US Congress who are claiming they had no knowledge of the NSA Communications monitoring program.  We realize that congress suffered a major upheaval in 2010 as knee-jerk reaction to Barack  Obama, 44th President of the United States, and as an outcome of heavily funded “bait and switch” tea party organizers (and moneymen). Yet, we feel the majority of members of congress were actually seated in their respective chambers when this monitoring program was publicized:  

AT&T engineer: NSA built secret rooms in our facilities
Mark Klein, an AT&T engineer and witness in the EFF’s case against the company …
by  – Apr 12 2006, 11:55am CDT

The White House has gone a bit more transparent than some in Congress seem to find comfortable.   Huffington Post has reported 22 cases of Huffington Post members of the House and Senate.  Apparently, a senior administration official gave Huntington Post the following list of briefings. 

10/19/11: Meeting with Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Staff
1/10/12: House Judiciary Committee Staff Briefings (majority and minority separately briefed)
1/11/12: Senate Judiciary Committee Staff Briefings (majority and minority separately briefed)
3/5/12: Meeting with Nancy Pelosi
3/8/12: Meeting with Harry Reid Staff
3/15/12: Law Briefing for Senate Judiciary Committee staff
3/15/12: Briefing for Senate Leadership Staff
3/21/12: Meeting with Mitch McConnell Staff
3/23/12: Senate Judiciary Committee Staff Briefing at NSA
3/27/12: Meeting with Jim Langevin
3/28/12: Meeting with Jan Schakowsky
3/29/12: Thompson Meeting*
3/29/12: Sens. Ron Wyden and Mark Udall Meeting
4/10/12: Senate Judiciary Committee Staff Briefing (in Virginia)
4/20/12: Senate Judiciary Committee Staff Briefing at FBI
5/4/12: Senate Judiciary Committee Staff Briefing
5/31/12: House Judiciary Committee FAA Hearing (unclassified)
6/7/12: House Judiciary Committee MEMBER Briefing (classified)
6/11/12: Meeting with Patrick Leahy Staff
6/21/12: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Hearing (classified)
7/18/12: Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse/Richard Blumenthal Meeting
12/10/12: Akaka Meeting

* The Washington Post reported the meeting as with Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.).

Huffington Post provided additional comment about efforts to confirm congressional attendance in these meetings.  As I read the Huff PO piece, I was reminded an absence of ground swell of comment from congressionals about the PRISM Program. 

Of course, Ron Paul is buoyed by Snowden’s comment that he voted for Paul in 2008.  Now, that speaks volumes for me. And, yes “I want to be president”  Rand Paul is not among members of Congress who have avoided admissions of PRISM Briefings.  Of course,  Paul was not in congress prior to his tea party victory in 2010. His father was certainly in Congress and I would be very hard pressed to imagine Ron Paul was not aware of such monitoring.

I am not much of a “conspiracy  Inspector Clouseau” but this one is starting to stink quite a bit.

It would have been much better to see a “NAMED”
Administration official divulge the list (Transparency)