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1924 Ku Klux Klan Image Wins First Place At Ohio County Fair

In Uncategorized on July 31, 2013 at 5:09 PM

Regardless of event or contest, do you think you would vote this 1924 picture as the “Blue Ribbon” winner?   

kkk cross-burning photo

If you gave thought to the image as a “Blue Ribbon” winner more than three seconds after starting your viewing, you should click over to another webpage.  This is seriously not the place for you. 
There are no redeeming qualities in the picture no matter how vintage, or esoterically attractive to some in the nation.
We offer yet another example of the “Fabric of Oppression” and “White Privilege” not shared among the nation’s minorities.  Our interest in the image has nothing to do with the depicted Ku Klux Klan rally. Our interest relates current County Fair Judges who would completely disregard the potential offensiveness as others view the fair exhibit. The judges did not seem to care the exhibit was open to children and minorities.  In fact, people of color could view the contest winners, and some of those people may have lost relatives, property or other rights to groups like the KKK.   And, therein lies the Fabric of Oppression and White Privilege.
Huffington Post has the story

The photo, which won first place in an antique photo category at the Greene County Fair in Xenia, depicts robed and unrobed KKK members kneeling in a circle at a Dayton rally. Burning crosses are visible in the background of the white supremacist group’s gathering. On the photo is written “Dayton Klan 23 … Realm-of-Ohio … September 27, 1924.”

It is 2013, and yes there are people in the nation who are still offended by our aspects of our past.  Apparently, there are also people who find appreciation for our past regardless of how horrific; and that is pathetic.

Chris Hayes "All In" One For The Ages (The Fabric of Oppression and White Privilege) (VIDEO)

In Hannity, President Obama on July 31, 2013 at 2:02 PM

President Obama spoke recently about a form of oppression that only black and Latino males face on a regular basis. More often than not the oppression is focused on the younger males, but make no mistake other forms reach-out for the more mature in the minority community.   

It is important to remember, the president spoke of the black community’s cognizance of the problems. He accurately alluded to people are working those problems, He. also, did not speak as if people should not have concerns for criminal elements n the black or any community. 

I am posting a segment from Chris Hayes’s All In (July 30, 2013). The segment is the most creative ‘real’ news show piece I have seen in years. It rivals SNL for comedic effect, and it rivals 60 Minutes for the messages it delivers to viewers.  Before the segment, let’s reflect a few minutes.

Do you remember the aftermath of Katrina and the 9th District Levee breaks? Do you recall Fox News’ Sean Hannity belated visiting a safe spot in New Orleans, setting-up on a corner, and railing about such “looting”. He may have spoken about levees and loss of life, but I distinctly recall an inordinate amount of camera time on “looting.” Moreover, I recall a shirt and tie studio video segment with what appeared to be pure callousness regarding the poor (who happened to be black). 

The flowing segment was prior to Hannity visiting a corner in the deserted French Quarter. 

Of course, there was looting for personal gain, but I also saw lots of looting for purpose of securing drinkable water and food stuffs. Any looting is unacceptable, but when people can only live for 72 hours without water, a little understanding of the need to survive should have factored-in on the Fox News broadcasts.   

Another example of the Fabric of Oppression manifest as the nation moved through closing arguments of the Zimmerman murder trial.  How many networks, especially Fox News and CNN, berated the black community in anticipation of ‘riots’ that actually were not imminent.  The vast majority of people in the black community had little concern about the prospects of riots. Fox and CNN so prepared the nation for the possibility, some police departments may have wasted valuable resources on “a DUD.”   

One last quick story. I recall a professor (white woman), once telling me, “….oh, I cross the street when I see young black men.”  I responded, then you would have no issues with walking on the same side of the street with Ted Bundy, Son of Sam, or BTK?   And, while very tragic, the same sentiment probably led to at least three young women getting into a car with the kidnapping and imprisoning Ariel Castro of Cleveland, Ohio.

The following message is a deep message and a poignant message.  It embodies the essence of what we call the “Fabric of Oppression.” Many people do such a poor job of inner reflection and they exhibit tendency to seek refuge in criticism of others (who are different). 

Recent reports have stated people get most of their news from television. We can assume the majority of their news comes from cable networks.  If the majority of people get their news from cable networks, we can follow the syllogism to reality of the Chris Hayes segment. Fox News is the most watched cable news network.

Looking over in your neighborhoods yard and complaining about her/his weeds when you have Dandelions in full bloom in your yard is irrational and condescending. How is what we are seeing and hearing today via Fox New and CNN any different? How is your paradigm being either effected or shaped as in the example from Hayes’s All In” segment?

The ObamaCrat Captures A Presidential Visit: Obama At Amazon

In President Obama on July 31, 2013 at 1:26 PM

The Informed Are Dangerous And Fertile Ground For The GOP

In Democrats, GOP, Rand Paul on July 30, 2013 at 6:51 PM

GOP Map Of America

Last week President Obama mentioned in a speech that the quadrupling of the income disparity between the TOP 1%(ers) and the middle income strata from 1979 to date. His comment immediately generated a contact to an editorial staff a Politifact Dot Com and the following ensued: The Progressive Influence: Income Disparity And The Sad Politifact … Jul 27, 2013.

Just as you and I knew, the comment was “True.” 

But there is a much more serious problem with the answer. How is it possible the person could have never read nor heard that critical information, yet the person had the wherewithal to contact Politifact? Could the lack of knowledge reflect on people who will flock to the voting booths to vote Republican when empirical data show Democrats perform far more effective management of the US economy? I think it safe to assume the person who contacted Politifact is not a person who would vote Democratic and we have ‘no’ doubt about how the person feels about Obama as president. There-in lies the problem and it is a critical problem.

We often write about the GOP voters. Our screeds are most often not aimed at disparaging people, despite our tendency to denigrate their vote based on political choices. We try to avoid attacking the person, while focusing on behavior (or “actions” if you prefer). Of course as a liberal webpage, avoiding stereotypical characterizations is also a core value.
However, a few sets of data and clear evidence via the Politifact reader has me doubling-down on wondering about future danger from those who are “less to not informed.” The “less or not informed” cast votes. They will vote (at the 47% level) for a Mitt Romney who continues to prove he has chronic and pathological problems with lying. Those same voters returned a similar vote spread for McCain/Palin. Insanity reigned in the 2008 vote. Imagine McCain/Palin dealing with problems passed to the nation via Bush/Cheney/Rice. The following “healing” would not have taken place. (two graphs, See “Stimulus” each graph)

obama stimulus unemployment jobs

The Stock Market

Obama and market

The data is empirical, yet Romney still received 47% of the 60% of eligible US voters.
If we sat aside our firm belief the GOP is existing off a past that the nation should want to hide in history forever, we would move to an area we prefer to avoid. Let’s set aside the GOP 92% white demographic. Let’s set aside continuing a race based political toolbox from which GOP presidential hopefuls pick “Southern Strategy” tools with each General Election. And, let’s set aside overwhelming right-wing media support for party politics and practices social policies sat aside in previous sentences. If sat all of that aside, what is left?
We unfortunately, must look at intellect and manipulation.
The Opinions Journal published an intriguing piece about education levels and the US Vote. The Journal is quite a bit more unabashed about assertions of race, but they backup their assertion with facts.  We ask you to carefully read the sources data for the following graphic.

While unlisted in the graphic the GOP is also proud owner of the vast majority of votes from other Midwestern and Plains states.

Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 6:48 AM
The smartest people voted for Obama; the dumbest for Romney. Duh
Posted by Anthony L. Hall

[I]t’s an indication of how irrational this racism is that on everything from welfare to taxes Obama’s policies are far more beneficial to the tens of millions of Whites who comprise the majority of America’s poor. Yet polls indicate that the majority of them will be voting for Romney – whose policies not only favor the rich but, like his pledge to repeal Obamacare, threaten to make these poor Whites even poorer.

We again would like to take race and the GOP “Southern Strategy” out of the mix as we consider solid 45% to 47% voting blocs for the GOP. 

GOP economic policies without question favor business, and special interest groups over their constituents. One glaring example is 91% of people polled in a national poll expressed interest in background checks for gun purchases. The GOP voted solidly against such a measure and did not allow the measure to come up for a full Senate vote. Yet, another example. A couple of days ago Rand Paul responded to criticism from Christi Christie and Pete King, both Republicans.

“They’re precisely the same people who are unwilling to cut the spending, and their ‘Gimme, gimme, gimme — give me all my Sandy money now.'” Paul said, referring to federal funding after the hurricane last year. “Those are the people who are bankrupting the government and not letting enough money be left over for national defense.” 

Rand Paul is the quintessential  example of our point. Take a look at this link and this chart.

Media Matters February 2013
“...bankrupting the government and not letting enough money be left over for national defense.” said Paul. The man is a true chip off the old block. Don’t they realize people have access to data and data is the Kryptonite for the GOP!

Yet, for people who believe the rhetoric of Paul and whatever comes from the mouths of most in the GOP all utterances represent truisms. With an exception for those who know better, and who choose to espouse garbage similar to Paul, we are questioning the intellect of many of the 47% voters.  Remember, we are trying to avoid over reliance on issues of race.

The Southern States and Plains States are hardcore GOP voting domains. The party  can count on carrying all of the Southern States in each and every election. The majority of voters in those states will cast friendly GOP votes ,despite GOP policy that ‘slaps-them-down’ year after year.  The GOP has passed legislation that effectively cuts SNAPs (formerly referred to as Food Stamps) assistance to the needy. The party is also 100% against the Affordable Care Act with the House poised to vote to repeal the life sustaining legislation for the 40th time. (Note: CBS Miami reported last year’s 33 repeal votes cost the taxpayers $48  million. 

CBS Miami

The numbers translate to approximately $1.45 million per vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act in the House of Representatives. 

If we factor-in the four additional votes the current cost per vote is well over $6 million per House vote. And, Rand Paul and his party consistently speak about big government and wasteful spending! The repeal votes are merely symbolic votes to tickle the innards of GOP voters. Constituents who in many cases live in the following reality.

The Atlantic Cities Dot Com

….Immediately apparent is a broad “Poverty Belt” – states where more than three in ten people live in high poverty areas – stretching from West Virginia through Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. The states with the lowest concentrations of poverty, where less than 10 percent of the population live in high poverty areas, are Wyoming, New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware and Maryland.
After taking-in that chart,  I glanced back up at the best and worst educated chart, here and above.

GOP demographics include large numbers of older Americans. One has to only view a few of the 2010 tea party rally shots to validate the point. Take a look below for even more data relevant to the fallacy of dogmatic support for the GOP.

Huffington Post

The data is clear and it is readily available. How can so many people consistently vote for a party that places priorities that do not best serve the needs of  its constituents? We have addressed those (party members, pundits, operations, surrogates and die-hard conservatives) who know better while actively providing support to the GOP. They have motive and are probably insulted from the busy work and downsides of sustaining life on a day to day basis (food, health and opportunity). 

While we will not leave this screed with thoughts of simply attributing support for the GOP to racial issues. We are also not completely willing to leave the screed with innuendo about intelligence levels of people who consistently vote GOP while the party advances agendas that do not serve them well.  As we are the committed Progressives (and Liberals), we will leave the screed with thoughts of concern for those who are assisting in moving the nation to oligarchy.  Voters are unknowingly or naively being used as ‘tools’ to an end, by not questioning information nor seeking information contrary to the broadcast over highly skilled and well compensated media.   While it is a bit late for the majority in the GOP and the majority of conservatives, there will come a time when questioning one’s socio/political paradigm will prove as nation saving as spending trillions on national defense. 

We have posted data from various sources that provide irrefutable evidence of a self-absorbed political party focused on subservience to the nation’s Top 20%(ers). Think about the level and scope of manipulation from the party you may very well follow down a path ruination. Ultimately, there comes a time when Fox News will prove nothing more than a free entertainment network that cost you nothing more than time and a brain susceptible to the ravages of induction, much like a hypnotist.

As we look back to the starting point of this screed, we cannot take ‘race’ and the GOP “Southern Strategy” completely off the table as major contributors to serious problems which can be fixed if afforded an opportunity. As to intellect, we are who we are, but we do not have to continue as pawns for a political movement bent on turning the nation into a form of “Hunger Games.” As with the reader who contacted Politifact, the best combat against such manipulation is information. Are you being helped by your information sources, or are you being manipulated?   The Politifact reader needed help many years ago; and just think of all the votes cast as a less informed person. 

Our problems as a nation are not being addressed by the party on the Right.

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Palin In The US Senate?

In Uncategorized on July 30, 2013 at 10:21 AM

sarah-palin-caribouImage Credit: Gilles Mingasson/Discovery

What a beautiful albeit deceased Caribou! Please excuse inclusion of the human.

Michelle Bachmann has announced she will not seek re-election in the next session of congress. Of course, her legal entanglements and potential election malfeasance played no part in her decision to leave the US House of Representatives.  All things considered looking back on Bachmann and her end-term departure, we think the nation has one less obstacle from becoming a better place. We envision the prospect of less lies, less hyperbole and maybe one less case of less campaign malfeasance.

Wouldn’t you know the GOP and the party’s typical “racing to the bottom” keeps the fire burning. Sarah Palin has indicated a possible run for the US Senate.  Can you imagine Sarah Palin in the Senate Chamber? While, we would have no worries about her assignment as member of the “Intelligence Committee,” the mere prospect of such is psychologically overwhelming.  Her election to the US Senate from the “Great” State of Alaska would again remind us of how life in the nation’s geographically largest state is very different from the lower 40 states.  Would the citizens of Alaska again elect Palin and send yet another “kook” to the US Congress? The States of Texas and Kentucky have surely provided enough “kookism” to last a lifetime.
Huffington Post ran a video segment on the prospect of Palin running for the US Senate. Why not take a couple of minutes and check it out?

OK, Alaska all jokes aside, it is time to avoid returning to the insanity!

Sarah Palin Greatest Hits…… (Pre-Paul Revere and the role of the Vice President) Linked


Don Lemon Steps Up Behind O’Reilly (And Claims It!) Part II: Racism, "Black on Black Crime" and White Privilege

In O'Reilly on July 30, 2013 at 1:00 AM

As we started this set of screeds with Part I, we stated our primary issues were, Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News racist diatribe in response to President Obama’s press conference a week ago. A secondary, yet ever more important, reason for Part I was Don Lemon’s, CNN News, out of whack judgment in following someone like Bill O’Reilly down any path that leads to contemplation and comment of the African-American community. 

Bill O’Reilly’s criticism of black community “Doesn’t go far enough. ” Don Lemon.

O’Reilly’s purpose was clear and concerted.  Lemon’s purpose clouded, misguided and very poorly delivered (timing and setting).  As stated in Part I, the Right has turned the words “Black on black crime” into a very audible dog whistle  Every time the discussion of the heinous killings across the nation pop-up, we hear someone the Right yelp about “black on black crime.”  I have heard such in the aftermath of the Colorado theater mass killing.  Relevance please? 

O’Reilly mentioned the dog whistle and promptly rampaged into a number of disparaging specious remarks about the black community.

Many of his remarks were groundless and accompanied by obvious visible hatred of President Obama. Lemon via his comments “Did not go far enough” folded his agreement with O’Reilly into his self anointed and shallow rage against some in the Black community. The vast majority of African-Americans also hold ‘sagging pants” and use of the “N” word in contempt. Does Lemon believe that his ratings garnering rant will affect change more readily than action oriented efforts by key movers and shakers in the black community?

We offer a series of short videos that truly capture effective and productive dialog regarding the impetus for O’Reilly’s rant and Lemon’s ill-advised magnetizing to O’Reilly.  

We have taken a few clips from the Tim Wise web site linked above. The links are from a recent segment on the Melissa Harris-Perry Show. While Wise shared the stage with four very notable panelist, we are going to focus on Wise for a couple of reasons. He is white and he is very effective at delivering messages that many people find tough hard to stomach language.

Black on Black crime anyone?

Two minutes of The Ed Show

Now let’s drill deeper.

Twenty-three (23) seconds of pure truism from someone not of the black community: Tim Wise.

Tim Wise on Melissa Harris-Perry show July 20, 2013. We provide three excerpts from the segment.  The entire segment can be located on or Tim Wise Dot Org.

Full Clip 

Black on Black crime

What follows embodies the reason it was important for the president to speak on the judicial system, speak of recent murders of young black men, and speak about stereotypical reactions from whites and the need to grow beyond such. 

The race problem in the United States is not a problem born from African-Americans.  O’Reilly’s deflection is as useless as Lemons efforts to reach into communities he, frankly, cannot reach.  

Others have spoken out against US racism. One very noted activist is a person not commonly associated with US racism and its oppressive impact on the Black Community. As we consider the person,  one can hardly criticize his liberalism one conservatism nor can anyone question his intellect. We offer Albert Einstein.

The Coli Dot Com 

Albert Einstein 
“As for the Negroes this country still has a heavy debt to discharge for all the troubles and disabilities it has laid on the Negro’s shoulders; for all that his fellow-citizens have done and to some extent are still doing to him. To the Negro and his wonderful songs and choirs we owe the finest contribution in the realm of art which America has so far given to the world. And this great gift we owe, not to those whose names are engraved on this ‘Wall of Fame’ but to children of the people, blossoming namelessly as the lilies of the field.” [5]

“There is … a somber point in the social outlook of Americans … Their sense of equality and human dignity is mainly limited to men of white skins. Even among these there are prejudices of which I as a Jew am dearly conscious; but they are unimportant in comparison with the attitude of ‘Whites’ toward their fellow-citizens of darker complexion, particularly toward Negroes. … The more I feel an American, the more this situation pains me. I can escape the feeling of complicity in it only by speaking out.” 

Racism is America’s greatest disease” and “Racism is a disease of the white man.” 


Jones, Ronald. “The Human Genome, American Societies, “The Clinical Epidemiology of Pathological Antisocial Thinking”, and Albert Einstein” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Atlanta Hilton, Charlotte, NC, . 2009-12-02

Of course, any reference to white America and the “Negro” would fall on O’Reilly’s deft ears. 

A reminder for DOn Lemon about Bill O’Reilly. If a mind would take a person to the following how can an intelligent being find any reason to align on any reason. 

We hope that Lemon and anyone of rational mind who would opt for more direct attempts at interventions. It does not take a genius to know that going on national (and international) television with messages (such as Lemon’s) might have more impact if spoken directly to perpetrators of their perceived ills within the black community.  Lemon’s audience is not predominately black and he and his managers know that as fact.

The questions remain, what was the point? What was the point of connecting with Fox New’s Bill O’Reilly? What was the point of Lemon’s delivering such a shallow message to an audience that will not share his sentiments with perpetrators of sagging pants? I will wager not one of Lemon’s predominately white audience will counsel anyone in the black community on use of the “N” word.

Lemon would have been much better off dealing with false mantra related to “black on black” crime.

Don Lemon Steps Up Behind O’Reilly (And Claims It!) Part I

In CNN, Fox News, O'Reilly on July 29, 2013 at 3:23 PM 

Last Saturday Don Lemon, CNN’s most visible black host, joined the post-Trayvon Martin (Zimmerman) Murder trial kerfuffle. He followed and linked to remarks from Bill O’Reilly, Fox News resident racist and bloviating demagogue, in attacking what each called as concerns in the Black Community. Both cable network hosts foolishly addressed the most carefully crafted, socially relevant, and, multi-audience centric speech related to race delivered by any US president. And, it was purposefully delivered in the form of a press conference vs. a national media buy.

President Obama carefully sent messages to the black community, the judiciary, white America and America in general, while on a macro basis sending a message internationally (existentially based on the stature of his position as a world leader).
O’Reilly’s intent in attacking the president’s press conference comments was obvious. He attacked President Obama for addressing what some consider a major miscarriage of justice and flawed Florida State law. His attack was evident in tone, focus and demeanor associated with his on camera remarks. 
Tone for O’Reilly is nothing new. He has an emotional side that verges on coming across as dangerous if one saw his flips into anger in the street. The viewer would surely consider calling the police. 
Focus is yet another item and as critical as it gets. O’Reilly works for Fox News and other conservative media. He clearly and intentionally took the president’s speech in a direction that would appeal to his viewers, listeners and Obama haters, while literally and intentionally disparaging the African-American-Community. He served his network, feed his viewers, and he practiced more “They hate you…” against Obama. Factually speaking, he practiced what we often call, “The Fabric of Oppression.” Mission Accomplished! 

I Digress! How many times have we witnessed O’Reilly crossing the line and divulging his racism only to follow with dragging a person of color on-camera as a co-signer? Lemon willingly followed the “piper.”

Don Lemon is another matter. I should state, to be fair, prior to Lemon’s Saturday fall into O’Reilly’s demagoguery, Lemon adroitly defended the president’s remarks on air with Ben Ferguson right-wing pundit. The president had every right, and a civic duty to speak about a failing in our society that is longstanding and has not been addressed at the Presidential level: the differences in covert racism from the perspective of the victim.  As the nation’s first African-American President the message should have come forth and some posit with even more emphasis. When we do not call out unfair treatment, we effectively enable the behavior!

Later in the week, Lemon stepped squarely into the O’Reilly trap. Lemon placed himself in a position of cosigning the flawed and conservatively strategic message from Fox News, by joining and aligning with O’Reilly’s comments. While we will not link to O’Reilly’s comments, we are linking a YouTube clip related to Lemon’s stepping into the same poop, albeit from a different perspective.  

If his comments were not based on the new conservative business model at CNN, Lemon’s choice to practice remedies in the black community might have been better delivered via off-camera actions.  He appropriately addressed use of the “N” Word. He appropriately addressed the act of wearing one’s pants well below the underside of one’s butt. We find no problems with the message; we find major problems with how he structured his delivery of his specific message. His failure to address the dog whistle “black on black” crime was a glaring omission, once he decided to go after a specific segment of the population: African-Americans. 

Lemon clearly stated, “O’Reilly did not go far enough.”  We will not rehash our sentiments that O’Reilly’s message was best suited for his show and his audience. We will continue to state our concerns with Lemon using O’Reilly’s clear racism and stretching facts as a backdrop and foundation for his on-camera message.  Lemon was probably “preaching to the choir” first of all, as his audience probably does not include the young offenders of decent dress. Second, I doubt anyone who watched the segment would not know the pathetic state of using the “N” Word.  All in all, his major mistake was aligning with one who has no good intentions towards, no good purpose of thought  for, and no interest in the well-being of African-Americans.

I am going to post a few comments from people that I hold in the highest of esteem as to opinion, high level of concern for the black community, and who posit without motive that might reach into dollars, contracts and viewers. The comments address use of the new dog whistle “black on black crime” in general and overall Lemon’s choices and purpose.

Click and click image for details

James Hall and his ………
Open Letter to Don Lemon [CNN]:

Crime is committed by every race. The biggest crimes are committed on wall street and they brought this country to its knees. How were they punished? To this date I have not seen one wall street banker or CEO convicted and locked up by anyone. What percentage of them [on wall street] were black? They have done more damage to this country and to the people’s livelihood than any penny-pushing black man in the hood could ever do.  
This is not just a black problem and to believe so would be stupid and naive. People say control your community and control this and that. I thought this is America?? United we stand and that blacks have reached equality in this country? Isn’t that why the supreme court voted to remove affirmative action and strip the voter rights act? Show me one stat that proves blacks have reached equality from one reputable source? Prove me wrong! I dare you.  
They are basically saying to the so-called black community while using the media as a bully pulpit “Hey you people over there; control the other Negros,” because we have no intention as a nation to help solve the problems in your neighborhoods in any form, other than just locking you all up as animals. We won’t help educate, we won’t help rehabilitate and we won’t do anything to assist. We are going to cut all your so-called social programs. Again, just another obvious sign of how segregated this country still is and how they have no intention of treating or working with minorities as a people and never have.  
America is built on propaganda and no place on earth is better at it, “because we say so!” Even when real stats prove it to be ranked by economists as #13 [on propaganda]. As they say in Alcohol Rehab the first step to recover is to admit you have a problem. Not cast the blame on the liquor.  
Don Lemon is just another uppity negro who has no idea what the hell he’s talking about. Don, you don’t live in the hood, nor do you do real work in the hood. Reality is giving your financial status and notoriety you’ll probably never live in the all black community. Just because you are black, doesn’t make you a representative of the black people in the hood. You have no authority to speak about things you don’t experience from day to day. You look like a clown siding with a man who insults you and your people on a weekly basis. Whatever it is you thought you were doing, don’t. You should stick to just reporting the news because you suck at making it.  
I’d listen to a white man living in the hood every day, before I’d ever listen to you and your opinions., His assessment is probably a lot more accurate and sincere than you could ever be. Yes, you may know what it’s like to be a black man in America, because your skin color and status does not give you immunity to racism. But you have no clue of what’s wrong with the black community nor have any real answers to its problems other than criticism, so you are better off not saying a word.
End James Hall

Marion Young and her comments about Lemon’s choices….
What angers me about Lemon putting down blacks with how they dress, trash their communities and do crime is that he doesn’t come from, nor has he lived in these communities very long. He is an EDUCATED black man who grew up in white society with all the privileges of white America. So for the first time in his privileged life he lives in Harlem and doesn’t fit in. Could that be coloring his view? 
I grew up in poverty from uneducated parents who had no clue of the value of an education. From the help of certain people in the education system and something within me that was NOT from my environment, I struggled, got the education and moved away from the cesspool I called home. This is not a put down of my parents. It is to say we are a product of our environment. Without a HAND UP, we most likely will be held down. 
Until I became an adult and could move out of the inner city with its crime and all that goes with it, it was a constant battle for me to not be influenced by it. When I became a college instructor, I could relate to the impoverished students and knew what to tell them to help them rise up. It was because of that experience of having lived it, I knew what it took to get out of it. 
Don Lemon and the right-wing media perpetuate the problem and hold down blacks and the poor. They criminalize the victim and give a free pass to the worst criminals who have taken down this country. The media is in cahoots with the real criminals. Their job: convince white America and the rest of society that blacks and the poor are responsible for their own problems. They stole from us, and blame us for being the victim. 
Reminds me of how Trayvon Martin was portrayed as being responsible for his own death. Do you feel me?
Anonymous Comment

Even if all of the ill’s that he speaks about in the black community is the truth, why would you find it necessary to shake your head in agreement with a Right Wing Racist race-baiter like Bill O’Reilly has to say about a culture he has no idea what we are dealing with. 

This (O’Reilly) is a person who was shocked that we ate with forks and spoke with an inside voice when holding a conversation in a restaurant. I am disturbed by this analysis at a time when racial tension is reaching a pivotal peak in this country. What did you think would come out of this stereotypical criticism? Nothing good…(beyond) anger from the community to which you directed this one- sided opinion and boasting from the right racist who suffers from white privilege all while enjoying the fruits of our labor. 

I can hear the conversation now, “See I told you we were right even he agrees with us.”  Instead of falling into this trap of divide and conquer he should have challenged Bill O’Reilly to look at the cause and effect instead you choose to feed the frenzy of hate and bigotry, you now Mr. Lemon can hang your head in the hall of shame right alongside: West, Smiley and the rest.

End Part I

Many people in the Black Community have commented on the very same topics as Don Lemon.  Some of the outspoken are national leaders and fighters for Civil Rights.   With an exception for Revered Al Sharpton, most of those leaders are not media ‘darlings’ and earn no money based on viewers.   They also are not bound to management teams that frequently interject their paradigms via their employees. 

Lemon should carefully consider the manner in which the posits on topics, that really do need attention.  Following Bill O’Reilly and Fox News are not models to which one should align. 

ObamaCare, ACA, Health Care Reform

In Healthcare reform on July 29, 2013 at 9:21 AM

No matter your preference in referring to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it works, it would work even better, and it save lives, provides care and saves money. Now that is a 360 degree reality that is impossible to over look.
If you have three minutes during your day. checkout the latest advertisement against the ACA, and then checkout a response

GOOD Viewing!

Don’t allow political motives to drag you into a spider web that denies life  and comfort to others.

Death lives in such webs.

Hannity and Limbaugh Shows Off CUMULUS Radio (At Year End)

In Uncategorized on July 28, 2013 at 9:21 PM

Dylan Byers, POLITICO, is reporting Cumulus Radio will not renew contracts for the top two rated Far-right demagogues Hannity and Limbaugh.


7/28/13 7:59 PM EDT
In a major shakeup for the radio industry, Cumulus Media, the second-biggest broadcaster in the country, is planning to drop both Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations at the end of the year, an industry source told POLITICO on Sunday. 

Cumulus has decided that it will not renew its contracts with either host, the source said, a move that would remove the two most highly rated conservative talk personalities from more than 40 Cumulus channels in major markets. 

Read More

During the past few months Limbaugh has groveled about dislodging his show from Cumulus Radio. While Cumulus reports issues related to costs and negotiations between the network and Clear Channel (owners of the Limbaugh and Hannity shows)  contributed to the decision not to renew the contracts, we have to wonder about the impact of Limbaugh’s on-air antics as a continuing problem for Cumulus. Antics which have resulted in sponsors numbering in the thousands dropping the Limbaugh Show. 

Keystone XL Looms; Obama Has Jobs Concerns!

In Environmental issues, Obama and the Environment, President Obama, The Progressive Influence, Trans Canada on July 28, 2013 at 12:43 PM

Pipelines leak, spill or simply disintegrate.  How much more can our environment take?  Why did Canadian Provinces deny approval of a pipelines to the Canadian East and West Coasts based on unanswered environmental questions?
If you are an informed person, you know Trans Canada, Corp. is seeking approval from the Obama Administration to build a trans national pipeline from Quebec, Canada to Port Arthur and Houston, Texas.  The Keystone XL Pipeline, if approved, would also have pipeline fissures across the heart of the Midwest; fissures that would involve construction across to the nation’s major waterway: the Mississippi River.  Consider the spills table above and think about a Trans Canada contaminated Mississippi River! 

The Keystone Pipeline already exist.  Trans Canada is seeking a expanded version of the pipeline: the Keystone “XL” Project.   Prior to my following issues related to the Keystone project, apparently President Obama approved the Southern Leg of the XL Project.  The Northern Leg posses issues not common to the Southern Leg.

Critical issues are as follows:

First and foremost concerns for the lives of First Nation original inhabitants of North America.  Additional issues are as follows.

I. Environmental concerns

a. EPA on Keystone XL: Significant Climate Impacts from Tar Sands   Pipeline 

b. Keystone XL – The New York Times
c. Keystone XL Pipeline Will Cause Damage Beyond Spills (Op-Ed)

Oil produced from tar sands is projected to grow to 5.2 million barrels per day by 2030. Credit: NRDC; Environmental Defence Canada, 2013.

If tar sands reach projected levels of 5.2 million barrels of oil per day by 2030, the environmental impacts will be substantial.
If tar sands reach projected levels of 5.2 million barrels of oil per day by 2030, the environmental impacts will be substantial.Credit: NRDC; Environmental Defence Canada, 2013.

II. Alleged Jobs

a. Cornell GLI Study Finds Keystone XL Pipeline Will Create Few Jobs 

b.  Pipe Dreams? Jobs Gained, Jobs Lost by the Construction of Keystone XL (pdf)

III. Lobbying and political contributions

a. Open Secrets Dot Org:  Surge of Lobbying Fuels Keystone XL Pipeline Project
b. Think ProgressA Pipeline of Oil Dollars Flowing to Members of Congress Pushing Keystone XL Decision

IV. Politics (linked pieces above address this category)

Republicans have applied incessant pressure regarding Keystone XL Pipeline approval. A few noted Democrats (e.g. Harold Ford, Jr.) have also commented about the prospect of jobs associated with the project.  Jobs is a much a dog whistle for the GOP as their often used “food stamps” dog whistle. 

President Obama after many months of quiet regarding the project has come-out with questions about the veracity of  pipeline jobs projections.

Huffington Post GREEN via Reuters

“Republicans have said that this would be a big jobs generator,” Obama said, according to the newspaper.  

“There is no evidence that that’s true. The most realistic estimates are this might create maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline, which might take a year or two, and then after that we’re talking about somewhere between 50 and 100 jobs in an economy of 150 million working people.”

Credible sources have labelled Trans Canada ‘jobs’ estimates false and misleading.  We are hopeful President Obama continues his concern about inflated jobs numbers and factors-in (as we know he has) the amounts and level of contributions to ‘friendly’ US politicians.  The Keystone XL Pipeline is a project the US can do without for so very many reasons.