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Anonymous Vs. WalMart

In Anonymous on February 9, 2014 at 9:30 PM

In January of this year,  the website Ruthless Politics published a piece regarding the Hactivist Group Anonymous intent to target WalMart. The underlying reason for the targeting? According to Anonymous WalMart’s business practices: wage practices, issues with women in management position and other social issues.

Each article except to following has “Read More”  opportunities, here.
  • ______________________

Ruthless Politics……



The hacker group Anonymous has decided to take on Walmart.  After being contacted personally by a representative of Anonymous I was given a first look at a new official declaration to Walmart that has not yet made the mainstream of the public.  If past actions by Anonymous are a hint towards what awaits Walmart, the corporate giant has a fight on their hands.

Anonymous #OpWalmart

Published on Jan 10, 2014
Join us at on channel #opwalmart
Video Transcript at
Facebook Group at…
Black Friday Protest Locations at:…
Op Posters for Your Home Town at:…
Direct Walmart Employees you know here:

the plan for this op is that it kicks off with in person protests on black Friday 2014. (coordinated with some online/virtual protests, if you want to discuss that go on IRC) That day will be followed by a year of researching the Walmart corporations lobbying for a low minimum wage and d0xing of Walmart executives. Then, on black Friday 2015 we do more protests. If anyone has any other ideas I’m open to suggestions, and please, try to get more people involved!!!

  • ______________________

Ruthless Politics….

Anonymous announces first stage of action against Walmart 

The hacker collective known as Anonymous declared open hostilities and promises of action against Walmart’s corporate policies on Jan. 10, 2014.  Two weeks later details have emerged within the activist group of the first stage of that action. Public strategy sessions will be held via Internet Relay Chat (mIRC) beginning on Feb 1, with meetings following every two weeks, from 7 – 9 p.m EST to set forth a non-violent act of protest to combat Walmart’s open and egregious wage theft which has been left unchecked. 
The following information was found in the description of the video

irc chan for meetings: #opwalmart

#OpWalmart Call to Living Wage Activists

Published on Jan 24, 2014
Anonymous is issuing a call to all activists in favor of a fair and\
 living wage, join us!
irc setup help:
irc web client:
irc chan for meetings: #opwalmart
facebook group:…
  • _____________________
Ruthless Politics……

Anonymous Vs. Walmart: Top executive’s private information leaked 



Anonymous is beating their war drum against Walmart.  In previous weeks Anonymous has released a set of videos describing their grievances with Walmart, and their intentions to impact Walmart’s business.  After a successful IRC public strategy session which drew many participants, the hacker collective moved into the second phase of their assault against Walmart; doxxing.  Specifically, doxxing the former CEO of Walmart and Chairman of Walmart.  

Doxxing is the vernacular term which describes when a trove of personal information about a private citizen is collected from readily available sources and is published in its entirety in a visible way.


First to receive the treatment was the former CEO of Walmart (2009 – 2013), Michael Terry Duke.  Why did Anonymous choose to target Mr. Duke after his departure? They don’t forget, after all.  All known telephone numbers and addresses were listed.  Along with that information his financial standing, political donations (mostly Republican) and criminal record was also disclosed.  The following information was copied in its entirety from the original source found here.

  • -;- UGNazi -;- Nanonamas -;- RustleLeague -;- AlQaedaSec -;- BlackHijabs -;- OpWalmart -;- OpHolocaust -;-
  • D0X CEO of WalMart
  • Name:Michael Terry Duke
  • Age:62 (DOB 12/07/1949 Oakton, VA)
  • Address:16 Pinnacle Dr Rogers, AR 72758
  • Phone #s

Read more linked above 

Rest assured we at the TPI will monitor the Anonymous activity against WalMart. 

Crooks and Liars Does Christe in Illinois (Crooks and Liars!)

In Crooks and Liars on February 9, 2014 at 7:42 PM

Yes Chris Christe’s political life is coming apart at the seams!

Illinois GOPers Fleeing Typhoid Christie (via

By John Amato February 8, 2014 9:45 am Republicans running for governor are fleeing from Gov. Chris Christie as if he has a transmittable disease. On Friday I wrote that Christie’s trip to Chicago was a big test for him. Would the Bridgegate scandal…

A President Promises To Do "What He Can" To Help The Middle Class.

In ACA, Draconian GOP policies, Elizabeth Warren (D) MA, GOP Obstruction, Media Matters, Pay Equity and Fair Pay for Women, President Obama, The Raw Story, unemployment insurance payments, US Senate on February 9, 2014 at 6:11 PM

A president promises to help the middle class and the poor despite formidable obstruction from the Republican Party, its money backers and its media.

You Tube

In this week’s address, President Obama says he will do everything he can to make a difference for the middle class and those working to get into the middle class, so that we can expand opportunity for all and build an economy that works for the American people.

It is a sad state that such an energetic and forwarding thinking president has to succumb to GOP and conservative America. The following statement from above is as telling as it gets.

“President Obama says he will do everything he can to make a difference for the middle class and those working to get into the middle class…”

When we allow the Koch brothers to hijack our federal government in 2010, we effectively laid Obama’s agenda to waste. Since, the GOP majority infested the House of Oz, we have consistently steadfastly stepped backward into times we should at all cost want to remain in our past. 

Times of out-of-control spending (Reagan and Bush W.), times of unnecessary wars (Reagan and Bush W.), times of regressive social retrenchment (Reagan) and times of phenomenal rise in income disparity (Reaganomics); yet people still elect politicians who claim the GOP. 

There is no example more striking then the current approval ratings of the US Congress (from 11th,112th to the 113th): Nine per cent. While the Right has effectively leveraged and mobilized social deficiencies (intolerance bias and racism and false fiscal consciousness) in the minds of millions, we have skirted national catastrophe. 

The president is saying, “I am hindered in my hope and desire for the nation, and I will do what I can in my remaining time in the Oval Office.”

Need we remind of where the GOP has taken us and what we have to ahead should we return our federal legislature over to the GOP in 2014?

The GOP members of Congress were against the
Stimulus Bill. Our economy avoided a second Great Depression as a result of the Stimulus!

GOP support for the 2009 Stimulus and a look at how the GOP supports efforts to “kill recessions” when Democrats are in the Oval Office.

Forty-seven percent of voters in 2012 voted to return the nation to Romney/Paul. We should be more specific. Sixty percent of eligible voters voted in the 2012 General elections; 47 % of those voters cast ballots for the GOP. The only economic strategy espoused by the failed ticket was enhanced economic austerity and cutting taxes. They cling to failed strategies that contributed greatly to Bush W. economic failures. 

Pay Equity and Fair Pay for Women

Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine also declined to back the expansion of enforcing equal pay for women, even though she’d been supportive of a similar bill in the past. Noted the liberal blog ThinkProgress :

“Not a single Republican supported the bill, including Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Susan Collins (R-ME), who had previously voted in favor of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which removed barriers blocking workers from seeking compensation from discriminatory pay practices. At the time, Snowe said, “This new law[] sends a clear message to the American people that this Congress is committed to these core principles and will continue to work in bipartisan fashion to break down the barriers of wage discrimination in our nation.”

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE), who also voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Act, was the lone Democrat voting against the bill today. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) was not present for the vote. 
The bill would have worked to ensure equal pay for women, giving them more remedies in the court system for wage discrimination. 
The summary of the bill states that it “amends the portion of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) known as the Equal Pay Act to revise remedies for, enforcement of, and exceptions to prohibitions against sex discrimination in the payment of wages.”

The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (AKA, ACA, Obamacare and Obama Cares)

Washington Post (March 2010)

“The House voted 219 to 212 to approve the measure, with every Republican voting no.” 

It should be noted the House has enacted 46 frivolous votes to repeal the ACA at a cost of $1.6 million per vote. The math indicates: $73.6 million dollars wasted via the “Fiscally conscious” House GOP. We suggest these silly, yet costly, protest votes were, and are, votes to placate the desires of and pressure from their uber wealthy money-brokers who have innate disdain for people in need of medical coverage. In other words, “….don’t blame us, we are doing your bidding, now keep the money coming.” 

Unemployment Insurance Payments in the face of GOP Obstruction

For the third the GOP has filibustered the long-term unemployed into much more dire states of economic strife. They simply do not care about people, who have worked and for reasons beyond their control remain unemployed. Elizabeth Warren (D) MA, spoke eloquently about Draconian GOP policies towards the unemployed.

It is shame others in the Democratic Party (elected officials and former cabinet members are not speaking so eloquently and with such conviction.) 

We have picked and reported on a few very notable examples of unadulterated GOP obstruction against a president and against a healing nation. Let’s visit a less reported area of GOP obstruction. An area that illustrates how President Obama is a victim of obstruction unparalleled in US history.

“President Obama says he will do everything he can to make a difference for the middle class and those working to get into the middle class…”

Believe it or not we actually are hearing an seeing reports of the GOP taking over the US Senate in the mid-term November elections.  Is America really going to follow that path? 

We have been down the path before and have just comeback not long ago.

Chad Stone For The Center for Budget And Policy Proprieties: January Jobs Report

In CNN, Jobs, Steve Benen on February 9, 2014 at 12:48 PM

Re-Blog from The Center for Budget Policy Priorities, CNN, MSNBC.… And,  only for those who closely follow the US economy.  Not for 140 character readers!

The December 2013 and January 2014 Jobs Report have come-in at levels  that have to be labelled as “disappointing.” 

Despite contrary reports of continued job growth since 2009, the data dampens one’s perception of an improving economy.  

Before we move to Chad Stone’s detailed analysis and comment, let’s take a quick run through two noted economy watchers: Steve Benen and Christine Romans. 

And Christine Romans, CNN (Video)

The Cycle with Jared Bernstein

Chad Stone with Permission from the CBPP

Today’s Jobs Report in Pictures

February 7, 2014 at 9:51 am
Today’s jobs report offers mixed views of the job market, with employers reporting only modest additions to their payrolls but households reporting large employment gains. The usually more reliable payroll survey portrays a labor market that is healing only slowly from the Great Recession and subsequent protracted jobs slump. Time will tell if the more volatile household employment numbers presage better times. In any case, today’s report does not justify Congress’s reluctance to reinstate emergency federal jobless benefits.
Below are some charts to show how the new figures look in historical context. Click here for my full statement with further analysis.

More About Chad Stone

Chad Stone
Chad Stone is Chief Economist at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, where he specializes in the economic analysis of budget and policy issues. You can follow him on Twitter @ChadCBPP.

Full bio | Blog Archive | Research archive at

CBPP Statement: February 7, 2014 
For Immediate Release

Statement by Chad Stone, Chief Economist, on the January Employment Report


    Today’s jobs report offers mixed views of the job market, with employers reporting only modest additions to their payrolls but households reporting large employment gains.  The usually more reliable payroll survey portrays a labor market that is healing only slowly from the Great Recession and subsequent protracted jobs slump (see chart).  Time will tell if the more volatile household employment numbers presage better times.  In any case, today’s report does not justify Congress’s reluctance to reinstate emergency federal jobless benefits.
    The litany of job market scars from the Great Recession is familiar: modest job growth that has not yet pushed payroll employment above its pre-recession peak nor reduced unemployment to close to what it would be in a healthy economy; weak labor force participation (a smaller share of the population working or looking for work) that along with elevated unemployment has kept the share of the population with a job close to where it plunged in the recession; and, of course, an unprecedented amount of long-term unemployment this far into a recovery.
    The Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program, which expired in late December and which Congress refuses to restore, would provide needed financial assistance to workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own and not found work before their regular state jobless benefits run out.  Because those who would receive emergency benefits need the money and would spend it quickly, the program would also provide a worthwhile boost to the economic recovery at a time when it needs one.  Because EUC is a temporary program it does not compromise policymakers’ ability to address longer-term budget deficits.
    The Congressional Budget Office reported this week that it does not expect the job market to return to reasonably normal conditions until late 2017 or to be fully healed until even later.  It was too soon to let EUC expire, and it’s too soon to leave it that way.

    About the January Jobs Report

    Payroll job growth in January was disappointing; households, in contrast, reported large gains in employment.  Payroll job growth is generally considered the more reliable measure of job growth because the household data are more volatile from month to month.  Interpretation of today’s report is further complicated by a number of technical changes to the data.
    Historical payroll employment data have been revised to reflect the annual benchmark adjustment for March 2013, a reclassification of industries included in the survey, and updated seasonal adjustment factors. Unemployment and other household survey data for January 2014 reflect updated population estimates and are not directly comparable to earlier data, which have not been revised to incorporate those estimates.
    • Private and government payrolls combined rose by just 113,000 jobs in January and the Bureau of Labor Statistics revised job growth in November and December upward by a total of 34,000 jobs.  Private employers added 142,000 jobs in January, while government employment fell by 29,000.  Federal government employment fell by 12,000, state government by 6,000, and local government by 11,000.
    • This is the 47th straight month of private-sector job creation, with payrolls growing by 8.5 million jobs (a pace of 181,000 jobs a month) since February 2010; total nonfarm employment (private plus government jobs) has grown by 7.8 million jobs over the same period, or 167,000 a month.  Total government jobs fell by 655,000 over this period, dominated by a loss of 414,000 local government jobs.
    • Despite 47 months of private-sector job growth, there were still 851,000 fewer jobs on nonfarm payrolls and 288,000 fewer jobs on private payrolls in January than when the recession began in December 2007.  January’s job growth (even with the revisions to earlier months) was well below the sustained job growth of 200,000 to 300,000 a month that would mark a robust jobs recovery.  Job growth averaged 194,000 a month last year, but only 94,000 in the December and January of this year.
    • The unemployment rate was 6.6 percent in January, and 10.2 million people were unemployed.  The unemployment rate was 5.7 percent for whites (1.3 percentage points higher than at the start of the recession), 12.1 percent for African Americans (3.1 percentage points higher than at the start of the recession), and 8.4 percent for Hispanics or Latinos (2.1 percentage points higher than at the start of the recession).
    • The recession drove many people out of the labor force, and lack of job opportunities in the ongoing jobs slump has kept many potential jobseekers on the sidelines.  January bucked that pattern.  After accounting for the change in population estimates described earlier, the labor force (people aged 16 or over working or actively looking for work) grew by 499,000 in January, the number of people with a job rose by 616,000, and the number of unemployed fell by 117,000.  As a result, the labor force participation rate (the share of people aged 16 and over in the labor force) edged up to 63.0 percent in January.  That’s still 0.6 percentage points lower than a year ago.  Prior to 2013, that is the lowest since 1978. 
    • The share of the population with a job, which plummeted in the recession from 62.7 percent in December 2007 to levels last seen in the mid-1980s and has remained below 60 percent since early 2009, edged up to 58.8 percent in January, slightly above its 2013 average of 58.6 percent. 
    • The Labor Department’s most comprehensive alternative unemployment rate measure — which includes people who want to work but are discouraged from looking (those marginally attached to the labor force) and people working part time because they can’t find full-time jobs — fell to 12.7 percent in January.  That’s down from its all-time high of 17.2 percent in April 2010 (in data that go back to 1994) but still 3.9 percentage points higher than at the start of the recession.  By that measure, about 20 million people are unemployed or underemployed.
    • Long-term unemployment remains a significant concern.  Well over a third (35.8 percent) of the 10.2 million people who are unemployed — 3.6 million people — have been looking for work for 27 weeks or longer.  These long-term unemployed represent 2.3 percent of the labor force.  Before this recession, the previous highs for these statistics over the past six decades were 26.0 percent and 2.6 percent, respectively, in June 1983, early in the recovery from the 1981-82 recession.  By the end of the first year of the recovery from that recession, the long-term unemployment rate had dropped below 2 percent. 
    # # # #
    The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities 

    The Daily GOP Ignominious: NRCC Busted and Given A "Phishing Warning!"

    In GOP, RNC, The Daily GOP Ignominious on February 9, 2014 at 9:48 AM


    Alas, the political season is upon us. It is becoming as ever-present and visible as the nations polar vortex weather and blankets of snow that sit on the ground for weeks. I read today that Pensacola, Florida had a temperature reading of 17 degrees with rain and sleet. I will admit that the report went unconfirmed, so I am not sure it it was true. Nonetheless, three quarters of the nation is suffering the coldest winter in decades.

    We are also seeing GOP operatives and dirty tricksters practicing their  craft and spider-web like tricks across the internet.  Ethics doesn’t seem to be a concern pf GOP operatives as some of their ‘handy-work’ has led to reimbursement of donations to a more than sneaky website campaign.  In fact, Google has pasted the website with this ‘patented” phishing warning.  

    Google warning that Republican site mimicking Alex Sink website is a

     Here is the NRCC web posting.


    Make a Contribution Today to Help Defeat Alex Sink and candidates like her

    Contributions from corporations, labor organizations, national banks, foreign nationals that are not lawfully admitted permanent residents, and federal government contractors are prohibited. Funds received in response to this solicitation are subject to federal contribution limits. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
    By clicking contribute I confirm that I am at least 18 years old and am making this contribution on a personal credit or debit card with my own personal funds – not those of another person or entity – and that I meet the eligibility requirements set forth below:
    • I am not a foreign national.
    • I am not a federal contractor.

    Do you think the GOP, RNC and NRCC can perform election related campaigns without subterfuge, surreptitious activities or out-right voter fraud?

    Voters beware, the GOP, its uber wealthy supporters and political operatives are busy. You are their intended victim.