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Archive for February 23rd, 2014|Daily archive page

Scott Walker: An Exhibition In Republicanism!

In Americans Against the Tea Party, David Koch, Ed Schultz, Governor Wisconsin, Milwaukee County Executive Office, MSNBC, Scott Walker, Scott Walker (R), The Ed Show on February 23, 2014 at 9:24 PM

“This is an old news story,” he told the Post. “Many of the ones that have been highlighted of late have actually been in the [Milwaukee] Journal-Sentinel and other places several years ago.” Scott Walker (R), Governor Wisconsin.

AP Photo / Jacquelyn Martin

Scott Walker has been the center of negative news since he won his gubernatorial seat in 2010 (inaugurated in January 2011. Almost immediately after this inauguration, Walker embarked on a strategy to reduce the number and influence of public service workers (Democratic voting collective bargaining ) via major statewide cutbacks.

Within the month (February 2011) Scott was phone punked by a radio personality pretending to be David Koch (American uber wealthy libertarian – tea party money-backer – plutocrat).

MSNBC, Ed Schultz, The Ed Show….

The perfect example of how politicians cuddling-up to and massage the egos of their money backers. I doubt there is a better historic example of politician-power money broker “phone carnal groveling.” Walker is the perfect functionary and political tool.

And, his name is bring tossed around as the GOP presidential candidate in 2016! 

As Walker worked to win the Wisconsin gubernatorial seat in 2010, he left this trail of felony acts from his Milwaukee  County Executive Office.

  • Wisconsin appointee Kevin Kavanaugh (R) was arrested for embezzling $42,000 from a veterans benefit organization called Operation Freedom. Kavanaugh had been appointed to run the organization by Republican Scott Walker (R) who was Milwaukee County Executive at the time. Four others were arrested and sentenced as well.
  1. Tim Russell, appointed by Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker (R) as Deputy Chief of Staff and Housing Director pled guilty during Operation Freedom to diverting more than $21,000 to his personal bank account.[203]
  2. Kelly Rindfleisch, appointed by Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker (R) pled guilty to felony Misconduct in Public Office and was sentenced to six months in jail after admitting to campaigning for Republicans while working in Walker’s Milwaukee County office.[203]
  3. Darlene Wink appointed by Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker (R) as Coordinator of Constituent Services, pled guilty to fundraising for Walker’s gubernatorial campaign while working in a County building.[204]

Walker may not have been culpable in moving money around, but it is really hard to fathom total innocence regarding campaign work while serving in county government. Walker validated he will play the game during his extended schmoozing and cowering to the fake punk caller.

It seems Walker cannot escape a trail of ooze comparable to that of a nocturnal snail and the critters slimy silver trial.  

2010 staff convictions passed into neatly wrapped prison terms. Walker barely escaped a state recall vote, and successfully won re-election. His anti-union campaign continued  through the 2012 campaign. Let’s face it, one has to make the Koch brothers happy.  

Read more after break below

Walker’s anti-union activities are under federal investigation  ( more than 27,000 emails and 434 pages of search warrants), and revelations are coming forth.

How about a peep at one email thread. Email traced back to the highest levels in Walkers staff: his chief of staff.

“……mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and have no frigging clue who the r [sic] Daddys [sic] are.”

Rindfleisch's email:
AlterNet Dot Org…..

The emails, released this week, discloses in a six-page email the horror the writer experienced when he woke up from his bizarre nightmare. 
“I am a homosexual, and on top of that with a Mexican boyfriend. Oh, my God … Black, Jewish, disabled, gay with a Mexican boyfriend, drug addict, and HIV-positive!!! 
The email continued, TPM reported, ending with the narrator fearing that he’s also a Democrat. 
“Say it isn’t so!!! I can handle being a black, disabled, one armed, drug-addicted, Jewish homosexual on a pacemaker who is HIV positive, bald, orphaned, unemployed, lives in a slum, and has a Mexican boyfriend, but please, Oh dear God, please don’t tell me I’m a Democrat.”

Ah, the innards of the GOP comes so often. 

Walker fled to the perceived sanctuary of Fox News this morning and ran into an inevitable set of question. Walker typically evade Chris Wallace’s questions about the email with political self-aggrandizing comments (advertisement).

Recently revealed e-mails have embroiled Wisconsin’s embarrassment of a governor Scott Walker in about the same amount of controversy as is traditional for him. In 2010, Walker’s chief-of-staff forwarded a horridly racist e-mail to another staffer…

Waller feels that nothing from the federal investigation will hurt him politically. He has a point. If cowering and groveling to a fake Koch brother and his performance as governor has not hurt him politically he is (shamefully) well within the safe harbor of his party. 

Holy Cow! Watch Fox News Grill Scott Walker To IMPLOSION Over Embarrassing Emails (Video) (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Recently revealed e-mails have embroiled Wisconsin’s embarrassment of a governor Scott Walker in about the same amount of controversy as is traditional for him. In 2010, Walker’s chief-of-staff forwarded a horridly racist e-mail to another staffer…

More Walker email saga

I. Possible Vote Rigging 
II. Priebus does the Koch bidding and leaks primary opponent info to Walker
III. (May have) Directed County Workers to Break the law?

President Obama Does Not Stand Still

In Obama Administration, The White House on February 23, 2014 at 6:46 PM

Yes, we will share against the perception the Obama Administration will just sit back and ride the tide through the next few years.

It is truly sad the GOP governors will not cooperate with the past push for a continental rapid transit system.

The White House, Washington
A few weeks ago, I shared with you that President Obama would declare 2014 a year of action, acting where he can to build an economy that ensures opportunity for all Americans. And he’s already taken steps to achieve that goal in the areas of education and skills, job creation, energy, and raising the minimum wage.
I wanted you to be the first to know about new actions the President will take this week to keep that progress going.
This week, the President will announce new action on manufacturing, infrastructure, and transportation jobs, and a new initiative to ensure everyone who is willing to work hard has a shot at success.

On Monday, President Obama will meet with governors from across the country.On Tuesday, he'll announce the winners of two manufacturing institutes.On Wednesday, he'll launch a new competition encouraging new investments to restore our crumbling infrastructure.On Thursday, he'll unveil a new initiative with the private sector to make sure every young man of color who is willing to work hard and lift himself up has an opportunity to succeed.Here's where the President has already made progress in 2014 to make sure we keep moving forward.
Thanks for getting the word out,
Dan Pfeiffer
Senior Advisor
The White House

US Terrorism, Facebook And The Tea Party

In Americans Against the Tea Party, Crooks and Liars on February 23, 2014 at 6:18 PM

Americans Against The Tea Party , Crooks and Liars, RePost,US…….

US terrorist plain and simple…….and many Americans would not have shown one degree of apprehension against them for obvious reason. They do not appear as “THUGS.”  I believe you get me drift!

They certainly are not Democrats!
Tea Party-Type Militia Terrorists Used Facebook To Plot Attack Against The United States (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Homeland Security warned us in 2009 that right wing extremism is on the rise–something we are seeing in recent conservative pushes to overthrow the government. The report stated, among other things, that  “Heightened interest in legislation for…

Do you vote for the same candidates as these people? If so, can I convince you that you may also pose a danger to the nation.

Signs of the Times; Racism Lives Well In The American Right

In GOP, Kevin Phillips (Nixon), Lee Atwater's (Reagan), Libertarian Party, Michelle Bachmann, racist acts, Ted Nugent. Sarah Palin, Tenn. official ‘threatened’ blacks on February 23, 2014 at 5:55 PM

Image via all Things Democrat

I can remember a time before Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaigns, when people such as that you are about to see, and hear were self-imposed closet racist. They would dare not go public in any way based on an absence of political correctness and possible scorn from millions. Since, Kevin Phillips (Nixon) and Lee Atwater’s (Reagan) the US has evolved to a veritable cesspool of bigotry and racism with roots, branches and leaves flourishing in every aspect of our society. We can expect daily exhibitions of such, and to go a week without such reports is a reality of the distant past. 

As recently as last week Michelle Bachmann blessed the nation with another blast of complete race based insanity coupled with typical Bachmann oratory.  

“I think there was a cachet about having an African-American president because of guilt,” Bachmann told conservative columnist Cal Thomas in comments flagged by the Huffington Post. “People don’t hold guilt for a woman.”

It seems Bachmann deploys the most shallow approach to combating Hillary Clinton in 2016.

On the opposite end of the scale, we find the likes of Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin. 

“I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame, enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago Communist-raised, Communist-educated, Communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel like the ACORN community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America.” Nugent.

Why Palin? She recently reiterated an affinity for Nugent via his campaigning on behalf of a Texas gubernatorial candidate.

So much for those the Right who while guttural, occupy a place at the top of the gutter (e.g., Bachmann). There are some who are complete gutter dwellers comparable to the level of a bottom-dwelling amoeba. We offer one who competes with Nugent for chief amoeba.

The Raw Story

Tenn. official ‘threatened’ blacks with skin ‘trophy’ he saved from 1896 lynching (via Raw Story )

The state of Tennessee has fired a veteran investigator because officials believed that he attempted to use violent stories about how his relatives participated in a lynching to intimidate African-Americans who were trying to file claims against emergency…

Another very crestfallen aspect of what you just read, some of you go to voting booths and vote for the same candidates that love in words full of such people.  Oh, of course, you ridicule  my connect to the GOP and Libertarian Party.  Rather than ridicule, police!  People have full control over the proliferation of racism and bigotry inherent in conservative America.   

While, you may not be able to control the person, you have opportunity to publicly protest their “slime.” People do not stand well to public criticism; it tends to change behavior.

I have yet to here or read serious admonition of racist acts for leaders of the GOP nor from celebrity leaders of the Libertarian Party. This, they enable.

John Liming: Introduces A Very Relevant Daily Kos Piece On Benghazi (Hint: Darrell Issa)

In Hillary Clinton, John Liming on February 23, 2014 at 12:17 PM

The Benghazi Tragedy does seem to be an obsession of some on the American Far Right and they don’t seem any closer to letting go of it than when it all began and I think they are dusting it off now in the event that Hillary Clinton should decide to run for the Presidency.  A resurrection of the “Benghazi” scandal would make top-notch propaganda for an ever-more-desperate American Right and I have no doubt they would pump it for all it’s worth!
There is, currently, a lot of talk on the Conservative Side about how a “Stand Down” order was issued to the Military during the Benghazi Tragedy and that alleged “Stand Down” order is being touted in connection with something the State Department and/or The Department of Defense did or failed to do – – and it really doesn’t seem to matter at all to some of the right wing conspiracy nuts that this “Stand Down” garbage has since been completely, totally and forever debunked – – except, perhaps, in the eyes of the . . . conspiracy hacks who seem to me to want to keep it going . . . for their own political purposes . . . whatever those may be.  Snark! – – – ( READ MORE ).

In The Progressive Influence on February 23, 2014 at 12:10 PM

John Liming and Benghazi (W/The Daily Kos as a backdrop)

The Wattree Chronicle: A Message to The People (Black People). A Good Read For All Perople

In Uncategorized on February 23, 2014 at 11:23 AM


Black People: Don’t Buy Into the Great American Myth

Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree

Black People: Don’t Buy Into the Great American Myth


One of the biggest problems that we have in the Black community is how we allow ourselves to be betrayed in the media. There tends to be a blanket profiling of Black people by the media as little more than dysfunctional hood rats, with a few functional Black people sprinkled in for for the sake of appearance, but as aberrations. 
But the fact is, the truth is just the reverse. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, the vast majority of Black people in this country are middle class or above. African Americans are the second largest consumer group in America with a combined buying power of over $892 billion currently and likely over $1.1 trillion by 2012. In 2002 African American owned businesses accounted for 1.2 million of the US’s 23 million businesses, and 47% of Africans Americans own their own homes. So the kind of dysfunctional Black people commonly being portrayed in the media are a minority of the Black community, but they are a highly vocal, flamboyant, and inordinately publicized minority. 
If White people were portrayed in the media in the same way as Black people, we’d think that majority of White people were barefooted Hillbillies. If you’re a Black person and reading this article, simply look at your own situation, and that of your family and friends. The chances are overwhelming that you and your close associates are living at a level comparable to the average White middle-class individual. The same is true of myself, my family, and virtually all of my friends.

So the Black community is doing itself a huge disservice by just sitting back and allowing ourselves to be portrayed in this distorted and negative fashion. It sends the wrong message to our children. When they sit around for hours on end watching the antics of Lil’ Wayne and others flaunting the very worst of who we are, it sends the message to our young people that they have a moral obligation to be stupid in order to demonstrate their Black pride. They’re, literally, being instructed in what it means to be Black by sources other than ourselves. They’re being taught that being Black means wearing pants saggin’ off their asses, engaging in reckless and irresponsible behavior, scarring their bodies with ugly tattoos that can prevent them from obtaining employment, and giving priority to chasing “bling,” momentary pleasure, and superficial trinkets over pursuing education, knowledge, and investing in themselves as individuals.
If we’re tolerating these things in our homes, we have no right to complain when the rest of society refuse to hire us, and profile us a superficial and irresponsible idiots. And the fact is, we’re not only tolerating it, but we’re making people filthy rich by supporting an industry that thrive on producing videos that are nothing short of ten minute commercials that’s circulated around the world that the very womb of our culture are sluts and whoes who are only good for abuse, and that Black men want everything out of life but a job – and will do anything to get it.
That’s not who we are as a people, but that’s the way we’re being portrayed, that’s who our young people are looking up to, and that’s the way the rest of the world sees us. So if we allow this to continue, whose fault is it when the rest of the world believes their lying eyes? No wonder unemployment is so high among Black people. I wouldn’t hire anyone like that either – would you? 
So the Black community needs to come down on the media like a sledgehammer, and stop them from slandering our community. We also have to start letting our children know, in no uncertain terms, that stupidity’s not cute. While we can’t start to disseminate that message too soon, or too early in a child’s life, since kids tend gravitate toward those things that they’re rewarded for as “cool,” it’s not enough to simply address this issue as individual parents – we might as well be spittin’ in the wind. We have to address this issue as a COMMUNITY.
We’ve got to let BET know that if they want the community’s continued support, they’re going to have to change their call letters to stand for Black Excellence Television, and their programming is going to have to reflect that. We have to make it clear to BET, MTV, and the rest of the media that if they want the support of the Black community that they’re going to have to air programming that’s consistent with our agenda as a community – programming that reflects manhood attendant to having the character to face and defeat adversity, and the manhood that’s necessary to be tender enough sooth the wounded feelings of a baby girl.
But in order to do that, we need an organized community, and a big obstacle to that is the self-serving poverty pimps among us who benefit from our suffering. We’ve got to eliminate these people. These are the ones who are primarily responsible for the plight that we currently find ourselves. When Martin and Malcolm were alive, the only thing they wanted from the White man was for him to leave us alone allow us to live our lives in peace. My grandfather had a little verse that reflected their attitude. He used to say, “The only thing I want from this whole damn nation, is a pretty little wife, and a good foundation.” I didn’t realize it at the time, but in that one little verse he was teaching me the meaning of life – and he had that, and more.
But after the death of Martin and Malcolm, the poverty pimps swopped in to try to take their place, but their philosophy, and agenda, was different. They convinced the Black community we couldn’t make it on our own. We were incapable of such a monumental feat. We needed the White man’s help, so it was incumbent upon us to hire them as our official emissaries to the White man. That was in the late sixties and early seventies. But since that time, the “emissaries” have all profited greatly, while we’ve been sitting on our hands, suffering, whining, and begging, for the past forty years, waiting for the White man’s response.
So it’s time to bring the poverty pimp hustle to an end. We don’t need one voice speaking for millions; what we need is millions speaking with one voice. And we need to re-embrace our self-esteem, and begin to recognize who we are, what we represent, and the dignity of what we’ve managed to overcome.    
In spite of the fact that many of us have been dragged through the pits of Hell, we’ve managed to come out the other side as well adjusted and relatively well educated individuals. And while we’ve been forced to engage in a 100 yard dash, where our White counterparts were spotted 25 yards, we’ve still managed to remained competitive. So adversity has made us MORE, not less. .
So don’t buy into the great American myth. Yes, there are Black people who are struggling and at the bottom of the heap, but there are also many White people in that very same condition, in spite of having every advantage in life. So if you’re Black and middle class, you’ve remained competitive with your White peers in spite of the fact that you were forced to wear lead boots during the competition. So you have much to be proud of – and not just the superficial pride of having Black skin as James Brown suggested, but a genuine pride in what you’ve accomplished IN SPITE of your Black skin. 

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Sean Hannity!

In The Daily GOP Ignominious on February 23, 2014 at 10:44 AM

Two words of introduction: Sean Hannity.

Sean Hannity: Violence in the Ukraine is Obama’s fault, and by the way, Putin is a cool guy (via FreakOutNation)

The violence in the Ukraine was covered by Sean Hannity while  generously affording the blame to President Obama. According to Hannity, the violence in Syria, Venezuela, Poland, Egypt and elsewhere, too is also Obama’s fault. Hannity asked if Obama…