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Archive for March 10th, 2014|Daily archive page

Ted Cruz Fails A Fact Check (Again)

In Ted Cruz on March 10, 2014 at 10:19 PM

Re-Blog from…..

Politifact (Tampa Bay Times)

The Truth-O-Meter Says:

Says President Barack Obama “is the first president we’ve ever had who thinks he can choose which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore.”

Ted Cruz on Thursday, March 6th, 2014 in a speech at the CPAC conference

Ted Cruz says Barack Obama is first president “who thinks he can choose which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore.” 
This 1868 cartoon from Harper’s Weekly shows Gen. Ulysses Grant and ousted Secretary of War Edwin Stanton near a cannon labeled “Congress,” aimed at temporary Secretary of War Lorenzo Thomas and President Johnson. (Library of Congress)




President Franklin D. Roosevelt, right, 
talks to Edward R. Stettinius Jr., the federal administrator of the lend-lease program in 1942. (Library of Congress)

Critics of President Barack Obama have charged that he has regularly exceeded the powers of his office in selectively enforcing the law. Their examples include making recess appointments, issuing executive orders, delaying provisions of his health care law, refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court and declining to deport certain categories of young illegal immigrants.

At the 2014 CPAC conference, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, reiterated this point to the audience of conservative activists.

Read the rest of this entry »

Andrew Rei: Debunks GOP Bunk!

In GOP lies, TPI on March 10, 2014 at 4:41 PM

Friend of the TPI, Andrew Rei tackles what must have repeatedly appeared as an illusive mirage for the GOP (particularly Darrell Issa). Actually, Andrew’s screed could serve as lament for all things Issa.

Would you believe this image was considered scandalous for millions on the Right?


Andrew Rei 
A quick debunking of GOP-manufactured “scandals”

We know how truth-averse and fact-challenged the GOP are. So, here’s a primer to quickly debunk some of the scandals and talking points of the Fascist GOP, one day before the next CPAC meeting: 
IRS “scandal”: Two people who had nothing to do with the situation were fired, including Lois Lerner.

e Cincinnati office, a Bush 43 appointee and an admitted Conservative Republican, confirmed that no one from the Obama administration told or pressured him to investigate the “charitable organizations”; it was all his decision, owing to IRS regulations. 

This man also said that “key words” were used to determine which groups to investigate, but, they weren’t limited to “Tea Party” and “Conservative” groups, as the GOP propaganda suggests. All manner of groups were investigated. 
In fact, the ONLY group that was denied tax-exempt status, despite the painfully obvious fact that ALL GOP groups are political groups, was a Progressive church in California. Every other group had tax-exempt status conferred upon them. This is now a settled matter and no more hearings need to be held, period. 
AP “scandal”: also manufactured by the GOP, big time. The sad fact of the matter is that, ever since the GOP wrote, passed and signed into law the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, our Constitutional rights have been restricted. One of those rights is the right of a “free press”. Even the Supreme Court’s “Feckless Five” Con majority has upheld that abomination of a law in five of the seven cases regarding it that have come before them. Ever since 1917, when the Espionage Act was passed, the courts of this country have consistently held that the press is not “free” to divulge national security secrets. However, they have ruled in favor of news organizations and journalists who have uncovered political corruption. But, since the Patriot Act, the waters have been muddied, as the GOP think that everything done is in the interest of “national security”. This problem and a few others are going to keep popping up until Congress has the balls to fully repeal the Patriot Act. 
Fast & Furious “scandal”: definitely manufactured by the GOP. In fact, as it turns out, Rep. Darrell Issa’s “whistleblower” was the only person in the operation to allow guns to walk across the border, all THREE of them, from Arizona, the state with the weakest gun laws. This is projectional hypocrisy, as a Bush 43 administration-era effort, “Operation Wide Receiver”, allowed more than 2,000 guns to walk across the border. It was one of THOSE guns that was used to kill the Border Patrol officer, not one of the three from Fast and Furious, as GOP propaganda keeps telling us. 
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!—-yikes. This is one of those situations best described as “making a mountain out of a molehill”. It makes no difference the reason the consulate in Benghazi was attacked, whether it was caused by that stupid movie or terrorists using the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to attack Americans abroad. As Hillary Clinton said about a year ago, “what does it matter now? We have to make sure it doesn’t happen again”. In addition, three other facts blow this “scandal” or “cover-up” out of the water: first, Ambassador Stevens refused an offer for more security assets in Benghazi and Tripoli. Outright refused. Second, the House GOP voted for and was successful in cutting the embassy/consulate security budget. In 2012, the cuts equaled $330 million. They started in 2011, with about $110 million. For Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014, they’ve cut the budget even further. Third, a recent report from the Inspector General indicated that the military could not have went from where they were elsewhere in Africa to make it to Benghazi in time to prevent the attack or fend off the attackers. In fact, the Army General and Navy Admiral in charge of the area were both fired by the President for refusing to carry out orders to do something about the attacks. The General and the Admiral confirmed that they couldn’t send assets there in time, but they also elected not to send anything after the attack, despite being ordered to, so they were fired. 
PPACA (GOP dog whistle term, “Obamacare”) “scandal”: Again, manufactured by the GOP. The GOP have long claimed that the PPACA would “collapse under its own weight”. But, when it didn’t, they decided to try and make it look like it would, especially regarding the federal exchange rollout. The GOP secretly hired hackers to sabotage the website. This is something the GOP love to do: claim something doesn’t work, like government, and then go out and take steps to prove it, making them “self-fulfilling prophesies”. Of course, there’s the stupid “death panels” argument, which also turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophesy, as the Red states are the ones that refuse to accept the fully-funded (for the first three years) Medicaid expansion, which will leave about 4 million people without health insurance coverage. Of course, we almost shouldn’t have to mention the fact that they’ve outright lied about premiums and the true cost of healthcare coverage under the law. 
There you have it, five of the “scandals” manufactured by the GOP, thoroughly debunked. Remember that, because the latest CPAC parade of lunacy and idiocy starts tomorrow, there’ll be more “scandals”/BS/propaganda and talking points to debunk. I would hope that they have different ones, as the ones they’ve been using/spouting have been constantly and thoroughly debunked. They’re pathetic, old and tired. 

Connect The Dots USA Paid Us A Visit: The ACA Moves Forward

In ACA, Connect The Dots USA on March 10, 2014 at 4:06 PM

Liked · March 7 · Edited 

As of January 1st, 2014, one of the biggest game-changing benefits of the Affordable Care Act went into effect: NO MORE DISCRIMINATION BASED ON PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS. It deserves an all-caps treatment because it is the headline that keeps getting buried in all the silliness. This discrimination ban has been a feature of most employer-based group plans, but until recently it has eluded the individual insurance market.
REAL Health Insurance Freedom is not the freedom to continue to buy junk insurance or the freedom to free-ride by going without insurance until you get sick. No, REAL Health Insurance Freedom means…
1) …No longer being denied or charged more due to a pre-existing condition (or gender). Such discrimination has been a huge roadblock to coverage in the individual (non-group) insurance market. Now it’s gone, along with its evil and onerous step-child — medical underwriting. 
2) …Having the option to switch insurance plans every year during open enrollment. Think about it — every year, you can ditch your insurance company and pick a different plan that suits you better: You are no longer held hostage because of a pre-existing condition. So if you’re still fretting about which plan to pick this year, don’t agonize too much. Just choose something that fits your needs now and especially make sure it covers you from catastrophic costs. If you later decide you don’t like your selection or you discover a doctor that is not in-network, you can easily change to another plan for 2015. Your choice is no longer a lifetime commitment.
3) …Consulting your doctor without fear it will ding your permanent record. Good-bye underwriting! Patients would actually refrain from sharing medical concerns with their doctor for fear of establishing a pre-existing condition. That had a chilling effect and impeded optimal medical care. How crazy was that? Gone! 
4) …Finally being able to quit your corporate job to start your own business or retire early. No more job lock because of health benefits. That’s the labor market effect the recent Congressional Budget Report was referring to, not that the ACA would kill demand for jobs.
Remember: Open enrollment ends March 31st for 2014 coverage: If you enroll and pay by Saturday, March 15th, your coverage will start April 1st. If you enroll and pay by Monday, March 31st, your coverage will start May 1st. After that, you’ll have to wait for 2015 open enrollment, which starts Nov 15th, 2014. If during the year, you have a qualifying life event such as losing your job-based coverage, having a child, moving out of the coverage area, or getting married/divorced, you’ll get a special enrollment period to purchase insurance.
Happy shopping. Enjoy the FREEDOM!

UPDATE: Huffington Post is reporting the uninsured rate has dropped for the first time since President Obama took office, and Gallup is attributing the drop to ObamaCare.


White House Dot Gov: Here’s What You Need to Know About the President’s 2015 Budget

In Uncategorized on March 10, 2014 at 3:50 PM

A little somethign regarding the Obama 2015 Budget…..

Of course, Boehner and Ryan have declared it ‘dead on arrival in the House.”   I am guessing the Obama 2015 Budget does not “let” enough middle class to lower income blood for the GOP.

“Dead on arrival!” Serioulsy?

The 2015 Budget Whiteboard

In case you missed it, the President released his Fiscal Year 2015 budget last week.

Brian Deese, Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, is pretty handy with a dry-erase marker, and he took some time to sketch out the nuts and bolts of the President’s budget.

Want a better sense of exactly what’s in the budget? You should probably watch this whiteboard video.

Watch: Brian Deese explains what's in the budget.

Want to know how the President’s budget will continue to steadily bring down the deficit for the next ten years? You should watch this whiteboard.

Watch: Brian Deese explains how the President's budget will bring down the deficit.

Take a look, pass it on, and stay tuned for more.

Happy Monday.

Murdoch Does It Like No Other!

In Fox News, Ruppert Murdoch on March 10, 2014 at 12:36 PM

Re-post from HUFFPO

Huffington Post reported the following this morning.

Rupert Murdoch raised eyebrows Sunday when he commented on the Malaysia Airlines flight that went missing. 

The News Corp. chief tweeted:

777crash confirms jihadists turning to make trouble for China. Chance for US to make common cause, befriend China while Russia bullies. 

10:15 AM – 9 Mar 2014

Murdoch was referring to the Boeing 777 plane that lost contact with air traffic controllers Saturday en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Authorities determined that two of the passengers were using stolen passports, raising questions about possible terrorism. However, they have yet to discover proof of foul play — something that others noted in response to Murdoch’s tweet.


Is there any wonder why Fox News mangers reproting as it does? 

GOP Saber Rattling! And to What Avail?

In Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld, GOP idiocy, GOP Saber Rattling, John McCain, Sarah Palin, the Ukraine, World War III on March 10, 2014 at 12:30 PM

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war,while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

If  US voters were interested in a war hawkish Administration after eight years of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld, we would have elected John McCain (and you know who). We would literally have been finished with World War III and recovering  from the aftermath. If there would be an aftermath.

If  US voters were interested in economic policy as a carbon copy of the Bush economic policies we would have elected McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan. (Did I actually use the words “carbon copy?” With the GOP anything from technology Jurassic ERAs is `a propos).

If US voters truly believe the nation should immerse in military conflict with each and every international conflict, we would elect Republicans without regard for any competing political party.

If US voters (or the majority of the pubic) were fickle with inclinations towards maintaining America as the policing force across the globe without regard for how such actions impact our economy and our nation’s psyche, the nation would elect Republicans without fail and only Republicans.

Read more after the break below

Ultimately, if the majority of the US public appreciated and considered GOP jingoism and machismo a national paradigm, we could save billions, by simply modifying the US Constitution to a one party system with industrialist deciding when they would vacate and pass the Oval Office on to the next plutocrat.  

Now that Vladimir Putin has moved into Ukraine, the usual GOP suspects are up and about railing for everything shy of a nuclear response, yet they offer nothing more than political noise and fodder for all three cable new networks. Of course, Sunday morning news show are awash with either Republicans with the weeks talking points “weak president,” or, with John Kerry who literally made the supreme blunder by mentioning nations that charge into other nations while unprovoked.  As soon as the words left his mouth I anticipated the retort: IRAQ!

Before I move to the reason for this post, let’s view a few very short snippets of the GOP in its full glory.  

Watch this;  Rachel Maddow(1:05 minutes)

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Now check this out; Al Sharpton(1:04 Minutes)
(Skip to 6:25 – 7:29 Minute marks)
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

A bit more from the Right;
Chris Matthews Hardball

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


Now for the curtain call: Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin said current events in Russia and Ukraine have confirmed everything she’s been saying all along. The former half-term governor of Alaska and failed 2008 vice presidential candidate continued bragging Monday night on “The Sean Hannity…

Obama Derangement Syndrome As Political Fodder And A Danger To The Nation

In AP, CNN, Fox News, GOP, MSNBC on March 10, 2014 at 10:00 AM