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Archive for the ‘Americans Against the Tea Party’ Category

Fox News Goes Breitbart With Edited Video!

In Al Sharpton, Al Sharpton At Scene Of An Anti-Cop Protest>, Americans Against the Tea Party, Fox News Deceitfully Edits Video on December 22, 2014 at 8:47 AM

Fox (alleged) News should receive a review from the FCC. The network consistently broadcast edited video to deliver false and misleading messages to its viewers.   

Fox News Deceitfully Edits Video To Falsely Place Al Sharpton At Scene Of An Anti-Cop Protest

The hosts of Fox & Friends went out of their way Sunday to malign civil rights leader and MSNBC host Al Sharpton. In multiple segments throughout their morning broadcast they aired videos of Sharpton at a rally in Washington, D.C. to protest the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner in Staten Island,…

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Americans Against the Tea Party: Fox News Whimpers Benghazi House Report

In Americans Against the Tea Party, Benghazi House Report, Benghazi Witch Hunt Committee, Fox News, Obama Administration Benghazi on November 23, 2014 at 9:44 AM

After Thousands of Hours of Spewing Benghazi Lies, Fox News Gives 30 Seconds to House Report Clearing the Obama Administration

var icx_publication_id = ‘14291’; var icx_copyright_notice = ‘2014 TheProgressiveInfluence’;

"Support Darren Wilson (Killer Cop’s Support From The KKK!)

In #Hoodsoff, Americans Against the Tea Party, St. Louis White Supremacist group, Support Datren Wilson on November 18, 2014 at 10:51 AM

Darren Wilson Supporters Remove Photo Showing Three KKK Members at Rally After It Becomes Public Knowledge

And a little something from #Hoodsoff 13 members of the St. Louis White Supremacist group

var icx_publication_id = ‘14291’; var icx_copyright_notice = ‘2014 TheProgressiveInfluence’;

"Where Have We Gone Wrong" Stan Brock Remote Area Medical (RAM)

In 60 Minutes, Americans Against the Tea Party, Congressional Hearing, KOCH Brothers, RAM, RAM founder Stan Brock, Remote Area Medical, The Libertarian Party on May 11, 2014 at 1:09 PM

Perspectives on Healthcare, the lack there of, and far Right resistance to help for those with pain and suffering!

Dr. Joseph Smiddy

            C-47 /  DC-3 Cessna 206 Cargo Offload

CBS 60 Minutes July 2008.

The Remote Area Medical (RAM) volunteer corps (clinics) and its pilot’ founder and principle driver, came into the light. Prior to the 60 Minutes broadcast my knowledge of the RAM was at the level of NIL. Of course, it should go without saying, but I will make the point the 2008 was well within my regular viewing of 60 Minutes. After the hire of David Rhodes, from Fox News, in 2011, 60 Minutes has become an entertainment relic of its past investigative greatness.  We will leave the hire of Rhodes for another screed.

60 Minutes July 2008
The 60 Minutes segment was an eye opener. A bit of irony for me; the RAM founder, Stan Brock, worked as an assistant to Marlin Perkins on Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. Brock’s RAM originally provided medical services across the globe in remote areas across the globe. Brock and his volunteers now focus their relief work in remote and under-privileged (via lack of medial services) in the United States.

RAM services have expanded beyond remote areas to areas with high concentration of the uninsured and chronic poor (e.g., Los Angeles Neighborhoods, Las Vegas and East St. Louis, Illinois). RAM in the media: Linked.

People raise their hands for a showing of who’s come for dental
treatment at the Remote Area Medical clinic.
Bristol Motor Speedway. Bristol, Tenn. May 4, 2013


The New York Times August 2009

INGLEWOOD, Calif. — They came for new teeth mostly, but also for blood pressure checks, mammograms, immunizations and acupuncture for pain. Neighboring South Los Angeles is a place where health care is scarce, and so when it was offered nearby, word got around.


When Remote Area Medical, the Tennessee-based organization running the event, decided to try its hand at large urban medical services, its principals thought Los Angeles would be a good place to start. But they were far from prepared for the outpouring of need. Set up for eight days of care, the group was already overwhelmed on the first day after allowing 1,500 people through the door, nearly 500 of whom had still not been served by day’s end and had to return in the wee hours Wednesday morning.

The enormous response to the free care was a stark corollary to the hundreds of Americans who have filled town-hall-style meetings throughout the country, angrily expressing their fear of the Obama administration’s proposed changes to the nation’s health care system.
End excerpts

Stan Brock appeared at a Congressional Hearing this past week.

Read more after the break below

RAM continues its work, as the Koch brothers funded efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act to the tune of $220 million (plus), Boehner enacted 55 votes to repeal the ACA ($81 million), conservatives and people indifferent to pain and suffering clamor about the ACA. RAM represents a reality in America. A reality of volunteer donors of money and services (Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Dentist and Veterinary doctors).  

Americans without opportunity for medical care is as real as fireworks on the Fourth of July. Regardless of conservative non-support for Obama’s healthcare initiative and despite the GOP former support for forms of universal healthcare, the ACA is making a difference.  A difference that reaches you and me. 

Americans Against the Tea Party

 First quarter reports from several for-profit hospital systems across the country show that the number of uninsured emergency room admissions are seeing sharp declines, particularly in states which chose to expand Medicaid. The CFO of Community Health Systems, Larry Cash, told investors in the company’s first-quarter earnings call on Wednesday that he expects the ACA to cut uninsured admissions by half, from 8% to 4% over the next three years.  He reported that the company has already seen some moderate reductions in such admissions, especially in the states which accepted the option of Medicaid expansion. 
“We believe we have recognized, although on a roughly calculated basis, at least $10 million from the ‘woodwork effect’ [a term coined to describe those who were already eligible for Medicaid but only found out when they attempted to sign up for a plan on the exchanges] and the Affordable Care Act for additional Medicaid business,” He told investors. 
Bill Carpenter, the CEO, said that at this point the effect of the law had been positive and expected and that he thought those positive effects will continue. 
“In the seven states where we operate that have expanded coverage, we saw increasing Medicaid and decreasing self-pay volumes. Increases in Medicaid membership and health insurance exchange participation contributed measurably to our results in the quarter. While we don’t expect additional states to expand coverage in 2014, we’re optimistic that more conversions will occur over time,” he said. 

Lifepoint, another hospital system, reported similar positive effects in its first-quarter earnings call last week and said the where Medicaid expansion had been embraced, the results were the most apparent.

HCA reported that it has seen a 29% drop in uninsured admissions in states which expanded Medicaid while their hospitals in states which declined to do so have seen a 5.9% increase in such admissions.
When people have opportunity for medical services, quite basically they do not show-up at emergency rooms for illness such as the commonly cold. Moreover, for those who care about the less fortunate and Americans deprived of medical services, we now know medical service options are spreading across America.  

Brock’s RAM and the ACA are literally guardian angels in earthly manifestation. Now, let’s see another side of US healthcare. As you review the following meme, think about all you have just read.  

Now, why would Libertarians, the Koch brothers, and conservative America find it within their paradigm, policy and practice to work wastefully and exhaustively against the ACA?

Take a look at The Libertarian Party web page healthcare issues: Linked.

The Libertarian Party


Libertarian Party 2012 Platform

Adopted in Convention, May 2012, Las Vegas, NV

We favor restoring and reviving a free market health care system. We recognize the freedom of individuals to determine the level of health insurance they want (if any), the level of health care they want, the care providers they want, the medicines and treatments they will use and all other aspects of their medical care, including end-of-life decisions. People should be free to purchase health insurance across state lines.

Retirement planning is the responsibility of the individual, not the government. Libertarians would phase out the current government-sponsored Social Security system and transition to a private voluntary system. The proper and most effective source of help for the poor is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals. We believe members of society will become more charitable and civil society will be strengthened as government reduces its activity in this realm.

The Koch brothers, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, (Edward Snowden) are all affiliated with the information posted from the 2012 Libertarian Party Platform. 

Why would any American strive to return the US healthcare system to its greedy, insensitive and denial oriented past?  

Why return the Bush (pharma) Donut Hole to our seniors?  

Why not force Insurance companies to use our premiums with rebate to the insured for non-use?  

Why should women pay more for medical coverage?  

Why would any group of people find fault in assistance to people who have worked beyond their usefulness to corporate America?  

How would could anyone find comfort in Libertarianism and the far-right GOP?

As I perpend the last sentence, I reflect back on all posted above. Stan Brock, RAM, the ACA, lack of remote medical care; I walk-away thinking of the horrors of Charles and David Koch, GOP politicians (to the person) and denial of any form of help for those who are less fortunate.
The Libertarian Party and its strategically successful Koch brother’s Tea Party, and associated sycophant GOP politicians represent great wrongs in our society.

Ultimately, your GOP vote is a vote against the spirit of RAM, a vote against people depicted as recipient of RAM services, and a vote to return to a healthcare system that will deny you at a maximum limit and will deny services based in the many small print passages of your policy.
The TPI salutes RAM and the Patient Protections Affordable Care Act.

Additional Source:

Physicians Crossroads 

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Hannity, Fox News, Bundy As Pioneer For Land-Grabbing Oligarhcs

In Americans Against the Tea Party, Buzz Feed, Cliven Bundy, Howard Kurtz, Koch brothers backed Bundy, Media Matters, Rand Paul, Sean Hannity, The Daily GOP Ignominious on April 28, 2014 at 11:47 AM

Racism has become so mainstream it has (again) ensnared the political propaganda anti-Obama machine called Fox News.

While the issues surrounding Cliven Bundy’s grazing tax evasion spans 20 years, it has apparently become a battleground objective for far-right libertarian oligarchs. Over the course of the past month, Fox News has rivaled CNN’s  uninterrupted coverage of MH-370 via its coverage of BLM’s efforts to assist in forcing Cliven Bundy to pay a million dollars in fines and back taxes. The rounding-up and corralling of Bundy cattle became a literal Cause Celebre for Fox News and certain GOP officials and one “wanna be president” opportunist (eg., Rand Paul).   

Media Matters developed the following graphic to illustrate the scope of Fox News coverage before his racist remarks. Notice the Hannity indicator to the far right of the graphic. 

Media Matters
Watch the last three minutes of a Fox News segment (a full 12:40 minutes) in which Fox News producers, writers and Hannity avoided deep discussion of Bundy’s tax evasion.  Fox segment development appeared to use the first ten miutes of the segment as a lead into Hannity’s closing remarks that embody the essence of Fox News Obama Derangement. Hannity via a camera shot developed for full impact of typical Hannity “I am DA Man” non-verbals spews, a list of Fox News issues with the Obama Administration; not one of the issues has proven to exist with any level of veracity. Yet, Hannity fed sycophants viewers who stay-up late to watch his brand of propaganda. 

The 10 minute setup is classic propaganda and craftily done, I will add.

As the week moved into Bundy’s Saturday afternoon “press conference”, the political landscape changed. Bundy’s via discussion of his ‘tax evasions’ and status as a legitimate “taker”, crossed the line into discussion of Latinos and African-American poor. People who live their lives with a mindset of ‘privilege’ over others cannot disguise their inner paradigms once the mouth opens. Bundy was no exception. Actually, Bundy appeared to have backing well beyond a simple phone call to militia for support in his tax evasion. The anti-US government (despite his frequent brandishing a US Flag) is a flaming racist who spoke about how black people may not have learned to pick cotton, thus their descendants don’t know anything.

When a reporter gives and idiot a microphone idiocy cannot help but ensue. Idiocy when coupled with racism will surely lead to comments such as those from Bundy.  

Since Hannity served as “point position” in leading the Fox News Bundy campaign, the seditious talking-head host couldn’t help, but state his position on Bundy’s comments. He spoke of his contempt regarding Bundy’s racist remarks, while continuing to exhort seditious sentiments for his audience. A more telling reality is the almost nil level of Fox News coverage of Bundy’s avowed racism and associated remarks. 

A funny thing happened this past Sunday, on the way to a new week of Fox News anti-Administration broadcasts.  Someone in Fox News management must have decided to address the network’s lack of coverage regarding Bundy’s racist comments as it gave to Bundy as a Koch brothers functionary.  Howard (Mr. Credible… facetiously) Kurtz offered Fox News viewers criticism of his employer and their choice to shave Bundy coverage after his racially charged diarrhea.

We offer a Buzz Feed analysis of the extent to which Fox News completely avoided “reporting” on Bundy journey into his inner (racist) core.
As mentioned above, the Bundy matter has far deeper roots and fissures than a tax evading racist standing on camera with a dead calf. There are far greater issues beyond Bundy’s indictment of MLK and Rosa Parks. In effort to deflect from his racist rants, the cattleman, actually suggested MLK ‘is not doing his job” if “THOSE PEOPLE” cannot stand to be referred to as a “Negro.”  
After a few days of Bundy as social engineer, we can rest assured the nation’s top libertarian oligarchs would love to have him leave the purview of live cameras and probably would like to have the rancher simply shut-up and go away. Multiple media are reporting, Bundy may exist as the visible pimple of a Koch abscess percolating with a core nucleus of land-grabbing the US West.

Before turning the piece to American Against the Tea Party and Media Matters, I ask a question. When will the US populace grow weary of the Koch brothers and their obvious attempts to establish a US oligarchy in which they will sit as kings?


Koch Brothers Back Right-Wing Militia Terrorists in Nevada Land Dispute (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Two affiliates of the Koch-backed group Americans for Prosperity are working overtime to promote the cause of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who has made violent threats against the federal government and garnered the support of insane militiamen from…

Media Matters
The Money Behind Fox’s Promotion Of Cliven Bundy’s Battle With The Feds

  • BLOG ››› April 25, 2014 4:24 PM EDT ››› OLIVIA KITTEL
    Koch Brothers And Bundy

    Right-wing media have been rushing to distance themselves from the Nevada rancher they’ve spent weeks championing after Cliven Bundy revealed his racist worldview, but two of Bundy’s biggest cheerleaders — Sean Hannity and Fox News — have vested corporate, financial, and political interests in the promotion of Cliven Bundy’s anti-government land ownership agenda.Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy became Fox News’ favorite folk hero after he refused to comply with court orders directing him to remove his trespassing cattle from public land. Hannity and many other right-wing media rallied around Bundy and his armed supporters as they threatened violence against federal law enforcement officials attempting to impound Bundy’s cattle and collect the $1 million he owes in fines and fees after decades of noncompliance with the law.Bundy has said he doesn’t recognize the existence of the federal government nor its authority over the land and has attacked the federal ownership of lands as subverting Nevada’s “state sovereignty.” Hannity has promoted Bundy’s anti-government rhetoric, arguing that the federal government owns far too much land and pushing Bundy’s claim that not only does the federal government not have land-ownership authority but that they don’t need or use the land they claim to own. On the April 23 edition of his show, Hannity attacked the government for owning too much land, agreeing with Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano that they do not have the constitutional authority to own any of the land. Throughout the land battle, Hannity continuously argued that the government is irresponsibly fighting for land they have no intended use for — such as building hospitals, schools, or roads — and should focus their efforts elsewhere to rapists, murderers, criminals, and pedophiles.Bundy and Hannity’s promotion of state ownership of federal lands gives airtime to an issue that conservatives have long been campaigning for but have had difficulty getting voters excited about — an issue in line with the land  interests of the Koch brothers. Slate reported on April 23 that the Fox News corporate, financial, and political interests being served by Hannity’s promotion of Bundy lie in the network’s connection to the Koch brothers:

    Bundy’s anti-federal agenda is closely aligned with that of Charles and David Koch, major Republican donors who have been pushing for states to gain control over federal lands – so they can be sold or leased to people like the Koch brothers in deals.
  • “Feds Turn From Landlords To Warlords”: Koch Groups Back Rancher Making Violent Threats Against Federal Gov’t  
  • BLOG ››› April 11, 2014 12:57 PM EDT ››› OLIVER WILLIS

    Two affiliates of the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity are helping conservative media promote the cause of a Nevada rancher who has made violent threats against the federal government. 

    Continue reading ››› 

    UPDATE: On April 25 the Huffington Post reported that after Cliven Bundy’s racist tirade became public,Americans for Prosperity scrubbed several of their social media posts supporting Bundy. A Media Matters check of the links below from AFP Nevada and AFP Colorado showed that incendiary posts supporting Bundy had been removed from the Internet.

StormFront…. The Webpage of Worldwide Racism, Anti-Semitism and White Supremacy

In Americans Against the Tea Party, ‘Heil Hitler’, Frazier Glenn Miller, StormFront, White Nationalist on April 19, 2014 at 1:40 PM

Almost 100 Recent Murders Tied to White Nationalist Site Stormfront (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Recently, Frazier Glenn Miller (or Cross, as he also calls himself) brutally murdered three people at two different Jewish-related locations in Kansas. While he failed to murder any actual Jewish people, as was his intent, he yelled ‘Heil Hitler’…

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Paul Ryan…Misinterprets, Misleads and Misfires!

In Americans Against the Tea Party, Paul Ryan, The Daily GOP Ignominious on March 4, 2014 at 5:48 PM

No, conservative readers, my use of the words misfires is from a progressive context and has nothing to do with firearms

Paul Ryan Accidentally Proves Anti-Poverty Programs are Effective While Trying to Discredit Them (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

In probably one of the most ironic twists in GOP class warfare politics in recent memory, the 204-page report released by GOP Rep. and former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan this Monday — that was supposed to analyze the results of the Nation…


Corker And The GOP Screw Tennessee!

In ACA, Americans Against the Tea Party on March 2, 2014 at 12:44 PM

Last week I published a piece about the continuing manifestation of GOP malfeasance when applied to the common people. Senator Corker (R) Tennessee clearly showed how misrepresentation and lies benefit those who seek personal power and are willing to spend lavishly to secure their will. It is clear the peopel of Tenessee took a back seat to GOP power-brokers with Corker as the conduit.

While the GOP maintains anti-collective bargaining bedrock position as solidly as its positions on the ACA and civil rights (human rights), voters should recognize the deleterious affect of the aggregate “body of policy” from the party.

Our piece from last week:  Volkswagen speaks out on union vote

RePost.US via Americans Against The Tea Party

Republicans Kill 13,000 Jobs in Tennessee with Anti-Union Vote. (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Executives at Volkswagen met last night to discuss the closure of a plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee after workers there voted to reject the formation of a worker’s council through joining the United Autoworkers Union (UAW). The closure of the plant…

Scott Walker: An Exhibition In Republicanism!

In Americans Against the Tea Party, David Koch, Ed Schultz, Governor Wisconsin, Milwaukee County Executive Office, MSNBC, Scott Walker, Scott Walker (R), The Ed Show on February 23, 2014 at 9:24 PM

“This is an old news story,” he told the Post. “Many of the ones that have been highlighted of late have actually been in the [Milwaukee] Journal-Sentinel and other places several years ago.” Scott Walker (R), Governor Wisconsin.

AP Photo / Jacquelyn Martin

Scott Walker has been the center of negative news since he won his gubernatorial seat in 2010 (inaugurated in January 2011. Almost immediately after this inauguration, Walker embarked on a strategy to reduce the number and influence of public service workers (Democratic voting collective bargaining ) via major statewide cutbacks.

Within the month (February 2011) Scott was phone punked by a radio personality pretending to be David Koch (American uber wealthy libertarian – tea party money-backer – plutocrat).

MSNBC, Ed Schultz, The Ed Show….

The perfect example of how politicians cuddling-up to and massage the egos of their money backers. I doubt there is a better historic example of politician-power money broker “phone carnal groveling.” Walker is the perfect functionary and political tool.

And, his name is bring tossed around as the GOP presidential candidate in 2016! 

As Walker worked to win the Wisconsin gubernatorial seat in 2010, he left this trail of felony acts from his Milwaukee  County Executive Office.

  • Wisconsin appointee Kevin Kavanaugh (R) was arrested for embezzling $42,000 from a veterans benefit organization called Operation Freedom. Kavanaugh had been appointed to run the organization by Republican Scott Walker (R) who was Milwaukee County Executive at the time. Four others were arrested and sentenced as well.
  1. Tim Russell, appointed by Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker (R) as Deputy Chief of Staff and Housing Director pled guilty during Operation Freedom to diverting more than $21,000 to his personal bank account.[203]
  2. Kelly Rindfleisch, appointed by Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker (R) pled guilty to felony Misconduct in Public Office and was sentenced to six months in jail after admitting to campaigning for Republicans while working in Walker’s Milwaukee County office.[203]
  3. Darlene Wink appointed by Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker (R) as Coordinator of Constituent Services, pled guilty to fundraising for Walker’s gubernatorial campaign while working in a County building.[204]

Walker may not have been culpable in moving money around, but it is really hard to fathom total innocence regarding campaign work while serving in county government. Walker validated he will play the game during his extended schmoozing and cowering to the fake punk caller.

It seems Walker cannot escape a trail of ooze comparable to that of a nocturnal snail and the critters slimy silver trial.  

2010 staff convictions passed into neatly wrapped prison terms. Walker barely escaped a state recall vote, and successfully won re-election. His anti-union campaign continued  through the 2012 campaign. Let’s face it, one has to make the Koch brothers happy.  

Read more after break below

Walker’s anti-union activities are under federal investigation  ( more than 27,000 emails and 434 pages of search warrants), and revelations are coming forth.

How about a peep at one email thread. Email traced back to the highest levels in Walkers staff: his chief of staff.

“……mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and have no frigging clue who the r [sic] Daddys [sic] are.”

Rindfleisch's email:
AlterNet Dot Org…..

The emails, released this week, discloses in a six-page email the horror the writer experienced when he woke up from his bizarre nightmare. 
“I am a homosexual, and on top of that with a Mexican boyfriend. Oh, my God … Black, Jewish, disabled, gay with a Mexican boyfriend, drug addict, and HIV-positive!!! 
The email continued, TPM reported, ending with the narrator fearing that he’s also a Democrat. 
“Say it isn’t so!!! I can handle being a black, disabled, one armed, drug-addicted, Jewish homosexual on a pacemaker who is HIV positive, bald, orphaned, unemployed, lives in a slum, and has a Mexican boyfriend, but please, Oh dear God, please don’t tell me I’m a Democrat.”

Ah, the innards of the GOP comes so often. 

Walker fled to the perceived sanctuary of Fox News this morning and ran into an inevitable set of question. Walker typically evade Chris Wallace’s questions about the email with political self-aggrandizing comments (advertisement).

Recently revealed e-mails have embroiled Wisconsin’s embarrassment of a governor Scott Walker in about the same amount of controversy as is traditional for him. In 2010, Walker’s chief-of-staff forwarded a horridly racist e-mail to another staffer…

Waller feels that nothing from the federal investigation will hurt him politically. He has a point. If cowering and groveling to a fake Koch brother and his performance as governor has not hurt him politically he is (shamefully) well within the safe harbor of his party. 

Holy Cow! Watch Fox News Grill Scott Walker To IMPLOSION Over Embarrassing Emails (Video) (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Recently revealed e-mails have embroiled Wisconsin’s embarrassment of a governor Scott Walker in about the same amount of controversy as is traditional for him. In 2010, Walker’s chief-of-staff forwarded a horridly racist e-mail to another staffer…

More Walker email saga

I. Possible Vote Rigging 
II. Priebus does the Koch bidding and leaks primary opponent info to Walker
III. (May have) Directed County Workers to Break the law?

US Terrorism, Facebook And The Tea Party

In Americans Against the Tea Party, Crooks and Liars on February 23, 2014 at 6:18 PM

Americans Against The Tea Party , Crooks and Liars, RePost,US…….

US terrorist plain and simple…….and many Americans would not have shown one degree of apprehension against them for obvious reason. They do not appear as “THUGS.”  I believe you get me drift!

They certainly are not Democrats!
Tea Party-Type Militia Terrorists Used Facebook To Plot Attack Against The United States (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

Homeland Security warned us in 2009 that right wing extremism is on the rise–something we are seeing in recent conservative pushes to overthrow the government. The report stated, among other things, that  “Heightened interest in legislation for…

Do you vote for the same candidates as these people? If so, can I convince you that you may also pose a danger to the nation.