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Archive for the ‘Chauncey Devega’ Category

Ben Carson: GOP "Black" Hearthrob…..

In "The Differentiator", Ben Carson: GOP "Black" Hearthrob, Black "Differentiator", Chauncey Devega, Fred Gildersleeve, Tea Party GOP, We Are Respectable Negroes on April 22, 2014 at 8:27 PM


What we have here is an opportunist. We have a man who has the intellect to know of what he speaks, he journeys down a path strewn with Right-wing demagoguery. If we are to believe he speaks form the heart and his cognitive processes, it is impossible to avoid the prospector of cognitively delusional. Read the words in the meme to the right. Yet, he will appear on Fox news, in fact hired as a contributor last October, and he will do so with facilitating demagoguery. 

Carson is the epitome of people I refer to as: “The Differentiators.” People who align and affiliate  with a political movement and party that has “Circle -The-Wagon” paradigm in a lack of diversity.  Carson like others of the 4% of African-Americans who claim the GOP, seem to exist in life with a focus on differentiating themselves from other black people (both politically and socially).  As matter of discussion, if you know a black conservative who will readily refer to themselves as African-Americansa consider sharing their name. They even differentiate, as Herman Cain, with disavowal of any connection to the land of his ancestors. Cain readily spoke to the conservative Meet The Press audience, in a manner only the Paleozoic ERA GOP and Libertarian would love: “The Differentiator.” If you do not recognize SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas as a “Differentiator,” you should seek a bit of information related to his background and his personal comments of contempt for his life as a black person. 

Carson serves the GOP even more effectively than people like Cain, West and Thomas. Carson is highly educated, a world renowned Nero-Surgeon, and his has requisite phobias coupled with a willingness to go public whenever offered opportunity to spew his views.

Carson’s willingness to perform conservative oratory.


Attacks the ACA with racist Megyn Kelly while invoking Socialism

ObamaCare as “Evil” as Slavery

If you have interest in the phenomena of the Black “Differentiator,” I offer a well developed screed from Chauncey Devega. Chauncey’s screed explores Carson as denizens of an African-American ‘sub-culture’ that clings to conservatism despite evidence the party relishes in their “whiteness.” Their party has exhibited enough racism and racist acts against the nation’s president to span many millenniums; all while providing chapters upon shameful chapters in US History.

Despite Carsons efforts to explain his use of the vulgar analogy of slavery and “ObamaCare,” his heinous and opportunist thought processes must be addressed. 

Ben Carson is the Republican Party’s newest pet black conservative human mascot. He is also a poison pill–like Herman Cain–for the Republican Party.
His role, just like Herman Cain and other black conservatives, is to deflect and distract the public from the reality that the Tea Party GOP is a white racist organization. This is a damn near impossible task given the mountains of evidence that in the Age of Obama, conservatism and racism are one and the same thing. Black conservatives are noble in their efforts to win the approval of their masters on the White Right. 

As I wrote about over at We Are Respectable Negroes and also at Alternet (two pieces that need some of your help in sharing and getting around…good stuff there, we just need to put the lights on that essay) Ben Carson’s politics are especially troubling because of 1) how his opposition to extending healthcare to needy Americans seems to be a violation of the Hippocratic Oath and 2) he enables the big lie among many Republicans and Right-wing talking heads that “slavery wasn’t that bad” with his silly-talk that Obamacare is the worst thing to happen to American liberty since slavery. For anyone to say such a ludicrous thing is awesome in its stupidity.

For a black man to say such a thing is bizarre and sick.

I wonder if Dr. Carson has ever heard of Medical Apartheid and Jim and Jane Crow? What about the lynchings of thousands of black people? Apparently racial terrorism is not as bad as the Affordable Care Act.

The spectacular lynching of Jesse Washington is one of the most discussed and horrific–even among a panoply of human cruelties visited upon African-Americans–lynchings to take place under American Apartheid and the Jim and Jane Crow regime.

I wonder how Ben Carson would answer the following question: Dr. Carson, is what happened to Jesse Washington, with his being burned alive, dismembered, and tortured for hours, as bad as Obamacare in your eyes? I hope that someone gets to ask him such a direct question on TV or radio. The answer would be priceless.

Here is a partial account of that horrific event. How anyone, a black man nonetheless, could say that Obamacare is worse than the decades of lynchings and racial tyranny that typified Jim and Jane Crow is stupefying in its level of self-hate and delusion.

“On May 15, the well-attended trial ended, and in four minutes, the jury reached its guilty verdict. Before the 17-year old could be sentenced, and with little or no resistance offered by any of the various legal entities in the courthouse, several hundred of the onlookers (some brandishing weapons) rushed Washington and carried him out the doors. Outside, a larger crowd waited to beat and castrate him. A chain was thrown around Washington’s neck, and he was dragged to the town square, where he met an immense crowd as well as the pile of dry goods boxes that was to be his end.

By some estimates, up to 15,000 (mostly white, though not exclusively white) people watched the horrible events unfold; without question, Waco’s mayor as well as several other public officials watched from their second-story perch at town hall on one side of the square. Washington was tossed onto the boxes and coal oil was poured over him. The other end of the chain was thrown over what has become known as the Hanging Tree, and the fuel below Washington’s feet was set ablaze. Immersed in the flames, he attempted to climb the blisteringly hot chain multiple times, each time to be lowered back into the cauldron. It’s unclear how long Washington was alive, but the event lasted more than an hour, after which his fingers and teeth were claimed as souvenirs, his body parts were separated from the torso, and the remains of Washington were dumped in a bag so they might be dragged once more through the Waco streets.

Also watching from the mayor’s position was a cameraman who wanted to sell photographs of Washington’s charred corpse as postcards. Fred Gildersleeve snapped a series of images which would briefly make Waco the most shamefully famous city in the nation. Gildersleeve’s work paints a portrait of a town possessed by spite and uncontrolled rage: thousands of white spectators standing about the burning body of Washington from above, then hundreds of blacks gathered around his burned and brutalized remains from ground level. Others took pictures as well, some more disturbing than others.”

White Privilege Kills

In Bill O'Reilly, Chauncey Devega, Fox News on August 8, 2013 at 11:08 PM

CHAUNCEY DEVEGA via We Are Respectful Negroes dot com

White Privilege Kills: Pennsylvania Mass Shooter Rockne Newell is a White Male Domestic Terrorist. When Will White Folks Clean Up Their Own House?

Rockne Newell shot and killed three people yesterday and wounded several others during an attack on a municipal town board meeting in Pennsylvania.

A white man runs amok again. When will the white community have a serious conversation about the violence of its members? Where are the white Don Lemons and white media elites on Fox News and conservative talk radio showing leadership on the frightening trend that is white men committing acts of mass murder and violence in the United States?

White men are approximately 30 percent of the American public, but they account for 70 percent of mass shootings. The pathological mix that is gun culture and imperiled/aggrieved white masculinity is killing people–most of whom are white–yet, the white community looks the other way.

As my Right-wing friends are fond of saying, “what of personal responsibility?”

Of course, when white people commit politically motivated crimes there is no handwringing, introspection, or generalizations made about white folks in mass. As we saw in the aftermath of the Adam Lanza shooting spree, once more the freedom to be white is the freedom to be an individual and to have none of your negative actions reflect anything about the group to which you belong.

Rockne Newell is a terrorist. Instead of labeling him as such, there will be a national conversation about mental illness and how Rockne Newell is just one of the “crazies.” The Right-wing media will try to cast Rockne Newell as an outlier or one of “those people”, i.e. an Obama supporter. Thus, his gun mania murder madness will not reflect poorly on conservatives, the NRA, or the policies which they support that in turn make reasonable gun control laws impossible to enforce.

The other option when faced by white criminals who commit acts of mass violence is for white society to find a way to “otherize” them, transforming them into a type of person who is somehow not really “white” and “normal.” For example, the silly efforts to kick the Boston Bombers out of the family of Whiteness because they are Muslim and from the Caucasus (the very definition of “white” in the pseudo-scientific race business).

Just as Bill O’Reilly and other white elites did in the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin murder case, where they decided to publicly scold black folks and their “bad culture”, we need some black and brown leaders to lecture and truth-tell about the plague of white crime and white domestic terrorism that is imperiling the United States.

Of course, black folks do not have the media platform or authority to lecture white people about the pathological aspects of their culture, or to discuss the reality that is “white crime”, as to do so would be “reverse racism” and unkind to the feelings of White America.

White privilege is killing white people. Yet, they choose to stand mute and silent.

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This work by Chauncey DeVega is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License