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Archive for the ‘Food stamps’ Category

Progressive Centralists: Food Stamps and Related Statistics

In Food stamps, Progressive Centralists, Ron Paul, SNAP, SNAP Assistance on March 22, 2015 at 11:17 AM

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“I was always annoyed with it in Congress because we had an anti-war unofficial group, a few libertarian Republicans and generally the Black Caucus and others did not – they are really against war because they want all of that money to go to food stamps for people here.”

Ron Paul former US Congressman-Texas. 

While politicians and political operatives like Newt Gingrich grease their political skids with dog whistle rhetoric regarding Food Stamps, they know the program benefits without regard to race. They also know million across the nation believe food stamps is a program that offers benefits to black people at a disproportionate rate.

Progressive Centralists


This graphic is shared from other pages; not a PC original. The pie chart shows proposed federal discretionary spending for Fiscal Year 2014. The SNAP food stamp program falls under mandatory spending, not discretionary, and therefore, yes, this meme is technically incorrect on that point. However, it is fully correct on the stated intention, which is that the food stamp program is not what’s causing our budget woes.

In FY 2014, we spent $76 billion on SNAP (food stamps):

By contrast, in FY 2014, we spent $615 billion on defense / military:


WaPo: This Map of the U.S. Shows a State by State Look at Food Stamp Participation

Well,what national subgroups benefit most from SNAP Assistance? 

See additional copy of this chart below.


The Republican 2016 federal budget cuts billions from food stamps budgets while delivering the program to state administration.

So, the GOP has proposed cuts $11 billion from Food Stamps programs.

SNAP (Food Stamp) More Prevalent In Red States! OH, And You Are Not "Lazy!"

In Food stamps, SNAP on March 24, 2014 at 6:13 PM

47.5 million Food Stamp recipients
If you are a regular reader of the TPI, you may have seen the following images before.  It is, however, important to let some less regular readers know the GOP continues to scalpel away at programs that provide benefit for its “Red State” (geographic) base.
The graphics clearly show where Food Stamp use in most prevalent. The second graphic is interactive and allows for close scrutiny of a state-by-state basis.  Checkout your state. 

We assume you are not a food stamp (or SNAP) recipients. If by chance our assumption is incorrect, and you live in a state with high levels of usage, think about the how the GOP serves its constituents.

ChartsBin (Feel free to use this informantion in any form)

Food Stamp Use, by State


The Atlantic

The GOP implies you are lazy if you are receiving any form of government aid.

Yet, you , your neighbor, and probably your family head to the voting booths with each election and pull a level or push a button base on a social paradigm. A social paradigm the GOP manipulates oh so well.

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Al Sharpton, MSNBC Politics Nation, Reminds Of A Political Party Gone Rogue

In Al Sharpton, Food stamps, GOP, SNAP, The Daily GOP Ignominious on March 18, 2014 at 9:54 AM

Deny, deny, deny…Life sustaining benefits to people while placating the Koch brothers. How sad is this man and his GOP? 

How about a quick Politics Nations journey into GOP insanity and insensitivity?

Forty-five percent (45%) of Food Stamp recipients are children. While listening to NPR (yesterday), I heard forty-five (45) million women live at or below the poverty level. Yet, the GOP laden House of Representatives cut SNAP Benefits with more cuts to come.

Many GOP governors are denying medical care benefits via the Affordable Care Act. Bobby Jindal  (R) Governor Louisiana is a prime example, and he denies benefits to his constituents while campaigning against a billboard.

Who votes for these people?

House of OZ Cuts SNAP Funding

In Food stamps, The House of OZ on September 20, 2013 at 10:00 PM

                         Fox News Insider
The Vote
Eric Cantor (Tea Party) House Leader.

“This bill is designed to give people a hand when they need it most. Most people don’t choose to be on food stamps. Most people want a job,” said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) “Most people want to go out and be productive so that they can earn a living, so that they can support a family, so that they can have hope for a more prosperous future. They want what we want.”

How they voted……

Read more at Page Jump below

Cantor’s comments and the vote are as they are. Cantor is a sham politician who earns $196,000 per year as House Majority Leader. Let’s adjust the last sentence. We pay Cantor $196,000 per year. The vote count is as is, but we do not understand the five Democratic “No” Votes.