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Archive for the ‘Michele Brown Bonus?’ Category

TPI Gazette: Racism, Cop Abuse, Ben Carson, What no Trump?

In Ben Carson, Fox News,, Michele Brown Bonus?, Mother Jones, Non-Progressive News, Rand and Ron Paul, Republicans, TPI, TPI Gazette on August 17, 2015 at 4:45 PM

Non-Progressive News

Mother Jones (via The Progressive Mind) delves into the Ron and Rand Paul adviser who would buy an endorsement. If you think money in politics only relates to buying media advertisements and paying staff for legal responsibilities, you should think much deeper. We live with a shadowy and real world of political operatives and dirty-tricksters.  Why  does it not surprise the Pauls would find themselves immersed in one such case?

Feds Say Rand and Ron Paul Aides Planned to Smear Local Pol If Payoff Failed #UniteBlue— The Progressive Mind (@Libertea2012) August 15, 2015

A former president announces he has advanced stage cancer and Fox News writers and producers reach to the lowest level of the gutter to entertain their conservative viewers.

More Fox simply claiming Hillary knew he email “were classified.”  Just state it and it becomes reality. 

Despite Fox’s unfounded speculation, the State Dept. has said the emails were in fact “not marked as classified” and may not actually have been classified at the time.Posted by Media Matters for America on Sunday, August 16, 2015

Strategy: Shout em down to prevent viewers from hearing another view point.  It seems so childlike, but with their audience safely in the sycophant fold Fox News is on safe ground.


Don’t get fooled again.Posted by Democratic Party on Saturday, August 15, 2015 

80 years of Social Security and over a decade of Republicans trying to tear it apart.Posted by Democratic Party on Friday, August 14, 2015

Moderate Republicans; Radical Republican Progressives; Republicans for Responsible Reform…while this particular…Posted by Andrew Rei on Monday, August 17, 2015

The ever-present apology and yet another example of how, in America, the apology has come to serve those who are caught with their pants around their ankles with no viable explanation of why. It is perfunctory and its former aura of intent to abandon undesirable behavior is now nothing more than “get me out of this.”  The following represents the perfect example of an apology to cover being placed out front as an unabashed racist.

NY pizzeria apologizes for promoting racist ‘Pic-a-Nika’ pizza – but some of those ingredients are suspect. Grio fam,…
Posted by TheGrio on Sunday, August 16, 2015

Would you like a quick peep at why some of us absolute abhor cops? 

A “Michael Brown Bonus” ? Posted by Mediaite on Saturday, August 15, 2015

Editor’s Choice (s)

Posted by Larry Parsons on Saturday, August 15, 2015

When it comes to reducing unemployment, who has the more impressive record: Barack Obama or Ronald Reagan?Let’s take a…
Posted by The Rachel Maddow Show on Thursday, August 13, 2015

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