The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Alex Wagner’

Darrell Issa (R) CA, IRS Scandal, SCOTUS, Kochs And Abuse Of The Public

In Elijah Cummings on February 27, 2014 at 2:12 PM

Do you recall the very public 2013 “IRS Scandal?” How about the more than a dozen Oversight Committee Hearings related to the alleged scandal? Did you ever get the impression the hearings became a mere political show sponsored by Darrell Issa (R) CA., in accordance with the promise of thousand of investigations once he took over as Oversight Committee Chair. Issa declared war on the Administration even before he assume the chair seat. The declaration should have set the stage for what was to come. And , yes Issa “Brought it” As some would say. He “brought it to the tune of close to $8 million dollars and has uncovered nothing ore than an agency doing its job. The Cincinnati office use every available indicator to investigate the tsunami of post Citizens United ruling of donation anonymity.  As Issa’s ‘pit-bull’ nonsense continued an IRS Commissioner eventual found and reported progressive groups had also received deep scrutiny. Ultimately, as of late 2013, not one request had been denied

The Issa witch-hunt has accomplished nothing , beyond additional congressional waste of time and valuable federal capital.

Just after the 2010 elections that resulted in a tea party infestation the House of Representatives like a locust infestation, Issa spoke to Politico.

November 8, 2010

Issa told POLITICO in an interview that he wants each of his seven subcommittees to hold “one or two hearings each week.” 
“I want seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks,” Issa said.
Issa’s comments, three days after the 2010 mid-terms, foretold how Issa would go about the business of oversight. When one goes Machiavellian to that extent, a reasonable person should have considered the prospect of digging where there is no gold.  Sadly, serving as the GOP chief (golf) prospector probably led to examples of wishful fabrication. we have evidence Issa’ dogma involved underhanded or quasi-unethical acts outside the purvey of Isaa’s Minority Party Ranking Member, Elijah Cummings. The alleged IRS Scandal is a linchpin example of political party and movement that will stoop to any level to accomplish its mission and satisfy the whelms of its non-elected power-brokers.

A couple of days back, the New York Times published an OP-Ed from Thomas B. Esdall. Esdall effectively address the “IRS Scandal” while delineating exactly why the IRS should have been lauded for doing its job. Early communication about what appeared as a “tea party or 9/12” witch-hunt, subsequent information and data indicates the Cincinnati Office also properly investigate non-conservative organizations applications.

Before the NY Times link, take a look at a Center For Responsive Politics flowchart from the article. 

Click for Larger Version
So you actually believe that all of those end-points and sub-fissures should the tax exempt. Moreover, how about the prospect that people who donate to theses organization have a disclosure requirement? 

Why the I.R.S. Scandal Won’t Go Away

Two points in closing.  Darell Issa’s “pit bull” antics should be curtailed. He is wasting significant amounts of our tax dollars on nothing more than a politically charged witch-hunt. 

We can thank the SCOTUS for the hydrogen explosion-like proliferation of flow charts like the Koch chart posted above. There is no way those organizations are about tax exempt political education (alone). 

Finally, the Cincinnati IRS Office did its job and we should hope that job performance continues. I am afraid the mission has been curtailed; that feeds the Kochs and their mega wealthy plutocratic cabal.

Morning Java: December 1 and 2…And The Awakening ACA Website!

In ACS, Al Sharpton, Chuck Todd, GDP, GOP, MSNBC, Obamacare on December 3, 2013 at 11:17 AM

Enjoy while the caffeine kicks-in!!!!

How about some ACA website updates to go along with your Sumatra,  Kopi Luwak IndonesianKenya AA, Tanzanian, French Roast, Kona Coast, ‘Black Ivory’ [Thai Elephant Dong],  Jamaica Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Costa Rican, Espresso,  Moyobama Peruvian Organic, Indonesian Blend, Coffee Latte, Kauai Blend (often bitter), Colombian Red Lips, or your Folgers 100% Colombian?
                                         Coffees of the World

Since we have been straight forward in criticism of Affordable Care Act implementation, we are compelled to report on progress towards a more functional website and development on back-end issues.  Since, CNN seems “bent” on continuing ACA “gotchas” via various on-air guest and, of course, Fox News continues to develop and broadcast outright lies about the humane law, we are embedding four MSNBC video segments.

The following is an Affordable Care Act video journey through a few MSNBC broadcasts from the first working today of December 2, 2013. The day is significant for one reason only.  It is the day the White House set as a retrench and complete for a much improved ACA website. While we recognize the back-end of the process is not complete, for now people can establish an account, research plans and finalize coverage decisions. And, of course, we recognize the site will have periodic issues.  After all, the website is a government site; not a site developed and run by Pay-Pal, Google, or Amazon.

The video are not, for the most part, short run. If at work consider watching another time, we do not want to lower GDP (productivity).  Or, get your headsets.

Remember, no “screwing – off” at work!

The Daily Rundown, Chuck Todd,

‘Confidence’ grows in health care site  (unable to provide direct link)

Alex Wagner, NOW

Al Sharpton, Politics Nation

“It is starting to work!”….

Chuck Todd, The Daily Rundown,  12.3.2013   (1:37 Minutes)

“Repeal no more?” (unable to provide a direct link) 

We will continue our reports on a law that is as critical to a great society as Social Security and Medicaid.