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Posts Tagged ‘Bridge-Gate’

Video Quick Hits: Christe and Limbaugh

In Al Sharpton, NBC, Politics Nation on January 9, 2014 at 12:23 PM

 We did not have a good day !

Before we get to our salient points, we offer Both John Boehner and Mitch McConnell must have consulted the GOP Playbook on the unemployed. They both mentioned the “J” (jobs) word yesterday.

Now for the quick hits.

According to AL Sharpton’s Politics Nation (and each evening MSNBC News show host) yesterday was simply not a good day for conservative America. Chris Christe’s flatulence is showing via a “WaterGate” like “BridgeGate” scandal that has parked well within the purview of his “picnic basket.” 

Rush Limbaugh took-on our recent dip to severe cold (Polar Vortex) with typical insane rhetoric developed for low information voters (people).  How can people actually listen to Limbaugh as he refutes a weather phenomenon that drove temperatures well into below average less across 85% of the nation?  Well, the demagogue on Clear Channel’s EIB Network has steeped on the toes of a well established and competent weather broadcaster.  Al Roker took Limbaugh to task and he did so very effectively. Roker capped his exposition with a “Stuff It” for Mr. Limbaugh.

First, a 12 minute broadcast about Christe’s scandal. The twelve minute segment is spot-on and worth every second.

Even the normal restrained Al Roker could no longer sit idly by while Limbaugh mocked reality. It is actually tragic more public figures do not take the Right-wing mouthpiece to task.

America’s conservatives are seriously losing it!

Chris Christe’s People Left an Email Trail

In Chris Christe, New Jersey Governor on January 8, 2014 at 5:50 PM

The TPI has avoided coverage of the George Washington Bridge scandal because the issue did not lend itself to any level of certainty regarding Chris Christe’s (alleged) involvement.  We are not a site with writers that number in the dozens, thus we pick of coverage of issues within a narrow scope and issues once we feel certain wrong doing has taken place. 

We have reached the point of certainty with Chris Christie and “Bridge-gate.”  

Since, you may have followed the scandal to a far greater degree than have we, let’s take a four minute video excursions into the scandal. The NJ Dot Com web page offers a comprehensive review of the issue, starting with Christe’s now famous joking and cavalier response to a press question.

Unbeknownst to everybody was working the cones.”  Well, frankly, the joke was actually on Christe.  
Due to his physical make-up, it would have been impossible  to go incognito and “work the cones.

NJ Dot Com (The Jersey) (linked)

Bridge-gate: The George Washington Bridge lane closure controversy

Ledger Live for December 13, 2013 – Ledger Live with Brian Donohue – On today’s episode Donohue dissects the controversy sparked when a close ally of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and top appointee at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey ordered bridge operators to close two lanes of the local entrance ramp to the George Washington Bridge. The closures caused traffic bedlam, the resignation of the official, David Wildstein and a pair of investigations into whether the closures were designed to punish town officials in Fort Lee. (Video by Brian Donohue/The Star-Ledger)
Time has past and the issue has received a shot in the arm via recently discovered (reveled) email. As is becoming an existential realty Mother Jones published a perspective on the issue from the revealing email thread. 

Mother Jones …Linked. If you don’t need “bridge-gate” background you can start your review at the “What’s News Today” Section of the piece. 

If you want to satisfy what has to be peaked curiosity, here is New Jersey Dot Com link to the 22 pages of email; in pdf format. 

If you need a flavor of the email thread and related comments here is a snippet from NBC News.

But the emails threaten to undercut the governor’s strong denial that politics played any role in the closure.  

“Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” Christie Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly wrote to Christie Port Authority aide David Wildstein on Aug. 13, weeks before the lane closures that snarled traffic on the first day of school in New Jersey last fall.  

Wildstein replied, “Got it.” 

The exchange has erupted into a political firestorm for Christie, a top contender for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, because it cuts at key elements of his appeal: his ability to work with Democrats, and his brash style of politics.  

In one of the more revealing exchanges, an unidentified person sent this text message about delayed school buses to Wildstein on Sept. 10, the second day of the lane closures:  

“Is it wrong that I am smiling?” 

 Wildstein: “No.”  

Person: “I feel badly about the kids. I guess.”  

Wildstein: “They are the children of Buono voters.”  

Buono is the Democrat whom Christie defeated in last year’s gubernatorial race.

Now the New Jersey Governor declares  and vows, “Heads will roll.”  Well, let’s explore a bit.

Chris Christe is not the “tough guy” Tony Saprano “goodfella” Some fable.  Chris Christe is not the fair politician Shaquelle O’Neal for some reason insanely stood next to and endorsed for re-election. Chris Christie is the absolute bully who all too frequently verbal charges after women who question him on issues he would rather not address. Christe is also not the humble deferential governor who when he needed federal assistance from President Obama lived for weeks completely out of character.

Christe on Obama shortly before Hurricane Sandy.

Chris Christie Says President Obama Is Not A Leader | News

Christe via the conservative Newsmax.

Christie Says Obama Lacking in Leadership –

He was quite the cavalier bully seeking re-election. Christe’s response to the email revelations.

Governor Chris Christie: This Type Of Behavior Is Unacceptable And I Will Not Tolerate It

  • Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Trenton, NJ – Governor Chris Christie today issued the following statement:
“What I’ve seen today for the first time is unacceptable. I am outraged and deeply saddened to learn that not only was I misled by a member of my staff, but this completely inappropriate and unsanctioned conduct was made without my knowledge. One thing is clear: this type of behavior is unacceptable and I will not tolerate it because the people of New Jersey deserve better. This behavior is not representative of me or my Administration in any way, and people will be held responsible for their actions.”
# # #


Governor Chris Christie: The fact is that the taxpayers of this state have made an enormous investment in these young people, and the question is: do we want to maximize our investment through giving them nothing more than an opportunity? There is no guarantee of success here, and because the DREAM Act has been signed it does not mean that every student who now has the opportunity to go to college will succeed. Some will, some won’t. Some will exceed beyond anyone’s expectations and some not. But our job, I believe as a government, is to give every one of these children, who we have already invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in, an opportunity to maximize that investment for their own benefit, for the benefit of their families, and for the benefit of our state and our country.

# # #
Press Contact: 
Michael Drewniak
Colin Reed

We at the TPI seriously question the veracity of Christe’s statement.

A few points that strike us as unbelievable.

First, Christe has been very uncharacteristically calm and collected regarding the lane/bridge closures. Normally, we would expect on-camera angst towards any accuser and that angst would undoubtedly include name-calling. 

Next, Christe is clearly and unequivocal a bully, as stated above. There is no need to expend verbiage on that point.

A critical point is Christe’s very presence. If is was not directly involved in “Bridge-gate,” (and we believe he was directly involved) his scope of responsibility spans throughout his office. Have you ever known a boss who’s very being permeated across his reports. His reports did not have to hear directly from the Boss on each issue and with each operational direction.  People know what is acceptable, what is expected and they certainly know their boundaries. We are also certain you can without much thought recall employees who spent more of their working lives giving the Boss that which would garner the most praise, the largest raise and that promotion. We are conditioned to do what is necessary to please the Boss. We as employees are also conditioned to know that a berating Boss is not one who accepts going rogue and taking action that affects millions with prior approval.

Didn’t Tony Saprano’s “boys” knew exactly how to make Tony smile? Christe’s effect is little different and his staff knows how to extract the “smile.” 

Before we returning to television fantasy we are looking Al Sharpton guest as they discussed the issue and came to a critical point, “I did not know!” doesn’t fly. The standard counter is “you should have known.” We again posit Christe “knew.” 

If we take this issue to a more macro level, we must ask a question. Hasn’t Chris Christe expressed at least innuendo about running or President of the United States? 

“Bridge-gate” may serve as the saving grace for the GOP and the nation. Christe has serious issues that go well beyond his physical being.