The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Charles Murray’

Paul Ryan Confronted By Constituent!

In GOP, O'Reilly, Paul Ryan, RIck santorum, Santorum on March 21, 2014 at 3:34 PM

On March 12th, 2014, Crooks & Liars and every media other than Fox News an AM talk radio reported on a Paul Ryan conversation on the Bill Bennett Morning America radio show.

Before we link the Ryan/Bennett entertainment for American conservatives, we should state Ryan’s staff came back the next day with: “I was inarticulate.” It took his team the entire evening and well into the night to come-up with a lie as weak as it gets. Ryan was very articulate and detailed in his comments. His 24 hours later attempt to clean-up his racist slime reminds of Rick Santorum’s “BLAH People.” 

Ryan and Bennett, Linked here.
If you listened to the audio, you distinctly heard something that Ryan cannot now wash-off as “Inarticulate.” He cannot disavow his coded intent and he now stands  looking like a conniving bigot caught-up in reverberating “dog whistle.”  

Ryan did exactly what classic butt-suckersderriere vacuums” do, as they attempt to schmooze up to people they hold in higher esteem. He connects Bennett to white nationals/racist Charles Murray via the common “good ol boy” vernacular: “Your buddy… Charles Murray.”  

Two quick points. If you have ever worked in Corporate America, you have heard the vernacular “your buddy” many times.  It is a common “I’M OK; You’re OK” like colloquialism which once used paves the way for communication that follows. Yes, you know my point. Another point of far more importance; Ryan clearly linked Bennett with the racist Murray. Now, one has to wonder in what settings have Ryan come to know Bennett and Murray as “buds?” 

Now, fast-forward to this week and a Wisconsin town-hall meeting. Ryan was confronted by a constituent, who lay a fair set of criticism on the eight term Republican Congressman, and GOP Budget Guru.  

Demo News 

Alfonso Gardner, a 61-year-old African-American man from Racine, Wisconsin, didn’t mince words at a townhall meeting, telling Paul Ryan that, “You said what you meant,” Alfonso Gardner, a 61-year-old African American man from Racine, told Ryan at a town hall meeting. “[Inner city is] a code word for black.”

Although visibly flustered, Ryan remained defiant, “There is nothing whatsoever about race in my comments at all,” he said. He admonished Gardner for drawing a connection between his “inner city” remarks and race. “I think when we throw these charges around, it should be based on something.”…..

We find Ryan’s retort to the confrontation by Gardner typical of GOP back boneless in avoiding willingness to stand tall and defend their frequent cognitive constipation accompanied by verbal diarrhea.

Why did I keyboard Mr. Gardner did a “fair job “of confronting Ryan? I totally admire his confronting the would be social engineering “doctor.” If Gardner had connected his frontal assault while equipped with Charles Murray and Ryan’s mention of the racist, Ryan would have been much harder pressed to wiggle out via accusing Gardner of leveling charges.

Regardless of Ryan’s dodging arrows with weak retorts, he factually uses his soiled and bigoted paradigm to whittle away at programs and services the nation’s poor need to sustain life.

Ryan is your typical GOP millionaire. He has no serious strife in his life, he has no worries. In fact, I doubt very seriously if his life involves any interaction with people of color nor the nation’s poor.

Let’s close with a tribute to Ryan and his GOP with Rick Santorum at the microphone

All great performance deserves an encore. 

Two final points about he tribute to Paul Ryan, How did you like O’Reilly‘s background contributions to Santorum’s tribute?  Also, how often do we have a performance that leaves an indelible mark on US History: “BLAH People.”

Paul Ryan demonized "inner cities"’?

In Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, The Guardian, The Raw Story on March 16, 2014 at 2:32 PM

File:Paul Ryan by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg
Small image of the Day
Image via Wiki Commons: P
aul Ryan by Gage Skidmore

I wondered when Rience Priebus, RNC Chair, would add his ‘snivel to the aftermath of Paul Ryan’s excursion into social engineering/commentary while evoking the writings and ideology of a documented racist: Charles Murray.  

Earlier this week, Ryan joined arch conservative, Bill Bennett on his radio show. While schmoozing up to Bennett and while knowing Bennett’s (I care with my bigoted caveats) belief systems, Ryan showed a deeply troubling inner psyche. We posit he also showed a deep rooted paradigm of many on the Right and a vital social artery of the GOP.

“I care with my bigoted caveats?” 

Yes, those are my words for Bennett’s often appearing to care about issues in the black community while drawing from a thought paradigm and speaking words that seem to emanate from a place of deep deep bigotry.

A peep into Bennett’s bigotry.

The Guardian September 2005 

“Abort all black babies and cut crime, says Republican”


Speaking on his daily radio show, William Bennett, education secretary under Ronald Reagan and drugs czar under the first George Bush, said: “If you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose; you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down.” 
He went on to qualify his comments, which were made in response to a hypothesis that linked the falling crime rate to a rising abortion rate. Aborting black babies, he continued, would be “an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down”. 
The comments brought condemnation from all sides. The White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, said: “The president believes the comments were not appropriate.”

The Guardian also published this correction related to their September 2005 title:

The following correction was printed in the Guardian’s Corrections and clarifications column, Wednesday October 5 2005

The headline above is at odds with the story which makes it clear that the Republican in question, William Bennett, was not advocating such a step. He was speaking hypothetically – describing such a step as, among other things, ridiculous and morally reprehensible. As our report made clear, the offensiveness of his hypothesis drew widespread condemnation.

Regardless of print, publishing and corrections, Bennett’s remarks were over-the-top a ridiculous set of words. The comments actually remind me of cloaked bigotry and racism Rush Limbaugh openly broadcast on a daily basis. 
The Raw Story on Ryan’s remarks from earlier this week.
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) on Wednesday suggested that men in “inner cities” who refused to work were one of the main causes of poverty in the United States. 
In an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett that was first noticed by Igor Volskyat Think Progress, Ryan reflected on his controversial poverty discussion at last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference. 
“We call it a poverty trap,” he explained. “There are incentives not to work, and to stay where you are.” 
Ryan also pointed to the work of Charles Murray, a white nationalist, who has used “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

We have published pieces on Ryan’s cognitive constipation accompanied by oral diarrhea, so we will only comment as follows (at this time). In fairness, a day after Ryan’s revealing oral sphincter failure, his staff released the following words, “I was inarticulate.”
How many hours were spent in emergency damage control strategy meetings to develop such a weak response to his self-inflicted wound revelation?
As stated above, we anticipated comment from Reince Priebus.  It is no surprise the appearance would came via the Sunday Morning conservative communication platforms (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX News, Candy Crowley’s State of the Nation). The following Raw Story piece relates to Priebus’s visit with ABC.

As you read the piece (or view the short video) think about this. Priebus says Ryan was trying to help people.  

Point One: Do you recall the one quip, ” I am from the IRS and I am here to help you.”  Or, my favorite from days of old. “I am form 60 Minutes and only need a minute of your time.”

Point Two: Why do Republican refuse to accept the higher unemployment rate among black people (Not just men) has much to do with white business owner unfair and unequal employment practices?

Point Three:  Despite GOP public aversion to federal spending for human services programs, they attempt to mask their social deficiencies (including bigotry and a lack of cultural awareness and failure to self-reflect on white America) via affixing societal problems on others. Their policies oppress people, yet they find fault in their oppressed victim.

Point Four: Does anyone really believe that Ryan was also speaking about white men who live in the inner city?

Reince Priebus: Paul Ryan demonized ‘inner cities’ to help them (via Raw Story )

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday explained that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) had recently blamed poverty on “inner cities” because he was working hard to help those communities. In an interview with conservative radio host…

Let’s recap your GOP.

  • War on Women
  • Cut SNAP benefits (Children, elderly, low ranking active military, temporary unemployed)
  • Shutdown the Federal Government over the ACA
  • The ongoing Sequester
  • Denial of and cuts to Veterans Benefits
  • Fifty-one (51) repeal Obamacare votes at $1. 6 million per vote equal $81.6 million tax payer funding frivolously wasted for political expedience and placating the Koch brothers.
  • Refusal to adhere to public (91%) desire for background check gun purchases in support of the NRA and conservative values.
  • Voter suppression (Minorities, elderly, college students)
  • “Inner City Men” (cloaked code and a dog whistle) as shiftless and a drain on society.

Who votes for these people?

A Man Who Would Be Vice-President Evokes Charles Murray (Libertarian Racist)

In GOP on March 13, 2014 at 5:08 PM

Yet, he forays into social engineering with a decided slant against people of color (and other “inner city” denizens).
Paul Ryan, November 12, 2012, one week after suffering a defeat by President Obama and the majority of American voters. 

The Caucus, The New York Times.

The surprise was some of the turnout, some of the turnout especially in urban areas, which gave President Obama the big margin to win this race,” Mr. Ryan said in an interview with WISC-TV. “When we watched Virginia and Ohio coming in, and those ones coming in as tight as they were, and looking like we were going to lose them, that’s when it became clear we weren’t going to win.”

A couple of Tweet responses to Ryan’s 2012 post election comments.

“Paul Ryan emerged from dustbin of nothingness 2 blame his & Romney’s defeat on “urban” vote,” one person tweeted. “These 2 losers continue 2 demean minorities.” 


First, let me state we realize “Urban” areas have denizens of all races and ethnicity within racial groups.  Additionally, it is a fact Democrats have a constituent base in urban America, so one could make the case any suspicion of Ryan using a racial dog-whistle across the GOP should tread with caution. Point taken!

Now, as we consider recent comments from Ryan, let’s first take another spin past the Romney/Ryan campaign web site.   

Read more after the break below

Every prospective “urban” voting block was drop-down menu-ed with one exception. Do you see what is missing?

Romney recently commented that he felt he lost the election because of the minority vote.

Romney: I Lost Because Minorities Love Obamacare

Can you believe Romney and Ryan?  Can you imagine each sitting in offices in the White House? Do they seem very detached from reality? 

Let’s now visit with current Paul Ryan and his inner psyche.

Al Sharpton, MSNBC, Politics Nation

The Sharpton segment was a bit long, but ‘point-on.’ No matter the belief system, social paradigm, or false pretense, Ryan’s comments to fellow elitist bigot Bill Bennett speaks volumes about the GOP and many in conservative America. 

Did you notice Ryan’s schmoozing about Bill Bennett’s “buddy”, Charles Murray? Just in case you did not view the Sharpton segment above, we offer a revealing tid-bit about Paul Ryan and his inner psyche. 

The SHAME Project 

  • Murray’s most famous — and notorious — book, The Bell Curve (1994), co-authored with Richard Herrnstein, promoted racial eugenics theories claiming that whites and Asians are genetically superior in intelligence to blacks and Latinos. Like his previous book, The Bell Curve was also made possible by the generous support of ultra-rightwing foundations, including the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation which dished out $100,000 per year as he worked on his book at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, Murray’s home since the early 1990s.
Charles Murray is also a Libertarian. He apparently shares political and social ideology with the Koch brothers. If I my memory serves me well, the Kochs have been reported to fund efforts to segregate school systems in one North Carolina County School System. Murray, Kochs, racist ideology, segregating schools, Libertarian and Paul Ryan combine for a snapshot of modern conservatism that could reach into our future. 

Paul Ryan has serious issues; he is only the (iceberg) tip of a very large and troublesome set of social values well below the GOP surface. If you have a few more minutes, I have posted a piece from The Raw Story.  

Paul Ryan cites ‘white nationalist’ to blame poverty on lazy men in ‘inner cities’ (via Raw Story )

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) on Wednesday suggested that men in “inner cities” who refused to work were one of the main causes of poverty in the United States. In an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett that was first noticed by Igor Volsky…


CNN covered Ryan’s comments this morning with a Host I refer to as “Mr. Conservative.” (video linked below) While hosting and at the helm of the discussion, John King led the intentionally ‘softball’ discussion by noting his upbringing with some dependence on “food stamps.” He took exception to Ryan’s association with Murray on the basis of intellect and being raised poor. I distinctly noticed King avoided discussion of Murray’s philosophies and belief systems on race. My point? If the network was going to report Ryan’s snuggling with at racist (Murrray) while schmoozing with the bigoted Bennet, why not report the issue with full disclosure and discussion. I also noticed the African-American woman on the panel (name escapes me) was particularly subdued and compliant by also not foraying into Murray’s racism and Ryan’s affiliation. 

Oh, the power of the news room manager and producers. As for King; he is known for his tendency to come across as well right-of-center and (well) remembered for his “They were dark skinned men” comments after the Boston bombing.

CNN linked (The first 1:00 minute includes my areas of concern and complaint)

All of the items delineated above point to one significant point. Ryan embodies the exact paradigm that chases people away from Amercian conservatism.  I personally nurture some conservtive views (eg. guns, capital punishment, war when warranted and ultimalety neceasary), but the deep rooted bigotry and closet racism embuded in the GOP is abhorent. 

Romney/Ryan has seince 2012 whined about why they lost the General Election. Why point a crooked finger at minorities (Code for balkc pe[ple and Latinos) while running a campaign commensuarate what I call “The Invisible Negro?” 

Reports have it, he is backing-down some on his conversation with Bennett regarding his mention of Charles Murray. 

“After reading the transcript of yesterday morning’s interview, it is clear that I was inarticulate about the point I was trying to make.” Ryan.

No Paul Ryan, yout point was very clear, concise and from the same school that houses your Ayn Rand beliefs. I suspect Mr. Ryan was on “schmooze control” with Bill Bennett and had not fully grapsed the fully scope of his Charles Murray idol.

The point is, Ryan has a reptuation for coming across as a pathological liar. Should the nation believe his “back-down?” He lied about a record marathon (to be busted by his own brother) and he shameful enacted a camera opportunity when he invaded a soup pantry just before the 2012 and feigned washing pots and pans.  Moreover, he took his family on the unannounced and unapproved invasion of the facility! His wife and children knew those kitchen utensils were clean upon arrival. How is it possible not to question his inner core of values, ehthics and morals?  

And, to think, he would have served as a US Vice-President along with the equally indifferent and uber wealthy Mitt Romney as president.  Are you good with your 2012 vote?

Remember “isms” travel in bundles. There may be an “ism” that fits you like a glove. The GOP will find it!

Additional links: