The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Food stamps’

SNAP (Food Stamp) More Prevalent In Red States! OH, And You Are Not "Lazy!"

In Food stamps, SNAP on March 24, 2014 at 6:13 PM

47.5 million Food Stamp recipients
If you are a regular reader of the TPI, you may have seen the following images before.  It is, however, important to let some less regular readers know the GOP continues to scalpel away at programs that provide benefit for its “Red State” (geographic) base.
The graphics clearly show where Food Stamp use in most prevalent. The second graphic is interactive and allows for close scrutiny of a state-by-state basis.  Checkout your state. 

We assume you are not a food stamp (or SNAP) recipients. If by chance our assumption is incorrect, and you live in a state with high levels of usage, think about the how the GOP serves its constituents.

ChartsBin (Feel free to use this informantion in any form)

Food Stamp Use, by State


The Atlantic

The GOP implies you are lazy if you are receiving any form of government aid.

Yet, you , your neighbor, and probably your family head to the voting booths with each election and pull a level or push a button base on a social paradigm. A social paradigm the GOP manipulates oh so well.

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Al Sharpton, MSNBC Politics Nation, Reminds Of A Political Party Gone Rogue

In Al Sharpton, Food stamps, GOP, SNAP, The Daily GOP Ignominious on March 18, 2014 at 9:54 AM

Deny, deny, deny…Life sustaining benefits to people while placating the Koch brothers. How sad is this man and his GOP? 

How about a quick Politics Nations journey into GOP insanity and insensitivity?

Forty-five percent (45%) of Food Stamp recipients are children. While listening to NPR (yesterday), I heard forty-five (45) million women live at or below the poverty level. Yet, the GOP laden House of Representatives cut SNAP Benefits with more cuts to come.

Many GOP governors are denying medical care benefits via the Affordable Care Act. Bobby Jindal  (R) Governor Louisiana is a prime example, and he denies benefits to his constituents while campaigning against a billboard.

Who votes for these people?

House of OZ Cuts SNAP Funding

In Food stamps, The House of OZ on September 20, 2013 at 10:00 PM

                         Fox News Insider
The Vote
Eric Cantor (Tea Party) House Leader.

“This bill is designed to give people a hand when they need it most. Most people don’t choose to be on food stamps. Most people want a job,” said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) “Most people want to go out and be productive so that they can earn a living, so that they can support a family, so that they can have hope for a more prosperous future. They want what we want.”

How they voted……

Read more at Page Jump below

Cantor’s comments and the vote are as they are. Cantor is a sham politician who earns $196,000 per year as House Majority Leader. Let’s adjust the last sentence. We pay Cantor $196,000 per year. The vote count is as is, but we do not understand the five Democratic “No” Votes.

Food Stamps Anyone?

In GOP on August 27, 2012 at 7:50 AM

Well, yes on a per capita basis black recipients will show as the largest recipient group, but in pure numbers the view is very much contrary to popular belief.

These folks are a hidden time-bomb that could blow on the GOP’s use of ‘code’.

The shame and pride of joining food stamp nation

In Uncategorized on February 5, 2012 at 1:30 PM writer, Christopher Cook takes us into a world of which none relish living. Those who have lived there on a long-term basis will generally tell you, they would rather have it different. But, they do not have that “difference,” in their lives. Those who have been forced to live there based on the economy, struggle to live until life for them changes for the better.

A sad side-show on the topic of Food Stamps, some are now using food stamps for political gain: rhetoric and positioning. They are the evil ones.
I went on food stamps
Another food stamp resident (Credit: AP)

The shame and pride of joining food stamp nation

For me, signing up for the most stigmatized benefit felt like a defeat and a victory

The shame and pride of joining food stamp nation

Food Aid (AKA Food Stamps) for the Wealthy?

In Dick Armey, GOTP, Kochs on December 20, 2011 at 8:48 PM

The GOP has taken to ‘Political Obstructionism’ top the level of astronomical.  Since, President Obama took office in January 2009, the Right-wing political machine has churned into states of frenzy unequaled in U.S. politics.  After Senate Minority Leader McConnell of Kentucky declared first-line of business would be to make sure Barack Obama would only serve one term, he was surpassed (on Healthcare reform) by the inimitable DeMint of South Carolina.  Obama’s Waterloo”.

Their strategies and unparalleled financial support from the likes of the Kochs paid off in “Tea Party-ism”.

 “Tea Party-ism“: A false political movement developed by the Koch Brothers, Dick Armey, Freedom works, Americans for Prosperity to foster political leverage focused on the 2010 Elections.  The movement espoused a belief and commitment to, lower taxes, reduced   spending, “taking their country back”.  I would be seriously remiss if I did not   write  about a periphery of the Tea Party consumed with bigotry and racism; as shown by placards and signage  I am certain you saw as clear as day and night. Oh, lest we forget about David Duke’s, Grand Dragon of the modern-day Ku Klux Klan,  video affinity for the Tea party.

YouTubeDavid Duke (10 minutes long, only linked to refute naysayers)

“… foster political leverage focused on the 2010 Elections.”  The Tea Party was effective in winning a majority in the House of Representatives, almost won a majority in the Senate and has infested many state government.  The Tea Party strategy was effective. Obstructionism abounds!

But, there is something very horrid brewing across the land; a phenomena new to US society and state of life that will not bode well for those who have to live it.  Large numbers of people who formerly considered themselves wealthy have fallen victim to eight years of Bush-ism and three years of Obama battles to reverse the Bush-ism.   Those poor victims are finding themselves seeking food aid (AKA.. food stamps by 99 % ers).

The Washington Post reports…..

The percentage of U.S. households using food stamps more than doubled in six of the nation’s 10 wealthiest counties as more residents find themselves out of work and unable to sell their homes. The increase among counties with more than 65,000 people was greatest in Hunterdon County, the Census Bureau reported.

“Sometimes people will come in a Mercedes,” said Gina Davio, program director of social services at Fisherman’s Mark, a nonprofit group in Lambertville, a city of 3,900 on the Delaware River. “Sometimes they come in nothing but Ralph Lauren, but you never know: That may be all they have left.”

In Hunterdon County, the number of households enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the $75 billion federal system widely known as food stamps, increased to 1,424 in 2010 from 232 in 2007.

Neighboring Somerset County, where the late Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis hunted foxes on horseback and the Far Hills steeplechase is a highlight of the social season, increased its caseload by more than threefold, to 3,777 from 1,237. That county, a 45-minute drive from the Lincoln Tunnel to midtown Manhattan, has the country’s eighth-highest household income, at $94,270. Morris County, 10th in the national income ranking and home to Gov. Chris Christie, more than doubled its food-stamp enrollment, to 4,076 cases from 1,680.

In the Washington area, food-stamp usage more than doubled in Loudoun and Fairfax counties, the two wealthiest in the nation.
From 2007 through 2008 
From 2000 through 2010

Wow, ‘say it ain’t so”!

 People who are accustomed to living as 1 % ers are starting to suffer along with millions who are scourging around for a decent life?  One has to wonder how these people now feel about cuts to entitlement programs, cuts to state aid, cuts to human services programs. The latter group comprises the third highest federal cost year to year. while on this point, the next logical curiosity is are these voters feeling voters remorse. of course, among the ranks are people who voted for President Obama. I have to believe, however, that many also voted to infest our federal legislative with Tea Party ‘plants’. Plants who are driven  by  their  false  belief  that they are legislating to benefit the nation.

The nation’s economy will not improve with continued obstructionism from the Right.  Politics aside, the Right must allow the pesident and his team to work towards improving our economic lot. A perfect example was GOP restrictions on the President’s stimulus package. They held the package to $845 billion vs. the $1.3 Trillion requested. Can either of us sit in comfortable assurance the additional $400 to $500 billion might not have helped significantly. Despite GO talking-points about ‘zero’; jobs created by Obama, factually the number is 2,500,000 million jobs.

Well, we have the wealthy starting to feel it. Maybe, suffering 1 % ers, could have impact on the Obstructionism from the Right.

Delivering a Waterloo and ensuring a one-term presidency, seems to be much more important than improving the lives of the citizenry.