The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘George Will’

George Will Speaks To Bigotry Against The LGBT From His New Fox News Platform

In George Will, LGBT on March 2, 2014 at 12:05 PM

Image via Media Matters

If you need any additional reasons for George Will taking his bigotry and racism to Fox News, the Raw Story has captured it all.

Will exemplifies life in America that some call “white privilege.” He cannot accept LGBT people as human beings, just as Western Hemisphere capitalist gave no quarter to consideration of Africans as human beings (as human chattel became an industry). He reminds of the anti-human rights initiatives from Andrew Johnson immediately upon the death of Abe Lincoln. Existentially, Will comes across as southern (Democratic) segregationist. The “Democratic segregationist” in there to ward-off the silly and shallow argument about how the Republicans saved the day for US Slaves and the Democrats fought for segregation.

The GOP is not the party of Abe Lincoln and the Democrats are damned well not the party of 1950/60s southern governors and legislators.

George Will should accept criticism as that of a major US bigot “Par Excellence” and Will, on the other and, should be commended for fulfilling his newly anointed role on the network for the racist and bigoted Right. 

The Raw Story…..

George Will: It’s ‘not neighborly’ for LGBT people to ask for equal rights (via Raw Story )

Fox News contributor George Will on Sunday said that LGBT people deserved equal treatment from businesses, but they were “not neighborly” and “not nice” for fighting for those rights. During a panel discussion on Fox News Sunday, host Chris…

Peggy Noonan Deflects From Income Inequity to ObamaCare! WOW!

In George Will, Income inequity on January 6, 2014 at 2:13 PM

….did you know that the average CEO’s pay is 1,039 times more generous than that of the average worker? 


Morgan is the editor of Co.Exist.

The conservative joins other conservatives in “WE DO NOT CARE.”
After a while conservative pundit resistance to matters important to the nation becomes an indication of various cognitive abnormality and extreme insensitivity mixed with over-the-top short-shortsightedness. 

Highly compensated pundits appear of the network and cable Sunday morning news talk shows as reliably as the 24 hour clock. A better analogy would be the likeness and reliability of conservative pundits (on Sunday morning) and their unyielding support for protecting the current tax structure; thus protecting the earnings power of the nation’s Top 20 percent income earners. Earning power that contributed one such pundit’ active  deflection this past Sunday.

Pundits like Peggy Noonan (in all of her splendid self-aggrandizing elitism), George Will (Fox News’s newest propagandist) and Charles Krauthammer (Pulitzer-Prize winning demagogue), are contracted for appearances Sunday, after Sunday.
 They offer constant feed for people who thrive on anti-Democratic/anti-Obama rhetoric and they do so with the most acute examples of stubbornness and zaniness imaginable. Their harm to the nation and efforts to provide a better life for allow Americans is suppressed only be the ridiculousness of networks who have the demagogues contracted each Seventh Day.

Media Matters published a detailed review of guest on the Sunday Morning shows. The review reflected results that shouldn’t surprise.  Not only do certain networks book a preponderance of conservative guest, they almost exclusive book white males. The Media Matters review spanned the first three quarters  of 2013 (illustrated as September = Q3). Pay particular attention to the graphic illustration of Q3. 
It is obvious the major networks booked pundits and surrogates to leverage viewership incited by the implementation of the “Affordable Care Act (ACA). The October 1, 2013 open enrollment date and complete and utter failure from the HHS (and the Administration) via providing a website tool to facilitate enrollment, was a literal gold mine for the graphed networks. How best to garner viewers, book guest who are dogmatic in their opposition to  the ACA?   

Those same networks become booking bastions for white males in the very same manner the GOP reflects a 92% white membership. The Libertarian Party reflects similar racial demographics. 
Both parties/political ideology are also as male dominant as conservative and GOP ideology and practice as exemplified by the ongoing GOP War on Women. A War on women that focuses almost exclusively on unmarried, younger (than aged 50) women. We shudder to think of why married older women march in “lock-step” with their husbands in obvious indifference to equal rights for women (i.e., equal pay, health services for the child bearing women, unemployment payments etc.). We actually know why the dynamics exists, but do not care to pursue our opine in this screed.

We Digress! The real danger in Network facilitation of right-wing ideology strikes at teh core of out future. 

Over this past weekend CBS occupied a seat with one of the most pompous right-wing pundits alive: Peggy Noonan. CBS broke the predominance of white males, but got the very same twisted right-wing dogma as that spewed by dominate party white males.  It is important to note, Noonan earns a hefty paycheck from the Ruppert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal. Therefore, we should expect no less than delivery of extreme Right dogma for the CBS audience. 

We offer one additional fact, before moving to the inimitable Noonan. Since, Noonan posited about income disparity/inequity (an Obama 2014 focus and a sure State of the Union Speech item) as a strategy to take the nation away from the failures of “ObamaCare.”

Noonan spews “hopeful” Right-wing anti-ACA talking points embodied in one (without any credible basis) statement.

While we certainly cannot assume the ACA( AKA ObamaCare) will not suffer reality setbacks in 2014. We posit the Administration has dealt effectively with setback since October 1, 2013, and we assume any glitches will be address similarly).  How can pundits like Noonan secure air-time to spew pure hopeful rhetoric without counter probing for details vs. GOP “playbook” Mantra? Why can’t host ask about the nine million (reported) benefactors of the law? Why can’t a host try this, “What happens to the medical coverage fore nine million reported ACA benefactors?” Now, how hard was that? Put them on the spot vs. providing a ideology platform that cannot help, but influence minds.
Media Matters…

Noonan responded to host Bob Schieffer’s question about why Democrats were focusing on income inequality and increasing the minimum wage by claiming that they “need to change the subject” away from Obamacare:

NOONAN: [Obama] does not want to talk about Obamacare. It is widely assumed that in 2014 the bad news of Obamacare, the dislocations, the lost coverage, the price hikes, the premium hikes, et cetera, et cetera, that all of this will continue. It’s not the website. The website is the old story. It is the program. It will unveil over the next two years and it’s going to be problematic. The president does not want to talk about it. The Democrats do not want to talk about it. Therefore,  income equality, minimum wage, et cetera, et cetera. They need to change the subject.

Linked video; CLICK and scroll-down

Noonan also dropped a bomb via labeling newly elected Mayor of New York a Sandanista. While, she quickly attempted to rephrase the remark, I have little doubt the mission was accomplished. You can rest assured her words will surface in right-wings memes, websites and probably some host of Fox will share the B/S.

We should not expect better from Noonan regarding incommode inequity. she served in the Reagan Administrations, we we suspect remains dogmatic about “trickle-down” economics.

Maybe, Noonan,s lack of regard for the less economically privileged has deep conservative roots. the real question is how can CBS continue to pay her a hefty paycheck to show-up on Sundays with GOP ‘playbook”; B/S that literally makes no sense at all. On top of her flawed punditry, viewers are forced to tolerate her over-the-top pompous non-verbal demeanor.

Reagan’s “Trickle-down”…did not trickle! Noonan was there!

Noonan was there!

How crass to deflect from income inequity at a time when her party is denying unemployment payments to millions?

Income inequity…

CNN 2010 segment 1:00 minute: Linked

RT Network 2010 segment 5:26 minutes: Linked

We linked the two links above due solely to the timing of the broadcast. Obama has only just begun to speak about income inequity. We suggest the two links and Noonan’s inane deflection (to OBamaCare) reflects the shallowness of counter progressive arguments from the Right.

Surely Noonan is aware of The Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality study. The following infographic–by Kristy Tillman for Objects in Repeat–explains 15 different facts about American inequality that might tweak your worldview a little. 

Larger Version: Linked (CLICK again image after large version)

CBS should seriously consider re-formatting its revenue model to include credible sources of information and credible pundits (or more balanced pundits) for sharing information critical to the nation’s economic and social health. Simply booking guest to spew GOP ideology or guest to refute the GOP demagogues may garner revenue, but falls well shy of journalistic social responsibility. 

We would not expect Noonan in any way to agree to intelligently discuss income inequity (Or for that matter national healthcare), but we should expect surface efforts to deflect from a critical issue would be mitigated.  Bob Schieffer’s responses to Noonan were proper journalistic probing and retort, but even he pulled-up shy of fully challenging the propagandist. If challenged with demeanor and comment denoting pundit lunacy, these people will restrict their insanity to Fox News, and the new CNN.

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Republican Racism On Front Street and Overt!

In Beck, Coulter, George Will, Hannity, Limbaugh, Maulkin, MSNBC, The Ed Show on August 26, 2013 at 7:54 PM

Bobby Jindal within the past year. Stand by for Bobby Jindal today!

How can we expect different from the sycophants who support these people and who go to the polls and vote them to public office? Of course, George Will is not a politician. He is however, a most esteemed and supposedly learned conservative. His comments in the following clip places my use of the word “esteem” in question. His comments are comparable to looking up to a street gutter. George Will stands along side the far less intellectual yet equally guttural Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Coulter, and Maulkin.

MSNBC’s The Ed Show is BACK..and hitting on all Cylinders.  Watch conservative racism and propaganda and analysis that places it all in perspective.

  Ed’s “Pretenders.” 


If the overwhelmingly racist Colorado legislator possessed a modicum of intellect and knowledge, she would recognize the danger in laying “Sickle Cell anemia” and other disease endemic to the black community of diet influenced DNA.

She might recognize that far more white people eat fried chicken and Bar-B-Que then her mind comprehends.

She might also recognize that she speaks as the classic ” white supremacist” and one who exercises white privilege without batting an eye.

Racism is alive and very healthy in the GOP! 

…..And The Band Plays On……

George Will takes on the "Trump’ Card"

In Uncategorized on May 29, 2012 at 11:41 AM

They really do deserve each other! 

Mitt Romney is about securing as many endorsers as possible is an effort to secure the nation’s vote in November 2012. Well, of course, so is the President of the United States; with one exception. He does not need public endorsements to the level of his opponent; the benefit of incumbency.

All is fair in politics and war, correct? Well, sort of correct anyway. How many times during the 2008 Election did candidate McCain distance himself from Evangelical preachers? Obama also placed ground between himself and the Conservative ‘trumped’ up Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Wright was not an endorser of candidate Obama, but their past certainly became an item for a short period of time. Let me correct last. Their past church pastor/congregation member, continues to be an item for some on the Right, who earn money via efforts to defeat the president or from the true whack jobs like Sarah Palin. Of course, Palin feeds opportunity to earn money via her remarks and she also qualifies as a political whack-job.

Mitt Romney has a dual problem with endorsements: he needs popular (with his base) faces and he needs money for his campaign hoppers. Donald Trump endorsed Romney towards the middle of 2011. Now, it is time for Trumps endorsement to convert to cash dollars ,first, and fan votes second. After the Obama George Clooney home affair and the resultant $16 million dollars haul, Romney is within his right mind to seek similar opportunity. If fact, he would be of unsound mind to pass-on an opportunity to use celebrity for fund raising.

The opportunity pales as Romney moves towards his Las Vegas fund raiser with Donald Trump. First, Las Vegas is not exactly a location common to Mormon Church fundraisers, now is the use of alcohol associated with anything Mormon. Once,t eh Mormon church invested in the purchase of WalGreen’s stores (non-franchised stores), the alcohol aisles were the first to shut-down. But, as I said above, “all is fair in politics and war”. Second, Donald Trump is nothing more than a showman of the caliber of storied P.T. Barnum or Don King (the boxing promoter). Trump will say and do just about anything to fulfill his role as contributor to the Romney campaign. Examples of his penchant for uncensored and inane utterances is his claim that he would be the best candidate for VP on the Romney Ticket. Another case of outright disgust and contempt; Trumps continued ‘promulgation of ‘birtherism’ against the seated President of the Untied States of America. Trump is not a stupid person, despite George Will’s labeling him as having a low IQ. He knows the ‘birther’ stuff is  nothing more than opportunity to attract the attention of those who cling to the president’s race and an irritant.

Did I write above that George Will referred to Trump as having an Intelligence Quotient issue?

Selected excerpts….

ABC News’ George Will criticized Donald Trump’s role in Mitt Romney’s campaign on Sunday’s “This Week,” calling the real estate mogul a ”bloviating ignoramus.”

 “I do not understand the cost benefit here,” Will lamented. “The costs are clear. The benefit — what voter is gonna vote for [Romney] because he is seen with Donald Trump. The cost of appearing with this bloviating ignoramus is obvious it seems to me.” His fellow panel members laughed at the remark. 
Will continued, “Donald Trump is redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low and you can still intrude into American politics. Again, I don’t understand the benefit. What is Romney seeking?”

Bloviating?  Dictionary Reference Dot Com defines the word as:  to speak pompously.  Intelligence Quotient? I think Will’s comments in that regard do not require additional comment.

the link article is a neat and very short read. You might find it interesting. It struck me as “dead-on”.

If fact, and due to earlier comment, I think I will bring this screed to a close. We know why Romney is snuggling up with Trump. We also know that Rump works to soak-up the camera like a Sahara Desert Sponge in a rare rain storm.