The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘RT’

Television News Takes Intriguing Twists: Russia Television (RT) and CNN

In CNN, RT, Russia Television on March 6, 2014 at 11:09 AM

Two Russia Television (RT) hosts have expressed serious objection to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

There are no surprises here, but I love the essence of what is captured in the following video segments. Women television personalities (News hosts or reporters) appear to stand much taller than their male cohorts regarding issues related to Ukraine.  I do not make RT regular viewing; my infrequent visits have found only women reporters, so my complimentary observation might be a bit jaded by RT hiring practices. Nonetheless, these women have stood tall, when I only hear reluctant or carefully worded comments from men. The dynamic is particularly noteworthy as there has to be men employed by RT who feel same as Martin and Wahl.   

One host has actually resigned from the Kremlin sponsored television network (see broadcast below).  Neither host is native to Russia. They are Americans employed at the network. Wahl has indicated ancestry who emigrated from the old Soviet Union.

The third segment involves CNN Host Wolf Blitzer and CNN correspondent Christine Armanpour. The CNN on-air interaction ended well, but the more global (non-American media perspective) Armanpour and her delivery of her point are worth the viewing time.
Russia Television (from Washginton DC)
Abby Martin
The Mashable published a piece on Ms. Martin’s comments the Russian invasion. 
RT anchor Abby Martin spoke out against Russia’s military action against Ukraine during broadcast on Monday. 
“Just because I work here, for RT, doesn’t mean I don’t have editorial independence and I can’t stress enough how strongly I am against any military intervention in sovereign nations’ affairs. What Russia did is wrong,” she said at the end of RT’s Breaking the Set.
“I will not sit here and apologize or defend military aggression,” she said. 
She goes on to blast the media for their coverage of the situation in Ukraine. “Furthermore, the coverage I’ve seen of Ukraine has been truly disappointing from all sides of the media spectrum, and ripe with disinformation,” she said.

Huffington Post                             
                                 Liz Wahl

(RT) “……..whitewashes the actions of Putin.” 

“Personally I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin,” Wahl, a Washington, D.C.-based correspondent for Russia Today, said. “I’m proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth and that is why after this newscast I’m resigning.”

Earlier today, RT pulished an OP-ED (RT- OPR-edge) that is almost unbelieveable: About Abby Martin, Liz Wahl: Media Wars. It seems things are falling apart at RT- America

CNN’S Blitzer and Armanpour spar a bit.  

Longer version linked, here.

All is well that ends well! 

Compliments to Martin and Wahl; hope CNN writers and host are a bit more together on how CNN segments are presented.

A question that you the reader cannot answer. “Why do you think the soldiers inserted in the Ukraine are being portrayed as “NOT” Russian? I believe some are even speaking about being Russian as they small talk with reporters.

White Supremacist Neo NazisTo Takeover Small Town (Video)

In MSNBC, RT on September 24, 2013 at 1:00 AM

Image from user@uneditedmedia
Image from user@uneditedmedia
        Protesters outside the Leith City Hall where NSM leader Jeff Schoep addresses a meeting devoted to turning Leith, population 24, into a stronghold against multiculturalism. (Image from user@uneditedmedia)  Image from user@uneditedmedia  

Protesters outside the Leith City Hall where NSM leader Jeff Schoep addresses a meeting devoted to turning Leith, population 24, into a stronghold against multiculturalism. (Image from user@uneditedmedia)

Linked full clip. Excuse Trenders #3 and Trenders #2. those segments are outside of the theme of this post.
Full Link: Trenders #3 and 2# not part of this piece please ignore those segments

Walter Block, Russian Television, and Slavery!

In Uncategorized on September 24, 2012 at 6:34 PM

Russia Television (Fox News, Russia Style)

Only in America can one find people who feel the institution of ‘forced immigration’, human bondage, and ‘free will to do as one pleases with his property, (AKA slavery) was a Utopian state of being for “black people”.

An even more intriguing and, frankly, racist perspective is, the amount of such demagoguery, in the public domain since Barack Obama become President of the United States of America.  Where were all of the ‘white slavery rationalizers’ before January 20, 2009?  Moreover, what credible network would invite a ‘quack’ like the guy depicted in the following video to sit in front of a broadcast camera?  Have we dredged the bottom of the cesspool of economists who have no business dabbling (thinking nor positing)  in social science or human psychology? Your answer, look to very near left of the speakers name. The word Moscow 0050 interchanges with flashing Greenwich Mean Time indicators.

You will notice the moderator introduces the segment as light-hearted , “a good day to have an open mind and philosophical discussion, don’t you think. Because Occupy Wall Street is again protesting…….”.  Again, I ask what is it about the institution of human ownership lends itself to discussion of Occupy Wall street protests? What is with people without family history of human bondage would breed thought processes and an educational foundation for an economist like Block? You may notice the moderator’s obvious uncomfort with the nature and scope of Blocks opining.  (full interview linked below)

If you want the entire 28 minutes viewing of pure insanity and uncredible postulating, click here.

Let’s leave the asininity of the speaker’s erratic, spastic and illogical remarks for bit.

My curiosity about the network was satisfied after a quick Google search. (links appear as blue text)


RT (TV network)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

RT, also known as Russia Today, is a government-funded autonomous, non-profit[1] global multilingual television news network based in Russia. It was founded in 2005 as Russia Today by the government-owned[2] news agency RIA Novosti “to become a sort of Russia’s BBC“.[3] 
RT shows round-the-clock news bulletins, documentaries, talk shows, and debates, as well as sports news and cultural programs on Russia. The service is aimed at the overseas news market and broadcast through 22 satellite and 230 cable operators throughout the world. In addition to its English-language broadcast, it also runs Rusiya Al-Yaum, an Arabic languagechannel, and Actualidad RT, a Spanish-language channel. It also runs a documentary channel. RT has 21 bureaus in 16 countries, with “presences” in Washington, D.C.New YorkLondon,ParisDelhiCairoBaghdadKiev and other cities. It employs over 2,000 media professionals worldwide. It broadcasts to 430 million people in over 100 countries. RT America is available to 50 million people in the United States.[4] 
RT is the second most-watched foreign news channel in the United States, after BBC News.[5] The network’s YouTube channel has gained over 700 million views.[6]

Excerpt …..

Allegations of pro-Kremlin bias

After the announcement the station would be launched, the U.S. government-operated VOA interviewed Anton Nosik, chief editor of, said the creation of Russia Today “smacks of Soviet-style propaganda campaigns” and that “that the channel was not created as a response to any existing demand.”[25] Similarly a representative of Reporters Without Borders called the newly announced network “another step of the state to control information.”[26] 

In 2007 Der Spiegel criticized Russia Today for running an advertising campaign “peddling the softer side” of former Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin.[27] In 2009 Luke Harding in The Guardian described Russia Today’s advertising campaign in the United Kingdom as an “ambitious attempt to create a new post-Soviet global propaganda empire,” and wrote that the network promoted an “unashamedly pro-Vladimir Putin view of the world.”[28] Harding has described RT as “the Kremlin’s English-language propaganda channel, whose mission is to accuse the west of hypocrisy while staying mute about Russia’s own failings.”[29] And James Kirchick in The New Republic criticized the network as presenting ” often virulent anti-Americanism, worshipful portrayal of Russian leaders, and comical production values,” writing it can be “relied upon to repeat Kremlin talking points.”[30] In 2010 Masha Karp wrote in Standpoint magazine that contemporary Russian issues “such as the suppression of free speech and peaceful demonstrations, or the economic inefficiency and corrupt judiciary, are either ignored or their significance played down”.[31] 

A 2011 article by Accuracy in Media criticized RT as a “propaganda network funded by the Moscow regime of Vladimir Putin”, and quoted former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky who call it “a part of the Russian industry of misinformation and manipulation”.[32] And Andrew Osborn in the London Daily Telegraph described RT as “the Kremlin’s slavishly loyal English-language propaganda channel”.[33]

Coverage of conspiracy theories and interviews with extremists

The Economist magazine, which classified RT’s reporting as “weirdly constructed propaganda,” has suggested that the channel has provided a platform to conspiracy theorists.[34] The Russian-born American writer Julia Ioffe has said that Russia Today, in attempting to feature “an alternate point of view, it is forced to talk to marginal, offensive, and often irrelevant figures who can take positions bordering on the absurd” including someone who asserts “that the CIA is testing dangerous drugs on unwitting civilians”[citation needed] and also “the ‘Truther‘ claim that 9/11 was an inside job makes a frequent appearance on the channel”.[35] The American Southern Poverty Law Center civil rights organisation[36] in 2010 pointed to the channel giving extensive coverage to the ‘birther‘ and the New World Order conspiracy theories. Sonia Scherr, the author of the SPLC article, asserted that the Patriot militia organizer Jim Stachowiak was a regular interviewee and wrote that the opinions of “white nationalist”[36] Jared Taylor had been underplayed and had gone unchallenged by any of his opponents when he appeared on the channel.[36]
Ben Smith criticized an interview between Alex Jones and Russia Today discussing Osama bin Laden death conspiracy theories and called Russia Today a “raw propaganda channel”.[37]

Russia Television behind us and clearly sharing space with Fox News as human feces in any toilet, let’s delve into the speaker for a moment.


As I listen to Block, I find him most offense for not foraying into social issues from a numbers basis of economics.  His affinity for Ayn Rand and Ron Paul are completely stomach turners.  Block shows his affinity  or Paul via his exaggerated comments about Paul drawing 20,000 students per visit when he visits college campuses.  I think his assertion is a bit hyperbolic to say the very least.  
Another issue with Blocks love of Paul is his complete disregard for Ron Paul’s support from white supremacist groups. He takes his analogy of  ‘corporate welfare’ to a place one would expect from a man who idolizes Ron Paul. He goes straight for reverse rationalization of, and use of black slavery for an analogy for Libertarian hatred of programs that assist people, and assists companies when in need of emergency assistance.  Block takes ‘welfare’ out of the realm of the money based Russian show directly into welcome verbiage for people like Paul and his followers.  

As we must know that Block has knowledge that many more white people are on welfare (as it was formerly called), than black people. He knows the statistics as I assume his professorship of Loyola University is testament to acumen in his field of instruction. If we make that safe assumption, we must ask, “why take the analogy of corporate programs and bailouts, etc., to he realm of human needs, and federal and state assistance programs?” Programs that help people even if providing temporary relief of life’s disasters and strife.   
The Slate Dot Com author above refers to Russian Televisions as Fox News of Russia, settled much of the issue  for me.  Block provides a Fox News like set of comments that started in one related realm (money), and ended with the with host induced discussion of corporate welfare that, in turn, led to yet another white person making ignorant and self-centered remarks about the institution of human ownership.  

Block may have an ancestral background that includes family hardship.  He does not appear to have any perception of 300 plus years of institutional people ownership with all sickening hardships.  He takes his libertarian ilk and joins that insane Michelle Bachmann in flawed postulating of how slavery was better for the black family than life today.

I have yet to meet or read about libertarian who I could consider other than a conservative. that places the entire school of thought, preaching and selfishness on the same plain as I place the likes of Ron and Rand Paul.

After the RT interview, I suspect block will get top billing of Fox News prior to the November 6 General Elections.