The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘Santorum’

Paul Ryan Confronted By Constituent!

In GOP, O'Reilly, Paul Ryan, RIck santorum, Santorum on March 21, 2014 at 3:34 PM

On March 12th, 2014, Crooks & Liars and every media other than Fox News an AM talk radio reported on a Paul Ryan conversation on the Bill Bennett Morning America radio show.

Before we link the Ryan/Bennett entertainment for American conservatives, we should state Ryan’s staff came back the next day with: “I was inarticulate.” It took his team the entire evening and well into the night to come-up with a lie as weak as it gets. Ryan was very articulate and detailed in his comments. His 24 hours later attempt to clean-up his racist slime reminds of Rick Santorum’s “BLAH People.” 

Ryan and Bennett, Linked here.
If you listened to the audio, you distinctly heard something that Ryan cannot now wash-off as “Inarticulate.” He cannot disavow his coded intent and he now stands  looking like a conniving bigot caught-up in reverberating “dog whistle.”  

Ryan did exactly what classic butt-suckersderriere vacuums” do, as they attempt to schmooze up to people they hold in higher esteem. He connects Bennett to white nationals/racist Charles Murray via the common “good ol boy” vernacular: “Your buddy… Charles Murray.”  

Two quick points. If you have ever worked in Corporate America, you have heard the vernacular “your buddy” many times.  It is a common “I’M OK; You’re OK” like colloquialism which once used paves the way for communication that follows. Yes, you know my point. Another point of far more importance; Ryan clearly linked Bennett with the racist Murray. Now, one has to wonder in what settings have Ryan come to know Bennett and Murray as “buds?” 

Now, fast-forward to this week and a Wisconsin town-hall meeting. Ryan was confronted by a constituent, who lay a fair set of criticism on the eight term Republican Congressman, and GOP Budget Guru.  

Demo News 

Alfonso Gardner, a 61-year-old African-American man from Racine, Wisconsin, didn’t mince words at a townhall meeting, telling Paul Ryan that, “You said what you meant,” Alfonso Gardner, a 61-year-old African American man from Racine, told Ryan at a town hall meeting. “[Inner city is] a code word for black.”

Although visibly flustered, Ryan remained defiant, “There is nothing whatsoever about race in my comments at all,” he said. He admonished Gardner for drawing a connection between his “inner city” remarks and race. “I think when we throw these charges around, it should be based on something.”…..

We find Ryan’s retort to the confrontation by Gardner typical of GOP back boneless in avoiding willingness to stand tall and defend their frequent cognitive constipation accompanied by verbal diarrhea.

Why did I keyboard Mr. Gardner did a “fair job “of confronting Ryan? I totally admire his confronting the would be social engineering “doctor.” If Gardner had connected his frontal assault while equipped with Charles Murray and Ryan’s mention of the racist, Ryan would have been much harder pressed to wiggle out via accusing Gardner of leveling charges.

Regardless of Ryan’s dodging arrows with weak retorts, he factually uses his soiled and bigoted paradigm to whittle away at programs and services the nation’s poor need to sustain life.

Ryan is your typical GOP millionaire. He has no serious strife in his life, he has no worries. In fact, I doubt very seriously if his life involves any interaction with people of color nor the nation’s poor.

Let’s close with a tribute to Ryan and his GOP with Rick Santorum at the microphone

All great performance deserves an encore. 

Two final points about he tribute to Paul Ryan, How did you like O’Reilly‘s background contributions to Santorum’s tribute?  Also, how often do we have a performance that leaves an indelible mark on US History: “BLAH People.”

Rush Limbaugh GOP Party Leader

In Gingrich, GOP, Rush Limbaugh, Santorum on July 17, 2012 at 8:16 PM

The ideology leader of the GOP

People will sometimes challenge me on my position that Rush Limbaugh is factually the ideological leader of the GOP.  The common retort is right from the conservative bag of,
‘rationalization”, “Limbaugh is an entertainer”.  If find retort extremely offensive from many perspectives.  First, are his racist rants so easily assimilated into the conservative psyche and written-off as entertainment? Joseph Geobbels did same for Nazi Germany.  If the speaker is relaying that message to me, “Limbaugh is an entertainer”, then the speaker is telling me, “He entertains me”.  

Next, those who refuse to admit Rush Limbaugh has more influence of a major segment of conservative America than the US Congress (collectively) live in a fantasy land with Limbaugh held in high esteem like a Wizard of Oz. 

Since I am including video in this piece, allow me to have the vids make my point about Limbaugh’s leadership of the GOP.

Limbaugh July 16, 2012 

In other words, “GOP go ethnic, grab falsehoods. lies and cheap innuendo as strategy”. “Romney, bring back that campaign strategies that points to our president as’ “THE OTHER“!  “He is not like us, he is not American!”

GOP July 17, 2012

Sunnunu has been spewing fire on any network that will give him a camera and a seat for months.  His disdain for, better yet hatred of, America’s 44th President is so very obvious.  Well, his angst and his following the instruction of the GOP Ideological Leader, Limbaugh, has led to yet another false apology.  APOLOGY!  Sunnunu and Romney deploy the time proven race baiting GOP ‘southern strategy’ and one pundit gives a perfunctory apology.   
Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum also deployed the southern Strategy. rick Perry might have dared, but his use was pre-empted by revelation of his fathers ranch headstone, “Nigger Head”.  As Perry might say, “ah sucks”. Gingrich actually won one of the top three conservative states in America via use of the strategy. Why not follow Limbaugh’s ignorance and do same?
The GOP is 92 per cent a party of American whites. No real problem there.  The problem; the party wants to force its ideology, policies and governing practices on the rest of the nation.  Women must also note the party is the domain of the white male.  One has to only watch the party’s actions since the 2010 election for full perspective of GOP authoritarianism against women. An election that was effectively stolen via the Koch Brothers, Dick Armey, and Karl Rove via the Tea Party. 
The real question is, does Rush Limbaugh set the political and social agenda for you, the conservative voter?

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Did Santorum make a Freudian Slip (almost)?

In Santorum on March 30, 2012 at 6:44 PM

Is this the candidate who quipped about President Obama’s use of a Tele Promopter?”
I awakened this morning very typically, reluctantly, but clear necessary.  After a cup of my favorite java (Kenya AA),  my morning routine  got under way with a check my news sources.  After running through my standard linked super heavy weight news links (Huff Post, The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, The, Reuters, and yes,,, I noticed a partially hidden headline from the pages of The Examiner.  The headline led me to an article by Robby Sobel, writer for The Orlando Liberal Examiner, with the following headline:

Did Rick Santorum call President Obama the N-word? 

Sobel included the following quote in his piece.

Rick Santorum: “We know the candidate Barack Obama, what he was like, the anti-war government nigg… America was a source for division around the world, that what we were doing was wrong,

As you can imagine my interest was peaked.   The quest for a video ensued.

CROOKS AND LIARS DOT COM quickly ended my quest via this 18 second video.

Sobel continues with the following.

In response, a Santorum spokesman called the allegations “absolutely ridiculous.”
A video of the speech made by Santorum was uploaded onto and is available for viewing so you can judge for yourself. Whether or not Santorum started to call President Obama the n-word is almost irrelevant, not because of the word he used, but because the result will be the same as it has been in the past. Santorum will go on the defense and deny any wrongdoing and his opponents will go on the attack. In January, Santorum made a comment stating that he didn’t want to make “black people’s lives better by giving them other people’s money.” Oddly, Santorum said he never said: “black” people, but instead claimed he said: “blah” people. The defense was thin, but nondales was able to get away with his odd statement without much backlash.
Sobel correct depicts a potential candidate who uses verbal nuances to send messages. The writer is also correct in his assessment as posted just above. Whether Santorum caught in mid-speak about to use a slur is not relevant because of the convenient prospect of “Of course I did not say that”.  An all to willing to forgive or overlook America will pass by the “3/4 slur” (Nigg..) as surely as we moved along from his January slippage.  “BLAH” people will go down in campaign history as an egregious slip, and a completely ludicrous denial (the next day).  Santorum clearly used the words “… people” to appeal to the Iowa audience; he was successful as applause and cheers ensued.  The denial the next day was comparable to an apology to the dead man after accidentally pushing the man off a building for 50 story fall.  His word sin denial were nothing more than wasted communication for people who received his message. Some got his message as representative of a candidate who will focus on taking away ‘phantom’ programs that might benefit one segment of the population. The remainder of those who heard the remark, heard it as telling slippage of Santorum’s mindset.
Mindset, eh?  Yes, the very mind that has spewed bigotry against minorities, GLBT’s, women (via contraception), and other mindless drivel.  If you know anything about human oral communication, you know before any words exit one’s mouth, the brain goes to work. First, an image of what one wants to say leads to encoding that image prior to deciding on how to deliver the imaged message.  Delivering the oral message is a split second instinct once that lighting fast process is completed. Thus, the first thing that comes to mind, often comes out of one’s mouth, unless there is conscious effort to modify, reformulate, or stop the message. It could be possible that Santorum’s inner self has again come-forth and identified itself.
If we factor-in the long campaign and pundit suggestions about Santorum possibly tiring, thus committing more verbal slips of late, some might see how he could lower his guard.  It is hard to find another word (adjective) the candidate could have been seeking to retrieve from deep in his mind.  If you consider the context of his speaking and the complete  ‘out of the blue’ direction of his next comments (without any sentence structure), I suggest it is fruitless to seek any form of rationalization or discovery of the slippage. 
Sobel ends his piece in the factual realm of how the Right has become adroit at denial, cover-up, and the quick “I did not say that’ line. He takes his thoughts (and his screed) a step further, and rightfully so. He also identifies a time-proven strategy that is becoming more than just a defense mechanism for the Right. They often will respond to ‘hands-in-the-cookie-jar’ busted with claims of reverse racism, or they attempt to find counter augments to feed to their base. I assert they have the perfect media for delivery of such measures: Fox News and increasingly CNN.
The Raw Story Dot Com reports on the response from a Santorum campaign official. 

Oh, come on!” Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley told Raw Story when asked for comment. “Give me a break. That’s unbelievable. What does it say about those that are running with this story that that’s where their mind goes. You know, I’m not going to dignify that with [a response].” 

“That is absolutely ridiculous.”

After the “BLAH” people comment and denial in January, I have a hard time placing this potential slippage on the “that is ridiculous” shelf.   

CROOKS AND LIARS Dot Com, correctly points out that Santorum completed a double misspeak as he labeled the president anti-war.  The very president who ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden within months of taking the Oval Office and the very president who angered his base via escalation of troop in Afghanistan.  Also, why would a candidate stand in front of group of people and rail about “anti-war”. Is it admirable to ‘relish and want of war?

I personally do not believe that Santorum is insane enough to use the “N” word publicly.  My concern is possible mental slippage from a potential presidential candidate who may have slipped due to a non-rested brain. The candidate’s inner-psyche and sub-conscious, may have eased out around his controlling conscious mind.  “BLAH” people is a real example of Santorum slippage and not open for argument; we may have precedent with Santorum and his mental/verbal slippage. 

Only those who know him intimately and very well know if the ‘nigg..” (3/4 potential slur) is part of Santorum’s lexicon.

NOTE: Not one author, article, (posted above) nor have I definitively stated Santorum used the “N” word.  
“Just Sayin”

"It made me throw up" "What a snob"

In Santorum on February 28, 2012 at 6:30 PM


The GOP a leading candidate who has proven to be as psychologically deprived as any of the remaining four candidates.  He stands taller, however, in the manner in which he goes about appealing to the extreme Right of the GOP; and it is sadly working. He stand taller, while wallowing in a gutter!

Rick Santorum will obviously say anything and do anything to remain at the top of the pack, of the most embarrassing set of presidential aspirants in US History.  I actually thought once the likes of Bachmann, Cain, and Perry left the campaign trail, sanity would prevail and the campaign would move towards productive conservative posturing and rhetoric. Well, I was as wrong as ever. While Gingrich speaks from some far planet that only he and his wife understand, Santorum has reverted to the ‘bottom dweller’ candidate who plays on the uninformed or those driven by extreme right-wing dogma.

JFK…made him throw-up!

Santourm plays the “Connection of Church and State” card for those who will listen (and applaud) without regard for JFK’s positions in his early 1960s campaign. John Kennedy faced what has proven to be very common in America: Newness frightens and causes hysteria.  As the first Catholic candidate for the presidency, the nation was suffering undercurrents of a Catholic in the White House.  I believe the early 1960s consternation is little different from that experienced by millions regarding President Obama taking the Oath of Office, and probably not different than if Hilary Clinton had won the Presidency. The prospect of Catholic in the White House at that time was real probably as serious a paradigm shift as having President Obama in the White House.

Kennedy spoke eloquently and with an overwhelming degree of sincerity about his commitment to separation of church and state. His words were purely spoken to
intercept and eliminate concerns about ‘Catholic or religious’ doctrine spread from the Office of the Presidency.

Santorum speak about JFK in a manner that is very revealing as to his own character, veracity and his personal values.  Campaign rhetoric is one thing, the prospect of a theology is yet another. The later I suggest is as dangerous watching the Mulahs who run Iran go about the business of leading that nation.  While it will never happen, imagine life in a nation with a president who is so consumed, artificially or not artificially, with religion.  Do you think his/her faith will weigh in every facet of life.  Of course it would, and that is not always a bad thing. But, factor-in one who is prone to dogma and that person’s penchant for disdain for all that is ‘not like him’.   How long do you think it would take for one faith to become an object of a national crusade against other denominations. I suggest not very long at all.

Yet, Santourm did not stop there with his rhetorical dogma. He lashed out at President Obama’s past comments about acquiring a level of education beyond the high school level.  It is a proven fact the people who acquire education in any form beyond the level of 12th Grade, contribute more to their families well-being and contribute more to the greater society.  Obama spoke about not only college, but vocational schools; that includes auto mechanics since Santorum loves to use that field as a hammer against Obama. Give the MSNBC video a review if you have not already viewed the segment. 

“…..what a snob?

We are in a political season, I get that. The political candidates are sowing their political rhetoric for sake of drawing votes which they need to grow to full blossom in November 2012. While some candidates are throwing decency to the wind for sake of capture the GOP nomination, Santorum is showing all the signs of one who has lost his marbles, tucked decency in his trousers, and placed rubber boots on his feet for trodding throw the GOP political ‘pig-pen’.

While I am slightly reticent to use one of my favorite stories related to ‘the pig-pen’, this is a perfect opportunity to make a final point.

A wise person once told me the following.

“If you wallow a pig the creature will thoroughly enjoy it.  First, you have wallowed in its pen, and that is satisfying to the pig, and final ‘you now stink’.

I suggest those who cheer and applaud as Santroum goes about his sickeningly vile tirades are also wallowing in the same pig-pen.

Rick Santorum Hopes To Lock In The Crazy Vote

In Mario Piperni, Santorum on January 15, 2012 at 11:38 AM

Cross posted

JANUARY 15, 2012 BY 

Santorum is betting his political career that there are more crazies out there than moderates.
“Mitt Romney’s run three times, once as a liberal, once as a moderate and once as a conservative,” Santorum said to laughs from the crowd of about 300 people. “He’s running as an establishment conservative and not one of these ‘crazies’ you have to worry about.”
Brings to mind the old line about even broken clocks being right twice a day.  Yes, anything to the right of a Romney can be categorized as a crazy…and I doubt any non-wingers would argue the point.
Republican primary voters are down to an unabashed, lying, soulless carcass of a man and a bunch of crazies.  Wonderful.
Follow MarioPiperniDotCom on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

“BLAH PEOPLE” , Mr. Santorum what is a “BLAH” people?

In Politics 2012, Tea Party on January 5, 2012 at 11:52 PM

I  def thought we “Blah’ People was under the radar. Now ,Santorum  outed us. He used to focus on ‘black people’. DAMN!

Rick Santorum!  I have read Santorum is a ‘stand-up’ guy.  A guy who is completely embodied in bigotry (and I am starting to feel also a full blossomed case of racist) will not stand-up to his remarks in Iowa. He will not own-up to the bigoted remark embedded below.

Black People????  BLAH People????

Here is how he denies the remarks.

Fox News: A Driver for the GOP Primary?

In Politics 2012 on December 14, 2011 at 3:59 PM

Cross posted from


Fox News takes the lead in parading towards the eventual selection of the GOP Presidential candidate. You and I know that Fox News is truly not a news network. from the top down it is a political entity and serves effectively as a public relations wing of the Party. Do you need more convincing for your (already) accurate perception.


Dick Morris on the Fox News Couch

It is clear the entire crew on that hyperbolic morning show was scripted as a Fox News commercial. Morris has proven he is a “pay-to-player’ based on this recent admissions that he has accepted money from both Palin and Cain camps in the past. I can only assume that such monetary receipts were for endorsements and supportive comments.

The salient point about the comment is an ever-present show producer sat nearby; a fact that adds validity to a position espoused by Jonathan Freedland, How Fox News is helping Barack Obama’s re-election bid, December 13, 2011. Why does Freeland posit as he does?

The extremism, anger, paranoia and sense of victimhood that Fox incubates are all unhealthy for the United States. But it’s inflicting particular damage on the Republican party, which could well lose a winnable election because of its supine relationship to a TV network. It turns out it is not liberals who should fear the Fox – it’s conservatives.

Now for the backstory…..

Freeland acknowledges that Fox News has the largest cable audience in the Untied States.

It’s not just usual-suspect lefties and professional Murdoch-haters who say it, mischievously exaggerating the cable TV network’s influence. Dick Morris, veteran political operative and Fox regular, noted the phenomenon himself the other day while sitting on the Fox sofa. “This is a phenomenon of this year’s election,” he said. “You don’t win Iowa in Iowa. You win it on this couch. You win it on Fox News.” In other words, it is Fox – with the largest cable news audience, representing a huge chunk of the Republican base – that is, in effect, picking the party’s nominee to face Obama next November.

Th real “wirra’ in Freeland’s work; Fox News will pick the 2012 GOP candidate for President. Freeland, with great imagery, depicts Roger Ailes does one who (based on the media and remaining shy of the obvious) will not endorse a candidate for president; he will ‘provide “sunshine” for some and “mouldering shadows” for others.

You ask how does The Guardians writer substantiate such a point?Well, he goes to one of the most reliable international information sources and media watchdogs: Media Matters. offers Fox News Primary reports dating back to June 1, 2011. The reports are revealing in making a points via use of that which the Right: data.

How about supporting one’s (Freeland’s) argument with facts from a MediaMatters November 22, report: The Fox Primary By the Numbers, November 14 – 20. Why does Freeland posit as he does?

Last Week’s Results

Total time: 2 hours and 26 minutes; Total appearances: 20

Most Total Airtime on Fox: Newt Gingrich (34 minutes)

Most Total Appearances: Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and Mitt Romney (3 appearances each)

Fox Show with the Most Total Candidate Airtime: Your World with Neil Cavuto (35 minutes)

Fox Show with the Most Candidate Appearances: Your World with Neil Cavuto (4 appearances)

Longest Candidate Interview: Hannity (15 minutes with Newt Gingrich)

Softball Question(s) of the Week: During the November 18 edition of The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly asked Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry this:

O’REILLY: Do you believe that Barack Obama — the person, not the President, the person because a lot of conservatives do believe this — doesn’t like America?

(A table of the November 14 – 20 data is available here.)

The Numbers Since June 1

Total time: 61 hours and 9 minutes; Total appearances: 505

Most Total Airtime on Fox since June 1:  Herman Cain (9 hours and 50 minutes)

Most Total Appearances since June 1:  John Bolton (67 appearances)

Fox Show with the Most Total Candidate Airtime Since June 1: On the Record with Greta Van Susteren (10 hours and 15 minutes)

Fox Show with the Most Candidate Appearances since June 1: On the Record with Greta Van Susteren (75 appearances)

Longest Candidate Interview since June 1: Stossel (40 minutes with Gary Johnson)

(A table of all the data since June 1 is available here.)

Over the past two weeks we have learned Fox News viewers may be the less informed viewers of any cable news network. If we take the MediaMatters premise (Fox News Primary) and data indicating Fox News viewers are less informed, we have a dilemma. A dilemma that will lead to the likes of Newt Gingrich as the GOP Presidential candidate.

Need anymore evidence of how Murdoch’s and Ailes’s Fox News may have the “FOX- FIX” on? Did Newt Gingrich not recently comment that John Boulton would be a good choice for Vice President of the United States of America? Now, on what basis would Gingrich make such statement. It is not a leap for me to make a connection to the MediaMatters data (above). [ Most Total Appearances since June 1: John Bolton (67 appearances) ] Gingrich has to know that compared to John Boulton, Dick Cheney would seem a disheartened, fearful and non-confident Lion of OZ.

The MediaMatters series and Freeland’s work for The Guardian are certainly worthy of continued following and review.

If I may take my concerns a bit further, are we absolutely certain a longstanding business model of News of the World (NoW) is not being deployed in some way in the United States?

How about a piece of humor. The data are truly revealing. Until his demise, Herman Cain was the most visible on Fox News. Now, that would have been a scary (Primary winner) thought.

Is Freeland suggesting the Fox will shoot itself in the foot?

I’m just sayin!

Fox News: A Driver for the GOP Primary?

In Bachjmann, Fox New Primary Report, Fox News, Herman Cain, Hunstman, John Boulton, Jonathan Freeland, Newt Gingrich, Paul, Roger Ailes, Romney, Santorum, The Guardian. Murdoch on December 14, 2011 at 3:58 PM

Fox News takes the lead in parading towards the eventual selection of the GOP Presidential candidate. You and I know that Fox News is truly not a news network. from the top down it is a political entity and serves effectively as a public relations wing of the Party. Do you need more convincing for your (already) accurate perception.

It is clear the entire crew on that hyperbolic morning show was scripted as a Fox News commercial. Morris has proven he is a “pay-to-player’ based on this recent admissions that he has accepted money from both Palin and Cain camps in the past. I can only assume that such monetary receipts were for endorsements and supportive comments.

The salient point about the comment is an ever-present show producer sat nearby; a fact that adds validity to a position espoused by Jonathan Freedland, How Fox News is helping Barack Obama’s re-election bid, December 13, 2011. Why does Freeland posit as he does?

The extremism, anger, paranoia and sense of victimhood that Fox incubates are all unhealthy for the United States. But it’s inflicting particular damage on the Republican party, which could well lose a winnable election because of its supine relationship to a TV network. It turns out it is not liberals who should fear the Fox – it’s conservatives.

Now for the backstory…..

Freeland acknowledges that Fox News has the largest cable audience in the Untied States.

It’s not just usual-suspect lefties and professional Murdoch-haters who say it, mischievously exaggerating the cable TV network’s influence. Dick Morris, veteran political operative and Fox regular, noted the phenomenon himself the other day while sitting on the Fox sofa. “This is a phenomenon of this year’s election,” he said. “You don’t win Iowa in Iowa. You win it on this couch. You win it on Fox News.” In other words, it is Fox – with the largest cable news audience, representing a huge chunk of the Republican base – that is, in effect, picking the party’s nominee to face Obama next November.

Th real “wirra’ in Freeland’s work; Fox News will pick the 2012 GOP candidate for President. Freeland, with great imagery, depicts Roger Ailes does one who (based on the media and remaining shy of the obvious) will not endorse a candidate for president; he will ‘provide “sunshine” for some and “mouldering shadows” for others.

You ask how does The Guardians writer substantiate such a point? Well, he goes to one of the most reliable international information sources and media watchdogs: Media Matters. offers Fox News Primary reports dating back to June 1, 2011. The reports are revealing in making a points via use of that which the Right: data.

How about supporting one’s (Freeland’s) argument with facts from a MediaMatters November 22, report: The Fox Primary By the Numbers, November 14 – 20. Why does Freeland posit as he does?

Last Week’s Results

Total time: 2 hours and 26 minutes; Total appearances: 20

Most Total Airtime on Fox: Newt Gingrich (34 minutes)

Most Total Appearances: Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and Mitt Romney (3 appearances each)

Fox Show with the Most Total Candidate Airtime: Your World with Neil Cavuto (35 minutes)

Fox Show with the Most Candidate Appearances: Your World with Neil Cavuto (4 appearances)
Longest Candidate Interview: Hannity (15 minutes with Newt Gingrich)

Softball Question(s) of the Week: During the Novemeber 18 edition of The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly asked Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry this:

O’REILLY: Do you believe that Barack Obama — the person, not the President, the person because a lot of conservatives do believe this — doesn’t like America?

(A table of the November 14 – 20 data is available here.)

The Numbers Since June 1

Total time: 61 hours and 9 minutes; Total appearances: 505

Most Total Airtime on Fox since June 1:  Herman Cain (9 hours and 50 minutes)

Most Total Appearances since June 1:  John Bolton (67 appearances)

Fox Show with the Most Total Candidate Airtime Since June 1: On the Record with Greta Van Susteren (10 hours and 15 minutes)

Fox Show with the Most Candidate Appearances since June 1: On the Record with Greta Van Susteren (75 appearances)

Longest Candidate Interview since June 1: Stossel (40 minutes with Gary Johnson)

(A table of all the data since June 1 is available here.)

Over the past two weeks we have learned Fox News viewers may be the less informed viewers of any cable news network. If we take the MediaMatters premise (Fox News Primary) and data indicating Fox News viewers are less informed, we have a dilemma. A dilemma that will lead to the likes of Newt Gingrich as the GOP Presidential candidate.

Need anymore evidence of how Murdoch’s and Ailes’s Fox News may have the “FOX- FIX” on? Did Newt Gingrich not recently comment that John Boulton would be a good choice for Vice President of the United States of America? Now, on what basis would Gingrich make such statement. It is not a leap for me to make a connection to the MediaMatters data (above). [ Most Total Appearances since June 1: John Bolton (67 appearances) ] Gingrich has to know that compared to John Boulton, Dick Cheney would seem a disheartened, fearful and non-confident Lion of OZ.

The MediaMatters series and Freeland’s work for The Guardian are certainly worthy of continued following and review.

NoW) is not being deployed in some way in the United States?

How about a piece of humor. The data are truly revealing. Until his demise, Herman Cain was the most visible on Fox News. Now, that would have been a scary (Primary winner) thought.

Is Freeland suggesting the Fox will shoot itself in the foot?

I’m just sayin!

The Nasty Mr. Santorum

In GOTP, Mario Piperni, Santorum on December 9, 2011 at 7:15 PM

Cross posted from

Here’s Mr. Family Values guy talking about what he’d do with illegal immigrants and their families.

“You can’t be here for 20 years and commit only one illegal act … because everything you’re doing while you’re here is against the law …” Santorum said. “I understand Congressman Gingrich saying, ‘Well, you know, people have been here and they’ve been good citizens and paying taxes.’ Yeah, under somebody else’s Social Security number because you stole it.”
Families should be broken up when the law is broken, which includes illegal immigration, he added.
Rick Santorum would have made a wonderful 17th century Inquisition judicator.
In the race to determine who of the GOP’s primary candidates is the nastiest and most heartless, Rick Santorum has just taken the lead.  Behind Santorum’s pious, holier-than-thou, Jesus-loves-you facade, there is something horribly ugly and callous about the man.  Breaking up families, illegal or not, when other solutions exist, is enough reason to pray that bible-thumping Rick never again holds political power of any kind.
Hey, Rick, Jesus would have been so proud of you.
On the bright side, all small-minded, gay-bashing, immigrant-hating Americans certainly have no shortage of politicians to support.  There’s an entire political party out there made just for them.
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GOP Debate # 13: 11 Points Of Reflection

In Bachmann, Cain, CNN, Gingrich, GOP, Paul, Perry, Santorum on November 23, 2011 at 2:40 PM

November 23, 2011


The GOP Debate that I refer to as,”GOP Half Marathon” (13 of 26 Debates) completed last evening. Unlike the previous debate, #13 was televised start to finish. CNN producers and moderator, Wolf Blitzer (“BLITZ” via Herman Cain) managed the event very professionally. it was obvious CNN learned from earlier events and use those past debates to present a well produced event.

While I would have preferred a couple of ‘stabbing’ questions from Blitzer, the event stayed on script: National Security. Stabbing questions? Yes, Child Labor Laws for Newt, Cain’s fading energy level, Santorum (anything off-script), Bachmann no student loans, Ron Paul (oh well, why bother?)

Since I missed the first third of the debate, I contemplated watching it on video via YouTube or CNN. No, after 12 previous exposures (to GOP debates), I opted for the following 5 minutes plus only.


A few observations (5:38 minutes video)

Video opens…

I. ( 0 – 52 seconds) Ron Paul speaks about Patriot Act. Paul speaks from the heart and he correctly states the case against acts such as the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act served its purpose, may have been abused by Cheney, and has run it course. Gingrich ceased an opportunity to tear into Paul with an emotional attack. Paul demurs and looks as if chastised by an elder. Paul’s affect just does not work, if there is anything to be said about appearing “presidential.”

II. (52 – 1:15 seconds) Santorum’s obvious racism exudes his standard message, “Muslims are at the root of all terrorism.” So, profiling is the only way to go. Blitzer had actually setup the group via asking about ‘profiling.’ Paul, obviously coached by CNN to avoid interruption, appears like an impatient bystander. Paul’s demeanor is just terrible!

III. (1:15 – 2:05) Cain follows with his version of support for “profiling.” After giving a ‘Rah, Rah, Rah,’ statement and avoiding the questions, Blitzer pressed for a real answer. Note: Blitzer was referred to as “BLITZ”. When Cain goes off script and outside of his preset emphasis points, he blows it consistently.

IV. (2:05 – 2:15 seconds) Romney. Did Romney smoothly stumble on our place in time? I thought I heard 21st Century possibly modified to 20th Century.

V. (2:15 – 2:40 seconds) Bachmann. “Too Nuclear to Fail” (Interesting phraseology, after 30 seconds of “What did she say?” Blitzer asked about aid to Pakistan. Bachmann’s first few answer seconds ticked off like a real intelligence committee professional. Unlike, my Mother, her Mother must not have told her that, ”a fool is less likely to be discovered a fool, if his mouth is closed.”

Bachmann commented about President Obama’s “fingers crossed on Pakistan” was an example of weak politicking with no basis in fact. How about the Bush Administration and its support of the past Pakistani Administration: Musharraf?

VI. (2:40 – 2:53) Perry lies about financial aid to Pakistan. He will make no significant change in dealing with Pakistan. At least the Obama security professionals has leveraged opportunity to take-out many Al Qaeda and Taliban operatives in Pakistan.

VII. (2:53 – 3:45 seconds) Gingrich. Adroitly states the case about Pakistan. The presidential candidate used one solid minute of The Guardian’s 5:28 minutes video). At the risk of being considered a ‘hawk’ among liberals, Newt spoke succinctly and correctly about how the U.S. should deal with Pakistan. If they allow AL Qaeda safe haven, they should not complain about attacks on those murderers. And yes, the horror are the innocents who are victims of Al Qaeda tactical methods of disguise; hiding among non-combatants.

VIII. (3:45 – 4:11 seconds) Perry. Sanctioning the Iran Bank! Poppycock!. How will Perry convince Russia and China to do same. also Iran exports oil. How many oil import nations will join the US in Perry’s scheme?

IX. (4:11 – 4:32 seconds) Romney accomplishes an antsy ‘quick speak’ about spending. he ends with the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act via use of the derisive term “Obamacare.” One would think that after installing such a program in Massachusetts, a candidate would avoid such. Romney should also tread carefully on Obama Administration spending. Much of the president’s spending has been in efforts to recoup from the Bush Years. granted Healthcare reform and Afghanistan are Obama’s expenditures but other spending has been to bring the economy around.

Blitzes pivots to Paul, and he performs his typical, frankly, speak. He makes the point all of his opponents are simply talking about cuts and he implies, the cuts will not happen. TRUE!

X. (4:33 – 5:14 secondsBachmann’s asinine rambling about China. The nation has been in hock to China for many years and her President Bush, shoveled more into China than any president in history. Gingrich launches on an obvious general election strategy aimed at Hispanics and Latinos. Gingrich will probably do some for of clarification or retraction after the EIB Network and Fox News goes to work on his comments. But, he succeeded in delivering a zinger to the voting public.

XI. (5:16 – End of video) Huntsman. The candidate looked presidential, sounded presidential and was saved by the developers of the video to law. One has to wonder why. Fact Check

Compliments to CNN and Wolf Blitzer! The debate was, again, well produced, properly moderated, and planned for effectiveness.

A requiem for the losers. Even in the Guardian’s five-minute, Santorum and Huntsmann were rare sightings, and Paul was used pretty much as a ‘punching bag”, despite making sense on a few points.

I wish I could say I am looking forward to Debate #14.