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Archive for June 3rd, 2013|Daily archive page

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Darrell Issa In Yet Another Poop Bucket

In GOP, GOTP on June 3, 2013 at 7:11 PM

Issa as “Small’ Image of the Day”

Darrell Issa has again stepped into what could turn into a bucket of poop. His penchant for stepping into poop is to a nascent phenomena, in fact it seems to be modus operandi for the Oversight Committee Chair.  Over the weekend (and embedded below) Issa continued his onslaught of scandal seeking against the Obama Administration and referred to White House spokes person, Carney, in a derogatory way.

There are some who feel Wiki is an unreliable source of information. I agree to a point, but the discerning mind (that is inclined to double check information) can find useful and accurate information in Wikipedia. 

I have again forayed into Wiki for a quote and information related to Darrell Issa’s Oversight Committee Chair role.  The first paragraph below lists a few cases of investigation via Issa.  I do not recall one case of the five or six listed that seriously stuck on a wall that Issa obviously has painted an image of the nation’s 44th President. In fact the second paragraph below does a yeoman’s job of explaining the kerfuffle caused across conservative America as Issa mishandled the Sandra Fluke testimony request. Issa stumbling efforts to run a shield for the GOP and issues related to ObamaCare existentially contributed to valid complaint of “War of Women” that ran through the Fall 2012 Elections. We all know that women below age 40 voted for the Obama Ticket at the 60 plus percent level.

Some are referring to President Obama at the Teflon president.  I think the vernacular is crass and typical of 24/7. Basically, Issa’s stumbling around seeking dirt on the Obama Administration is comparable to an Ant Eater (Myrmecophagidae/edentates)  scrounging around for a hole in which to stick his/her nose for sustenance.

After becoming Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Issa has become a vocal advocate for investigations into the Obama administration, including the Troubled Assets Relief Program, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, corruption in AfghanistanWikiLeaks, and the Food and Drug Administration, among other issues.[61] In 2010 he told the press that he wanted the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to hold investigative hearings “seven hearings a week, times 40 weeks.”[62] 

On February 16, 2012, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing on the Department of Health and Human Services’s regulation requiring insurance plans to cover birth control, which Issa believed was a violation of the religious freedom of people who oppose the use of birth control. Sandra Fluke was submitted as a witness by Democratic members, but Issa did not permit her to testify, saying that her name was submitted too late,[63] a claim Democrats challenged.[64]
In February 2011, the Watchdog Institute, an independent nonprofit reporting center based at San Diego State University, published an investigation alleging that as leader of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Issa built a team that included staff members with close connections to industries that could benefit from his investigations.[65] The Huffington Post also published the Institute’s investigation.[66]
Issa and Crowley CNN State of The Union (11 seconds)

OK, now let’s take a look at a slightly squeamish and squirmy Issa as Candy Crowley pushes back on his nonsense political motivated allegations.  The segment is 7:56 minutes long. Frankly, I started viewing at the 1:13 minute mark and skipped through Issa drivel for more substantive inquires from Crowley. Issa towards the end of the segment appears to experience a serious straight forward butt-pucker question from Crowley, and he stumbles around some sort of answer.

Allow a quick journey back to May ,17th and a piece we posted about Issa as an image of the modern-day GOP.

We realize some criminals modify their ways and turn to life as productive citizens.  It is a real shame when someone with Issa’s background managed to parlay life in America into a $450 million plus net worth.  It is clear he has not performed deep extraction of tendencies that seem to indicate he has developed any level of credibility beyond that of a GOP hit man.

Photo: Follow Gorilla Pig! Like and share the posts, and make sure The Pig shows in your newsfeed and interest list!
There isn’t one conservative nor Republican alive (and maybe eve you) who would not call this a record of a “thug.”
Lindsey Graham rejects Issa’s assertion that White House Spokesman’s Carey is”A PAID LIAR.” 

John McCain also refues to go along with Issa crass and indecent name calling. 
Again I assert, Issa is an image of modern-day republicanism.


CBS Poll: Interest In George W. Bush’s Face On US Currency, Virtually Unmeasurable!

In Uncategorized on June 3, 2013 at 5:05 PM

How would you like this image on US Currency?
Something brief, concise and at times irreverent, but worth a minute of your time.
Polling has become one of the most active and lucrative business behind technology. I have yet to see a day when I did not run across at bare minimum mention of a poll, survey respondents, or “the American people according to ____ Poll.”
Vanity Fair has published a ‘neat’, fun piece base don a CBS News Poll of 1200 respondents. The poll was a random sampling pool conducted in mid-April of this year.
We are linking the Vanity Fair piece and posting one slide of an 11 slide graphic of CBS poll results. Yes, I keyboarded the word “Irreverent” above.  There are items in the pool, that if asked my first thought would be, “who really cares?”
Yes, you are seeing it correctly, no one wants the US Treasury to seek the development of a current with George W. Bush face plastered across the bill. As a committed and dedicated liberal who accomplishes his reading and one who has a good deal of cognitive abilities regarding retention, I damned well have no interest in seeing currency with Ronald Reagan’s face plastered across a bill!
Irreverent polls are fun sometimes, they really are.

DOJ, National Security, Media Issues And We Do Not Care!

In Benjamin T. Moore Jr, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC on June 3, 2013 at 8:10 AM

Reposted from The Whirling Wind Dot Com

DOJ Media Probe – Why We Don’t Care.

doj media probe header DOJ Media Probe   Why We Dont Benjamin T. Moore, Jr.
trea·son (noun)
1. Violation of allegiance toward one’s country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one’s country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
koch brothers DOJ Media Probe   Why We Dont Care.

Charles and David Koch
It is very disheartening to realize that effectively, there is very little difference between the Koch brothers and those who own and run our media outlets. In both cases you have extremely wealthy people who have agendas and the means to pursue those agendas in a manner that excludes competing viewpoints. Yes, everyone has a voice. However, when you’ve got wealth, you have a megaphone that allows you to shout down competing positions.
cable news networks DOJ Media Probe   Why We Dont Care.We recently became aware that the Department of Justice obtained the phone records of reporters working for the Associated Press. If you had asked me to speculate on the odds of Fox News, Huffington Post and MSNBC all being in agreement on an issue, I’d of put those odds right about even with Hell freezing over. Imagine my surprise when I awoke one fine day to discover that all the News channels were in complete agreement on an issue.
attorney general eric holder DOJ Media Probe   Why We Dont Care.
Attorney General Eric Holder
Any issue that could make Fox News and MSNBC see eye to eye, simply demanded further investigation. Even more so as more and more media outlets began to pile on. As usual – for Fox – their target was Attorney General Eric Holder. I will admit, based on the reporting it was disturbing to think that the Federal Government would acquire the confidential work product of renowned news reporters… in secret!
Having been burned a time or two, I’ve learned to look prior to leaping based on some media outlet’s say so. What I discovered was shockingly simple. Contrary to the impressions being spread, there was good reason for what was done and it was in fact a matter of National Security.