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Archive for February 7th, 2014|Daily archive page

The Daily GOP Ignominious: GOP Communications Department (FOX NEWS) Flushes Credibility And Falls-In Also

In Fox News, The Daily GOP Ignominious, The Daily Show on February 7, 2014 at 5:51 PM

The dreaded CBO REPORT……

Apparently, Fox News has issues with a condition we call “over zealous/with infectious veracity deprivation.” The condition could be alleviated if ‘red meat’ hungry sycophants didn’t serve as carriers and feeders of the condition. 


US Senate Votes Against Extending Unemployment Insurance; No Mainstream Network Covers The Vote!

In ABC, CBS, NBC on February 7, 2014 at 5:08 PM

In the shadows on some issues.  Why?
Media Matters continues to nail  the extent to which electronic media seeks ratings. How could it be the US Senate denial of unemployment insurance payments (even for three months retroactive back to last December, 28th) did not garner one second of coverage on network news?  

The failure to mention the Senate vote, is particularly striking since across the political spectrum (Democrats, Independent and Republican) Americans favor extending the payments. Of course, favoring the extension tails off once you look at favorable data from Republicans. Nonetheless, all favor extending the payments.

According to a Quinnipiac University survey, 58% of registered voters nationwide say they favor a three-month extension of the benefits for people currently out of work. 
The poll, which was released Wednesday, indicates a partisan divide, with overwhelming support from Democrats (83%-13%), majority backing from independents (54%-41%), and opposition from Republicans by a 54%-42% margin.
 The fact that not one mainstream network even mentioned the US Senate vote, speaks volumes about news producers and managers. If the data above is accurate and Quinnipiac has a reputation for accuracy with a progressive slant what you are about to see can only be attributed to ratings aversion. Are these networks avoiding issues that might ‘turn-off” right-wing politicians. How is it so coincidental all three ignored a vote that may have you sitting at home with no income? The only answer is to avoid shame for the GOP and the prospect of Right-wing backlash from entities in DC. Let’s face facts, the issue is an issue of interest to the public.

Broadcast News

See Media Matters here.

One more look at the shame of major network news.

Causes of Economic Harm

Yes, for a moment we digress away for the foibles and politics of network news managers and producers.  We simply cannot resist a snapshot of how FOXPEN (Fox Propaganda and Entertainment Network) covers another issue that impacts perception of the political Right.

Chris Christe Anyone?
Media Matters Chart: Mentions of Chris Christie on Cable News

People who are unaware of current events and issues critical to the nation, make bad choices.

What happens to the (common) people who do not earn millions per year (as do many broadcasters) when people vote the nation into political “OOOPs”; like electing George W. Bush twice. 

The Progressive Influence Racist Watch Via The Raw Story

In The Progressive Influence, The Raw Story on February 7, 2014 at 2:57 PM

Commentary unnecessary.  

And we now see so much from Oklahoma Republican politicians.  

Is there any wonder?   

Oklahoma restaurant won’t serve ‘freaks,’ ‘f*ggots,’ the disabled and welfare recipients (via Raw Story )

A restaurant outside of Oklahoma City is facing criticism after its outspoken owner made a series of inflammatory comments after one of his former customers, who is disabled, complained that he’d been banned from the establishment. Matt Gard claims…

And, you vote for the same politicians as this guy?

Koched: The US Senate Has A Koch Coming! You May Provide The Bottle Opener

In Gallup, Kochs, Obama, Tea Party, US Congress, US Senate on February 7, 2014 at 10:40 AM

Does this item read Year 2002?  Have we been hoodwinked?  

Two brothers are seeking to buy the US Senate!  The brothers are singularly responsible for your tea party infested House of Representatives. The nation is being “Koched.” Of course, you know that means this: 
Congress' Job Approval Ratings, Yearly Averages
Trend: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job?
Congress' Job Approval Ratings, Yearly Averages by Party
It looks as if something pestiferous hit the US congress in the around the 2000 change of the decade. Despite occasional spikes to the positive, it seems the slide as been as consistent as the nations largest water slide.  In 2010, the water slide appears to have turned into a 120 degree drop of a roller coaster.  Yes, the Koch House, has driven the US Legislature into a personal governing body that is changing the face of our nation.  Changes you will eventually feel as may are feeling today. 

The Koch brothers have bought the US House of Representatives and they now have their sights on the US Senate.  Once, they own the legislature, they actually wield much more power than any elected president.  They become a ruling body off the power of their money to members of the legislature. We can only hope the money is for campaign purposes only, although we suspect the worse.  

If you recognize the deleterious affect of the Tea Party on federal governance, you should know the Koch’s gave birth to ideology eventually named “Tea Party” many years ago.  Fire Dog Lakes’s Kevin Grandia published a piece in February 2013 that provides background for the genesis of the current 9% rating for the US Congress: New Study Finds Koch Bros. Tried to Start Tea Party Movement in 2002.”
To quarterback behind the scenes, third party efforts’: the tobacco industry and the Tea Party, shows that the group Citizens for a Sound Economy launched a Tea Party movement website,, that went live in 2002. 

According to the website, who broke this story earlier today, CSE was founded in 1984 by the infamous Koch Brothers, David and Charles Koch in 1984. David Koch sat on the board of CSE for many years and the group’s first president, Richard Fink, went on to become a senior VP at Koch Industries.

The common public understanding of the origins of the Tea Party is that it is a popular grassroots uprising that began with anti-tax protests in 2009. 

You can find a screenshot here of the archived U.S. Tea Party site, as it appeared online on Sept. 13, 2002. 

The site is described as, “In 2002, our U.S. Tea Party is a national event, hosted continuously online, and open to all Americans who feel our taxes are too high and the tax code is too complicated.” There is also “Patriot Guest book” available for visitors to voice their support and write a message for CSE and the U.S. Tea Party movement.

Since, you know these things about the US House (and Tea Party anarchist in the US Senate)….

I. US Sequester 

II. Federal Government ‘shutdown” (well planned, and enacted by the Right) 

III. Unemployment Insurance benefits as a bargaining chip since President Obama took office in 2009. 

IV. Cuts to SNAP benefits (Children the poor, elderly and in some cases active military families) 

V. Cuts and refusals to increase security budgets for US Embassies worldwide (Benghazi) 

VI. Voted down abuse of women legislation 

VII. Voted as a block against gender pay issues in the workplace 

VIII.  House leadership ignores 91% public sentiment for weapons purchase background checks.  

IX.  Votes against repeal of DADT

X. Perpetrated battles against debt ceiling increase for the first time in US History (against Obama) 

.….. you should pay close attention to the following segment from last night’s (Feb. 6th, 2013) ALL IN, Chris Hayes.

The list could go on and on!

Source documents

The Guardian

Fire Dog Lake

Think Progress (Climate Progress)

Edward Snowden, "Where Art Thou and Glenn Greenwood?

In Edward Snowden, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow on February 7, 2014 at 12:01 AM

Seriously Comrade?

Russian Intrusion into Internet and cell phone privacy? In what country is Edward Snowden neatly tucked away? 

OK, so there is probably a difference in the following segment from The Rachel Maddow Show and espionage performed by Edward Snowden, but on close scrutiny hypocrisy and phoniness exudes.

Maddow’s segment focuses on hacker’s intrusions into the cell phones of visitors to Russia. How do we know those hackers are not part of the Russia INTEL community?

We wonder how Snowden and Greenwald feel about this gem?