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"..Women’s vote is bad for the country!" Tea Party Leader Janis Lane

In Ann Coulter, Reince Priebus on March 6, 2014 at 11:44 PM

Re-Blog from Addictinginfo Dot Org

This Tea Party Woman Says Women Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Vote

AUTHOR MARCH 3, 2014 6:58 PM
Janis Lane, female head of MS Tea Party, doesn't want women to vote.

Janis Lane, the president of a Tea Party group in Mississippi, thinks women shouldn’t vote, despite benefiting from the women’s vote herself. Photo of Janis Lane by Virginia Schreiber via the Jackson Free Press.

Mississippi Tea Party leader Janis Lane thinks the women’s vote is bad for the country. And yes, Janis Lane is a woman herself, who benefits from the women’s vote. After being asked whether she thought there were too many male politicians deciding women’s issues back in 2012, she said:

“I’m really going to set you back here. Probably the biggest turn we ever made was when the women got the right to vote. Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voting. There is nothing worse than a bunch of mean, hateful women. They are diabolical in how than can skewer a person. I do not see that in men. The whole time I worked, I’d much rather have a male boss than a female boss. Double-minded, you never can trust them.
Because women have the right to vote, I am active, because I want to make sure there is some sanity for women in the political world. It is up to the Christian rednecks and patriots to stand up for our country. Everyone has the right to vote now that’s 18 or over (who is) a legal citizen, and every person that’s 18 and over and a legal citizen should be active in local politics so they can make a change locally, make a change on the state level and make a change in Washington, D.C.”

So, first Janis Lane says women should never have gotten the right to vote. Then she says that she’s active in politics because of the women’s vote. What if we went back to the 19th century on that? She wouldn’t be able to have nearly as much influence politically. She could fight for issues, sure, but she couldn’t see them through at the polls. One has to wonder what she would do if women really did lose the right to vote.

Janis Lane isn’t the only woman to speak out against women.

Janis Lane is not the only woman to voice issues with the women’s vote. Back in 2007, Ann Coulter said that Democrats would never win an election again if women couldn’t vote. She also thought that the Democrats ought to hang their heads in shame for having so much trouble getting men to vote for them.

She has since revised that, saying that not only is the women’s vote bad, but also that liberal women should not be allowed to hold office. Liberal women, according to Coulter, get hysterical, start to cry, and are generally just too fragile to have a discussion with. This is about the same as what Janis Lane thinks.

So what is the GOP’s official position on the women’s vote?

According to Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, the GOP is proud to have been a moving force in securing the women’s vote. The GOP, he says, will continue “to uphold the principle of equal opportunity for all that has guided us from the very beginning. And as we celebrate the women of our party and country this month, we continue our fight for equal opportunity.”
Janis Lane, however, likely does not agree. She and other so-called “true” Tea Partiers believe there’s just as much of a problem with the GOP as there is with the Democrats. The GOP is not about equality of any sort, and the Tea Party even less so. Equality, for the Tea Party, is a privilege for white men to enjoy. Otherwise Janis Lane (and others) would never think the country would be better off if women couldn’t vote.
With the 2014 elections now less than a year away, it’s time for women to wise up. The Tea Party does not have women’s best interests at heart, as Janis Lane proved a year and a half ago.

Scarborough Proves Claims Fox and MSNBC Balance Is A False Equivalent

In David and Charles Koch, Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe Show, MSNBC on March 6, 2014 at 9:57 PM

I stopped watching MSNBC’s Morning Joe Show about two years ago. The format induced aversions and Joe Scarborough exemplified why any comparison of Fox News and MSNBC is a false equivalence comparison. Scarborough (along with ample numbers of highly paid sycophant co-hosts and guest) and the show host (Chuck Todd) that follows Scarborough’s daily tirades against the Administration has changed my morning (dress for work) news viewing. Either the horrors of local news (with all early morning frivolity and giggles) or the waiting arms of CNN News Day became my options. In other words, morning news viewing for me has become a very much a fleeting activity. Of course, I do spend a few minutes with News Day and simply flip-it off when they start the network’s daily conservative guest programming.
Today, two peeps at CNN programming reinforced the growing perception CNN has gone all out “lean very Right.” Chris Cuomo started today’s horror show with early morning Newt Gingrich, working to appear super intelligent while selling the Keystone XL Pipeline during questioning about the Russia invasion of part of Ukraine. It should be noted Paul Ryan did exactly the same yesterday while appearing with News Day host Kate Bolduan. That discussion was also about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Obviously, the GOP Playbook for the week includes extemporaneous insertions of the Keystone XL Pipeline, while video taping segments about the Ukraine invasion.  

The GOP is so very shallow and all about the business of “Fake it, to Make it!” 

Later in the day while taking a break from a daily chore, I attempted to avoid MSNBC’s The Cycle, via heading back to CNN. My knee-jerk dial tuning led me directly to Jake Tapper interviewing, of all people, Texas soon to be former governor Rick “oops” Perry. Needless to say, but I will close with, my viewing of Tapper and Perry ran 1.5 seconds.

I have expended a few minutes on CNN’s facilitation of conservative mantra and policy for one reason only.

While avoiding early morning Newt Gingrich on CNN, I ventured over to the Morning Joe Show. My traipsing around led me directly to Willie Geist and Joe Scarborough extolling the virtues of the Koch brothers. Geist was much more subtle in supporting his boss Joe Scarborough. Mika was sitting like a chastised puppy looking down at the set table not daring to make eye-contact with what appeared as the object of Scarborough’s posit: Harold (Deeply Blue Dog) Ford. Of course, I quickly hit the flat screen remote to another network. But, was there (on MSNBC) enough time to hear and see Scarborough yelping about the generous Koch contributions to the Arts.

Since, I knew Ford would not retort with serious concerns about the Kochs, I rejoined my Morning Joe Show paradigm and tuned away. The Kochs have via Koch 501 (C) (6) organizations (Freedom Partners specifically) funded anti-ACA campaign to the tune of plus $120 million dollars. If you follow current events, you may know the Kochs have worked to segregate schools in North Carolina.  While undocumented, I strongly suspect the Kochs via their gargantuan wealth cast a “Just Say No” shadow on Administration proposals to raise the minimum wage, provide assistance to the long-term unemployed, and their very presence provides impetus “just-saying no” to all things Obama. 

Ultimately Scarborough, the good conservative, opts to completely ignore the US Tea Party born of Tobacco Industry and Koch ideology dating back to 2002. Thus, the MSNBC conservative spokesperson cares nothing about a metastasized tea party that he has taken to task and he fails to factor a US government shutdown and a congressional approval rating below 12 percent.  

Scarborough was given a “collar” he continues to wear by his co-host’s father, Zbigniew Brzezinski, in December 2008.
A less than 30 days after the first election of Barack Obama to the US presidency, Scarborough was fitted and dressed-down. he continues to wear collar fitted by Dr. Brzezinski.
His support for David and Charles Koch while expected and delivered, show shallowness unbecoming a major GOP pundit who reportedly earns in the range of $99,000 per week.

Contribution to the Arts!  (surprisingly  superficial)

The Raw Story ran a piece about the morning segment.


‘Morning Joe’ freaks out over Democratic claims that GOP is ‘addicted to Koch’ (via Raw Story )

Democrats have targeted Charles and David Koch, the billionaire industrialists who help bankroll conservative politics, in advance of the congressional midterm elections. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee launched a digital campaign Thursday…

Issa Continues to Play Games; His Games Always Backfire.

In Lawrence O'Donnell, The Last Word on March 6, 2014 at 2:50 PM

Lawrence O’Donnell, The Last Word introductory segment (1:34 minutes)

I have read reports that Chairman Darrell Issa, knew Lois Lerner, former IRS official, was going to plead the Fifth Amendment at yesterday’s hearing.  Last night, I watched the following video from the comfort of my family room. While watching the segment, I noticed Issa an assistant (sitting behind the Chairman) who seems to peep over at Ranking Committee Member Cummings as Issa was shutting down the hearing. It was as if she fully anticipated Cummings’s reaction or she was curious to see how he would react. In either case, her actions adds a bit of validity to reports Issa staged the phony childishness and parliamentary malfeasance.


Yes, watch Cummings as he attempted to provide a level of professionalism to the hearing proceedings. Reports also abound that Cummings was attempting to assist after Lerner enacted her Fifth Amendment Rights.

We think it important to point-out the Ranking Member actually pleaded with Issa not to affect the childish act of shutting down the hearing.

Cummings via MSNBC

Cummings reiterated his criticism of Issa during a press conference Thursday alongside fellow Democrats who complained that Issa’s “partisan” investigation into the IRS’s possible political targeting has cost $14 million – with little to show for it. 
Cummings defended his actions during an appearance on Morning Joe earlier Thursday, saying he was trying to help Issa get the information he wanted from Lerner’s lawyer.  
“What I was trying to do was to get to allow the attorney to at least provide us with a proffer, that is, to tell us what his clients would have said if she were to testify,” he said.

Linked The Last Word segment  (15:11 minutes with a great lesson on 501 (C) (4) Tax Codes)

We posit, Putin exemplified the “new GOP.” The party is not the party of Abe Lincoln; neither the party of George H.W. Bush, nor Ronald Reagan. While earlier today, Joe Scarborough, MSNBC Morning Joe Show, expended a great deal of energy and rhetoric on the good from the Koch brothers, facts prove Scarborough a mere pundit when it comes to the tea party infestation of the House of Representatives. Thus, the Kochs are major players in GOP obstruction, and by default they have provided financial support that has led to the less than 12% congressional approval ratings. All said the 2010 election led to Issa’s appointment as Chair of the Oversight Committee. They funded many tea party organizations leading up to the 2010 election, when coupled with typical progressive lackadaisical appearances for mid-term elections, we now have a veritable “stooge on a witch-hunt” leading a key congressional committee.

Television News Takes Intriguing Twists: Russia Television (RT) and CNN

In CNN, RT, Russia Television on March 6, 2014 at 11:09 AM

Two Russia Television (RT) hosts have expressed serious objection to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

There are no surprises here, but I love the essence of what is captured in the following video segments. Women television personalities (News hosts or reporters) appear to stand much taller than their male cohorts regarding issues related to Ukraine.  I do not make RT regular viewing; my infrequent visits have found only women reporters, so my complimentary observation might be a bit jaded by RT hiring practices. Nonetheless, these women have stood tall, when I only hear reluctant or carefully worded comments from men. The dynamic is particularly noteworthy as there has to be men employed by RT who feel same as Martin and Wahl.   

One host has actually resigned from the Kremlin sponsored television network (see broadcast below).  Neither host is native to Russia. They are Americans employed at the network. Wahl has indicated ancestry who emigrated from the old Soviet Union.

The third segment involves CNN Host Wolf Blitzer and CNN correspondent Christine Armanpour. The CNN on-air interaction ended well, but the more global (non-American media perspective) Armanpour and her delivery of her point are worth the viewing time.
Russia Television (from Washginton DC)
Abby Martin
The Mashable published a piece on Ms. Martin’s comments the Russian invasion. 
RT anchor Abby Martin spoke out against Russia’s military action against Ukraine during broadcast on Monday. 
“Just because I work here, for RT, doesn’t mean I don’t have editorial independence and I can’t stress enough how strongly I am against any military intervention in sovereign nations’ affairs. What Russia did is wrong,” she said at the end of RT’s Breaking the Set.
“I will not sit here and apologize or defend military aggression,” she said. 
She goes on to blast the media for their coverage of the situation in Ukraine. “Furthermore, the coverage I’ve seen of Ukraine has been truly disappointing from all sides of the media spectrum, and ripe with disinformation,” she said.

Huffington Post                             
                                 Liz Wahl

(RT) “……..whitewashes the actions of Putin.” 

“Personally I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin,” Wahl, a Washington, D.C.-based correspondent for Russia Today, said. “I’m proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth and that is why after this newscast I’m resigning.”

Earlier today, RT pulished an OP-ED (RT- OPR-edge) that is almost unbelieveable: About Abby Martin, Liz Wahl: Media Wars. It seems things are falling apart at RT- America

CNN’S Blitzer and Armanpour spar a bit.  

Longer version linked, here.

All is well that ends well! 

Compliments to Martin and Wahl; hope CNN writers and host are a bit more together on how CNN segments are presented.

A question that you the reader cannot answer. “Why do you think the soldiers inserted in the Ukraine are being portrayed as “NOT” Russian? I believe some are even speaking about being Russian as they small talk with reporters.