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Posts Tagged ‘Ann Coulter’

"..Women’s vote is bad for the country!" Tea Party Leader Janis Lane

In Ann Coulter, Reince Priebus on March 6, 2014 at 11:44 PM

Re-Blog from Addictinginfo Dot Org

This Tea Party Woman Says Women Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Vote

AUTHOR MARCH 3, 2014 6:58 PM
Janis Lane, female head of MS Tea Party, doesn't want women to vote.

Janis Lane, the president of a Tea Party group in Mississippi, thinks women shouldn’t vote, despite benefiting from the women’s vote herself. Photo of Janis Lane by Virginia Schreiber via the Jackson Free Press.

Mississippi Tea Party leader Janis Lane thinks the women’s vote is bad for the country. And yes, Janis Lane is a woman herself, who benefits from the women’s vote. After being asked whether she thought there were too many male politicians deciding women’s issues back in 2012, she said:

“I’m really going to set you back here. Probably the biggest turn we ever made was when the women got the right to vote. Our country might have been better off if it was still just men voting. There is nothing worse than a bunch of mean, hateful women. They are diabolical in how than can skewer a person. I do not see that in men. The whole time I worked, I’d much rather have a male boss than a female boss. Double-minded, you never can trust them.
Because women have the right to vote, I am active, because I want to make sure there is some sanity for women in the political world. It is up to the Christian rednecks and patriots to stand up for our country. Everyone has the right to vote now that’s 18 or over (who is) a legal citizen, and every person that’s 18 and over and a legal citizen should be active in local politics so they can make a change locally, make a change on the state level and make a change in Washington, D.C.”

So, first Janis Lane says women should never have gotten the right to vote. Then she says that she’s active in politics because of the women’s vote. What if we went back to the 19th century on that? She wouldn’t be able to have nearly as much influence politically. She could fight for issues, sure, but she couldn’t see them through at the polls. One has to wonder what she would do if women really did lose the right to vote.

Janis Lane isn’t the only woman to speak out against women.

Janis Lane is not the only woman to voice issues with the women’s vote. Back in 2007, Ann Coulter said that Democrats would never win an election again if women couldn’t vote. She also thought that the Democrats ought to hang their heads in shame for having so much trouble getting men to vote for them.

She has since revised that, saying that not only is the women’s vote bad, but also that liberal women should not be allowed to hold office. Liberal women, according to Coulter, get hysterical, start to cry, and are generally just too fragile to have a discussion with. This is about the same as what Janis Lane thinks.

So what is the GOP’s official position on the women’s vote?

According to Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, the GOP is proud to have been a moving force in securing the women’s vote. The GOP, he says, will continue “to uphold the principle of equal opportunity for all that has guided us from the very beginning. And as we celebrate the women of our party and country this month, we continue our fight for equal opportunity.”
Janis Lane, however, likely does not agree. She and other so-called “true” Tea Partiers believe there’s just as much of a problem with the GOP as there is with the Democrats. The GOP is not about equality of any sort, and the Tea Party even less so. Equality, for the Tea Party, is a privilege for white men to enjoy. Otherwise Janis Lane (and others) would never think the country would be better off if women couldn’t vote.
With the 2014 elections now less than a year away, it’s time for women to wise up. The Tea Party does not have women’s best interests at heart, as Janis Lane proved a year and a half ago.

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Hannity and Coulter Re-fire The Flames of Racism

In Ann Coulter, The Daily GOP Ignominious on September 10, 2013 at 11:40 PM

Small Images for two very small demagogues!

The following needs little introduction. Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter have once again shown the world why Fox News is the database for the low information biased, bigots and racist viewers. I should focus my assertion with a bit more specificity. Hannity, joins Bill O’Reilly and a few other Fox News host in showing the world races based propaganda. More globally,  the network is an example of 24/7 quasi-news entertainment that according to Chris Wallace is there “…to counter MSNBC.”  

Most do not need the following exhibitions. Yet, they stand as testimonial of why the GOP will never break that self imposed barrier against people of color. Media darlings like Hannity and Coulter also practice utter disregard for issues important to women. 

Published on Sep 9, 2013

9/9/13 – FOX News – Hannity called Obama “confused” and “wimpy,” while Coulter derided the White House for thinking this is a simple Aaron Sorkin monologue away from being solved, adding that she believes Vladimir Putin has made Obama into a “monkey” on Syria.

Published on Sep 9, 2013
Ann coulter obama monkey. Ann Coulter joined Sean Hannity on Monday night to bash President Obama for a failure of leadership on Syria. Hannity called Obama “confused” and “wimpy,” while Coulter derided the White House for thinking this is a simple Aaron Sorkin monologue away from being solved, adding that she believes Vladimir Putin has made Obama into a “monkey” on Syria.

Hannity found the day’s events “embarrassing” for Obama, while Coulter acknowledged that Kerry’s off-the-cuff comment about Syria handing over their chemical weapons was ver cleverly snatched up by Putin. Hannity was astonished that Putin appears to be the “great peacemaker” in all this, with Coulter saying he’s “looking like a man” while Obama looks week.

She reminded Hannity how much the media (“Obama’s PR crew”) mocked Mitt Romney last year for saying Russia is America’s “number one geopolitical foe.” After using the Obama-as-Putin’s-“monkey” line again, Hannity asked her why she’s using that word specifically. Coulter simply insisted that “Putin is playing with him and making him look ridiculous.”

Coulter concluded, “We don’t go around and intervene with an unbelievably small attack every time something bad happens in the world.”

Watch the video below, via Fox News:

If you want to see Fox News at its universal worse, take a look at the full version. Hannity leads his subject into the ‘kill zone,” when she fires off typical guttural vitriol with a twist towards increasingly ever-present racism.

Now, let’s dissect this perfect Hannity/Coulter racism mixed with  chronic “Obama Derangement Syndrome”.  
I am hearing and reading how George W. Bush was referred to as a chimp.  The counter-point is as shallow as Fox New’s business model and Fox New’s feeding its sycophants “Obama Derangement Syndrome.”
Hannity and Coulter often skirt the perimeter of decency with long diatribe led discussions of matters of race. During the 2012 GOP Primaries, Coulter came to defense of alleged sexual harasser and documented political ‘wack-job’ Herman Cain. Cain was apparently criticized by some in the black community, including me, for his buffoon-laden political campaign and indecent remarks against African American Community. The specific issue that facilitated the Hannity/Coulter ‘red meat’ segment was Cain’s immersion in allegations of sexual harassment.  

Hannity/Coulter his whine-up vitriolist. 

Coulter used the same line of thinking that Rush Limbaugh employed on his Monday show: that the article is part of a process to tear down a black Republican. “Liberals detest, detest, detest conservative blacks,” she said. “…This is now the second time a conservative black has had outrageous and what appear to be false allegations leveled against him.” (The first, in her view, was Clarence Thomas.) 

Hannity said that, while he was not downplaying the seriousness of sexual harassment, he felt that everyday office banter was being misconstrued too often as inappropriate. “These people are humorless,” he said. 

Coulter brought things back to race, saying that some women had been quick to forgive Bill Clinton for his sexual transgressions, but were attacking Herman Cain. “If you are a conservative black, they will believe the most horrible sexualized fantasies of these uptight white feminists,” she said. 

Hannity wondered why liberals were, in his words, so “threatened” by Cain. Coulter was blunt in her response. 

“Our blacks are so much better than their blacks,” she said, speaking of Democrats. “To become a black Republican, you don’t just roll into it. You’re not going with the flow…and that’s why we have very impressive blacks in the Republican party.”

If you wish, we offer 7:00  plus minutes of pure ‘red meat’. Watch as Coulter attempts to rationalize and marginalize claims of sexual harassment. Watch as Hannity takes sexual harassment to the surface level of joking.  Cain was accused of literally reaching up a skirt towards a woman’s genitalia. Cain left the campaign trail after the harassment allegations! Coulter and Hannity are the embodiment of the GOP “War on Women” and they practiced a form of cavalier racist bantering which should be disavowed by the GOP.

Ann Coulter On Herman Cain: ‘Our Blacks Are So Much Better Than Their Blacks’ (VIDEO)

Coulter is an equal opportunity racist. 

Ann Coulter On Immigration Reform: We Are “Bringing In 30 Million Unskilled, Law Breaking” Immigrants

 June 28, 2013 6:27 PM EDT ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF

Unskilled and law breaking immigrants!  

Sexual harassment as a joke!

And, our (GOP) Blacks are better than their (DEM) Blacks!

“…..Putin has made Obama into a “monkey” on Syria.”

Key points:

I remain resolute in my conviction that news pundits regardless of network have no idea of the extent to which President Obama and his team have mastered issues related to Syria.  In fact, it should be noted that Putin and Russia seem to be all too willing to settle the issues related gassing Syrian citizens and they wish to settle the matter very quickly.  Coulter knows no more than she can watch on Fox News. If one’s level and scope of information is confined to Fox News, one is in dire trouble. If you have doubts ask Mitt Romney.
Coulter and her sympathizers, and yes I am reading their remarks,  know full well why George Bush was on occasion referred to as a chimp. Such disparaging remarks towards Bush had much to do with intellect.  Those same people know exactly the level of contempt to which Coulter stoops when she levels  a clear racist remark at the 44th President of the United States of America. 

We offer a gallery from Coulter’s brethren.

Let’s play the denial game for a second  If we assume Coulter did not intend a racist remark, can we convince you of the deeply visceral process called: the Freudian Slip.  All Key points, regardless of your preference boils down to Coulter as racist and Hannity as race baiting enabling host.


Zimmerman Team And Conservative America Are Jubilant Over Injustice!

In Ann Coulter, west on July 14, 2013 at 7:49 PM

                        The smallest of images for the worse of justice!


Can you imagine what it is like to win the Super Bowl, the World Series of the NBA Championship?  Well, it appears George Zimmerman attorneys (West and O’Mara) certainly felt the buoyancy of a major victory.  They won a “Not Guilty” verdict for a client who summarily murdered a High School Junior (unarmed and headed home to finish the NBA All-Star Game).

No matter the incompetence of the prosecution. No matter what appeared to be following direct orders to avoid all mention of race; as the defense mentioned race frequently throughout the trial. No matter evidence that Zimmerman stalked the high school junior like unwitting prey. He stalked the young prey like a blood thirsty lion with a 9MM with “one in the chamber”. He did not even have to use inertia to load the pistol.  He was ready for a fight, with one who he knew probably was unarmed.  He spoke with a police officer like a cunning detective ready to lunge on the “suspect”.

“Suspect” he wrote while unrestrained at the police station.  He was never asked nor never sated why he called the high school Junior a “suspect”.  A “suspect” in what regard? 

Suspect for walking in America? 

Suspect for purchasing sweet items to finish the basketball game?  

Suspect because he covered his head from the drizzle with a Hoodie?  

Or, suspect because…..

Audio rendering (excuse 7 second commercial) AUDIO ONLY.

…he did not fit Zimmerman’s perception of what is right.

Is it possible as Zimmerman’s “suspect”, young martin was simply guilty of being in the wrong place when an armed psychopath with intent to do harm happened to run across him while allegedly headed to Target?   The audio appears laced with clear evidence of neurosis, narcissism and possible a degree of schadenfreude

Zimmerman’s Legal team outwitted and incompetence prosecution team and trampled all over any semblance of justice for a high school junior whose life was snuffed out by bad Florida gun and legal system laws, and a system that makes little effort to practice fairness when challenged to be fair. 

The buoyant legal team appeared  shortly after their court case  “Super Bowl” and commented as loosely as having spent an hour in the locker room consuming champagne.   

O’Mara speaks as if a chief propagandist for a regional despot, as he indicates Zimmerman would not have been charged if he had been black.  After the inane assertion, O’Mara makes innuendo about why Zimmerman  was charged with murder. 


While right-wing social media and I am certain Fox News is celebrating the “Not Guilty” verdict, rational people should question O’Mara’s assertion.  The words seem very much from the perspective of one who benefited from various forms of “white privilege” as he chose to show contempt for a thorough investigation of the murder. He speaks resentment while it is a fact his client lied on many occasions (O’Mara admittedly so) and his client went well beyond the parameters of his self appointed duties as a neighborhood watchman.  The lawyer literally exhibited pure contempt for the Martin Family civil rights attorneys who sought the justice of an arrest and trial for the shooting. 

O’Mara also attacked the media.  I must ask, did O’Mara and Zimmerman run to Fox News within days of Zimmerman’s eventual (many months post the murder of Trayvon Martin) arrest?  Of course  some, including me, will argue Fox News an Sean Hannity are not in any way to be construed as the “press” or the “media.” Nonetheless, O’Mara sought the publicity of exposing his lying client. After the trial attacked the media for doing its job, which is typical of the American Right-wing.

O’Mara certainly loves the camera. Yet, he attacked the very professionals who provided opportunity a few days ago for the video linked below.  The segment is over 10:00 minutes long. I am posting it for the few seconds are the 5:05 minute mark. After he refers to Trayvon Martin (not by name) as “the murder victim” he goes on to ramble through hearing himself talk and dazzling the media. Linked

I mentioned above right-wing pure glee with the verdict.  I offer a couple of examples

Ann Coulter Zimmerman tweet

If that is not enough disgust for you,  read a few comments from the following link. The comments are for the most part very civil; unlike comments I have read on other right-wing web sites.

The Free Republic
It certainly appears Zimmerman’s attorney’s and the jubilant Right-wing are having their day.  We assert it is this very same divisiveness and lack of perceptions or reality that contributes to a Tea Party infested House of Representatives, an ill economy, and social divisiveness that is worsening not improving.  And, we lay full credit for all squarely on the GOP and conservative America. 

We are certain in  households numbering in the hundreds of thousands a now familiar conservative refrain blasted across the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean: “USA, USA, USA!”

Ann Coulter: Demagogue and Hater (VIDEO)

In Ann Coulter, GOP on September 24, 2012 at 11:21 PM

….. she is indicative of the GOP Circa 2000 and beyond!

Latinos, Asians, and women should be outraged at such a crass and sickening remark.  Unbeknownst to the right-wing mouthpiece, certain provisions of Civil Rights Legislation apply to white men over 40 years of age.

Civil Rights is about and for people. Well, I failed to remain conscience Coulter is a spokesperson for the GOP.  

Do you vote along with Coulter?

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Tweets and More Disgust From the Right!

In Ann Coulter on September 6, 2012 at 11:44 AM

Ann Coulter Tweet during Sandra Fluke’s DNC Convention Speech.

8:00 p.m., Coulter tweeted:
Ann Coulter

Bill Clinton just impregnated Sandra Fluke backstage…

There isn’t one once of decency and class left in right-wing surrogates, mouthpieces and media.

Flukes only wrong was to be denied an opportunity to speak to a Darrel Issa’s panel (contraception) related to healthcare reform.  Issa stacked the panel guest set with men and a number of those were people of the cloths (As they call it).

Fluke spoke-up about her denial and an opportunity to speak about a topic that was dear to her. She had  friend who took contraception medication to help combat cancer.  She spoke-up about being denied the right to join the Issa panel as a guest and has been the target of disgusting scorn from the Right since.

How very sad is conservative America!

Yesterday, the disgust was Tweeted from Erick Erickson, GOP surrogate, pundit and snarky mouthpiece. 

….And The Band Plays On…..

Obama in Colorado; Coulter Rollsout the Sexist Card!

In Ann Coulter on August 9, 2012 at 5:17 PM

President Obama has spent a few days campaigning in a state win won in 2008: Colorado.  No matter what Dick Cheney Dick Cheney attempt to retract his truthful statement about the zaniness of placing Palin on the 2008, there are millions who voted for Obama based in horrid GOP Ticket.  Obama does not have same scenario in 2012. 

Although Romney has not gone transparent with his choice for the VP slot, he will not make the extreme blunder of 2008. He will not place a veritable idiot on the ticket.  The thought of a woman on the GOP ticket is also ‘way-out-there’ in a field Romney will not cultivate.  While Romney has a commanding lead in the state [Romney, 50 percent to 45 percent Obama], he is not appealing to a voting bloc that is critical for a win in 2012. He is trailing significantly with women voters in Colorado [among women in Colorado, 51 percent to 43 percent]. Other national poll numbers show single women support Obama over Romney; conversely married women support Romney over Obama. Now, there is a set of stats worthy of exploitation.  One intriguing factor related to that data. It is impossible to believe  voters in minority communities share the stated married/single poll spread.  A topic for a different day and time.  

Of course, the number one woman GOP surrogate (mouthpiece) Ann Coulter steps-up for the attack on single voters. Coulter’s attack is typical Coulter: completely without reason and tempered towards the gutter.  During a recent interview on Fox Entertainment & Public Relations Network, the irascible Coulter was true to form.  Why insult single women voters?  What about the following validates Coulter as an undeniably cranky and unnecessarily abusive? “….stupid single women.”
“I think it’s probably a good sign that Obama is so desperate just to get the base Democratic voter — stupid single women — to vote for him,” Coulter told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday. “This is good news that he needs to lock up that part of the Democratic vote.”
“He’s trying to get the stupid single women voter, which is the Democratic Party base,” Coulter repeated. “And I would just say to stupid single women voters, your husband will not be able to pay you child support if Obamacare goes through and Obama is re-elected. You are talking about the total destruction of wealth. It is the end of America as we know it.”
“Great, you will get free contraception; you won’t have to pay a $10 co-pay, but it will be the end of America. Think about that!”

Women really should  “think about that“.  President Obama campaigning with Sandra Fluke while delivering a healthcare message should be important to all voters; especially mothers of children. 

An American Legacy – The "New Right Elucidation"

In Ann Coulter, Fox News, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Sexual Harassment allegations on November 2, 2011 at 7:55 AM

“Our Blacks; their Blacks”  




 Fox News    

Since, Herman Cain has come forth with intent to run for the GOP nomination for president in the 2012 Election, life has been nothing shy of unbelievable.

Unbelievable? Cain’s rhetoric has garnered attention at a level that is uncommon for the GOP. Of course, he is the first viable black (African-American) candidate for president in U.S. History.  Cain’s 9-9-9 (former) tax plan has set a foundation for GOP candidate tax plan models; as ridiculously unbalanced as is the 9-9-9 tax plan. And, of course, Cain’s very uncivil remarks about President Obama are often beyond belief. Example, “…Obama is not of the black experience” (Paraphrased).

All of the aforementioned pales compared to Cain’s latest ‘pickle’.  I have intentionally  avoided any remarks about the allegations of sexual harassment levied against Cain. I have experienced in investigation cases of sexual harassment and I know how very sharp edged is the allegation and, or, the actual harassing behavior. I also know that people are  accused sexual harassment for many reasons and there are many times when the alleged ‘perpetrator’ is not guilty.  It is an issue I fully intended to leave for others.

I have commented on media handling of the latest Cain “issue”, and I am going to do so now.

Since the election of President Obama, a strange thing has emanated from people who claim the political and social Right. I should say the Far Right to be specific. No I am not speaking about the proliferation of insensitive and racist email, photos at Tea party Events, and other forms of visual rejection of the nation’s first non-traditional president.  I am not, even, speaking about the callous and unfortunate, yet revealing, comments from the likes of Joe Biden and Harry Reid. (both commented about Obama’s verbal skill and his lack of ethnic identifying way of speaking), In fairness, Biden’s remarks was a mere gaffe and it related to the common uppity remark that some black people are more ‘articulate’ than others). Reid’s remark, well, not at all a good thing to say about potential candidate  Obama.  OK, so the stage is set.

I am speaking about the ‘New  Right Elucidation;’ related to the black experience in the United States. AH, but, the black experience from Right-wing conservatives?  From the very people who have a documented history of anti-Civil Rights legislation, post-1960s  elected officials who have fought Civil-Rights, and some elected officials who have  supported  Jim Crow Laws. The “New Right Elucidation”, is a phenomena born in 2009 and it has metastasized into a horrid set of demagoguery too often used by people  on the Right.  How about a little of what I will loosely define as “appreciative inquiry”?

How can Michelle Bachmann use slavery as an example of how the American Black Family was better off in the force stated of human ownership than today. She commented about  the absence of males in many black households.  While, the black population comprises about 13 % of the U.S. population and whites comprise a clear 75 % of the population, rest assured there are more white families with a female head of household that in the black community, Before, you blow a gasket understand that on a per capita basis the number of one parent households is more prevalent in the black community; that is for certain on a per capita basis. the salient point, what  is the point, et al. Why go there?

Let’s wallow a little more?

Haley Barbour immerses himself on total history ‘revisionism, that I prefer to call  regressionism”. He literally attempted to regress back into the 1960s and declare that the White Citizens Council was not all that bad for black citizens of Jackson, Mississippi.  Barbour went further into a statement that he was part of a generation that fought school segregation.  he did so despite clear evidence that he attended the University of Mississippi  while the school practiced outright segregation and deployed anti-enrollment  strategies against blacks people who attempted to  enroll at the university.

OK, it metastasizes!

Yesterday, Halloween, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter placed a defining ‘crown’ on the lowest level of racism that I have heard from the conservative Right and the GOP in many years. Eight minutes of pure unbelievable racism that I suggest exceeds any remarks for Limbaugh and Beck. Watch……
Let the record show that Ann Coulter said, “….our blacks and their blacks”.  “OUR BLACKS and THEIR BLACKS”!  Do you think Coulter is unaware that slavery was ended after the Civil War?    How much more credible would it have been had Hannity even quipped about her completely racist use of such words? As a Liberal, I am afraid to disappoint Coulter and Hannity but the Democratic party not only does not own me, I do not even contribute financially.

The Right has moved (metastasized) to use of ‘lynchings’ as a defense mechanism for bailout out  of a conservative who happens to be African-American. I have attempted to avoid over coverage of Mr. Herman Cain. My web page is full of articles about Cain as I feel he is the perfect African-American for conservative America. But, it is very hard to do these days. He has indicated that he is much like Clarence Thomas. I suggest in many more ways than one.  While trying to avoid Cain, for this article, I must drive home a point about the “New Right Elucidation”.

How can conservative America and the GOP, via talking-points, resurrect the Clarence Thomas ploy of labeling his sexual harassment hearing sessions as ” a “high-tech lynching”? How really crass and callous!   Yet, in the past it worked. The Senate confirmation process was brought to a vote and Thomas was confirmed. Conservative America again reaches to the past for strategies for modern-day issues.  Is there no originality in the GOP?


All of the Right-wing pundits who are flocking to cable news networks, all of the Right-wing (highly paid) on-air personalities and all who believe Cain, place themselves on a ‘rocky cliffs edge’ should the scandal prove to be factual. What happens if Cain’s penchant for ‘running his mouth’ has caught-up with him and the one person who wishes to speak about how she was harassed by Cain confirms her claims? Does that not make a case for  the Right is dissolving into nothing shy of an embarrassment.

Hannity and Coulter are beyond embarrassment. Extreme levels of compensation has a way of pushing one’s pride off the scale. Plus, both work for Fox News and quite frankly, they have learned to ‘speak Right’ regardless of accuracy or impact.  No, I am concerned far more with people who have Cain as a top candidate for the GOP presidential candidate.

The Right is portraying the on-going issue as a plot for, the Left.  Use of an analogy that even approaches lynching is a new low of disgust.  Maybe, after the 2012 election, regardless of who serves as president this “New Right Elucidation” will subside.  Maybe they will leave the African-American experience to our history and maybe, just, maybe they will leave the horrors of slavery and Jim Crow in America out of their vernacular.

OUR BLACKS; THEIR BLACKS“.             “LYNCHINGS“.                              FOX NEWS

For sake of decency and the fact that younger people may stumble across this article, I am forgoing my inclination to post pictures and links related to actual lynchings.  One tidbit. Did you know that in some southern communities lynchings were  advertised hundreds of miles from the ‘terminal entertainment’.   Advertised like a television show.

An American Legacy – The “New Right Elucidation”

In Politics 2012 on November 1, 2011 at 10:02 PM

“Our Blacks; their Blacks”        


 Fox News    

Since, Herman Cain has come forth with intent to run for the GOP nomination for president in the 2012 Election, life has been nothing shy of unbelievable.

Unbelievable? Cain’s rhetoric has garnered attention at a level that is uncommon for the GOP. Of course, he is the first viable black (African-American) candidate for president in U.S. History.  Cain’s 9-9-9 (former) tax plan has set a foundation for GOP candidate tax plan models; as ridiculously unbalanced as is the 9-9-9 tax plan. And, of course, Cain’s very uncivil remarks about President Obama are often beyond belief. Example, “…Obama is not of the black experience” (Paraphrased).

All of the aforementioned pales compared to Cain’s latest ‘pickle’.  I have intentionally  avoided any remarks about the allegations of sexual harassment levied against Cain. I have experienced in investigation cases of sexual harassment and I know how very sharp edged is the allegation and , or, the actual harassing behavior. I also know that people are  accused of sexual harassment for many reasons and there are many times when the alleged ‘perpetrator’ is not guilty.  It is an issue I fully intended to leave for others.

Read the rest of this entry »