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Archive for March 16th, 2014|Daily archive page

Proof The Affordbale Act Works And Without Koch-like Paid Actors

In Uncategorized on March 16, 2014 at 11:05 PM

I Don’t Have to Worry Anymore: My Affordable, #GetCovered Story

Posted March 12, 2014
By Angele Bravo
As a 29-year-old single mom, my life revolves around my wonderful young daughter. I work hard as a temp clerk at a New Orleans mammography clinic to provide her a good life. I stay on top of my bills and I pay taxes. I’m a responsible mom.
But I haven’t had health insurance for the past three years.
My 7-year-old daughter is covered by the Louisiana Children’s Health Insurance Program, but insurance for myself was too expensive. It was scary to live without knowing what would happen if I got really sick or if I had a serious accident. I put off check-ups and I calculated how bad it would have to get before I sought medical help. With every sniffle or cough, I wondered if this was going to turn into the hospital visit that bankrupted us.
My uninsured days finally ended when a colleague at the clinic told me about the Health Insurance Marketplace. I went on and learned that I qualified for a lower premium. I was able to enroll in a Silver health plan and a dental plan for a total of less than $18 a month. Yes, less than $18!
My coverage began February 1 and I’ve already been to the doctor for a consultation.
The Affordable Care Act has brought me security to know I can get medical attention when I need to, without saving up money or worrying about how the cost will hurt my family.
I want everybody – moms, dads, college students, and anybody looking for affordable health care – to know that they have a chance to find quality coverage in their price range. In fact, 6 out of 10 uninsured Americans could get coverage for $100 or less a month.
There are only a couple of weeks left before the March 31 open enrollment deadline, so don’t delay. Get covered today.
There are simple ways to shop for coverage and enroll in a plan. You can enroll online at; over the phone at the 24/7 call center at 1-800-318-2596; or directly through an issuer, agent, or broker. You can also find in-person assistance in your community at

Two Studies With Very Different Results"; Is IQ Related To Social Views?

In CONSERVATISM, liberals, racism on March 16, 2014 at 7:20 PM 

We are posting a couple of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) related studies for your perusal. The first study is important and the detail of its importance is highlighted via reading related comments below the piece. Remember, you cannot get the full grasp of the first study without reading the closing remarks (Scroll down a bit after reading the study)

2011 Iahymnews….

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than Conservatives

08/10/2011 iahymnews

A new study conducted at Socialists shows that in America, Liberals have a significantly lower IQ than Conservatives. The study was conducted on 100,000 registered voters in 40 different states over the last twelve years, and has concluded its results.

The first part of the study lists the correlation between political beliefs and intelligence. Subjects of the study were chosen at random and requested to come to an unmarked van to take a test and answer some questions for a reasonable amount of money.

Of the 100,000 people, there were people from many doctrines, from conservative to liberal to marxist to fascist. Socialists came out on bottom, with an average IQ of 87. The second worst were Liberals and then Marxists, with 88 and 89 respectively. Conservatives received an average score of 110, which is significantly above average. However, the conservatives did not score the highest. The holder of second place were Communists with an average I.Q of 115, and the first place was apolitical people who did not follow any specific doctrine, who received a whopping score on average of 135.

 IAHYM News attempted to interview President Barack Obama on the new find, but he refused to speak directly. Instead, while walking down the strange hallway, he told correspondent Joseph Ducreux that the study
was ridiculous and false, but failed to provide any reason as to why or 
how the science of the study is at fault.
Hilary Rodham Clinton was also contacted, but she immediately hung up
the phone when she figured out that the study was being mentioned at all.
Other parts of the study included the daily activities of the various people based on their doctrines. Apparently, Liberals are five times more likely to commit a crime, steal or cheat on a test than anybody else except for Socialists, 52% of which have committed a major felony while being watched. Conservatives not only did not commit any crimes, but they actually prevented them, as the few events where a Conservative was threatened by a thief or mugger was hindered by a concealed handgun. Also, Communists are the most likely to commit rape or sexual assault, second to socialists.

The study was conducted in other countries as well, where 81% of Muslim Extremists admitted to following the Liberal doctrine and idolizing President Barack Obama. The study was conducted by a group of roughly 900 different scientists across the country over the past twelve years, each one taking on a little over a hundred people per person.
Reporting from New York City, this is John Bowling.
©  IAHYM News Network, 2011

Closing Comment

Oh yeah, and everything in that bullshit you just read is completely and totally false. There has been no such conclusive study, and all of the “Finds” are based on public paranoia. Chances are good that if you are a conservative, you were empowered by this new find. 

If you, even for a second, thought this find might be true, you are probably an idiot.

Yet another study with opposite findings 😉

Millennial Media

The media saturated generation Y

Do Racism, Conservatism, and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand?

Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right-wing ideology.
The first study? Well, you simply have to throw a bit of humor in your life from time-to-time. 
A new study conducted at Harvard University shows that in America, Liberals have a significantly lower IQ than Conservatives. The study was conducted on 100,000 registered voters in 40 different states over the last twelve years, and has concluded its results.
The first part of the study lists the correlation between political beliefs and intelligence. Subjects of the study were chosen at random and requested to come to an unmarked van to take a test and answer some questions for a reasonable amount of money.
Of the 100,000 people, there were people from many doctrines, from conservative to liberal to marxist to fascist. Socialists came out on bottom, with an average IQ of 87. The second worst were Liberals and then Marxists, with 88 and 89 respectively. Conservatives received an average score of 110, which is significantly above average. However, the conservatives did not score the highest. The holder of second place were Communists with an average I.Q of 115, and the first place was apolitical people who did not follow any specific doctrine, who received a whopping score on average of 135.
  IAHYM News attempted to interview President Barack Obama on the new find, but he refused to speak directly. Instead, while walking down the strange hallway, he told correspondent Joseph Ducreux that the study
was ridiculous and false, but failed to provide any reason as to why or 
how the science of the study is at fault.
Hilary Rodham Clinton was also contacted, but she immediately hung up
the phone when she figured out that the study was being mentioned at all.
Other parts of the study included the daily activities of the various people based on their doctrines. Apparently, Liberals are five times more likely to commit a crime, steal or cheat on a test than anybody else except for Socialists, 52% of which have committed a major felony while being watched. Conservatives not only did not commit any crimes, but they actually prevented them, as the few events where a Conservative was threatened by a thief or mugger was hindered by a concealed handgun.  Also, Communists are the most likely to commit rape or sexual assault, second to socialists.
The study was conducted in other countries as well, where 81% of Muslim Extremists admitted to following the Liberal doctrine and idolizing President Barack Obama. The study was conducted by a group of roughly 900 different scientists across the country over the past twelve years, each one taking on a little over a hundred people per person.
Reporting from New York City, this is John Bowling.
©  IAHYM News Network, 2011
Oh yeah, and everything in that bullshit you just read is completely and totally false. There has been no such conclusive study, and all of the “Finds” are based on public paranoia.  Chances are good that if you are a conservative, you were empowered by this new find.
If you, even for a second, thought this find might be true, you are probably an idiot.

Paul Ryan demonized "inner cities"’?

In Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, The Guardian, The Raw Story on March 16, 2014 at 2:32 PM

File:Paul Ryan by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg
Small image of the Day
Image via Wiki Commons: P
aul Ryan by Gage Skidmore

I wondered when Rience Priebus, RNC Chair, would add his ‘snivel to the aftermath of Paul Ryan’s excursion into social engineering/commentary while evoking the writings and ideology of a documented racist: Charles Murray.  

Earlier this week, Ryan joined arch conservative, Bill Bennett on his radio show. While schmoozing up to Bennett and while knowing Bennett’s (I care with my bigoted caveats) belief systems, Ryan showed a deeply troubling inner psyche. We posit he also showed a deep rooted paradigm of many on the Right and a vital social artery of the GOP.

“I care with my bigoted caveats?” 

Yes, those are my words for Bennett’s often appearing to care about issues in the black community while drawing from a thought paradigm and speaking words that seem to emanate from a place of deep deep bigotry.

A peep into Bennett’s bigotry.

The Guardian September 2005 

“Abort all black babies and cut crime, says Republican”


Speaking on his daily radio show, William Bennett, education secretary under Ronald Reagan and drugs czar under the first George Bush, said: “If you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose; you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down.” 
He went on to qualify his comments, which were made in response to a hypothesis that linked the falling crime rate to a rising abortion rate. Aborting black babies, he continued, would be “an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down”. 
The comments brought condemnation from all sides. The White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, said: “The president believes the comments were not appropriate.”

The Guardian also published this correction related to their September 2005 title:

The following correction was printed in the Guardian’s Corrections and clarifications column, Wednesday October 5 2005

The headline above is at odds with the story which makes it clear that the Republican in question, William Bennett, was not advocating such a step. He was speaking hypothetically – describing such a step as, among other things, ridiculous and morally reprehensible. As our report made clear, the offensiveness of his hypothesis drew widespread condemnation.

Regardless of print, publishing and corrections, Bennett’s remarks were over-the-top a ridiculous set of words. The comments actually remind me of cloaked bigotry and racism Rush Limbaugh openly broadcast on a daily basis. 
The Raw Story on Ryan’s remarks from earlier this week.
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) on Wednesday suggested that men in “inner cities” who refused to work were one of the main causes of poverty in the United States. 
In an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett that was first noticed by Igor Volskyat Think Progress, Ryan reflected on his controversial poverty discussion at last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference. 
“We call it a poverty trap,” he explained. “There are incentives not to work, and to stay where you are.” 
Ryan also pointed to the work of Charles Murray, a white nationalist, who has used “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

We have published pieces on Ryan’s cognitive constipation accompanied by oral diarrhea, so we will only comment as follows (at this time). In fairness, a day after Ryan’s revealing oral sphincter failure, his staff released the following words, “I was inarticulate.”
How many hours were spent in emergency damage control strategy meetings to develop such a weak response to his self-inflicted wound revelation?
As stated above, we anticipated comment from Reince Priebus.  It is no surprise the appearance would came via the Sunday Morning conservative communication platforms (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX News, Candy Crowley’s State of the Nation). The following Raw Story piece relates to Priebus’s visit with ABC.

As you read the piece (or view the short video) think about this. Priebus says Ryan was trying to help people.  

Point One: Do you recall the one quip, ” I am from the IRS and I am here to help you.”  Or, my favorite from days of old. “I am form 60 Minutes and only need a minute of your time.”

Point Two: Why do Republican refuse to accept the higher unemployment rate among black people (Not just men) has much to do with white business owner unfair and unequal employment practices?

Point Three:  Despite GOP public aversion to federal spending for human services programs, they attempt to mask their social deficiencies (including bigotry and a lack of cultural awareness and failure to self-reflect on white America) via affixing societal problems on others. Their policies oppress people, yet they find fault in their oppressed victim.

Point Four: Does anyone really believe that Ryan was also speaking about white men who live in the inner city?

Reince Priebus: Paul Ryan demonized ‘inner cities’ to help them (via Raw Story )

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday explained that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) had recently blamed poverty on “inner cities” because he was working hard to help those communities. In an interview with conservative radio host…

Let’s recap your GOP.

  • War on Women
  • Cut SNAP benefits (Children, elderly, low ranking active military, temporary unemployed)
  • Shutdown the Federal Government over the ACA
  • The ongoing Sequester
  • Denial of and cuts to Veterans Benefits
  • Fifty-one (51) repeal Obamacare votes at $1. 6 million per vote equal $81.6 million tax payer funding frivolously wasted for political expedience and placating the Koch brothers.
  • Refusal to adhere to public (91%) desire for background check gun purchases in support of the NRA and conservative values.
  • Voter suppression (Minorities, elderly, college students)
  • “Inner City Men” (cloaked code and a dog whistle) as shiftless and a drain on society.

Who votes for these people?

The Jimi Hendrix Stamp

In Brother Jueseppi B, Greg Breeding, Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970), Jimi Hendrix Experience, Rudy Guttierez, The Obamacrat Dot Com on March 16, 2014 at 12:08 PM

Re-Blog from  The Obamacrat Dot Com and Brother Jueseppi B.


Jimi Hendrix Gets A Forever Stamp, Issued Today.

By Jueseppi B.

These self-adhesive stamps are being issued in sheets of 16
Forever/49-Cent Stamps

Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970) was one of the most important musicians of the 20th century. Combining influences from rock, modern jazz, soul, and the blues with his own innovations, Hendrix created a unique style that influenced musical artists of his era and continues to inspire musicians into the 21st century. The stamp celebrating his legacy is being released as part of the Music Icons series.

The artist created the selvage and stamp art with acrylic paint and colored pencils. His choice of colors and designs introduced elements of movement and rhythm with an almost musical flow, paying homage to the 1960s without directly imitating the era’s art.

The stamp sheet, designed to resemble a vintage 45 rpm record sleeve, features a painting of Hendrix’s face surrounded by colorful swirls and small icons that reference song lyrics or aspects of Hendrix’s life.

The stamp art shows Hendrix in performance. The sixteen stamps are arranged in four blocks that resemble a kaleidoscope: With their upper corners meeting, the stamps appear to spin around each other. The quilt-like positioning results in three stamps in each block resting sideways or upside-down. Text below the stamps briefly describes Hendrix’s musical legacy.
Hendrix pushed the boundaries of what a guitar could do, manipulating various devices to produce sounds that could be loud-the quintessential psychedelic music-or melodic and gentle. A master at the controlled use of distortion and feedback, he expanded the instrument’s vocabulary in a way that had never been heard before-or since.
While Hendrix is remembered as one of the most innovative guitar players of all time, he was also a gifted songwriter, combining visionary, sometimes haunting imagery with deft pop hooks.
Rolling Stone ranked Hendrix #1 on its list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time, and #6 on its list of the 100 greatest artists of all time. His band, the Jimi Hendrix Experience, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992 and the U.K. Music Hall of Fame in 2005. The band’s first album, Are You Experienced, is considered by many critics to be one of the best rock albums of all time, and in 2005, the Library of Congress selected it for permanent preservation in the National Recording Registry, a list of sound recordings that “are culturally, historically, or aesthetically important, and/or inform or reflect life in the United States.”
In 1993, Hendrix was awarded a posthumous Grammy for lifetime achievement.
Through Hendrix’s mastery of the guitar and use of controlled feedback as a melodic element, he revolutionized and redefined popular music. His music sounds as innovative and fresh today as when it was first released, winning legions of new fans.
Rudy Guttierez created original art for the stamp and the stamp sheet. Art director Greg Breeding was the designer.
The Jimi Hendrix stamp is being issued as a Forever® stamp. This Forever stamp will always be equal in value to the current First-Class Mail® one-ounce rate.
Made in the USA.
Issue Date: March 13, 2014
SKUs featured on this page: 588004
The stamp comes out decades after the musician died in 1970, when a stamp cost just 6 cents. Today, one costs 49 cents.
It is designed to resemble a vintage 45 rpm record sleeve and shows Hendrix wearing one of his trademark military jackets and playing a guitar.
“Jimi Hendrix helped found three new genres of music — heavy metal, jazz fusion and funk — and in doing so, left behind an indelible mark on pop music and popular culture generally,” said Joseph Corbett, CFO and executive vice president at the postal service, in a release.
Customers can order the Jimi Hendrix stamps online at the USPS website.
In getting his stamp, Hendrix joins an elite club that already includes Johnny Cash, Ray Charles and Lydia Mendoza; Janis Joplin and James Brown will be the next inductees.
Slash, Doors guitarist Robby Krieger and Perry Farrell of Jane’s Addiction, among other celebrities, will converge Thursday at the stamp’s first-day-of-issue reveal at South By Southwest music festival in Austin.
“Over the years, more people have embraced Jimi’s music,” says Janie Hendrix. “His influence is evident in the music of Raphael Saadiq, Erykah Badu and Musiq Soulchild.”
The ongoing, 25-stop Experience Hendrix tribute tour has recruited rock and blues artists such as Bootsy Collins, Jonny Lang, Buddy Guy, Dweezil Zappa and Billy Cox. The Black Crowes’ Rich Robinson, Brad Whitford of Aerosmith and Krieger have also joined the lineup.
“It’s a three-hour concert, so it’s more like a festival,” Hendrix says. “The artists play two or three songs with each other.”
“I am deeply touched and so are other members of the Hendrix family by the issuance of this stamp, and I wish to thank the United States Postal Service for bestowing one of our nation’s highest honors on my brother Jimi,” Janie Hendrix, the sister of the late guitarist, said in a press statement. “While my brother has been cited many times as being among the most influential musicians of all time, the recognition implicit in his being portrayed on a U.S. postage stamp ranks as an unparalleled honor.”

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