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Archive for March 19th, 2014|Daily archive page

Chris Christie: Back As The "Bully"(Video)

In Chris Christie, Ed Schultz, MSNBC on March 19, 2014 at 9:37 PM

Chris Christie cannot actually expect to live his entire life as a bully and expect good things to repose at the end of the path. 

As Christie draws his friendly town-hall crowds, he is also now drawing New Jersey residents who are concerned about gubernatorial criminal activity malfeasance.


Read more after break below

Now, let’s see Christie and the GOP at its most common. As you listen to the New Jersey bully, think back to the GOP Right’s Principles as paid disruptors attended Democrat healthcare reform town hall meetings. The paid GOP disruptors did exactly what Christie lays at the feet of New Jersey public service workers.

Christie projects GOP strategy to the public service workers as well as any GOP functionary.

The Raw Story

Chris Christie mocks ‘public sector unions’ as police remove hecklers from town hall (via Raw Story )

Embattled New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) once again faced a crowd of angry hecklers at a town hall on Tuesday, but blamed “public sector unions” for the outburst. “Governor Christie, we are here to demand, you stop your corrupt uses, of Hurricane…

The Daily GOP Ignominious: GOP PAC Leader…." women too ‘busy’ to need equal pay laws."

In The Daily GOP Ignominious on March 19, 2014 at 7:29 PM

If any person with a camera asks a leading (dumb) question, it is best to ask them to turn the camera off for a second, compose yourself, think of an intelligent lie, and try it again. 

Awkward: GOP women’s PAC leader says women too ‘busy’ to need equal pay laws (via Raw Story )

The leader of a recently-launched politically action committee aimed at female voters in Texas said this week that equal pay lays were not “practical” because women were “extremely busy.” During a Sunday interview with WFAA’s Inside Texas…

Scroll down for more

And there is more from your GOP

Texas GOP director tells women: Stop suing for equal rights and ‘negotiate’ like men (via Raw Story )

Texas Republican Party Executive Director Beth Cubriel argued on Monday that women should stop using laws like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to help them achieve equal pay, and that they should become “better negotiators” like men instead. In…

Palin Gets Another Shot Via The Viewer Hungry Sportsman’s Channel.

In Republican on March 19, 2014 at 6:41 PM

And this is supposed to be cool?
Guess if Don King can do it, so can
the like showboating Palin.

We are lucky our mindset is to avoid Chronic Palin Syndrome.  You and I know Palin is a false reality and a bundle of idiocy handed to the nation by a stumbling and erratic John McCain (and GOP/RNC). It isn’t her fault she has been handed an opportunity to earn millions off the psyche of people who have infectious American conservative derangement. Yes, a state of mind that leads to this stuff…..

Rachel Maddow:Giuliani fawns over Putin’s ‘leadership’ 

Republicans & FOX News LOVE Vladimir PUTIN? 

And being with the mental acuity to craft one;s own quips, and not playing a professional staff to provide beyond “quippy” remarks.

Well, it looks like there is enough derangement and  “Duck Dynasty” types who will sit and watch intellectual deficient entertainment for sake of a few chuckles.   

We offer a 30 second trailer of what’s to come from the new Palin television show: Amazing  America with Sarah Palin.

Once the producers move through all of the gun-totting, killing animals, knifing fantasies and green screen projection of a glitzy American Flag, wonder if the show will include any minorities, LGBT and “binders of women?” One has to wonder how soon are the opening show will it take for a appearance by Ted Nugent. 

Rest assured, if President Obama took a stage with a super-imposed flag, Palin would throw a Fox News fit.

Why Do Women Earn Less Than Men? "GOP" Pundit.. "Women Are Too Busy…."; "Women Don’t Negotiate Well!"

In Obama on March 19, 2014 at 3:20 PM

Since President Obama’s inauguration on January 20th, 2009, pay inequity between men and women has closed ever so slightly. Upon taking office and signing his first piece of legislation (on January 21st), Lily Ledbetter Equal Pay Act, women earned $.59 to the male $1.00. Since, 2009 that gap has moved to women $.77 vs the male $1.00.  I think it safe to say, there would be little chance of chipping away at gender pay inequity if the GOP occupied the White House. 

Now, that we have established that reality, let’s move into the central reason for this post.

The GOP continues to ignore important issues that reach the households of any family that has a working wife, daughter, grandmother, aunt or “siggy” other.  Thus, GOP indifference to issues of pay inequality has a direct impact on our very young: the children of those households. 

As you peruse the following Christian Science Monitor graphic Ronald Reagan’s Trickle-down/Supply-side economics, contributed to obvious inequity as surely as it has contributed to income inequity and our very exclusive Top 1% (ers).

Despite a plethora of data indicting a persistent disparity, the GOP continues to fight like defending knights of armor for big business in serving as a moat around equity and fighting like dying heroes protecting the castle. 

Read more after the break below

MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow…….(My specific interest is in the first three minutes of the segment; specifically GOP ignorance emanating from the mouths of women and Reince Priebus, RNC Chair.

I offer an excerpt from this TPI piece. We took the information for the Society of Human Resources Management web sight.

The Society of Human Resources Management June 13, 2013

The day the Equal Pay Act was signed into law, women earned, on average, 59 cents for every dollar a man earned. “Today it’s about 77 cents,” President Obama said on June 10, 2013, in the East Room of the White House. “So, it was 59 and now it’s 77 cents. It’s even less, by the way, if you’re an African-American or a Latina.” 
The president pressed for Congress to “step up and pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, so women have better tools to fight for equal pay for equal work.” 
Occupational Segregation
The pay disparity is due, in part, to women continuing to fill lower-paying jobs because of “occupational segregation.”
The report listed the top 10 occupations women fill: 
Secretaries and administrative assistants.
Professional nurses.
Elementary- and middle-school teachers.
Retail salespersons.
Nursing, psychiatric and home health aides.
First-line supervisors and managers of retail salespersons.
Customer-service representatives.
Male-dominated professions requiring a high school diploma or a bachelor’s degree or higher continue to pay more than fields with a high concentration of women. 
For example, the three most common male-dominated jobs requiring a high school diploma—brick mason, tool and die maker, and plumber—provide average salaries of $45,410, $39,910 and $46,660, respectively.
By contrast, the top three female-dominated jobs requiring a high school diploma—secretary, child care worker and hairdresser—offer average salaries of $34,660, $19,300 and $22,500, respectively. 
Occupations are segregated by gender in professions requiring a bachelor’s degree or higher, the report added, and the male-dominated jobs are paid more. 
The three most common male-dominated jobs requiring a higher-education degree—mechanical engineer, computer-control programmer and operator, and aerospace engineer—provide average salaries of $78,160, $71,380 and $97,480, respectively. 
The top female-dominated professions requiring a higher-education degree—speech-language pathologist, occupational therapist and dietitian—provide average salaries of $66,920, $72,320 and $53,250, respectively. 
Read more linked above 

After viewing the Farrow segment, our need to keyboard on this topic ends. The GOP is absolutely lost.
Why is this even an issue?

Koch brothers, New Anti-ACA Ads, Kings Of America

In Affordable Care Act, Talking Points Memo on March 19, 2014 at 1:02 PM

According to Talking Points Memo, the Koch brothers have realized the ineffectiveness, folly and ridiculousness of their actor or false story laden Anti-ACA ads. Apparently, the uber wealthy “wanna be” kings of America, have moved their campaign to a more direct approach.

Once “foiled” across social media (except for conservative social media), and on progressive television media, for the phony advertisements the Kochs and conservative America have changed strategy. Hereafter we will refer to as advertisements as “ads.” 

Talking Points Memo

Koch Group Abandons Obamacare ‘Horror’ Stories After Fact-Check Backlash


“People don’t like political ads. I don’t like them either,” a woman tells the camera to start AFP’s new ads, announced Monday by the group. “But health care isn’t about politics. It’s about people.” 

She then criticizes the law for canceled health plans, narrow provider networks and higher premiums while linking Landrieu and Udall to those problems — but she speaks in general talking points. The new ad buy is $1.7 million across the two states, and the spots will run for three weeks.

UPDATE, 2:35 p.m. ET

“We are currently on-air with many different types of ads, including personal testimony of Obamacare impact,” AFP spokesman Levi Russell told TPM. “This is the same strategy we’ve been using for 6 months. This does not represent a shift in strategy.” 

Though the group billed these as “new ads” multiple times throughout its announcement, Russell noted that a similar version has run in North Carolina against Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) prior to the ad buys in Colorado and Louisiana.

Tell Senator Landrieu: ObamaCare Doesn’t Work

Not only do the Kochs spare no expense to control our world, they also deploy any and all strategies to shape our world to their libertarian paradigm, to their corporate subservience, and to their personal “linking.”


Anti-ACA Ads as embedded above would be far more effective if the ad included mention of the need to provide (alternative) coverage to the many millions who do not have coverage. Koch ads are void of remedy for the suffering of the uninsured. Specifically, how about……

…. a few words on how they would deal with being denied a life-sustaining procedure simply due to a job change?  

…. being diagnosed with an illness and you (are one of millions who) did not think you needed coverage. In the past, insurance companies would require self-disclosure of the illness and cancellation if not honestly disclosed. 

…. Koch resistance to the closing of the “donut hole” for our seniors! 

…. provisions of the ACA that work to reduce payments from pharmaceutical companies to physicians. Ever, wonder why your doctor might appear overly eager to renew your prescriptions? Less payments from “Big Pharma” to our physicians, directly lower the cost of prescription drugs

Pharmaceutical companies do not simply “eat” the cost of payments to physicians; they pass-on the cost to the consumer. In fact, with reduced payments from Pharma Reps to physicians we might find physicians more willing to expand prescription options to other manufacturers products. Rest assured, Big Pharma payment options from pharmaceutical reps to your doctor may overshadow your desire for a prescription drug produced by that other manufacturer.

In a few days, we plan to publish a piece about how the ACA has helped to reduce pharmaceutical payments to physicians. We have also read the amount of money from pharmaceutical companies have dropped due to expiring patents on certain products. It is not our intent to attribute what you are about to see solely to the Affordable Care Act.

However, the ACA has contributed as follows.

A provision of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, Physician Payment Sunshine Act, requires pharmaceutical companies and medical device companies to go public with payments to doctors. Any payment over $10 USD has become required public reporting. In my world, that is called transparency. Take a quick and basic look at a ProPublica slope graph

Ultimately, the Kochs and their operatives do not address a replacement for the ACA because they do not want a replacement. And, that affects millions more than those who are being forced to consider and accept higher cost policies; in some cases,despite their willingness to live with high risk “fathom” policies. “Fathom polices” are lower premium policies with extremely high deductibles, extremely high co-pays and may include unknown service exclusions.  

People tend to find-out about service exclusions when they have dire need for the service. Try getting your premiums back when you find out about a service exclusion. 

When the Kochs drop use of actors and “false story” ads that is commendable despite serving to save face. 
Where were the Kohcs and their $500 million expenditures on anti-health care reform before Barack Obama and Democrats move the policy to legislation. is it possible the Kochs had no issues with national health care reform as long as Republicans supported national reform?  We suspect that is factually the case.