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Archive for March 21st, 2014|Daily archive page

Racist Alert!

In racist on March 21, 2014 at 10:12 PM

Virginia KKK Imperial Wizard claims: 

“We’re a Christian organization.”  

OK, did anyone ask him if he has any record of Jesus wearing a cloaking hood?

Isn’t it wonderful to know your social and political belief systems are diametrically opposed to this trash? For those who vote GOP or Libertarian, your vote probably lines right up with these folk.

Virginia KKK imperial wizard: We’re not hateful, we’re a Christian organization (via Raw Story )

The leader of a Ku Klux Klan group in Virginia says the notoriously racist “Hooded Order” is really just a non-violent Christian organization. “We don’t hate people because of their race. I mean, we’re a Christian organization,” Frank Ancona…

Paul Ryan Confronted By Constituent!

In GOP, O'Reilly, Paul Ryan, RIck santorum, Santorum on March 21, 2014 at 3:34 PM

On March 12th, 2014, Crooks & Liars and every media other than Fox News an AM talk radio reported on a Paul Ryan conversation on the Bill Bennett Morning America radio show.

Before we link the Ryan/Bennett entertainment for American conservatives, we should state Ryan’s staff came back the next day with: “I was inarticulate.” It took his team the entire evening and well into the night to come-up with a lie as weak as it gets. Ryan was very articulate and detailed in his comments. His 24 hours later attempt to clean-up his racist slime reminds of Rick Santorum’s “BLAH People.” 

Ryan and Bennett, Linked here.
If you listened to the audio, you distinctly heard something that Ryan cannot now wash-off as “Inarticulate.” He cannot disavow his coded intent and he now stands  looking like a conniving bigot caught-up in reverberating “dog whistle.”  

Ryan did exactly what classic butt-suckersderriere vacuums” do, as they attempt to schmooze up to people they hold in higher esteem. He connects Bennett to white nationals/racist Charles Murray via the common “good ol boy” vernacular: “Your buddy… Charles Murray.”  

Two quick points. If you have ever worked in Corporate America, you have heard the vernacular “your buddy” many times.  It is a common “I’M OK; You’re OK” like colloquialism which once used paves the way for communication that follows. Yes, you know my point. Another point of far more importance; Ryan clearly linked Bennett with the racist Murray. Now, one has to wonder in what settings have Ryan come to know Bennett and Murray as “buds?” 

Now, fast-forward to this week and a Wisconsin town-hall meeting. Ryan was confronted by a constituent, who lay a fair set of criticism on the eight term Republican Congressman, and GOP Budget Guru.  

Demo News 

Alfonso Gardner, a 61-year-old African-American man from Racine, Wisconsin, didn’t mince words at a townhall meeting, telling Paul Ryan that, “You said what you meant,” Alfonso Gardner, a 61-year-old African American man from Racine, told Ryan at a town hall meeting. “[Inner city is] a code word for black.”

Although visibly flustered, Ryan remained defiant, “There is nothing whatsoever about race in my comments at all,” he said. He admonished Gardner for drawing a connection between his “inner city” remarks and race. “I think when we throw these charges around, it should be based on something.”…..

We find Ryan’s retort to the confrontation by Gardner typical of GOP back boneless in avoiding willingness to stand tall and defend their frequent cognitive constipation accompanied by verbal diarrhea.

Why did I keyboard Mr. Gardner did a “fair job “of confronting Ryan? I totally admire his confronting the would be social engineering “doctor.” If Gardner had connected his frontal assault while equipped with Charles Murray and Ryan’s mention of the racist, Ryan would have been much harder pressed to wiggle out via accusing Gardner of leveling charges.

Regardless of Ryan’s dodging arrows with weak retorts, he factually uses his soiled and bigoted paradigm to whittle away at programs and services the nation’s poor need to sustain life.

Ryan is your typical GOP millionaire. He has no serious strife in his life, he has no worries. In fact, I doubt very seriously if his life involves any interaction with people of color nor the nation’s poor.

Let’s close with a tribute to Ryan and his GOP with Rick Santorum at the microphone

All great performance deserves an encore. 

Two final points about he tribute to Paul Ryan, How did you like O’Reilly‘s background contributions to Santorum’s tribute?  Also, how often do we have a performance that leaves an indelible mark on US History: “BLAH People.”

The Daily GOP Ignominious: No More National Parks?

In Eric Cantor, John Boehner, President Obama on March 21, 2014 at 3:09 PM

Do you have any empathy for decreasing swaths of US geography that we can truly call pristine? If you are a conservative and say yes, be very careful others in your party and some who share your ideology may sense that empathy. It seems your political representatives in the US Congress don’t share your environmental concern. 

If you think I am being persnickety and typically liberal, read on.

Think Progress-Climate

Obama Creates New National Monument


Obama Creates New National Monument


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Mendocino Coast, California.

Mendocino Coast, California. CREDIT: SHUTTERSTOCK

On Tuesday, President Obama held a ceremony at the White House to announce his use of executive authority to expand the California Coastal National Monument (CCNM) to include the Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands on the Mendocino Coast. This is the first land-based addition to the CCNM and permanently protects more than 1,660 acres of beach, bluffs, and the Garcia River estuary. The area is home to rare and endangered species such as coho salmon, steelhead, the Point Arena mountain beaver, and the Behren’s silverspot butterfly. The Mendocino Coast of California was recently picked for the number 3 spot in the New York Times “52 Places to Go in 2014.”

The president’s exercised executive authority to preserve what amounts to a modicum of our national geography while protecting species from encroachment by human beings. We should look to doing more to preserve the Earth for people who will live as Earth’s denizens long after our spirits have departed on last journeys to a spiritual haven (spelling intentional) or to the depths of a fiery perpetual tortuous realm. 

American power brokers, corporatist, and uncaring conservative politicians cannot possibly care less about our environment and protection of specifies that live precariously at the whims of human beings.

I suppose by now you know what comes next. Have you ever heard of early GOP obstruction to the Obama Administration: simply called “The party of NO?” We really had no idea early “party of No” was the genesis of today’s Universe “Big Bang,” obstruction.  

Within the week John Boehner and Eric Cantor’s Tea party House of Oz moved to smack the president’s hand.  The House leaders continue to practice silly legislative “marbles” while the same period found the party leaders doing this to our long-term unemployed: MSNBC, CBS.  

Your Tea Party has taken a short break from frivolous repeal ACA votes (at cumulative cost of plus $81.6 million USD). Herewith is the latest anti-Obama legislation and it is a real doozy.  

Think Progress-Climate

House To Vote On Controversial ‘No More National Parks’ Policy

House To Vote On Controversial ‘No More National Parks’ Policy


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National Parks

Responding to President Obama’s decision last week to protect a stretch of California’s Coast near Point Arena as a new national monument, the House of Representatives is planning to vote next week to overturn a 108 year-old law that presidents of both parties have used to protect iconic American places, including the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, and Arches National Park.

The bill, H.R. 1459, aims to block presidents from using the Antiquities Act of 1906 to establish new national monuments by putting caps on how many times it can be used, requiring congressional review of proposed monuments, and forcing local communities to engage in an ironic exercise of reviewing the environmental impacts of protecting lands for future generations.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT), criticized President Obama’s use of the Antiquities Act to expand the California Coastal Monument last week as an end-run around Congress. “In other words, the House was punked by the President,” said Bishop.

However, despite arguments from Bishop and Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA) that Congress should hold exclusive power to decide whether or not to protect public lands, the House has effectively shut down all legislative efforts to protect wilderness, parks and monuments since the Tea Party takeover in 2010.

Question. Did you actually vote for these people to facilitate legislative performance at the lowest level of relevance and most asinine in US History? We understand your hatred of President Obama. We understand your deeply inbred social paradigm. We realize you are not concerned with the plight of the nation’s poor and less financially fortunate. You are showing your admiration for Vladimir Putin has resurfaced and in full blossom. And, your Tea Party House has gone insane with obstruction. Yet, we do not understand why are there any issues with efforts to preserve pristine geographic regions?

GOP Women "Stockholm Syndrome" (A Sad Reality)

In Uncategorized on March 21, 2014 at 1:25 PM

A Falling Deficit: A Concern and A Relevant Retort

In US Deficit on March 21, 2014 at 9:57 AM

Andrew Rei has responded to a lengthy piece from The National Memo. The National Memo piece is a full six pages and embodies the Memo author’s, Jason Sattler’s views on the falling deficit. As you can see from the title and associated parenthetic comment, Sattler isn’t convinced a falling Deficit as we see the declined today is “all good.” 

The National Memo


By Jason Sattler

5 Reasons The Deficit Has Fallen By Nearly $5 Trillion (And Why That’s A Bad Thing)

March 19, 2014 4:28 pm  
This year’s deficit will likely be $514 billion, down about a quarter from last year’s deficit of $680 billion, which was down by more than a third from the year before.

Read more after break below

“Since 2010, projected 10-year deficits over the 2015-2024 decade have shrunk by almost $5.0 trillion, $4.1 trillion of which is due to four pieces of legislation enacted in the intervening years,” Richard Kogan and William Chen write in a new report for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Excerpt Graphics (2 or 5 “reasons”)

We’ve Cut — A Lot

We Raised Taxes — A Bit

Read more via linked title above


Andrew Rei

My response

While reducing the deficit (and, eventually, the national debt) is a laudable effort, the WAY it’s done is just as important.  

The way the GOP want to do it is by reducing government spending and taxation. That’s the WRONG way to do it. By making government smaller, you allow the wealthy and big corporations to eventually overthrow the government so that they can take over. Our representative democracy would be gone and replaced by something I call a “Fascist Corporate Plutarchy”. Fascist because they adhere to all Fascist principles; Corporate because corporations would take over all of the former functions of government (think the “Robocop” movies, where a big corporation owns and operates the Detroit Police Department, on steroids) and a Plutarchy is a plutocratic oligarchy. A plutocracy is a government by the wealthy and an oligarchy is a government by a very small number of people, not necessarily politicians.  

The CORRECT way to reduce the deficit and the debt is to do what FDR did to get this country out of the GOP and FCP-caused Great Depression: increase government spending and go to a Progressive taxation system, where the wealthy and big corporations pay a higher effective rate of taxes compared to the middle class and smaller businesses. Right now, our federal tax system is “Upside Down”, where the tax percentage and effective rate paid by the wealthy and big corporations is lower than that of the middle class and smaller companies, when they pay ANY taxes, thanks to the Bush 43 tax policies. Successful people and corporations also get “rebates” in addition to paying no taxes thanks to those tax policies put into effect during the Bush 43 administration. Even the Libertarian suggestion of a so-called “Fair Tax” or flat tax is regressive and favors those with more money and higher incomes.  

The postwar economies of the Truman, Eisenhower and Clinton administrations, which featured high taxation on the wealthy and big corporations, boomed, allowing deficits to be eliminated and debts to be repaid. If we’re truly serious about wiping out the deficit and paying down the debt, the first HUGE step that can be taken to achieve those things is to fully repeal the remaining Bush 43 tax policies. Many people wrongly believe that they were repealed in the resolution of the “Fiscal Cliff” nonsense at the beginning of 2013. Until our politicians are willing to do that, especially the GOP, who are stooges for the wealthy and big corporations, any talk about the deficit and debt reduction not including the repeal of those Reverse Robin Hood and Upward Wealth Redistribution tools known as the Bush 43 tax policies is simply hot air.
