The Pardu

Eric Wattree: Dr. Carson…..An Idiot Savant?

In The Progressive Influence on March 5, 2015 at 11:21 AM

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March 2 , 2015
Dr. Ben Carson: An Idiot Savant 

I predicted that Ben Carson was going to have problems back in 2013. And I disagree about having to have exceptional intelligence to become a doctor. You have to have DEDICATION, DETERMINATION, APTITUDE and the PERSEVERANCE to jump through the required hoops, but no more intelligence than the average auto mechanic. Medicine is a craft, and any person of ordinary intelligence can be taught a craft. After all, they taught George W. Bush to be a fighter pilot. Being a good craftsman is about having the ability to follow a pre-determined road map, while intelligence is the ability to think out the box.

About Dr. Ben Carson
Dr. Ben Carson recently said that Obamacare was the worst thing since slavery. Is he serious? Is making it possible for millions of uninsured Americans to obtain affordable healthcare worse than Jim Crow and the countless lynchings of African Americans across this country since slavery? Is Obamacare worse than blatant racism, the bombing of innocent children in church, the senseless murder of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, or the gross murder and mutilation of a 14 year-old Emmet Till? Is this man out of his mind?
The problem with Dr. Carson is, in spite of his medical skill, he’s clearly less than an independent thinker. Many of his comments seem to suggest that instead of assessing reality for himself, he’s content to believe what he’s been taught to believe. That’s why I’m so quick to advise people that while Dr. Carson may be a brilliant neurosurgeon, he’s far from what we would consider an intellectual. Not only does the inaccuracy of his comment on Obamacare and slavery betray a monumental level of perceptual ignorance, but the fact that he lacked the insight to anticipate the national uproar over such an assertion, clearly demonstrates that his perceptual ignorance is, at the very least, tinged with more than just a little unmitigated and stark stupidity. 
We should never confuse education, or a given skill, with intelligence. Dr. Carson is clearly validating my position in that regard. We tend to hold medical doctors in high esteem and assume that they have an intellect that’s far superior to our own, but that’s not true. It’s a factoid – a lie that’s been repeated so often that it’s accepted as fact. 
The fact is, the practice of medicine is a craft. Doctors are just like auto mechanics, with the exact same diagnostic and analytical skill set. The reason we hold them in such high esteem is because of all the hoops they have to jump through to become a doctor – which is much more an expression of discipline and determination than intellect – and they have the ability to save our lives. But these are things that can be taught to anyone of average intelligence, discipline, aptitude, and drive. These are all laudable qualities, but they say nothing of one’s ability to think.
Thus, while medicine is a highly disciplined craft, it’s a craft nevertheless. So while doctors are undoubtedly highly trained professionals, they’re no more intelligent or insightful than the rest of the population, as Dr. Carson’s belief in talking snakes clearly attest. So if he decides to move into the political arena where he’s exposed to REAL thinkers and intellectuals, he’s gonna be torn to shreds.
The problem with people like Dr. Carson is, he obviously thinks that he has better judgment and insight than the over 93% of the Black community who voted for Barack Obama. But as that old saying goes, when you begin to think that everyone is crazy but yourself, it’s time for YOU to be examined – and examined he’s gonna to be. Thus, in the end the power of his intellect, or lack thereof, will no longer be a matter of speculation. But personally, I’m betting against him, because in this environment, just being a Black Republican alone betrays an abundant level of stupidity.…/a-clear-and-simple-reason-why…

'Dr. Ben Carson: An Idiot Savant  . I predicted that Ben Carson was going to have problems back in 2013. And I disagree about having to have exceptional intelligence to become a doctor. You have to have DEDICATION, DETERMINATION, APTITUDE and the PERSEVERANCE to jump through the required hoops, but no more intelligence than the average auto mechanic. Medicine is a craft, and any person of ordinary intelligence can be taught a craft. After all, they taught George W. Bush to be a fighter pilot. Being a good craftsman is about having the ability to follow a pre-determined road map, while intelligence is the ability to think out the box. . About Dr. Ben Carson . Dr. Ben Carson recently said that Obamacare was the worst thing since slavery. Is he serious? Is making it possible for millions of uninsured Americans to obtain affordable healthcare worse than Jim Crow and the countless lynchings of African Americans across this country since slavery? Is Obamacare worse than blatant racism, the bombing of innocent children in church, the senseless murder of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, or the gross murder and mutilation of a 14 year-old Emmet Till? Is this man out of his mind? . The problem with Dr. Carson is, in spite of his medical skill, he’s clearly less than an independent thinker. Many of his comments seem to suggest that instead of assessing reality for himself, he’s content to believe what he’s been taught to believe. That’s why I’m so quick to advise people that while Dr. Carson may be a brilliant neurosurgeon, he’s far from what we would consider an intellectual. Not only does the inaccuracy of his comment on Obamacare and slavery betray a monumental level of perceptual ignorance, but the fact that he lacked the insight to anticipate the national uproar over such an assertion, clearly demonstrates that his perceptual ignorance is, at the very least, tinged with more than just a little unmitigated and stark stupidity.  . We should never confuse education, or a given skill, with intelligence. Dr. Carson is clearly validating my position in that regard. We tend to hold medical doctors in high esteem and assume that they have an intellect that’s far superior to our own, but that’s not true. It’s a factoid - a lie that’s been repeated so often that it’s accepted as fact.  . The fact is, the practice of medicine is a craft. Doctors are just like auto mechanics, with the exact same diagnostic and analytical skill set. The reason we hold them in such high esteem is because of all the hoops they have to jump through to become a doctor - which is much more an expression of discipline and determination than intellect - and they have the ability to save our lives. But these are things that can be taught to anyone of average intelligence, discipline, aptitude, and drive. These are all laudable qualities, but they say nothing of one’s ability to think. . Thus, while medicine is a highly disciplined craft, it’s a craft nevertheless. So while doctors are undoubtedly highly trained professionals, they’re no more intelligent or insightful than the rest of the population, as Dr. Carson’s belief in talking snakes clearly attest. So if he decides to move into the political arena where he’s exposed to REAL thinkers and intellectuals, he’s gonna be torn to shreds. . The problem with people like Dr. Carson is, he obviously thinks that he has better judgment and insight than the over 93% of the Black community who voted for Barack Obama. But as that old saying goes, when you begin to think that everyone is crazy but yourself, it’s time for YOU to be examined - and examined he’s gonna to be. Thus, in the end the power of his intellect, or lack thereof, will no longer be a matter of speculation. But personally, I’m betting against him, because in this environment, just being a Black Republican alone betrays an abundant level of stupidity. .…/a-clear-and-simple-reason-why…'

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