The Pardu

Quick Hit: Ferguson Missouri Police Department Underbelly!

In Ferguson Police Dept Email. SPLC, Ferguson Police Dept., racist jokes on March 5, 2015 at 3:01 PM

Image result for ferguson missouri

The Southern Poverty Law Center published a few email from the recent DOJ investigation of Ferguson Missouri’s Police Department: The Ferguson Report.

We plan to publish more on the DOJ report in the near term.

SPLC: The seven racist e-mails the Justice Department highlighted in its report on #Ferguson police. 

It is impossible to believe that the racially charged environment of the Ferguson Missouri Police Department did not, in part, contribute to Darren Wilson devaluing the life of Michael Brown. 

It seems the enthronement in the Ferguson Police Department is quite the contrary of how many across the nation view police officers.  Moreover, it is not possible to imagine an environment such as this did not contribute to a total disregard for life at the and of one Darren Wilson.
Now, think about those dollars you sent to the Wilson “killers” fund.  The dollars went in support of what you read above.

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