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Archive for the ‘RIck santorum’ Category

Maher, Rob Reiner and Two Conservative Trump Facilitators

In Bill Maher, RIck santorum, Rob Reiner, Tara Setmayer, Trump Facilitators, Your GOP on August 7, 2016 at 6:00 PM

Bill Maher tonight clashed with Rick Santorum and CNN conservative commentator Tara Setmayer (plus noted, Liberal, director and former actor Rob Reiner) over the fact that Donald Trump may not be the real problem with the GOP… 

Before the 11 minute clip (and ti is worthy of a close viewing), Let’s remind your folks of Maher’s key guest: Rick Santorum.  

Santorum from his failed run for the GOP nomination in 2012. 

Now, that we have the opportunistic racist Santorum in perspective, let’s watch his failed efforts to beat the drum and sound the horn for Donald Trump (a bird of the same feather).

Bill Maher, Reiner, Set mayer and Santorum

Would you actually believe Trump’s reticent endorsement of three GOP members of Congress was brought-up by the desperate Santorum.  So, Trump’s soiled aura was turned round with one strategically forced set of lies form Trump.  Wow!  How shallow is the GOP and conservative America?

Caution Conservatives As Predators: Kochs Buying Democracy And Santorum Speaking GOP Racism

In Buying Democracy, Funding Fathers And The Vote., Kochs, Papantonio, RIck santorum, Ring of Fire Radio on July 3, 2014 at 11:25 PM

Conservatives are truly showing their inner core. From Oligarchs buying the nation like expensive caviar to Bigoted/Racist politicians entertaining like viewers.  

Every Vote Counts!

Re-post from Ring of Fire Radio

Ring of Fire Radio

The Knowledge Movement And The Former Independent

In Bill O'Reilly, Doug Lamborn, Pat Buchanan, Republican Party, RIck santorum, Sarah Palin, The Knowledge Movement on April 16, 2014 at 12:34 AM

Re-Post from Friend of the TPI.….

The Knowledge MovementThe Knowledge Movement

I used to be an Independent, but that was before the Republican Party turned batshit crazy. I’m not talking about fringe elements. The fringe elements are the normal ones. The nutcases are now the mainstream majority.

There were Republican Congressmen who got caught circulating a scripture praying for Obama’s death and that Michelle be made a Widow. Pat Buchanan, who worked with Reagan, referred to Obama as “boy” and has voiced his white supremacist views on air numerous times.

It wasn’t some subset gone rogue that colluded to “undermine all Obama’s economic initiatives,” it was the party leadership. Mitch McConnell, the Minority Leader got on national television more than once and was comfortable enough to say the Republicans’ number one goal was to make Obama a one term president. This would be unthinkable and considered treasonous before Obama but as stunning as it is, not much has been said about it. They aren’t even trying to hide their attempts to sabotage the economic recovery and block job growth.

“I don’t want to help a black person by giving them someone else’s money.” ~ Rick Santorum 

“Obama is a foodstamp president.” ~ Newt Gingrich 

“Obama is shucking and jiving.” ~ Sarah Palin 

“Obama supporters want free stuff.” ~ Bill O’Reilly 

“Dealing with Obama is like dealing with a tar baby.” ~ Doug Lamborn

The racial slurs, some veiled, some not so much, are limitless and so is the line of sitting Congressmen, Senators, Judges and other Republicans making them.

Republicans have made their values clear as an organization, and those values start at the very top and permeate through the entire party. You cannot claim to be a part of an organization and separate yourself from the core values of that organization. 

Anyone that dons a white hood is wearing it because they stand by and believe in what the Ku Klux Klan stands for. No one looks at someone in Klan garb and says, “he may not be racist.” The fact that he joined an organization created to enforce white supremacy means he embraces it or he would not be a part of it.
Likewise, if you see the Republican Party is about racism, corporatism, anti-middleclass, anti-poor, anti-woman, anti-worker, anti-jobs, then that is what anyone calling themselves Republican is about.

Once I saw the direction the Republican Party was going in I stopped considering them as an option. And me no longer considering Republicans an option, by default, made me no longer an Independent and pushed me into the Democratic camp. I never considered the Green Party because I’m a realist. And the reality is no Green Party candidate has a chance in hell of winning and voting for them would only help the Republicans by taking votes away from Democrats. 

So, for those that consider themselves Undecided or Independent, does this mean there is something about the current Republican platform you find redeeming that moves you to consider giving them your support? If so, what?

Paul Ryan Confronted By Constituent!

In GOP, O'Reilly, Paul Ryan, RIck santorum, Santorum on March 21, 2014 at 3:34 PM

On March 12th, 2014, Crooks & Liars and every media other than Fox News an AM talk radio reported on a Paul Ryan conversation on the Bill Bennett Morning America radio show.

Before we link the Ryan/Bennett entertainment for American conservatives, we should state Ryan’s staff came back the next day with: “I was inarticulate.” It took his team the entire evening and well into the night to come-up with a lie as weak as it gets. Ryan was very articulate and detailed in his comments. His 24 hours later attempt to clean-up his racist slime reminds of Rick Santorum’s “BLAH People.” 

Ryan and Bennett, Linked here.
If you listened to the audio, you distinctly heard something that Ryan cannot now wash-off as “Inarticulate.” He cannot disavow his coded intent and he now stands  looking like a conniving bigot caught-up in reverberating “dog whistle.”  

Ryan did exactly what classic butt-suckersderriere vacuums” do, as they attempt to schmooze up to people they hold in higher esteem. He connects Bennett to white nationals/racist Charles Murray via the common “good ol boy” vernacular: “Your buddy… Charles Murray.”  

Two quick points. If you have ever worked in Corporate America, you have heard the vernacular “your buddy” many times.  It is a common “I’M OK; You’re OK” like colloquialism which once used paves the way for communication that follows. Yes, you know my point. Another point of far more importance; Ryan clearly linked Bennett with the racist Murray. Now, one has to wonder in what settings have Ryan come to know Bennett and Murray as “buds?” 

Now, fast-forward to this week and a Wisconsin town-hall meeting. Ryan was confronted by a constituent, who lay a fair set of criticism on the eight term Republican Congressman, and GOP Budget Guru.  

Demo News 

Alfonso Gardner, a 61-year-old African-American man from Racine, Wisconsin, didn’t mince words at a townhall meeting, telling Paul Ryan that, “You said what you meant,” Alfonso Gardner, a 61-year-old African American man from Racine, told Ryan at a town hall meeting. “[Inner city is] a code word for black.”

Although visibly flustered, Ryan remained defiant, “There is nothing whatsoever about race in my comments at all,” he said. He admonished Gardner for drawing a connection between his “inner city” remarks and race. “I think when we throw these charges around, it should be based on something.”…..

We find Ryan’s retort to the confrontation by Gardner typical of GOP back boneless in avoiding willingness to stand tall and defend their frequent cognitive constipation accompanied by verbal diarrhea.

Why did I keyboard Mr. Gardner did a “fair job “of confronting Ryan? I totally admire his confronting the would be social engineering “doctor.” If Gardner had connected his frontal assault while equipped with Charles Murray and Ryan’s mention of the racist, Ryan would have been much harder pressed to wiggle out via accusing Gardner of leveling charges.

Regardless of Ryan’s dodging arrows with weak retorts, he factually uses his soiled and bigoted paradigm to whittle away at programs and services the nation’s poor need to sustain life.

Ryan is your typical GOP millionaire. He has no serious strife in his life, he has no worries. In fact, I doubt very seriously if his life involves any interaction with people of color nor the nation’s poor.

Let’s close with a tribute to Ryan and his GOP with Rick Santorum at the microphone

All great performance deserves an encore. 

Two final points about he tribute to Paul Ryan, How did you like O’Reilly‘s background contributions to Santorum’s tribute?  Also, how often do we have a performance that leaves an indelible mark on US History: “BLAH People.”

Connect The Dots USA OBamaCare Myths: Part II, The 6th Myth

In ACA, Connect The Dots USA, RIck santorum on March 15, 2014 at 9:33 AM

Connect The Dots USA OBamaCare Myths.  The 6th Myth….

“Myths” 1 – 5 Linked, here.

Connect The Dots USA

Debunking #6: “I Don’t Want To Pay To Cover Contraception Or Maternity Care.”

If Viagra is covered, then covering contraception only seems fair.

The Daily Show’s Samantha Bee exposes the millions of dollars of taxpayer Medicare money that goes to fund penis pumps (at $360 each):

Why is it when it comes to covering medications/treatments that men want in Rick Santorum’s “sexual realm,” it’s covered without discussion, but there’s a double-standard when it comes to women?

And pregnancy does not occur by immaculate conception — somewhere along the line there was a dude involved. Men need to pay into that insurance pool, too. And thanks to the ACA, older folks are getting even more subsidized by younger folks — rates can vary no more than 3:1 for oldest adult:youngest adult instead of the previous 5:1 or 8:1. So older adults can at least help subsidize younger folks’ maternity coverage. It’s all about cross-subsidies and community-rating to help make everything affordable for everyone. You get some, you give some. Not a perfect system but seems fair.

Insurance policies have never been written a la carte for a particular person at a particular time. Lots of coverages will never apply to you (e.g. women never need prostate exams).

See Michael Hiltzik, “Yes, men should pay for pregnancy coverage, and here’s why.”

Megan Kelly Absent After Racist Remarks!

In Ku Klux Klan, Meghan Kelly, RIck santorum, The Raw Story on December 13, 2013 at 1:04 PM

CBS News gave its viewers this and eventually broadcast the Benghazi story.

Fox News promoted Meghan Kelly and eventually aired a revealing dose of Fox News racism.

While some of our readers did not care for our honest assessment of Meghan Kelly’s crass, unintelligent and extremely insensitive remarks to her white over 35 years of age audience, we will continue to report on the story. Her comments were racist beyond those often spoken by white supremacist and the occasional moronic utterances from the Ku Klux Klan. She made Rick Santorum’s “Blah People” remarks appears as nugatory. Actually Kelly’s remarks ran her up to a solid second place among media hosts who offer racist utterances to welcome ears. She trials only the consistent ever disgusting Limbaugh. 

No matter the construction, matter the intent, her remarks have become an entry into the annuals of US race relations and validation of the full scope of “white privilege.” While no Santa aged kids watch her show, think of the scope of Kelly;s remarks. The black family or Latino family who may have been foolish enough to watch the show live, could not help, but gulp at her crass remarks. Her remarks also delivered clear “we are of the same mind” to people who openly or covertly harbor deep rooted racial paradigms or who are actually racist.  We are not going to blanket the spectrum of Fox News viewers, but we think it safe to posit many more biases, bigoted and racist news viewers tune to Fox vs other media.  

Kelly’s remarks would never cross the lips of people who work for MSNBC (not even Joe Scarborough or Chuck Todd), and despite CNN’s clear affinity for and move to the poli/social Right, here comments would not fit their news model. 

Kelly’s memorable comments…..
“For all you kids watching at home, Santa just is white,” Kelly said. “But this person is just arguing that maybe we should also have a black Santa. But Santa is what he is.”

“Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean it has to change, you know?” she added. “I mean, Jesus was a white man too. He was a historical figure, that’s a verifiable fact, as is Santa — I just want the kids watching to know that.”

The Raw Story 

Where’s Megyn Kelly? Fox host misses own show after racial comments on Santa and Jesus (via Raw Story )

After helping websites all over the Internet make money Thursday for reporting her claim that both Santa Claus and Jesus Christ were white, Megyn Kelly’s employers decided to give her the night off. The Fox News host missed her 9 p.m. “Kelly File…

Mario Piperni: Great Respect For A Great Person and Contempt for A Super Loser

In Mario Piperni, RIck santorum on December 7, 2013 at 10:33 AM


Nelson Mandela   :
Truly one of the great leaders of our time…or any other time.
Follow MarioPiperniDotCom on Facebook and Twitter.


Obamacare = Apartheid

Santorum - apartheid = obamacare   :

I don’t know what made Rick Santorum the disgusting human being he’s become, but whatever it is, it’s really messed up this ignorant fool big time. Is there any need to explain why the apartheid/ACA comparison is beyond stupid? 
What can you say about a man who compares racism and oppression to a law that makes health insurance affordable to millions of uninsured Americans? I feel for this guy’s family and whomever else he has influence over.
Right-wing garbage at its worst.

The Rick Santorum source photograph is a Creative Commons licensed image from photographer Gage Skidmore.
Follow MarioPiperniDotCom on Facebook and Twitter.

Martin Bashir Show And GOP Obstruction: "Don’t Cut Off Dr. Dyson!"

In Martin Bashir, MSNBC, RIck santorum, The Daily Caller on November 20, 2013 at 7:17 PM

There are times when interviews take on a life of its own.  The  Martin Bashir Show this afternoon took such a turn.

While I am certainly very biased, my sentiments are,  the interchange you will see in the segment is both not a surprise and, in fact, was long overdue.

The interview started with a review of severe and overwhelming obstruction to ‘all things Obama’.  Regardless of your political and social “lean” GOP obstruction is obvious and as factual as the 24 hour clock.

Martin Bashir moved the interviews to a discussion of “persistent” obstruction and the wheels came-off the interview. The MSNBC host moved to his term “persistent obstruction” after the GOP pundit indicated that Immigration Reform was stalled, stifled and generally not moving forward because of President Obama. President Obama!   The pundit then moved into GOP talking-point mode with attempts to tie Immigration Reform and the glitch laden ObamaCare website to “people’s concern for the White House botching things up.” Yes seriously, the pundit went there. He completely disregarded weeks and months of GOP public statement against immigration reform and Boehner’s flat-out statement the measure would “go no place” in the House. 
As you view the video, keep in mind, the show host asked about “persistent obstruction.”  His third guest , Professor Eric Dyson, did not initiate the point; he simply attempted to respond.  The GOP pundit must have forgotten he wasn’t sitting on Fox News.

The segment is 11:43 seconds, but dare not turn away!

Why am I biased on this interaction?  I am biased because I have come to know the GOP.  How about a few facts.

1. The GOP deploys the “Southern Strategy” replete with code with each general election.    In 2012 Rick Santorum won the ‘prize’ accordingly.

Did you notice the hearty applause after Santorum applied a heavy coat f race baiting? The next day he fended innocent of saying “black people”.  OK, But who were the “them” he referred to in the segment. If you missed “them” play it again.
2. The GOP and the Libertarian party (movement) are overwhelmingly white.  The GOP is 92% white and a recent polling study left the polling authority with the Libertarian party is 76% white and very much predominately  male.  Ninety-two percent of anything is by design.  The demographics are beyond, coincidence, consequence and far beyond some weird anomaly. The Statistics have meaning and are impossible to separate from association by design, policy, practice and paradigm. Therefore, it doesn’t take a leap of deductive reasoning to know that the GOP has issues with Barack Obama far beyond his political party and his past as community organizer. Their angst also cannot be attributed solely to his “liberal agenda.” Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States is far from liberal; he is pleasingly progressive.  To deny race as a factor in GOP “persistent obstruction” is equivalent to denying the GOP adheres to and promulgates a “southern strategy.” 
3.  In 2012, the Mitt Romney campaign website told a story that was as clear as newly blown clear glass bottle. 
We offer the omission of African-America was ‘by design.” A design that clearly delivered a message as an indication of systemic bigotry in the GOP.  Mitt Romney campaigned for President of the United States not some lowly state representative. Yet, his website excluded any reference to African-Americans. The very reason we (more than should be necessary) use the vernacular: “The Invisible Negro.”
4. Romney’s top, and most visible, campaign official spoke volumes about the GOP as Romney traipsed around the country and across (parts of) the globe in campaign mode. John Sunnuu repeatedly spoke about President Obama in both overt language and covert code.  Sunnunu called Obama “lazy.” He traveled with Romney to Britain and offended members of the press via referring to the US President as not of the “anglo experience” (paraphrased).  Romney himself quipped about he and his wife not needing to prove their citizenship while campaign in Michigan.  
5. How many instances of overt racist images and confederate flags waving in the blue skies have you witnessed since January 20, 2009. How many Confederate flags did you see during the Bush years?  Dialog from the likes of Steve King, Louis Gohmert, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, and all conservative media (especially the internet rag that employs the pundit in the video segment: The Daily Caller) have practiced unfathomable levels of race baiting that at times showed as overt racism.
We ask, why would the pundit take such exception to Professor Dyson’s response to Martin Bashir?  It was as if he was primed and ready to spring, knowing GOP racism and bias that also contribute to obstruction would come forth.  We know the pundit knows his party, he knows his party is practicing voter suppression of minorities, he has undoubtedly heard racist remarks behind closed door or across his cell phone. Why jump into Dr. Dyson’s minutes as he attempted to respond to the host?  why interrupt as the professor was making his points.  When you sit and and fulfill your mission via delivery of talking-points, you should be big enough to listen to points important to others.

Profeseor Dyson perceived he was being stepped-on by a pundit who sat quietly as Krsytal Ball spoke her comments. He sat quiet as Bashir made his and point and commenced the interviews (panel discussion). What is it about Dyson’s points offended him so? Do you think he wanted to defray points related to race as a factor in GOP obstruction of the president’s agenda? Was it literally being the object of the words, White Privilege?” The words can startling and harsh, but the words denote reality. Despite the fact many will disavow “white privilege,” the vast majority of that number know of conferred privilege, and some even leverage the form of bigotry.

How would the pundit have reacted had Bashir leveled the very same point Dyson offered. No one on the panel had mentioned obstruction based in an aversion to a black president.  When it comes to a truism regarding  race and the GOP, the pundit objects. I have yet to see the man on television speaking abhorrence for the constant racial exhibitions form people who claim his political party or share his social paradigm.

If you disregard Professor Dyson’s point, a point often delineated here in the TPI, you disavowed what you are see in the image below.  The image depicts a phenomenon never witnessed during the entirety of the Bush Years.  While Bush/Cheney almost mortally ruined the nation, you never once saw a black demonstration outside the white with disparaging flags and placards.

Therein lies ‘White Privilege.”

Of course, members of Congress (most are too sophisticated do mimic the racist in the image. But, rest assured the GOP pundit on the Bashir Show knows full well professor Dyson was correct in his points.

In the world of Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS) and GOP obstruction, the pundits actions on The Bashir Show will receive praise. Later tonight and certainly tomorrow conservative Internet pages, websites and The Daily Caller will be filled with comment lauding the actions of the GOP pundit.   Here is a current headline from The Daily Caller:

‘This Is A Joke!’

Daily Caller’s Matt Lewis goes nuclear on race-card wielding MSNBC contributor

Isn’t it amazing how the Right loves their war analogies!
The Joke is the sub-headline!

The pundits actions are no different than the man holding the Confederate Flag outside the White House. He attempted to step on a learned individual who has the platform to speak the truth. A truth the GOP and conservatives do not wish to have you hear. I should also point out, the Daily Caller headline is in congruent in an of itself. It starts with “This is a Joke” and then sub-headlines with the very script we anticipated.

Lewis not only didn’t go nuclear, he was the recipient of a “hydrogen fusion” lesson in conferred privilege and failed in his attempt to deflect racial obstruction as a consideration of GOP unwillingness to work with the Obama Agenda.

The Austin Texas Racist and His (Bring No Blacks!) $1500 Bounty

In Homophobic, racist, RIck santorum on September 27, 2013 at 4:51 PM

Anthem for the “Invisible Negro”

I have lived in America all of my life. Probably you have lived in America the entirety of your life. We know America.

W know the nooks and crannies. We also know the good, the bad and the ugly.  We certainly know when we see, read or her the disingenuous.  Many of us know how to recognize people who are sexist, homophobic, racist and, while a slightly different light, we know religious zealots.  It really does not take any form of behaviorist or sociologist recognize any or all of the “isms” stated above.

You and I, as well as all, have rights to our preferences. Personal preference in any form bothers me little to none, except when it is shrouded in actionable mindsets that affect others. Keep it to yourself!

What you are about to see is yet another example of the extent to which racist find it not only acceptable to practice overt racism, it seems to have become an expectation. An expectation not vastly different than pre-antebellum life in the US and life in America’s Jim Crow (north and south).  As you view the embedded racist (below) understand that he is one of the very worst denizens of the US. He claims to have no issues with people of color, except when it comes to sleeping with a black person. Yet, he stands “busted” by his own oratory and bodacious exhibitions.

Before move to the clip, allow me to find common ground with you and others in stating, “yes I have strong preference for social interaction, especially when I consider pre-sexual or actual sexual companionship.” No problem with that in any regard.  All have preferences in many forms and our various preferences makes life much more fond and variety the very spice of life. I cannot imagine only one brand of flavored drink. 

The prospect of only drinking one type of coffee is deplorable. I can even see problems if forced to have my morning eggs scrambled only; might even like the option of  “green eggs and ham.” Suppose all of our homes or apartment looked the same?  Point made…..preferences is as human as taking a breathe of CO2 every two seconds.

A major difference exist as I consider the racist from Austin Texas and his out-reach program. A $1500 reach-out (for sex) program that is much like the Jim Crow “Whites Only signs.” 

In essence, we have most in-your-face example of, “I have $1500 for anyone who will serve as a bounty (sex) hunter who connects me with sex from a white woman, Hispanic woman or woman of European origin.”

I doubt very seriously there are many African-Americans and Asians who would find the racist appealing. His offer as stated is clearly offensive and in-line with regression common place in social messages from conservative America.

Rick Santorum (former GOP presidential hopeful and frequent Fox News and CNN news guest)

A day later and a midst a major “clean-up” campaign Santorum goes here!

As the Austin racist moved through the interview, he clearly relished his time in the limelight. The interview was actually a form free advertisement with moving visual modeling.  He relished the free advertisement until the planned hijack by the host. The interviewer clearly anticipated the ever-present and common, “Oh I have nothing against black people” refrain. He went there and was exposed just as bigoted and racist people (unfortunately far more on the poli/social Right. 

Huff Post Women 

What makes a lady a quality lady, you may ask? Well first, she needs to be skinny:
I am 39 years old, (date of birth is 9-18-1974 so that makes me a Virgo) 6′,4″ and 195lbs… I am looking for a girl that has a thin or athletic build. No one over 130lbs. Ages 21 – 41 White, Hispanic, or of European descent.
He also has strong feelings about his potential future girlfriend’s sexual past:
I will not date any girl that has ever had a threesome, or a large number of past sexual partners. I do not want a promiscuous slut, I want a normal, decent, good hearted girlfriend.
And to top it all off, he’s a raging racist!
I will not date a Black girl. I don’t care if she looks like Halle Berry, I will not ever date a Black girl. And, I do not believe that Whites & Blacks should mix races sexually and have kids together. I think it’s ok for Whites & Hispanics. But not Blacks. I would NEVER, EVER, EVER date a woman if I found out she had EVER been sexually active with a Black man.
So… anyone care to set this charming fellow up? For some reason, we don’t think he’s going to have much luck.


Yet, we disagree with the author of the Huff Post-WOMEN piece. The Austin racist will find his “Eve.” He will find her because the nation is full of comparable women racist who have not yet learned  “isms‘ travel in packs.

The salient point of this piece? People can think as they please. As soon as one converts thoughts to behavior (acts) the persons thoughts and mindset reaches the innocent.

Why should young influence-able people be exposed to “Whites Only sign?”  
  What is humorous (Mr. Racist from Austin) about sending messages to people that you as a person who exercises “White Privilege”  find palatable. 

We see and know of enough of such in the workplace regarding hiring and promotion.

Mr. Racist in Austin is literally going, here.

Discrimination is OK, when practiced in the privacy of one’s life and away from harmful affects on others. But, recognize it makes no sense to deny one’s racism.