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Archive for the ‘Scott Walker’ Category

"War On Cops?"

In Fox News, Obama's War on Cops, Police fatalities, Police shootings by president, Scott Walker, War on cops on July 11, 2016 at 3:43 PM

A national police advocacy group leader spoke as follows over the weekend. Of course, the political hitman was booked on Fox News where the hourly drum of “war on police” is as prevalent as praise for the GOP.


“I think [the Obama administration continued appeasements at the federal level with the Department of Justice, their appeasement of violent criminals, their refusal to condemn movements like Black Lives Matter, actively calling for the death of police officers, that type of thing, all the while blaming police for the problems in this country has led directly to the climate that has made Dallas possible,” William Johnson, the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, said in an interview with Fox on Friday morning.

ANTI-BLM Talking head

The “war police” is a contrived propaganda campaign offered to the nation after the first comment from the nation’s 44th President after the heavy-handed handing of noted historian Henry Louis Gates, PhD.

Before taking the false narrative apart, I have posted the Politico piece, here. I will avoid the use of numerous video of police abuse since the well-published beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles. However, the New York City killing of Amadou Diallo as he reached for his wallet outside his apartment building residence is a stark reminder of last week’s shooting of Philando Castile. While Castille informed his killer he possessed a gun, he was summarily executed once he complied in present his driver’s license. The linked Castille article was developed around the killer cops assertion he shot the victim not based on race, but because of the presence of a firearm. 

Not based on race How about an audio from the traffic stop. If you hear the words “wide nose”, yes you heard it correctly.

The presence of a firearm?


I do not recall one instance of an open carry gun totter being shot by a cop. I digress. Let’s move to the point of this piece: The alleged Obama ‘war on police.” 

“War on Police?” A well-known GOP stooge governor from Wisconsin weigh-in on President Obama and the alleged war on police.” As is consistently the case, the Wisconsin Governor spoke without any regard for actual data related to police shootings since he was first born. 

Wasn’t it Ronald Reagan who once repeated a well-worn quote: Facts are pesky things.”

Shootings of police officers remind of the out-of-control availability of firearms across the scope and breadth of the nation. If we drill the shooting down to actual fatalities the trend-line is equally disturbing, but further, indicates the fallacy of GOP attacks a President.

Last fall after a senseless cop shooting in Houston, TX, NPR pushed a piece with this lede paragraph and graphic. NPR: Is There A War ‘ON COPS?”: Statistics say “No”
The ambush-style murder of Sheriff Deputy Darren Goforth at a gas station in suburban Houston on Aug. 29 has added new urgency to warnings about a growing “war on cops” in America. After the arrest of the suspect, an African-American man named Shannon J. Miles, the local district attorney called for more public support for law enforcement.

Wisconsin Governor Scott and the police advocacy talking head are obviously people focused on a twisted form of US politics. They spend air-time (albeit Fox air-time for the advocacy guy) as platforms.. to offer GOP propaganda. While political propaganda is nothing new our current age of senseless firearms killings places the talking heads in a dangerous light. They are weapons enablers  and purveyors of lies that land in the minds of he less informed.  People who accept their oratory are the very fear-filled voters who run to polling paces to cast regrettable votes.

I Am The Law And Order Candidate”

  Need say more?

GOP 2016: Scott Walker Cancels Event Appearance, Rumors Of The Koch (Money) Well Drying Up And Trump

In Conservatives, Crooks & Liars,, KOCH Brothers, Scott Walker, Walker Cancels Appearance, Wisconsin on September 13, 2015 at 3:12 PM

UPDATE: The New Yorker is reporting the Kochs have given up to Walker.

Look. you cannot see the marionette strings!

Embedded image permalink

When I think of the field of conservatives who are vying for the GOP 2016 presidential nomination, I find little reason to wonder why Donald Trump is faring so well among conservatives. The field of candidates is almost comical and despite Rience Priebus’s neutered management of the situation, the party’s inner core isn’t showing well. A fact that should not surprise and is indicated an ideology that is absent usefulness in circa 2015 America. As is the case with conservative ideology, people who subscribe are literally lost in a sea of regressive fantasy. They live in a social bubble and when coupled with numerous sources of mis-information America’s conservatives are scrambling for a “hero.” It seems Wisconsin’s Scott Walker is not the hero of his past second place polling numbers.

As I think of Scott Walker, it is easy to see why the party hero is a New York City carnival barker who is rapidly showing the ridiculousness of reality television. Our penchant for seeking self-gratifying voyeuristic moments of fantasy television entertainment is slowly manifesting in poll results that favor Trump. An intriguing sidebar to Trump’s impact on the campaign is his attracting polling numbers which equates to the probable loss of campaign cash to the more regressive of the 16 candidates.  There isn’t one of the 16 GOP candidates who is more regressive than Scott Walker. And, Scott comes with another dynamic important to his money backers. He offers Koch brothers funded regression while sporting a Wisconsin gubernatorial track record that is literally unfathomable.

Have a look?

The economic record has resulted in a Walker slide down the approval ratings roller-coaster like a ride on Jackson, New Jersey’s Six Flags Great Adventure, Kingda Ka. In late August, walker polled at 25% among a survey of Republican primary voters. More important, Walker recently polled among Wisconsin residents at the 39 percent level. Why would any worthwhile uber wealthy oligarch fund a veritable political loser?

Unsubstantiated reports of Koch brothers slowing the flow of campaign cash to the Walker campaign, have floated across the Internet over the past two weeks.  

Image via Screen Grab

“Remember Barack Obama had never run anything in government before, and we see what a lousy president he’s been,” Walker said. “I’ve run things. I’ve actually got things done.” 

“If you want someone who will fight and win… and get results without compromising common sense conservative principles, then I’m the candidate,” Walker told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an interview that aired Sunday on “State of the Union.”

Walker says he will fight. What exactly would Walker fight for or against. Would he undertake to rid the nation of all public service workers? Would he become a clone of Bush/Cheney’s charge into Iraq by chasing and destroying the nation’s labor unions? His ill-advised comments about being qualified to takeout ISIS based on taking-down 100,000 union protesters was indicative of a childlike mindset as well as a candidate reaching for the weakest of administration fait accompli.  Walker would fight for any and every issue handed to him by the Koch brothers as first priority and all other (conservative agenda) matters on a secondary basis.

If you have any doubt about the accommodating candidate for Wisconsin, watch as he un-artfully dodges CNN’s Jake Tapper’s efforts to secure an answer regrading special interest in the nation’s capital.

Under the carnival tent of one Donald Trump and consistent campaign stumbles, Walker is fading among Republican candidates. When adjoined with rumors of dwindling Koch money, and a coming GOP debate we should be in for an interesting week in GOP politics.

Crooks & Liars is reporting Walker has cancelled an appearance in California. 

Walker Cancels Appearance At California Event

For months, Scott Walker was planning on headlining at the Republican state convention in California. On Friday, he suddenly canceled his appearance without explanation: Presidential candidate Scott Walker on Friday abruptly canceled his planned speech at the California Republican Party convention next weekend, according to someone involved with the event’s planning who was not authorized to…


Scott Walker, Ring of Fire Radio And The Under-educated, GOP 2016

In Governor Walker,, Ring of Fire Radio, Scott Walker, Walker's Under Education on August 9, 2015 at 1:11 PM

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Posted with permission from Ring of Fire Radio

Walker’s Woefully Weak Education Shows at Every Turn; Geography, History, Etc.

As the election cycle gains traction, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) lack of education is becoming more obvious. He displayed it during the Thursday night debate through his lack of foreign policy knowledge, and even geography.
Juan Cole of Informed Comment noted an exchange between Walker and Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly. She asked Walker about American foreign policy, and he struggled to recite a good answer. He even struggled forming a complete sentence.
KELLY: Governor Walker, in February you said that we needed to gain partners in the Arab world. Which Arab country not already in the U.S. led coalition has potential to be our greatest partner?
WALKER: What about then (ph), we need to focus on the ones we have. You look at Egypt, probably the best relationship we’ve had in Israel, at least in my lifetime, incredibly important.
You look at the Saudis — in fact, earlier this year, I met with Saudi leaders, and leaders from the United Arab Emirates, and I asked them what’s the greatest challenge in the world today? Set aside the Iran deal. They said it’s the disengagement of America. We are leading from behind under the Obama-Clinton doctrine — America’s a great country. We need to stand up and start leading again, and we need to have allies, not just in Israel, but throughout the Persian Gulf.
Anyone watching the debate had to have noticed Walker’s weak, flailing response. He mixed up countries and failed to acknowledge the countries that America has a relationship with. His muddled response and incoherent rambling is reminiscent of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), who gets crazier by the day.
It’s safe to say that Walker is one Republican who will not get the GOP nod next year.

Fox News Chooses GOP Candidates

In Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Fox News,, ISIS, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz on August 4, 2015 at 5:29 PM

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Fox News chooses next presidential prospects.

And the winners are:  Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie, and John Kasich will appear in the prime-time showdown.

And the B-Team bottom dwellers are:

Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, and Jim Gilmore.

The top ten is a smorgasbord of US conservatism and a college of candidate racism, homophobic, a libertarian chameleon, a whacked-out former brain surgeon, a failed governor who is he can kills ISIS like a teachers union, a noted exponent of phasing-out Medicare, a New Jersey bully, a young lost soul from Florida and Kasich (criticism not yet fully developed).
The bottom seven, no comment. 

GOP 2016: Scott Walker "Serial Evasive" For A Reason

In, Presidential candidates, Scott Walker, Voter ID Walker, Walker Union Killer, Wisconsin economy on July 19, 2015 at 1:44 PM

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Intellect or Financial Support.. Your call….
Presidential candidates really must answer questions. Hilary Clinton’s long periods of press avoidance provided a glimpse at the downside of cloaking one’s thoughts and values for political gain. Notice in the last sentence a few words standout: “cloaking one’s thoughts and values for political gain.” In much more simple terms, candidates cannot simply evade questions throughout the campaign.  The truth will come forth and history shows candidates who address issues eem to do much better in elections.

“Evade” is an operative word to denote one’s desire to avoid something, avoid someplace or avoid someone. In the case of Hillary Clinton, we suspect she avoided press exposure until she and her advisers felt she must speak out, thus removing the cloak. Clinton is now speaking out. We don’t feel Clinton’s evasiveness was nefarious in any sense. Au contrar, as we consider some GOP candidates. Evasion from one noted candidate has an unscrupulous purpose.

Meet the candidate who attempts to avoid most campaign question and issues, because he simply does not have supportable positions. Met Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Let’s hold on Walker’s “serial evasiveness” for a moment for a brief glimpse at what he will speak about.

2 TV News /Bloomberg Politics posted a YouTube video a few days back. The video highlights segments of Walker’s presidential campaign announcement that he will speak about: Unions, Voter ID, “his record.” The segment is seven minutes plus, but talking head commentary is kept to a minimum and Walker’s “ragging rights’ are clearly delineated.

Once the candidate steps outside of his Koch brothers driven and funded elections and union killing administration, he has only voter suppression as a key campaign item for “loving republicans.” Imagine a voting bloc that relishes the words “voter Id” as a tool against voter fraud when there is no factual basis for the voter suppression tool.

The facts on why Voter ID is a Republican election tool.
Visuals really are the best way to reach discerning parts of the brain.  As we review the Mother Jones graphic five of the bar chart indicators denote Democrat Party voting blocs.  Ah, but there is more of a story to tell.

Since 2011, 34 states have introduced laws requiring voters to show photo ID,and 9 states have passed photo ID laws, affecting 3.8 million voters.
2.2 million registered voters did not vote in 2008 because they didn’t have proper ID.
Only 48 percent of women have a birth certificate with their current legal name on it.
Texas’ new ID law permits voters to use concealed-handgun licenses as proof of identity, but not state university IDs.
If you for one second believe the person standing next to you in the voting booth is perpetrating voter fraud, you might remove your tin-
foil hat or you might look to see if E.T. is going home.

A brief look at Walker’s economic record and we will move to a candidate who is even more evasive than Rand Paul. Paul will at least stand and mutter himself into inane talk that only he and his supporters understand Walker simply hides his lack of acumen behind evasive statements knowing full well he cannot take a position until blessed by the Koch brothers.


 Governor's Tax Shift Plan Would Raise Taxes for Most

After our concrete establishment of Walker as a governor who has ruined Wisconsin’s job development while providing tax freedom for the states wealthy, we must also reflect on why he did not mention economic improvement in his presidential proclamation: “we are running for President of the United States.”  (“We?”). 

“Serial Evasiveness” 

Scott Walker Dodges Question on 
Whether Being Gay Is a Choice
Posted by Mediaite on Sunday, July 19, 2015

February 2014, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Secret Emails

February 2015, Huffington Post: Evolution

The, Factivist Democrats, Economy

When asked about Economic Advisers, recants a story about Apollo 13 (Video and sound not perfectly sync’d)

April 2015, Right Wing Watch, Personhood, Anxious to speak about anti-Marriage Equality

May 2015, MSNBC: Auto Industry Rescue

Yesterday, Gov. Scott Walker (R) was in Michigan, where Bloomberg Politics asked about the issue.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on Monday joined the list of politicians who’ve deflected this question from Michigan reporters: Would you have supported the U.S. loans to General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC to get through their 2009 bankruptcies? 

“That’s a hypothetical question in the past. We’re going to talk about the future,” Walker said after speaking to 120 Lansing Republicans in an Oldsmobile car museum ….

Scott Walker is the epitome of the political stooge who marches to the orders of his money-broker oligarchs. The February 2011 punk’d call from a noted radio prankster was without question an insight into Scott’s psyche. The call was an indicator of how he would serve in obedient subservience to those who provide funding for his elections (and we hope the funding stops there).

Maybe we shouldn’t actually expect any committed answers from the candidate.  Walker may not have the freedom to speak out of fear to being countermanded by his bankers. Worse yet, he might speak words that could lead to a literal cut-off of funding for the Wichita Oligarchs: the ultimate self-inflicted political mortal wound. 

It would be easy to cast disparaging remarks about the candidates lack of complete formal education. Whether we like the fact or not a majority of US president’s have attained as a minimum a Bachelors Degree. But, we will to go there in this screed. (A topic for another screed as the campaign unfolds and if he wins the GOP nomination). We will, however, comment Scott’s lack of cognitive acumen could result from non fully developed education wherewithal which might have led to overruling his advisers as the following CPAC speech unfolded. Even for a speech at the whacked-out CPAC event, the following was “all-time” stupid.
ABC US News | World News

Melissa Harris Perry broadcast worth segment on Scott in her “Letters to….” portion of her show this morning:

@MHarrisPerry: The “most outrageous candidate” in the 2016 race is Scott Walker, not Trump.

— msnbc (@msnbc) July 19, 2015

TPI Morning Gazette: Scott Walker,Bush, Clinton, Kochs, US Recession

In George Bush, Kochs US Recession, Non-Progressive News, Scott Walker, TPI Morning Gazette on July 14, 2015 at 11:25 AM

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Non-Progressive News

The following is how some in the nation look back on our recent past and extracts humor. George Bush apparently joined Bill Clinton at a Presidential Leadership forum. The on stage reality show like interaction were typical elitist performances from two men who directly contributed to driving the nation to the precipice of and economic abyss. Bush literally took the nation to a place it rarely visits, starting a war for the simple sake of starting a war.

The Bush stain on US History lingers and may only fade with decades into the 22nd Century. On a more myopic not recall his Administration literally outed an active CIA agenda (Valerie Plame) in retribution against her husband’s (Joe Wilson) refusal to lie about Iraqi Uranium purchase in Niger. Another egregious mark in US History was the Bush’s Vice President’s former role as CEO of a corporation who received virtual no bid contracts for the majority of war services during the Iraq War (reported to have been worth $39 billion USD).

Bill Clinton? Let’s say his legacy is evolving and to date we do not find any redeeming vestiges of his administration.  

Have we actually moved to a point of humor as we look back on these two former presidents? 

Scott Walker has declared and US politic just took a dive to a new low.

In 2011, Scott Walker won election as Governor of Wisconsin and some social media report with the direct support from the Koch bothers.
Exiled Online published an opinion piece with an info gram chart to illustrated how Koch money literally help to buy the state of Wisconsin governor’s chair.

There’s a great graphic showing this process at work in Wisconsin, charting how the millions of dollars of Koch money that poured into the state to elect Scott Walker and other Koch-funded Republicans has led directly to the cutting of benefits for government employees and the Kochs getting access to state-owned energy infrastructure—which has apparently been the Kochs’ longtime goal. Unfortunately,  the flow chart left out one crucial step: that taxpayers are the initial source of Koch money, which would make the chart circular instead of linear.

In February 201, Scott Walked received a prank call from an effective “pone duper.” The BEAST’s Ian Murphy called Walker feigning a call from David Kocy, Ultra conservative Libertarian Wichita Oligarch, The essence of the prank call, trap the subservient and obliging Walker schmoozing with his money supporters desire to crush organized labor in Wisconsin. It should be noted Walker’s ability to crush public sector unions was a clear and easy mission, and he performed well. If you have a few minutes refresh on how an oligarch (albeit fake) extracts subservience from groveling minion.

Walker at his most subservient…. audio only

Walker delivered….Washington Post 2014

Now, a peep at the most relevant set of data (illustrated) related to Walker’s Koch sanctioned governorship: Job creation.

Of course, there we have more.  We must not forget that the unmarried post baby boomer woman, is a predominate Democrat vote. Walker the The good conservative!

Unite Women Dot Org
In June 2014, The Nation published a stunning piece regrading the Koch Millionaires Club and a related retreat.  The piece is a must read for anyone who will cast a vote for president in 2016 as it shines a revealing light on policy that drive Scott Walker via the Koch agenda. 
As is our practice, we offer a quick run through the Walker Gazette.

— Benjamin Moore Jr (@benjamintmoore) July 14, 2015 

The Gazette Rogue’s Gallery

Conservative Media loves to offer the extent to which the post Bush Great Recession recovery has been slower than other recoveries. Intriguing and frankly a shallow ‘dog whistle.” 

America’s recovery sine 2009 has been much slower than in previous recessions— The Economist (@TheEconomist) July 14, 2015

During the first Obama term, Bruce Krasting published the following very basic illustration regarding Recession and Recovery. 
A good illustration for us non Economics minds.

If we factor-in the full measure of past recessions, A case can be made the Bush recession was the most crippled and devastating recession since the Great Depression.

The chart doesn’t remind of deep and severe jobs losses, a collapsed housing market and the reality middle Americans lost 80% of their wealth during the Bush Recession.  

The “expert” publications like the Economist also strategically avoid any mention of overt and utter obtuse obstruction to all things Obama. If we look close we may find Democrats worked with Republicans to rid the nation  of the Reagan Recession. 

Let’s end with a reminder of the critical importance of your vote in 2016. If the nation doesn’t reach to stifled and extinguish the central characters an ideology in the next post, we will never achieved social peace and a fair social environment for all Americans. Also recall “isms” herd in bunches. The people depicted in the piece without question harbor other “isms’ that could reach directly into your family.

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The Daily GOP Ignominious: Scott Walker On The Fourth of July…..A Dull Lamp In A Store That Needs Much Light

In Scott Walker, The Daily GOP Ignominious on July 4, 2015 at 1:44 PM

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In America we celebrate July 4th not April 15 because in America we celebrate our independence from the gov’t, not our dependence on it.-SKW

“Faiure to Communicate”

This is what happens when ideologues are advanced to a national stage. Placed on the stage without requisite intellect and education to avoid crafting a ill-advised public statement via Twitter.
Independence Day (United States)

Independence Day of the United States, also referred to as Fourth of July or July Fourth in the U.S., is a federal holidaycommemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, by the Continental Congress declaring that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and no longer part of the British Empire.[1] Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworksparadesbarbecues,carnivalsfairspicnicsconcertsbaseball gamesfamily reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the National Day of the United States.[2][3][4]

What we have in Walker and his camp are willing stooges for the Koch brothers who are willing to use social media for public pronouncements. walker and Company really should spend a bit more time in crafting messages.  There is little worse than a message gone astray due to lack of veracity.

Humor when it is most necessary we really do not know our history, thus we do not know our past. Fertile ground for right-wing dogma and the likes of Scott Walker.


Scott Walker As Eagle Scout Prepped for the White House

In American Bridge 21st Century, Dark money sponge, Eagle Scout, Scott Walker on March 29, 2015 at 11:41 PM

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  A big leap from there to here                                     

The opposition research group American Bridge 21st Century — a left-leaning group that keeps an eye on GOP candidates captured Scott Walker at his best. The man is as dimwitted as a 10 Watt light bulb on moonless night in the middle of a forest.

Scott Walker has been forced to deliver address his qualifications as evidence he can serve as Commander-in-Chief. Previous efforts to answer the question led to evidence of abysmal thinking processes accompanied by irrefutable evidence he is not ready for a presidential warm-up act. The US Presidency is so far beyond his mental competency, it really isn’t even funny. After catching deep hell about offering his union-busting activities in his home state as evidence he could take on and defeat ISIS flopped equal to his schmoozing and groveling prank phone call with a fake David Koch, Walker was force to dig deeper. 

When asked by conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt about serving as Commander-In-Chief Scott dug deep and he really dug deep.

“Does the prospect of being commander in chief daunt you? Because the world that you describe when you’re talking about safety is going to require a commitment to American men and women abroad, obviously at some point. How do you think about that?”

He shoveled as deep as his mind could reach, especially when stifled by a lack of critical thinking skills often honed in one’s latter years of undergraduate studiesI will avoid metaphorical references to attainment of advanced degrees to avoid detracting from Walker and his nascent evidence he can lead our unparalleled military.  

The media cameras forbidden event is somewhat reminiscent of Mitt Romney schmoozing remarks during his failed 2012 presidential campaign. well, actually what you are about to read from Scott pales to Romney’s elitist pandering. However, it is amazes what conservative politicians feed their supporters when they feel cloaked from open media scrutiny.

ReverPress offers a good read of the Hewitt/Scott interview. I have posted a copy of the surreptitious question and answer video, here. Yes, Scott Walker offered up his attainment of the level of Eagle Scout as evidence he can command the greatest military on Earth. 

ReverPress linked….

Menards, Scott Walker, Dark Money And Meager Job Growth

In Citizens United, Menards!!!, Rachel Maddow, Scott Walker, Wisconsin Governor. MSNBC, Yahoo News on March 27, 2015 at 5:01 PM


The uber wealthy spend more money buying politicians than actually working with their CEO’s to offer products and services at a reasonable price to consumers. Why provide cost effective products and services, when the business owner can contribute via Citizens United to campaign sponsorship at unlimited levels in total anonymity?

Anonymity…A beautiful state of incognito where the uber wealthy live quite the opposite their physical lives of conspicuous consumption, opulence and lavishness. We can watch them tool around in the yachts, take-off and land in private jets often limousine chauffeured by man servants, but when they exercise their ;real social power they slide into obscurity. Anonymity….a place of nameless nowheresville that is off limits to you and me beyond our meager state of self imposed secrecy on social media; if we so chose.
Apparently, the owner of Menards, hardware chain, is one such money-broker. As Rachel Maddow indicates in the following piece, he is one of the nation’s, thus the world’s, most wealthy and he wields power via his wealth. Wealth and power wherewithal exercises like a magic wand via political conduits such as the new Republican Party darling: Scott Walker.

Maddow’s piece was spot-on, as is always the case. But, lets sprinkle a piece from Yahoo News over the Walker dark money for a better absorption of the facts. Yahoo News……Wisconsin gov scott walker photo charlie
And, how does the potential conduits go about fertilizing the environment that so lavishly anoints them with “dark money?” They consult with corporatist, they lie, and they manipulate the voters into beliefs patterns that lead to re-election despite poor records as political leaders.

Example…… Scott Walker and Job Growth. The shifty will not mention job growth as winning strategy. He would prefer to flagship his union busting while comparing the war on the states middle class union memebrs to the nation’s fight with ISIS.

Ugly eh?

Sine we made a point about the extent to which political candidates play to their money broker constituents with the ever present “lie” as a tool, I have linked a Politifact’s review of Walker’s statements. I think only Rand Paul lies more.

CREW: Worst Governors in America Includes Scott Walker

In CREW: Worst Governors in America, FULL FLOP, Pants on Fire. walker economic record., Politifact, Scott Walker, Walk-O-Meter on February 28, 2015 at 11:50 AM

The Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has a take on Scott Walker that warrants attention First, a few words from CREW: About Us. 

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting ethics and accountability in government and public life by targeting government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests. 

We advance our mission using a combination of research, litigation, policy advocacy, and media outreach. CREW employs the law as a tool to force officials to act ethically and lawfully and to bring unethical conduct to the public’s attention through:

Read more

 Crew has archived a rating/ranking of US governors. It appears Scott Walker made the “Worst US Governors” List. In 2013, Crew’s published its second report of findings from examining the “shady and unethical conduct by America’s governors.”

 The following YouTube segment was published in 2013 along with this CREW statement:
In compiling the latest edition of its Worst Governors in America report, CREW reviewed the job performance of the governors of all 50 states before identifying the 18 worst. While laws related to ethics, open records, financial disclosure, and campaign finance vary greatly from state to state, CREW found these governors’ actions troubling by any standard.

Of course, you noticed the exhibit is pre-2012. We are not conservatives and life did not begin at midnight last evening. Archives are real and they comprise the foundation of US history. Crew’s review of the nation’s worst governors was relevant in the past and is even relevant more now as some of these people are aspiring a seat in the Oval Office.

While the CREW piece relates to Walker pre-recall vote, I suggest the basis for their analysis reminds same. It is important to remember the Koch brothers poured millions into Wisconsin prior to the elections. Is there a need to remind you of the impact of Koch money on US elections?

Koch money can buy election, but in Walker’s case we can also rest assured the purchase may come with a large degree of cognitive dissonance: “UUUM looking back did we make the right decision?” Walker is not boding well in pubic appearances. In a couple of cases within the past 48 hours, Walker has shown why the nation had best leave the man to the loving voters of Wisconsin. (The first 1:45 minutes is news reporting, the remaining minutes of the segment are mere wasted opining)

Before we leave Scott Walker, let’s visit with Politifact’s Scott Walker File.

Scott Walker’s file


Republican from Wisconsin

Scott Walker, a Republican, was elected governor of Wisconsin in November 2010. He was recalled in 2012 after igniting controversy with a bill curtailing public-employee union collective-bargaining rights. He survived the recall election, defeating Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.  He won re-election to a four-year term in November 2014. Walker is a former Milwaukee County executive and former member of the state Assembly.

Click on the ruling to see all of Walker’s statements for that ruling.

Recent statements involving Scott Walker

In August 2014, Politifact published a Walk-O-Meter regarding Walker and 250,000 Jobs in Wisconsin.  


Create 250,000 new jobs

Will “get government out of the way of employers … who will then help Wisconsin create 250,000 jobs by 2015, and as we create those new jobs, we will be able to add 10,000 new businesses.”

recent Bloomberg Review shed more concrete data regarding Walker’s economic prowess and record as governor of Wisconsin. 

The series of graphics are excerpts from a Bloomberg piece of last week. The graphics offer a visual review of a few Walker economic indicators. a quick read of the Bloomberg piece
income growth, midwest states
Home prices since 2007

Things weren’t much better for the state’s corporations. Bloomberg compiles a weighted index of the stock prices for publicly traded companies in each state. The value of shares for Wisconsin companies increased less than those of neighboring states, and less than the median state, from when Walker took office to the close of trading on Monday:

Equity, 28 points

If you know GOP politics, you have learned two points that serving as guiding considerations. GOP politicians far exceed Democratic politicians in dark money receipts form wanna be oligarchs like the Kochs and Adelson. The acceptance of dark money carries a heavy price: the politicians becomes a beholden political operative and stooge for the money-broker.

Most uber money brokers are not people who buy elections to provide a better life for the majority of citizens. They buy elections to garner power and that power will without question apply towards personal financial gain to the broker. Another point is the irrefutable reality many who vote GOP do so from a perspective of deep socially ingrained dogma vs. consideration of facts. 

The latter is a sad reality that has, in the recent, past contributed to virtual economic collapse from the Bush’s applications of trickle-down Reaganomics.

Scott Walker is a far cry from a viable presidential candidate once consideration escapes CPAC, the State of Iowa, the State of Wisconsin and settles on people who are free of irrational GOP dogma. His performance as Wisconsin Governor stands s testimonial of his gubernatorial ineptitude. He has a shadowy history that includes unethical and illegal use of county employees on his gubernatorial campaign (at Wisconsin tax payer expense) and he has the intellect of s a snail.

If you think the closing analogy above is harsh, run video from Walker’s campaigning over the past two weeks. The recent CPAC video is a must view. 

All said, and with my knowledge of conservative America and the GOP, Walker is an archetypal GOP candidate and it does not surprise he has the deep attention of America conservative voters. especially if you consider the cast of characters who are vying for the 2016 GOP nomination.