The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘AP’

Obama Derangement Syndrome As Political Fodder And A Danger To The Nation

In AP, CNN, Fox News, GOP, MSNBC on March 10, 2014 at 10:00 AM

Hard Lessons About The Internet: Satire, Manipulation, Phishing and Simple Subterfuge Marketing.

In Maddow, Palin on April 24, 2013 at 1:40 PM

Click and click again for much larger view

On yesterday, Huffington Post reported on the fragile nature of our financial markets. Take a look below at the extent  frigidity in our markets and associated shallowness  regarding political affinities and sensitivities or opportunistic manipulation.

AP Twitter Account Hacked

The Huffington Post | By Rebecca Shapiro and Katherine Fung Posted: 04/23/2013 1:21 pm EDT | Updated: 04/23/2013 9:45 pm EDT

The Associated Press’ Twitter account was hacked on Tuesday. Moments later, the Syrian Electronic Army claimed responsibility for the attack.

Just after 1 p.m., the news organization tweeted:
The Associated Press

Breaking: Two Explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured

The message spread quickly, with Twitter users immediately wondering if the account had been hacked. The Associated Press’ corporate communications account clarified the tweet was fake minutes later.

AP CorpComm

That is a bogus  tweet.

The AP’s Sam Hananel, who writes about labor and employment issues, tweeted that the account had been hacked.

Sam Hananel

Please Ignore AP Tweet on explosions, we’ve been hacked.

The AP Stylebook account confirmed the hack.

AP Stylebook

The  Twitter account has been suspended after it was hacked. The tweet about an attack on the White House was false.

CBS News reported that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney confirmed that “the president is fine,” in response to the AP’s Twitter feed.

End Huff Post excerpt

Wouldn’t you know Rachel Maddow and her team would delve into the fickle nature of our financial markets, and they would do so with a great deal of detail.  I offer two segments of last night’s Maddow segment. One the full segment (10:26 minutes  a bit long) and the segment other is an edited copy  of the same historic ‘knee-jerk’ market reaction.

Full Segment


Edited segment (shortened segment)

Now, allow one more example of ‘knee-jerk” reaction based on information of the moment.   Take a look at the graphic impact of the false and alleged hacked AP Twitter account.

The story must have drawn a response from someone in an international market. At 2:00AM a visitor left the following comment on a story written and published here n November 30, 2012. The AP story broke yesterday sometime after 12:30PM Eastern Time.

How long will it take the left to blame todays big drop on Bush? on

The Pardu response

And this is exactly why one should never ever grab a morning DIJA report, and run to blogs for opportunity shake a “told you so we love Bush” finger at articles. The down closed today as follows…. (At the time of the post above the DIJA was down 139 points.) There is no saving grace in George Bush commenter, none what so ever. In fact, you kind of stepped on a DIJA landmine! DJIA 14,719.46 +152.29+1.05%; NASDAQ 3,269.33 +35.78+1.11%; S&P 5001,578.78 +16.28+1.04% .

While the AP suffered from a reported “hack attack”, the TPI garnered a comment from either a sympathetic George W.  Bush supporter or an  opportunistic ‘spammer’.  The comment above  has a linked web page  A quick view of the page proved interesting. I like the page!  Carbonated TV image

Yesterday must have been the “Halloween” of the internet. We also experienced another embarrassing exhibition of Internet gone mad.  The Daily Currant dot com published a satirical piece related to Sarah Palin and a false Fox and Friends appearance.  The writer wrote an entertaining screed about Palin comments deploring our government to invade (or attack) the Czech Republic in response to the Boston Bombing suspects native root in Chechnya. 

If you read the piece above, it is hard to deny its creativity and impact, unless you are a die-hard Palin supporter.  Even then you would have to be a curmudgeon to avoid the humor in the piece.  

A few publications, one in particular which I will not name,  ran with the story as if it was a factual depiction of an early morning Palin visit to Fox and Friends.

Lessons:  We should probably exercise a bit more inquisitiveness as we consider the 1990s invention called the Internet. People are becoming masters at manipulation of the Internet and associated technology.  Once, the human mind masters via learning, the mind moves to more challenging activities. In some cases, such activity can be in the form of  mischief.  The problem with mischief is, once it move outside the realm of a quick laugh, it moves into the realm of harassment, manipulation and in many cases criminal endeavors.

Example. My response to the comment above was intended as a response within the context of the political/ social world we dissect, analyze, and posit.  It wasn’t until I saw the link-back to did I realize, the prospect of a bit of cleaver subterfuge.  As  web page developer,  website and administrator,  I delete many spam attempts and phishing attempts on a daily basis   Many are clever enough to filter through the ‘spam’ mechanisms of the site platform (Blogger), most are not and are dumped into the site spam folder.

My ‘knee-jerk’ inquisitiveness about the George Bush spam was not realized as possibly having succumb to slick marketing until 24 hours after my response to the spammer. 
Subterfuge Marketing is irritating.  It is the very reason I do not allow live comments to posts. All comments must be moderated prior to posting.  The practice actually works to the betterment of my readers and visitors; the practice allows the webpage an opportunity to ward-off trash and fake postings with links attached.

Arrest, No Arrest. The Difference Is Professionalism, Competence and Decency In Reporting (VIDEO)

In MSNBC on April 20, 2013 at 8:01 PM

Gimme Shelter!



Yesterday I wrote this piece.  I focused on conservative media (print and electronic).  I missed a few media which reported arrest of a phantom Boston Bomber.  It appears ABC, The Boston Globe and Associated Press joined the “feeding frenzy”.  None, however, wallowed so gloriously in ratings shame as CNN’s(John King) “dark-skinned male”. 

                   Reuters                                     NBC


I remain excited about the fact that many of my information preferences avoided the frenzy. 

The chart below is the archive item of 2013.  
Thank You Upworthy!

Oh, a storm is threat’ning
My very life today
If I don’t get some shelter
Oh yeah, I’m gonna fade away
It’s just a shot away

~ Mick Jagger/Keith Richards