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Posts Tagged ‘Cheney’

Donald Rumsfeld On What Network And Said What? "……Trained Ape?"

In Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Rove, Rumsfeld, Tenet on March 25, 2014 at 7:12 PM

The emergence of a past seemingly long forgot!

How many years and months was the US spared the inane and ridiculous appearances of former Bush Administration officials spewing pure drivel for ratings hungry media. They also spew to a public that has proven it too soon forgets its past. A public that may not mind the damnation of repeating that past.

The Bush Administration left the nation so deep in the doldrums of an economic and international abyss, history has already started its legacy development. Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Powell, Tenet, Rove et al. have a place in our lives that should be quarantined into the recesses of our minds never to be allowed to across our brain Cortex. 
The GOP and RNC conducted national events over a six-year period without appearances from Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld. During the 2012 RNC Convention Rice was paraded out as a “trophy” to spew “lockstep” rhetoric. Why the 2014 visuals accompanied by utterance nonsense? His most recent comments will be considered racist by many people. 

The Bush Administration ghosts.

Bush starts to make appearances. Cheney is actually allowed to speak via Fox News and certain Sunday Morning (GOP leaning) news shows. Hosts actually sit across from Cheney and ask questions, then sit back while Cheney spews pure jingoist garbage from the corner of his crooked mouth. Rice has crawled into the public eye since the RNC Convention and with each statement makes a complete fool of herself.  

Imagine this as Rice contemplated Putin’s invasion of Crimea.

Condi Rice: The U.S. Can’t Step Back And Let Others Lead

If I may posit.  No one from the Bush Administration should be given a platform to criticize the very president who has worked tirelessly to clean-up the utter mess they left for us all.  As politics has sallied over time, we cannot expect republicans to follow the old adage taught to me at a very young age.

“A fool will never be discovered a fool if he keeps his mouth closed.” 

Since, politics forces the fools upon us, I cannot help but lay blame to ratings seeking media.  

Think for a moment. Have we grown to the point our memory is so short and shallow we forget the dark ages of the Bush years?  On what basis can media simply pluck the non-credible from the shadows of the shamed, to speak on camera and microphone? Rice spoke of “allowing others to lead.” How about the leadership from the Bush cabinet? Leadership that included outing an active CIA Agent.

Rumsfeld now ventures into criticism of President Obama and he does so with analogy that some will be label racist.

After The Raw Story embed and advertisement,  catch my close.

The Raw Story

Read more after the break below

Donald Rumsfeld: U.S. diplomacy would be better if Obama was a ‘trained ape’ (via Raw Story )

Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on Monday blasted President Barack Obama’s diplomacy, saying a “trained ape” could do a better job. In an interview with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren, Rumsfeld complained that relations with…


Diplomacy; “trained ape” 

OK, so a “trained ape” could do a better job of International diplomacy! Seriously, he goes there? From a man who’s would send Bush Iraq War memos laced with quoted Scripture? He has the temerity to reference Obama’s diplomacy while some of us clearly remember this….
George Bush got memos from Rumsfeld that used Scripture to push Iraq war


We understand the shallowness of media that broadcast or write about comments from Rumsfeld. We can only hope the American public is far beyond Fox News propaganda from the Right and well beyond thinking media today is about delivery of news. Media, both Left and Right, has metastasized into communication wings for their respective ideology.

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Jeb Bush Joins The Rest In Search Of Obama Derangement

In Bush W., Cheney, Fox News, George w. Bush, Jeb Bush, Michelle Bachmann, Ronald Reagan, The Daily GOP Ignominious on November 29, 2013 at 10:46 PM

On the day before Thanksgiving Jeb Bush showed why this nation needs to bury the Bush name and legacy in time-capsules to be opened only at just before the extinction of life as we know it.  And, then only as an opportunity to review American history and the beginning downfall of a great nation prior to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. While the younger Bush has yet to spread an international lie ike his older brother (e.g., WMD, economic crash denial), he has shown that he is not above the ignorance and mendacious politically expedient lie. Alas, we need little validation of Right-wing lies, but it is good to revisit reminders of the extent to which we can believe little from US conservatives, especially their politicians. 

Jeb Bush Tweets…

@JebBushFollow Why would our President close our Embassy to the Vatican? Hopefully, it is not retribution for Catholic organizations opposing Obamacare.

Yes, Jeb Bush knows better than the Wednesday tweet. We posit he is reaching into that bag of Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS) for opportunity to share in ODS fruit. It would be both too simple and possibly very callous to believe that Jeb Bush does have enough respect for Barack Obama’s intellect to know the president lacks such a level of vindictiveness. If the younger Bush truly believes Obama would resort to such child-like fancy, he is an absolute identical Bush W. chip off the old Bush block. And, that is a really sad state for many reasons.

Why shouldn’t we be the lest bit surprised?  

The Center for Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University published the results of a study with results indicating the GOP lies three times more than Democrats. The study results are far from a surprise as we consider Fox News, Michelle Bachmann, Bush W., Cheney, and just about any political conservative we can keyboard here. Yes, the GOP is as steadfast in its penchant for misleading/ misinformation (lies) as it is reliable in its inability to effectively manage the US economy.

George Washington University study in brief:

PolitiFact rated 32% of Republican claims as “false” or “pants on fire,” compared to 11% of Democratic claims – a 3 to 1 margin. Conversely, Politifact rated 22% of Democratic claims as “entirely true” compared to 11% of Republican claims – a 2 to 1 margin. 

A majority of Democratic statements (54%) were rated as mostly or entirely true, compared to only 18% of Republican statements. Conversely, a majority of Republican statements (52%) were rated as mostly or entirely false, compared to only 24% of Democratic statements. 

Despite controversies over Obama administration statements regarding Benghazi, the IRS and the Associated Press, Republicans have continued to fare worse than Democrats, with 60% of their claims rated as false so far this month (May 1 – May 22), compared to 29% of Democratic statements – a 2 to 1 margin. 

This study’s findings are similar to those of a previous CMPA study, which found that PolitiFact gave more negative ratings to the Romney campaign than the Obama campaign during the 2012 presidential election campaign

The story behind the relocation of the Vatican Embassy.
Security and cost savings were behind the move, as the State Department estimates it will save $1.4 million a year by moving from the current building. 

The relocated embassy will be 0.1 miles closer to the Vatican, putting the distance at about 1.9 miles between the two.

Additional Information Source 

You would actually vote for these people?


The Johnson Tapes..Nixon’s Treachery

In Bush, Cheney, GOP, Rumsfeld, Tenet on March 20, 2013 at 10:02 PM

Richard M. Nixon, harbinger of
things to come!
While baby boomers have for decades  wondered about how our leaders perpetrated the Viet Nam War, I must admit the recent publication and release of President Johnson’s (LBJ) Oval Office tapes has provided an official and formal ‘jaw-dropper’. The BBC has published (and released) yet another legacy destroying expose on Richard Nixon.  

I could not help but wonder, as I listened to the short segment with LBJ speaking about Nixon.  I wondered how so many people actually cast votes and contribute money to the GOP. The party has dissolved into a shameful shell of a party long dead, but not yet buried.  It seems over the past two weeks revelations about political and social malfeasance from the Right have sprung-up like irritating dandelions in a well manicured lawn. My wonderment was heightened by exhibitions of pure racism and unfair treatment of  a visitor at the annual GOP CPAC “ooze”, Christe’s use of the word “boy” in yet another angst filled tirade for the rotund governor, and the release of the Iraq War Reconstruction SIGIR study. History will also chronicle the Showtime Dick Cheney special replete with “If I had to do it all over, I would not change a thing.” How can people continue to support a party that is so riddled with the cancers of defeat, it appears to soak-up chemo treatments with ongoing exhibitions of the unbelievable? And, when history reaches from the ages to deliver such lessons the wonderment becomes all the more intriguing (and yes rewarding).  

History is a phenomena that never fails to intrigue.  What we do not know can be psychological shattering once we come to “know”. I find myself feeling angry and manipulated as I come to “know”.  If you do not feel same, you might want to consider counseling.

I wrote earlier the week about how powerful men use us (common folk) like chess pieces. The powerful maneuver us like pawns in games that do little more than advance their agendas. Or, they play the game for iniquitous satisfaction of their ego, paradigm, beliefs, and elitist desires.

The revelations of Nixon’s treasonous malfeasance provides yet another view of Republican governance, while in some way reminding of things to come with Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice/Tenet/Powell. 

We are going to post a 1:47 minute excerpt from a 58 minute portion of one of LBJ’s comments about politics and Nixon.   we will post more below as the story takes a fascinating turn and may involve monitoring a senior GOP adviser. Johnson mentions possible involvement the adviser he refers to as a bit of a looker in this MSNBC segment 

The British Broadcast Company (DURATION: 01:47)

“If it was made public, it would rock the nation” 
How Richard Nixon destabilised the Vietnamese peace talks in 1968 to enhance his chances of victory in that year’s American Election. 
Using newly released White House recordings, David Taylor completes an investigation begun by his colleague Charles Wheeler into the extraordinary actions of Richard Nixon as he attempted to sabotage the Peace Talks over the Vietnam war in 1968.
Here we offer the full 58 minute audio. You will be linked to a page that will only require a simple click of an icon.  The page also allows listening to individual clips vs. the entire 58 minute release.  Note: it is not the easiest audio to understand unless you have perfect hearing ability and the opportunity to crank up the volume.

The revelations are not new.  As you have heard and observed in the video above, the story went silent in the 1990s. 

The BBC News Magazine story is linked here. (good read)

The Daily Kos provides a comprehensive treatise on the issue. 

Ngô Đình Diệm
Ngo Dinh Diem - Thumbnail - ARC 542189.gif
President of the Republic of Vietnam

Hubris: Marketing the Iraq War

In Bush, Cheney, MSNBC, Tenet on February 20, 2013 at 9:44 PM

The worse in US History

The following hour long segment from last Monday Evening’s Rachel Maddow Show is an item worthy of archive. The television documentary is based on a book that Maddow will introduce minutes after starting the segment.

MSNBC has posted the documentary in six (6) parts. We are embedding the Introduction, Part 1 and Part 2. 

The documentary is good to say the least   As I watched I thought long and hard about a few things.  the easy one, Why not make a full two hour documentary. Apparently,  people are writing (social media)  they wanted much more, “It was too short.”  The interest speaks to the seriousness of the misguided US policy and I suspect the interest crosses political lines.  

Another area of concern, the length of time it took for some to speak openly and honestly.  Honestly?  As I watched Maddow’s opening remarks I felt someone had the smarts (probably the book authors) to open the work with comment about another time in US History when we were duped into war.  Lyndon Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin Incident catapulted the US into Viet Nam and a resultant 55,000 dead US troops, hundreds of thousands maimed or disabled, and international embarrassment second to no other.  

While I knew that Colin Powell was actively involved in selling the war to the US public,  I assumed he was far more out of the know than the documentary shows.  He caved to pressure, went along with the charade and eventually resigned the office. A resignation during the run-up to the war would have provided me with a greater respect for the man.  He resigned after the deeds were done and well after no WMD was found in Iraq.  He knew the prospect of no WMD was a reality. 

The final concern, after watching the documentary, why no prosecutions. Why no investigation of authorization to commit torture?

We did not learn from the past via the Gulf of Tonkin, and we relived the past in Iraq.   

WATCH: ‘Hubris’ documentary

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow reports on how the Bush administration viewed the terrorist attacks of 9/11 as an opportunity to remove Saddam Hussein from power in part one of Hubris.     In addition to watching the full documentary, you can read more about the Bush administration’s marketing of a war they had already decided to wage; take a look at Rumsfeld’s secret documents; and read an interview with the co-author of “Hubris”: he talks about torture, secrets, and what we still don’t know.
Part 2:
View more Part 3:

So soon America forgets! Some of the very same characters who served Bush in Iraq were active in the Romney campaign. And, 47% of you voted Romney/Ryan.

Bush’s CIA Black Ops Torture Chambers in 54 Countries!

In Bush, Cheney, Huffington Post, Obama on February 6, 2013 at 3:39 PM


 Iraq War a personal vendetta, that cost the nation so much!

Huffington Post is reporting the Bush Administration in response to the 9/11 attacks interwove a spider web like network of torture facilities in 54 countries across the globe. Unbelievable as it is, some countries that housed CIA Black Ops “extraordinary rendition” torture chambers include Syria, Libya  and Egypt. 

An IKONOS satellite image  
of a facility near Kabul, 
Afghanistan taken on July
 17, 2003. A Washington 
Post on November 2, 2005 
refers to this facility as the 
largest CIA covert prison in
 Afghanistan, code-named 
the Salt Pit (Reuters / Space 
Imaging Middle East)

Am I mistaken or has the US become a willing supporter of overthrowing governments in all three countries.  The US may not have initiated the Arab Spring (as far as we know), but the US has without question provided overt support to rebels in each country.  I recall a time when The Reagan Administration shared chemical weapons know-how with Saddam Hussein.  

Canadian Maher Arar holds up a shirt that he says he wore during his detention in Syria as he addresses a European Parliament hearing on allegations that the CIA used European countries for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners, in Brussels, March 23, 2006. Arar was sent to Syria for interrogation after being arrested at a New York airport in 2002 (Reuters / Francois Lenoir)

The “Geo-political” enemy during that period was Iran. Just over a decade later, Bush “W” was perpetrating Shock and Awe behind a fabricated WMD war crusade. Why is our government seemingly more often than not on the wrong side of international conflict?

The Bush Administration has no historic match for being on the wrong side of international conflict and of late International Law. The Reagan Administration comes close, but Reagan may have redeemed his legacy via his work with Gorbachev and the Soviet leader’s  dismantling the Soviet Union. Recent reports of US activities against Al Qaeda includes details of the Bush CIA “Black Ops” operations. An astounding number of countries provided facilities, possibly torture perpetrators, and covered for US violations of International Law. Our government violated International Laws it used to conduct war-crimes trials and executions in World War II.

Yesterday’s Huffington Post piece evolves around a recently released Open Society Foundation (OSF) Report. Before perusing the report, should you so chose, let’s take a journey down George Bush’s personal crusade to war.  Wars that provided no-bid contracts to Dick Cheney’s former Halliburton while wasting thousands of lives and ruined our economy. Cheney, via his Halliburton holdings, may have earned millions ($) from the wars? The Iraq War, the War in Afghanistan and Bush’s ‘give-away’ tax cuts for the nations wealthy, drove the nation to the edge of financial collapse. A really quick look at our staggering deficit and its  contributing factors tells all.

You must look very close towards the bottom of the chart to find any GREEN color. You must also look very  close towards the top of the chart to find the GOLD indicator . The salient point is all that sits between the two indicators. If you look at all between the gold and green, you have eight years of George Bush.

March 18, 2003 ABC News…

Is Bush’s Iraq Stance Rooted in Revenge?

Just one month after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — and only five days after the war in Afghanistan had begun — President Bush signaled his determination to confront Saddam Hussein next 

“There’s no question that the leader of Iraq is an evil man. After all, he gassed his own people. We know he’s been developing weapons of mass destruction. … And so we’re watching him very carefully. We’re watching him carefully,” Bush said in an Oct. 11, 2001, address. 
But the administration had its eye on Iraq long before 9/11.

Read more link in title above 



The   ….in 2012 reported on an Iraq Engineer who eventually admitted that Saddam did not have WMD. His words were reported to have been written off by George Bush as follows, “We are going in”.

Defector tells how US officials ‘sexed up’ his fictions to make the 
case for 2003 invasion



“Curveball”, the Iraqi defector who fabricated claims about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, smiles as he confirms how he made the whole thing up. It was a confidence trick that changed the course of history, with Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi’s lies used to justify the Iraq war 

He tries to defend his actions: “My main purpose was to topple the tyrant in Iraq because the longer this dictator remains in power, the more the Iraqi people will suffer from this regime’s oppression.” 

The chemical engineer claimed to have overseen the building of a mobile biological laboratory when he sought political asylum in Germany in 1999. His lies were presented as “facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence” by Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, when making the case for war at the UN Security Council in February 2003. 

But Mr Janabi, speaking in a two-part series, Modern Spies, starting tomorrow on BBC2, says none of it was true. When it is put to him “we went to war in Iraq on a lie. And that lie was your lie”, he simply replies: “Yes.” 

US officials “sexed up” Mr Janabi’s drawings of mobile biological weapons labs to make them more presentable, admits Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, General Powell’s former chief of staff. “I brought the White House team in to do the graphics,” he says, adding how “intelligence was being worked to fit around the policy”.

Read more linked in article title  _________________________ 

February 2003 Colin Powell presenting lies, embellishments and “sexed up” information and images to the United Nations 


The crusade for personal revenge took the United States and the world to the brink of economic catastrophe. And, led to 4500 US dead and 100,000 Iraqis dead. The number of maimed, disabled, and displaced for life, is still not an agreed upon statistic. _________________________

September 2007 Salon Dot Com

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction

Salon exclusive: Two former CIA officers say the president squelched top-secret intelligence, and a briefing by George Tenet, months before invading Iraq.

Secretary of State Powell, in preparation for his presentation of evidence of Saddam’s WMD to the United Nations Security Council on Feb. 5, 2003, spent days at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., and had Tenet sit directly behind him as a sign of credibility. But Tenet, according to the sources, never told Powell about existing intelligence that there were no WMD, and Powell’s speech was later revealed to be a series of falsehoods. 

Both the French intelligence service and the CIA paid Sabri hundreds of thousands of dollars (at least $200,000 in the case of the CIA) to give them documents on Saddam’s WMD programs. “The information detailed that Saddam may have wished to have a program, that his engineers had told him they could build a nuclear weapon within two years if they had fissile material, which they didn’t, and that they had no chemical or biological weapons,” one of the former CIA officers told me.  

On the eve of Sabri’s appearance at the United Nations in September 2002 to present Saddam’s case, the officer in charge of this operation met in New York with a “cutout” who had debriefed Sabri for the CIA. Then the officer flew to Washington, where he met with CIA deputy director John McLaughlin, who was “excited” about the report. Nonetheless, McLaughlin expressed his reservations. He said that Sabri’s information was at odds with “our best source.” That source was code-named “Curveball,” later exposed as a fabricator, con man and former Iraqi taxi driver posing as a chemical engineer. 

The next day, Sept. 18, Tenet briefed Bush on Sabri. “Tenet told me he briefed the president personally,” said one of the former CIA officers. According to Tenet, Bush’s response was to call the information “the same old thing.” Bush insisted it was simply what Saddam wanted him to think. “The president had no interest in the intelligence,” said the CIA officer. The other officer said, “Bush didn’t give a fuck about the intelligence. He had his mind made up.” 


 He had made up his mind”!!!!

Globalizing Torture
Huffington Post February  5, 2013

Extraordinary Rendition Report Finds More Than 50 Nations Involved In Global Torture Scheme

Posted: 02/04/2013 11:14 pm EST  |  Updated: 02/05/2013 11:24 am EST 

Although Bush administration officials said they never intentionally sent terrorism suspects abroad in order to be tortured, the countries where the prisoners seemed to end up — Egypt, Libya and Syria, among others — were known to utilize coercive interrogation techniques.

Extraordinary rendition was also a factor in one of the greatest intelligence blunders of the Bush years. Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, a Libyan national and top al Qaeda operative who was detained in Pakistan in late 2001, was later sent by the U.S. to Egypt. There, under the threat of torture, he alleged that Saddam Hussein had trained al Qaeda in biological and chemical warfare. He later withdrew the claim, but not before the U.S. invaded Iraq in part based on his faulty testimony.

Read more via linked title 

The secondary entrance of Romania’s National Registry Office for Classified Information (ORNISS) headquarters is seen in Bucharest, December 9, 2011. International media reported that between 2003 and 2006, the CIA operated a secret prison from the building’s basement. (Reuters / Stringer)
The OSF Report is a must read for any student of US History.   It is comprehensive, reads as unbiased, and most assuredly depicts a state of mind and of governance that forever changed perception of the United States (both internal and external perceptions). It is broken into detailed sections. Section IV (Page 29 through page 60) lists captives who were tortured throughout the course of the Black Ops program. Once he took office ,President Obama publicly declared the programs discontinued. We can only hope that is the case.

“ We also have to work, through, sort of the dark side, if you will. We’ve got to spend time in the shadows in the intelligence world. A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion, using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies, if we’re going to be successful. That’s the world these folks operate in, and so it’s going to be vital for us to use any means at our disposal, basically, to achieve our objective.”

U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, September 16, 2001
Information Sources:
Black Ops images above from: Defense Dot lk ; Huffignton Post,
Open Society Foundation: Link A, Link B;   Assembly Coe Dot Int

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 
George Santayana, Reason in Common Sense, The Life of Reason, Vol.1, 

Combating Recession to Ward Off Economic Depression

In Bush, Cheney, Jobs, Romney on September 27, 2012 at 9:00 AM

President Obama catches much static about the economy.  While the static comes from the Right and seems to be manifest in many independents, I have to say people on the Left do to stand-up to the ‘rhetoric’.  Yes, there is strong reason to stand tall against the rhetoric.  

We hear about eight plus per cent unemployment. It is a stifling level of unemployment which correlates to millions who are out of work.  While most do not think beyond today and yesterday, I am certain many can remember unemployment above 10 per cent.  Lest we forget, President Obama never once said, stimulus would lower unemployment to six per cent.  His economic team has to take blame for those statements, and a couple of those advisers and cabinet members are no longer in the White House. In actuality, the statements were made based on approval of a Stimulus at $1.2 Trillion; actual Stimulus was approved at $743 billion.  As Paul Krugman and other credible economist stated, “that is too small“. The economic impetus was far smaller than desired and was less effective than had the Stimulus passed at the $1.2 Trillion level.  But, we do not focus on fine details, we reach for what is in front of us today and what we remember from yesterday.

Since the US economy is totally dependable on people working and jobs, allow a few charts (w/comment) about President Obama and the turn-around economy.

We forget, or do not care about…….

The US Auto Industry 

It is probably not necessary, I will do so for those who refuse to accept facts, Mitt Romney and the entirety of the GOP said, “Let the auto industry go to Bankruptcy”.  Bankruptcy in many cases mean “sell to an overseas conglomerate” (or vulture capitalist) and associated lay-offs.  That scenario spells significant job losses and possible loss of another US Industry.  A dead auto Industry would have leveled devastation among many associated entities: dealerships, suppliers, vendors, contractors, and in many cases Motor Vehicle State employees could have suffered as GM and Chrysler moved to another nation.

  • Obama postponed the bailout as long as possible.
  • A Detroit collapse could have caused a depression like in the 1930s.
  • In June Obama engineered an ultra-fast 10-day assisted bankruptcy.
  • Although hardest hit, Detroit turned around immediately—and sooner than the rest of the country.

Now for a quick look at how quickly measures from the Obama Administration reversed the slippery slop of 450,000 to 750,000 per month losses as Bush left office. You and I both know, the Stimulus was approved in the spring of 2009. Let’s not forget the GOP was abhorrent and indignant about the Stimulus. They continue today to speak of its ineffectiveness. Did they, or do they want to look back at continued job losses approaching 1,000,000 per month? Paul Ryan rails about the Stimulus almost daily. He does so even after being exposed for requesting and distributing Stimulus funds in his district.  Yet, another lie from Ryan, as he denied receiving stimulus funds until flat-out exposed by the media (press). 

Faster Turnaround: Job Losses to Gains

  • Bush’s second recession was twice as deep as the first one.
  • Obama stopped job losses quicker, although they were going much faster.

Turning Around the Worst Recession Since 1938

  • Bush left office with the economy losing 10 Million jobs per year.
  • Obama’s Job Stimulus stopped the losses in record time.
  • Since then 4 Million private sector jobs have been added.
All links are active.
Democrats Create Twice the Jobs


Jobs: Dems Make ‘Em, Republicans Break ‘Em
  • 2.6 times as many jobs created under Democrats over the last 63 years.
  • It’s not a fluke. Every time Dems gain power, it gets better; every time Republicans do, it gets worse.
  • For 83 years. If you look back to 1929, this has happened 10 times in a row, no exceptions.
  • Now it’s worse. Since Obama got in, Republicans have been trying to stop job creation to thwart Obama. Talk about unpatriotic politics.
  • Why budget years? In January 2009, Bush was losing jobs at the rate of 10 million/year. There is no way Obama could make the economy stop laying off workers and start hiring in February, 2009. He had no magic wand.
    He had to use government policy and his first budget couldn’t take effect until Bush’s ended. In effect Bush’s policies controlled the economy until the end of his last budget year, Sept. 30, 2009.
  • What about Obama’s quick jobs stimulus? Obama’s stimulus quickly slowed the rate of losses, and that made Bush’s budget-year job losses less than without Obama’s help.
  • What if we use Presidential Years? Blaming Obama for Bush’s job losses from Obama’s day 1 certainly hurts his record, but even then Obama scores a net gain, and Bush scores a net loss. And over the 63 years, Republicans still created less than half the jobs per year that Democrats did.
Next to 2

                                     Notes & FAQs

If you listen to the Right-wing rhetoric, you would think we as a nation still sat in cliff-side chairs waiting our respective turns to fall not an economic abyss.  President Obama and each campaign surrogate readily admits we have a long way to go for full recovery.  I suppose it is far too much a stretch to ask that people do a bit of research beyond television ads, to provide information that could lead to intelligent votes.  Unintelligent voters gave us eight years of Bush, and there is no difference in Bush and Romney. Well, there is one major difference in the two, one does not give one damn about 47 per cent of the population. Actually, there is another major difference in Bush and Romney; Romney can ‘lie’ rings around Bush and Cheney bundled into one. And, Romney has chosen a poor running mate, who can lie well enough to match his running mate boss, and who can lie such that the rest of the Bush Administrations would be covered with lies to spare.

Jobs drives our economy. Other than an economy without GOP obstruction and barriers to all proposed jobs initiatives, can you imagine the GOP administering over the recovery as has our president. John McCain and Sarah Palin would not have suffered Obstructionism as has Obama and the rest of the nation. Do you think McCain/Palin would have managed the successes we have witnessed since 2009?  It is impossible to say yes because McCain/Palin would have allowed Gm and Chrysler to move to the mercy of vulture capitalist like Mitt Romney, or they may have become a national treasure for China or India. 

I seriously doubt a Stimulus from McCain/Palin.  Now, look up at the charts again and think about Romney/Ryan.  

Combating Recession to Ward Off Economic Depression

In Bush, Cheney, Jobs, Romney on September 27, 2012 at 9:00 AM

President Obama catches much static about the economy.  While the static comes from the Right and seems to be manifest in many independents, I have to say people on the Left do to stand-up to the ‘rhetoric’.  Yes, there is strong reason to stand tall against the rhetoric.  

We hear about eight plus per cent unemployment. It is a stifling level of unemployment which correlates to millions who are out of work.  While most do not think beyond today and yesterday, I am certain many can remember unemployment above 10 per cent.  Lest we forget, President Obama never once said, stimulus would lower unemployment to six per cent.  His economic team has to take blame for those statements, and a couple of those advisers and cabinet members are no longer in the White House. In actuality, the statements were made based on approval of a Stimulus at $1.2 Trillion; actual Stimulus was approved at $743 billion.  As Paul Krugman and other credible economist stated, “that is too small“. The economic impetus was far smaller than desired and was less effective than had the Stimulus passed at the $1.2 Trillion level.  But, we do not focus on fine details, we reach for what is in front of us today and what we remember from yesterday.

Since the US economy is totally dependable on people working and jobs, allow a few charts (w/comment) about President Obama and the turn-around economy.

We forget, or do not care about…….

The US Auto Industry 

It is probably not necessary, I will do so for those who refuse to accept facts, Mitt Romney and the entirety of the GOP said, “Let the auto industry go to Bankruptcy”.  Bankruptcy in many cases mean “sell to an overseas conglomerate” (or vulture capitalist) and associated lay-offs.  That scenario spells significant job losses and possible loss of another US Industry.  A dead auto Industry would have leveled devastation among many associated entities: dealerships, suppliers, vendors, contractors, and in many cases Motor Vehicle State employees could have suffered as GM and Chrysler moved to another nation.

  • Obama postponed the bailout as long as possible.
  • A Detroit collapse could have caused a depression like in the 1930s.
  • In June Obama engineered an ultra-fast 10-day assisted bankruptcy.
  • Although hardest hit, Detroit turned around immediately—and sooner than the rest of the country.

Now for a quick look at how quickly measures from the Obama Administration reversed the slippery slop of 450,000 to 750,000 per month losses as Bush left office. You and I both know, the Stimulus was approved in the spring of 2009. Let’s not forget the GOP was abhorrent and indignant about the Stimulus. They continue today to speak of its ineffectiveness. Did they, or do they want to look back at continued job losses approaching 1,000,000 per month? Paul Ryan rails about the Stimulus almost daily. He does so even after being exposed for requesting and distributing Stimulus funds in his district.  Yet, another lie from Ryan, as he denied receiving stimulus funds until flat-out exposed by the media (press). 

Faster Turnaround: Job Losses to Gains

  • Bush’s second recession was twice as deep as the first one.
  • Obama stopped job losses quicker, although they were going much faster.

Turning Around the Worst Recession Since 1938

  • Bush left office with the economy losing 10 Million jobs per year.
  • Obama’s Job Stimulus stopped the losses in record time.
  • Since then 4 Million private sector jobs have been added.
All links are active.
Democrats Create Twice the Jobs


Jobs: Dems Make ‘Em, Republicans Break ‘Em
  • 2.6 times as many jobs created under Democrats over the last 63 years.
  • It’s not a fluke. Every time Dems gain power, it gets better; every time Republicans do, it gets worse.
  • For 83 years. If you look back to 1929, this has happened 10 times in a row, no exceptions.
  • Now it’s worse. Since Obama got in, Republicans have been trying to stop job creation to thwart Obama. Talk about unpatriotic politics.
  • Why budget years? In January 2009, Bush was losing jobs at the rate of 10 million/year. There is no way Obama could make the economy stop laying off workers and start hiring in February, 2009. He had no magic wand.
    He had to use government policy and his first budget couldn’t take effect until Bush’s ended. In effect Bush’s policies controlled the economy until the end of his last budget year, Sept. 30, 2009.
  • What about Obama’s quick jobs stimulus? Obama’s stimulus quickly slowed the rate of losses, and that made Bush’s budget-year job losses less than without Obama’s help.
  • What if we use Presidential Years? Blaming Obama for Bush’s job losses from Obama’s day 1 certainly hurts his record, but even then Obama scores a net gain, and Bush scores a net loss. And over the 63 years, Republicans still created less than half the jobs per year that Democrats did.
Next to 2

                                     Notes & FAQs

If you listen to the Right-wing rhetoric, you would think we as a nation still sat in cliff-side chairs waiting our respective turns to fall not an economic abyss.  President Obama and each campaign surrogate readily admits we have a long way to go for full recovery.  I suppose it is far too much a stretch to ask that people do a bit of research beyond television ads, to provide information that could lead to intelligent votes.  Unintelligent voters gave us eight years of Bush, and there is no difference in Bush and Romney. Well, there is one major difference in the two, one does not give one damn about 47 per cent of the population. Actually, there is another major difference in Bush and Romney; Romney can ‘lie’ rings around Bush and Cheney bundled into one. And, Romney has chosen a poor running mate, who can lie well enough to match his running mate boss, and who can lie such that the rest of the Bush Administrations would be covered with lies to spare.

Jobs drives our economy. Other than an economy without GOP obstruction and barriers to all proposed jobs initiatives, can you imagine the GOP administering over the recovery as has our president. John McCain and Sarah Palin would not have suffered Obstructionism as has Obama and the rest of the nation. Do you think McCain/Palin would have managed the successes we have witnessed since 2009?  It is impossible to say yes because McCain/Palin would have allowed Gm and Chrysler to move to the mercy of vulture capitalist like Mitt Romney, or they may have become a national treasure for China or India. 

I seriously doubt a Stimulus from McCain/Palin.  Now, look up at the charts again and think about Romney/Ryan.  

Romney with Bush as "Man in the Mirror’ and a Stumbling Ryan

In Cheney, Fox News, Rumsfeld on August 19, 2012 at 1:35 PM


The Romney Campaign: a campaign that begs for the return of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Tenet/Rice…..and the horrors of 2001 – 2008.

Watch the newly selected Romney VP choice “tough guy” Paul Ryan. Ryan was misguided and manipulated in 2002 n the Run-up Charge of the Bush Brigade into Iraq. He is misguided and ill-informed now. Now, however, he could be in a position to show a penchant for misguided at the expense of you and me.

The Romney campaigns doubles-down on the misguided Ryan, they assign a noted Right-wing propaganda mouthpiece as his chief adviser. Ryan has been turned over to Dan Senor.

  Join the piece after the break just below….

If you want to see an example of ‘playing to the base’ and GOP jingoism, watch the following video. I will not ask that you expose yourself to the overwhelming sadness of the entire interview. Within, 40 seconds of the start of the video, Ryan shows a degree of naivety and lack of common sense that can be compared only the the likes of Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle.  He takes a shot at “having more experience than Barack Obama” as he has been in Congress longer, he goes on to make a half-assed and less than confident expression of , “…..I have voted to send people to war”.  Wow, I have to wonder if that one was not of the Dan Senor play book. 
Wathc the first 40 seconds. Or, if you are a sado-masochist, watch the entire video.
Yes, detractors will rant about the majority of the US Congress voted similarly.  I offer up a major distinction to the ranters.  Those members of Congress who are still seated are not standing on camera ‘bragging’ about having voted to send people to war, ” in an effort to disparage a president who has proven more than capable in international affairs.
While we have focused on the ‘misguided’ Paul Ryan, this piece is a bit of a double-entendre. There is real critical importance in realizing that the advisers and surrogates we see and hear form the Romney campaign will occupy offices in the White House Thus, they will become core advisers to a president who appears increasingly remote, distant and non-attentive.  Does that remind of George W. Bush or what?  The one thing Bush did not appear to hold dear to his inner being: personal financial secrecy when secrecy is ill-advised: tax returns.
Let’s place this screed in perspective.  Romney, serial lair and secretive to a major fault (possibly hiding felonious tax information), Ryan a young ideologue who just recently disavowed love for Ayn Rand (thus influence-able from sources he should have placed in perspective as undesirable), Dan Senor who has significant experience turning  (combat and administrative)  losses into verbal declarations of wins, quack Sunnunu replete with irascible tendencies that appear as dangerous, Rick Gorka (“kiss my ass” aide to Romney). and the inimitable “etch-a-sketch man (name  do not remember and I will not seek) as core occupants of the White House and the Executive Branch of US Government.
Well, I may have written myself into consideration of reversing the double-entendre with contemplation of the latter vs the aforementioned misguided Ryan as the central subject of the piece.
The GOP never ceases to amaze.  It is much like Dr. Brzezinski once told Joe Scarborough, (on-air) “ are remarkably shallow”.

Romney is Praising Dick Cheney….seriously!

In Cheney, GOP, Mitt Romney, The Progressive Influence on May 24, 2012 at 5:12 PM


I recently heard Mitt Romney speak about the greatness of and value in Dick Cheney as a model vice president.  It is most certainly an election year, but should Mitt Romney actually expect the nation to so quickly forget the horrors of Dick Cheney.

Should we forget about so many major and significant issues that sprung from the brain, lack of scruples and ethics, and heart of Cheney. How about the natural gas fracking “Haliburton Loophole“, enacted by Bush while Cheney was VP. Cheney was former CEO of Haliburton? 

How about a lingering legal battle surrounding the cancellation of the Navy’s A-12 Avenger contract in late 1990, early 1991. Cheney while speaking during an interview just after the second election to VP uttered, he may have cancel that contract based on bad information. Well, OK information is one thing, think of the damage done to one of the nation’s leading defense contractors (also the developer of the Mercury and Gemini space capsules: the quest to the Moon). Tens of thousands of McDonnell Douglas employees lost their jobs, the company fell into irreversible decline (Contacts from the Defense Dept. do not replenish month-to-month).  The company was eventually sold to Boeing of Seattle. Billions wasted, livelihoods lost and careers ruined.  “The contract may have been cancelled based on bad data!” No-bid contracts in Iraq an Afghanistan (Haliburton)?  Lest we forget Cheney’s role in outing Valarie Plame. A vice president of the United States of America worked with Karl Rove Scooter, the fall guy: Libby, to reveal a CIA agent.  Can you imagine such? The list goes on and on; only time and space serves as barriers to continuing.  

How can, other than for the love of campaign contributions, could a candidate for POTUS thumb his nose at such a history is one thing?  Romney’s cheerleading on Cheney behalf if far worse than disingenuous.  

Let’s take a look back at the lowest approval rating in the US Government Executive Branch since the nation’s inception.

The “Dick Cheney: closing Gitmo (abbreviated) makes terror attack more likely”

Mr Cheney left office with an historically low approval rating of 13 per cent. He was identified with the most contentious aspects of the war on terror which critics said subverted justice and badly tarnished America’s reputation overseas.

In 2007 GallupNews reported on the approval ratings of George W. Bush and his VP Dick Cheney. It is important to keep in mind, the Gallup data was prior to the full effect of the Great Recession. Factually speaking, the data, dated July 2007,  represents the time frame when it had become obvious the Bush Bubble had burst and our largest banks were crumbling. Crumbling with our lives, our savings, our jobs, and international markets right-down the economic Bush doctrine.

A recent exploration of Cheney and a good dose of Ronald Reagan with a dice of Richard Nixon.

The following 15 plus minute segment of the Rachel Maddow Show, is impossible to simply ignore even for the ‘almost believer’ or non-believer.  Mitt Romney’s glowing remarks about such a seedy character who served eight years as VP of the United States is remarkable, to keep it clean.  It should be noted that Cheney has recently committed to a fund raiser at his Wyoming ranch.  Some will say Romney is showing true colors in a post 2001-2009 endorsement of a man who left office in virtual disgrace.  Romney has proven he is a slippery as a yard snail in sunlight, could he have gone through osmosis to the slipperiness of melting Popsicle? And, for sake of the millions Cheney will raise from his ranch shindig?

Yet, Mitt Romney “etch-a-sketches” right into the Cheney Camp.  Is Mitt Romney clearly signaling he will administer in the same manner as did Bush/Cheney?  It appears as such to The Progressive Influence

History with layout the legacy on Bush/Cheney, let’s work to ensure that the same history cannot connect an unfathomable President Mitt Romney” with Bush/Cheney.

On May 1, 2012 the DIJA closed at a four year high (Post Bush)

In Barack Obama, Bush, Cheney, Matt Damon, Obama on May 3, 2012 at 11:56 AM

DJI – Dow Jones Industrial Average 

13279.32 +65.69‎  

May 1, 4:06pm ET – 

Open:  13214.16
High:  13338.66
Low:  13174.65
On Inauguration Day 2009, President Obama was sworn into office as the Bush Era Great Recession was infull bloom.  Obama inherited the worst economy handed to a president since the early to mid 29th Century.  The Bush Administration denied the Great 2007 Recession until after the 2008 General Election. In December 2008, The Bush Administration admitted the recession  started in December 2007.  The reason for the subterfuge was obvious. Admitting a recession would add fuel to the weakened opportunity and bode poorly for the GOP candidate in November of 2008. How many millions believed the Bush Administration’s one year lie? How many deferred taking steps to minimize investments loses based on the Bush recession lie?

Despite hiding or shipping George Bush, Dick Cheney and Condi Rice out of sight during the 2008 GOP Convention, their legacy exuded throughout the convention; the economy had officially crashed around September 5, 2008.  The impact of the crash could not be mitigated by their absence and their absence did not dampen a national aversion to Bush’s conservatism.

Let’s take a ride back into time.  

If you watched the documentary, The Inside Job,  you know the Sub-Prime Bubble contributed to ‘great’ financial times for the Bush early years. The documentary was narrated by Matt Damon.  The Inside Job, fully explains “The Bubble” that burst in early 2007. The Bubble was a major blister on the US economy, strictly based in greed and self-serving money grabbing. When it burst in 2007, the graphs below show how our world changed.  The documentary is an absolute must watch.  If you have not sat through The Inside Job, consider doing so. I assure you pure anger as the movie comes to an end.  Oh, for the Bush lovers out there, the movie includes culpability for Bill Clinton and, yes, President Obama is sharing in the economic crash. Clinton for his ideal that all American should have opportunity or home ownership and Obama for retaining a few of the same characters who moved the nation to the brink of a Great Depression.  The real fault lies in “The Bubble” (between Clinton and Obama). The Bubble: A period of  NO REGULATION, few audits, ignored messages, ignored warnings,  greed, lobbyist, greased palms, and disregard for all that was decent in America. The documentary won an Academy Award.
Dow Jones by Google (Interactive tables and available charting)
December 16, 2007 (After The Bubble burst) through January 20, 2009 
(President Obama Inauguration Day)
Dec 17, 2007 13,167.20
Jan 20, 2009    7,949.09

President Obama Inauguration Day (Jan 20,2012 to May 2, 2012
Jan 20, 2009    7,949.09
May 1, 2012   13,279.32

The DIJA  data represent a stark reality.  Especially when, I hear almost daily how President Obama has a failed Administration. They say President Obama is not getting the job done. We often hear how the GOP can do a much better job of fueling and running the US economy.  Well, if you reed a few articles on this web page, including the Data Scroll Page, you will see that talking-point by the GOP is pure “Poppycock” (to keep it clean).

Before the Huffington Post article, it is worth noting the Dow indicator on the day Obama took office:  7,949,09 (Market CLOSE)

On May 1, 2012, the Dow Jones hit a four year high. 

NEW YORK — The fastest growth in U.S. manufacturing in 10 months gave stocks a lift Tuesday and pushed the Dow Jones industrial average to its highest close in more than four years.

Manufacturing expanded last month at the strongest pace since June, according to the Institute for Supply Management. Orders, hiring and production all rose. 

A measure of manufacturing employment also reached a nine-month high, a hopeful sign ahead of Friday’s monthly jobs report.

The manufacturing news jolted stock indexes out of a morning stupor, although the gains waned throughout the afternoon. The Dow added 65.69 points to 13,279.32, its highest closing mark since Dec. 28, 2007, during the first month of the Great Recession. 

“It definitely changed the direction of markets,” said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank.

As I close the Dow May 1, 2012. 
13,279.32 (CLOSE)

Do the math!