The Pardu

Posts Tagged ‘The Raw Story’

Fear: The Root Of "Cause Celeb" For Right-Wing Media And The GOP

In The Raw Story on April 11, 2014 at 2:32 PM

A little something that has been widely reported, but remains very relevant.  Problem is…as demographics change and fear increases, manifestations of bigotry and racism go exponential.  And, there-in lies the problem.  

Fear of becoming a racial minority makes white Americans more conservative: study (via Raw Story )

Two researchers from the Department of Psychology and Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University demonstrated that the more white Americans know about the changing demographics of the United States, the more likely they are to endorse…

Ben Stein’s War on the Poor!

In Ben Stein, The Raw Story on April 9, 2014 at 11:24 PM

let them eat cake

Watching and listening to conservatives and members of the GOP (and yes libertarians) is analogous to standing in the same spot in Death Valley Nevada at 2:00PM each day waiting for rain. It just is not going to happen. Those of us who are a bit more open-minded and humane in our social paradigm are guilty of witnessing the “never-to-change” same from conservative America and thinking we will eventually see different results.

Yes, we on the Left are guilty expecting conservatives to eventually show a different face and thinking in terms of policy that benefits all Americans. Think of the elitism, contempt for half the population and hardcore privilege from the man who spoke as follows. Recall, this man would be president!

There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it — that that’s an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. … These are people who pay no income tax. … [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.

No, the war on the poor is little different than the war on women or the war on the environment. these people are universal in their contempt for anything or anyone who they perceive as having less value to themselves and their socio/political strata.  

A noted conservative celebrity provides the latest salvo against all things common in American. He takes Americas poor and rubs their faces in mud. I suggest he would provide equal opportunity (something totally against any core value of the GOP) to people in the middle class, if he felt cause to do so. We should rest assured those of use who live in the middle class will become fronts in the GOP war on all things non-conservative.  In essence, Ben Stein’s comments are no different than Romney’s. 

I posit, Stein actually embodies and delivers the level of contempt you and I can expect from the GOP and conservative America.

The Raw Story 
Ben Stein: Poor people are jealous, lazy drunks who don’t appreciate indoor plumbing (via Raw Story )

Conservative pundit Ben Stein suggested that only government-sanctioned religion could save poor Americans from their own “self-sabotage,” reported Right Wing Watch. “What will make the genuinely poor stop sabotaging themselves?” the actor and…

The Daily GOP Ignominious: Fox News …..Doocy, Hannity, Kelly And Fox New et al.

In Megyn Kelly, The Daily GOP Ignominious, The Raw Story on April 3, 2014 at 5:47 PM

Fox News follows its business model while clearly feeding its hordes of sycophants. The network has deployed a Obama is responsible for the Fort Hood shooting programming schedule. Sean Hannity borrowed the Bill O’Reilly “color commentation” model by booking the GOP’s number two maniac from former congressman Allen West. Nothing like booking a black man to speaking insanely about the black president.

The Raw Story provides another perspective. I am going to go slightly out of character and say, the Fox News host pictured via The Raw Story is a former Washington DC “weather guy” (non-meteorologist) and he is well placed as a major idiot on the network of idiots.

Read more after the break

‘Fox & Friends’ finds Obama ‘responsible’ for Ft. Hood shooting within first 24 hours (via Raw Story )

The hosts of the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Thursday found a way to make both President Barack Obama and gun control “responsible” for a shooting at Fort Hood, less than 24 hours after it occurred. Late Thursday afternoon, authorities…


Since Fox has gone on a mission with Anti-Obama feed for its red meat ravish viewers, we may as well include Megyn Kelly’s latest foray into matters of race.

As you view the following, try to think if you have ever heard anyone employed by Fox News refer to perpetrator as having a “white sounding” name. No matter the answer, it is impossible to deny Kelly again enacted racially charged lingo for her audience. Of course, you do not need a reminder of Kelly’s past regarding racially charged broadcasts, but let’s “go there.”  

I. “White Santa
II. Kelly responds with a fake address to Mom, Dad and the Kids. What kids are watching Kelly at 10:00PM EST?  How shallow and deceitful in effort to cover Kelly’s obvious racial paradigms. 

Watch as TPM Livewire provides a 32 second video of Kelly rather poor reading through her prompter a, drawing an admirable line on not enunciating the name of the Fort Hood shooter. She even took a snip at the Fox News show that preceded her show as a “name giver.”  You will notice the 32 second video stops shy of her clear and focused efforts to label the shooter as having a “Hispanic or Latino” sounding name.”  

Megyn Kelly Won’t Name Ft. Hood Shooter, But Is Fine With Describing His Ethnicity (VIDEO)

TOM KLUDT – APRIL 3, 2014, 10:50 AM 

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly took a stand against naming the soldier who opened fire at Fort Hood on Wednesday, but she didn’t have a problem dropping an ethnic description of the shooter. 

Kelly opened her show on Wednesday night with an explanation of her show’s policy. 

“Authorities are identifying the shooter. If you are interested you can get his name on other shows, like the one that preceded this one and online, but we have decided not to name these mass killers as a policy here on the ‘Kelly File,’” Kelly said. 

She stuck to the policy later in the program, but casually offered a description of the suspect based on his name. 

“The nationality of the shooter, it sounds Hispanic, Latino, but you can look up his name online,” Kelly said.

Read more linked via title above 


Steven Seagal To Join Edward Snowden In Love With Russia

In New York Times, Obama, The Raw Story on March 29, 2014 at 5:55 PM

Isn’t the conservative mind a wasteland. If Seagal feels so lovingly towards Putin, He should migrate and his citizenship should be taken away.

Maybe, one day he will see the root cause of his consternation. And, it is not simply Obama’s policies. 
Steven Seagal favors Putin over Obama and says he may emigrate to Russia (via Raw Story )

Action movie star Steven Seagal said in an interview with the Moscow Times that he is in favor of Russia’s military action in Crimea and that he may someday emigrate to the former Soviet Union. According to Atlantic magazine’s The Wire blog, Seagal…

Paul Ryan: A Microcosm Of A Political Party Consumed With "Privilege"

In The Raw Story on March 23, 2014 at 10:05 PM

Big problem for GOP. Most important panel. Topic: minority outreach. View: largely empty room.
From a John Hudak’s CPAC monitory OutReach session at this year’s CPA oozing to A top GOP leader and his inner core. An inner core that most assuredly speaks to why Hudak found CPAC Minority Outreach as desolate as Antarctica.


Paul Ryan and the Secret Lives of Inner-City Black Males (via Moyers & Company)

Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) comments about poverty arising from the culture of “inner city” men stirred a hornet’s nest of controversy.  Recent Moyers & Company guest Ian Haney López argued that whatever Ryan’s true intent may have been, the…

Paul Ryan demonized "inner cities"’?

In Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, The Guardian, The Raw Story on March 16, 2014 at 2:32 PM

File:Paul Ryan by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg
Small image of the Day
Image via Wiki Commons: P
aul Ryan by Gage Skidmore

I wondered when Rience Priebus, RNC Chair, would add his ‘snivel to the aftermath of Paul Ryan’s excursion into social engineering/commentary while evoking the writings and ideology of a documented racist: Charles Murray.  

Earlier this week, Ryan joined arch conservative, Bill Bennett on his radio show. While schmoozing up to Bennett and while knowing Bennett’s (I care with my bigoted caveats) belief systems, Ryan showed a deeply troubling inner psyche. We posit he also showed a deep rooted paradigm of many on the Right and a vital social artery of the GOP.

“I care with my bigoted caveats?” 

Yes, those are my words for Bennett’s often appearing to care about issues in the black community while drawing from a thought paradigm and speaking words that seem to emanate from a place of deep deep bigotry.

A peep into Bennett’s bigotry.

The Guardian September 2005 

“Abort all black babies and cut crime, says Republican”


Speaking on his daily radio show, William Bennett, education secretary under Ronald Reagan and drugs czar under the first George Bush, said: “If you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose; you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down.” 
He went on to qualify his comments, which were made in response to a hypothesis that linked the falling crime rate to a rising abortion rate. Aborting black babies, he continued, would be “an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down”. 
The comments brought condemnation from all sides. The White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, said: “The president believes the comments were not appropriate.”

The Guardian also published this correction related to their September 2005 title:

The following correction was printed in the Guardian’s Corrections and clarifications column, Wednesday October 5 2005

The headline above is at odds with the story which makes it clear that the Republican in question, William Bennett, was not advocating such a step. He was speaking hypothetically – describing such a step as, among other things, ridiculous and morally reprehensible. As our report made clear, the offensiveness of his hypothesis drew widespread condemnation.

Regardless of print, publishing and corrections, Bennett’s remarks were over-the-top a ridiculous set of words. The comments actually remind me of cloaked bigotry and racism Rush Limbaugh openly broadcast on a daily basis. 
The Raw Story on Ryan’s remarks from earlier this week.
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) on Wednesday suggested that men in “inner cities” who refused to work were one of the main causes of poverty in the United States. 
In an interview with conservative radio host Bill Bennett that was first noticed by Igor Volskyat Think Progress, Ryan reflected on his controversial poverty discussion at last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference. 
“We call it a poverty trap,” he explained. “There are incentives not to work, and to stay where you are.” 
Ryan also pointed to the work of Charles Murray, a white nationalist, who has used “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

We have published pieces on Ryan’s cognitive constipation accompanied by oral diarrhea, so we will only comment as follows (at this time). In fairness, a day after Ryan’s revealing oral sphincter failure, his staff released the following words, “I was inarticulate.”
How many hours were spent in emergency damage control strategy meetings to develop such a weak response to his self-inflicted wound revelation?
As stated above, we anticipated comment from Reince Priebus.  It is no surprise the appearance would came via the Sunday Morning conservative communication platforms (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX News, Candy Crowley’s State of the Nation). The following Raw Story piece relates to Priebus’s visit with ABC.

As you read the piece (or view the short video) think about this. Priebus says Ryan was trying to help people.  

Point One: Do you recall the one quip, ” I am from the IRS and I am here to help you.”  Or, my favorite from days of old. “I am form 60 Minutes and only need a minute of your time.”

Point Two: Why do Republican refuse to accept the higher unemployment rate among black people (Not just men) has much to do with white business owner unfair and unequal employment practices?

Point Three:  Despite GOP public aversion to federal spending for human services programs, they attempt to mask their social deficiencies (including bigotry and a lack of cultural awareness and failure to self-reflect on white America) via affixing societal problems on others. Their policies oppress people, yet they find fault in their oppressed victim.

Point Four: Does anyone really believe that Ryan was also speaking about white men who live in the inner city?

Reince Priebus: Paul Ryan demonized ‘inner cities’ to help them (via Raw Story )

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday explained that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) had recently blamed poverty on “inner cities” because he was working hard to help those communities. In an interview with conservative radio host…

Let’s recap your GOP.

  • War on Women
  • Cut SNAP benefits (Children, elderly, low ranking active military, temporary unemployed)
  • Shutdown the Federal Government over the ACA
  • The ongoing Sequester
  • Denial of and cuts to Veterans Benefits
  • Fifty-one (51) repeal Obamacare votes at $1. 6 million per vote equal $81.6 million tax payer funding frivolously wasted for political expedience and placating the Koch brothers.
  • Refusal to adhere to public (91%) desire for background check gun purchases in support of the NRA and conservative values.
  • Voter suppression (Minorities, elderly, college students)
  • “Inner City Men” (cloaked code and a dog whistle) as shiftless and a drain on society.

Who votes for these people?

Limbaugh Has Issues With The Academy Awards And This Years "Best Picture"

In Limbaugh, The Raw Story on March 3, 2014 at 4:15 PM

It should have been anticipated. Limbaugh has issues with the Academy Award of Best Picture to “12 Years A Slave.” 


I ran into the indented text below on Facebook earlier today.  Opinions are great. We are fortunate to have opportunity to deliver them and even more fortunate to have opportunity to share them. Now, while the business of the Academy Awards is something I hold in contempt based in my refusal to partake in any form of  “‘star-worship,” I recognize others differ and find the arena comparable to the Super Bowl, Stanley Cup or the World Series.   

Basically, if I provide them millions via aggregate ticket sales, I will be damned if celebrities will occupy me in any other way. Entertain me for millions (in return), but no award worship for this curmudgeon. 
Upon hearing that “12 Years A Slave” won the Award for Best Picture, I seriously anticipated comment. Of course, I will admit to being a bit remiss in anticipating the reaction of the guttural Limbaugh. I expected more like the following:

Gravity was an extraordinary film, but I could have bet you money that it wouldn’t win Best Picture and Sandra Bullock would not win best actress. There is a political nature to who and what wins, and they were not politically in the running.

“A political nature to who and what wins, and they were not politically in the running.”

Interesting. The movie Gravity was a cinematic feat, much like Avatar. The movie, on the other hand, seemed to fall way shy of a Best Picture and, it darn sure did not warrant Bullock nor Clooney as “Best” anything.  Clooney’s ” I know you love me,” (paraphrased) lines were anticipated and fit well within the Clooney mystique. But, Best Picture?   Before I move to Limbaugh, let me say I rarely miss a Bullock Movie and I never miss a Clooney movie, so there.

Limbaugh? Can you recall the word “slavery” used nearly as much as since the Inauguration of Barack H. Obama in January 2009. By inference, it is not the Left who has grab the institution of human bondage and early capitalism gone wild, for headlines, ‘dog whistles’ and “red meat.” While I personally do not understand the affinity, I am also not a conservative with membership in a party that is 92% white. So, the affinity is beyond my comprehension other than as identified above: fodder for the feeble-minded.

The Raw Story 

…..and Limbaugh (an ideology leader of a party that has voter suppression of African-Americans as a political strategy.)

Rush Limbaugh: ’12 Years A Slave’ only won an Oscar because slave is a ‘magic word’ (via Raw Story )

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Monday said that the reason that the film “12 Years A Slave” won best picture was because “it had the magic word in the title: slave.” On his Monday radio show following Sunday night’s 86th Academy…

Howard Kurtz Now On Fox News Fits The Mold Perfectly

In Howard Kurtz, The Raw Story on March 2, 2014 at 5:41 PM

Image via Awesome Screenshot

Did Howard Kurtz mention the word “standards” this morning?

Jason Collins, NBA basketball player, self-disclosed about his homosexuality in early 2013. Collins was lauded by many, including President Obama, and unfortunately ridiculed by some. One major face of criticism came from a supposed media reporter Howard Kurtz.

Kurtz purposefully stepped well outside of his standard fare on Reliable Sources to attack Jason Collin’s past.  A past Collin has fully reported.  

We have linked a Buzz Feed video below. For sake of clarity we are a link to another Buzz Feed piece for fully disclosure. Full disclosure also points a more dire finger at the “unethical ” Howard Kurtz.

Why are we going here today? Kurtz has responded to a Comedy Central spoof with typical Fox News attacks and silliness. Yes, Fox News. Within Weeks of Kurtz blowing out his credibility and character, he was hired by Fox News. Isn’t it amazing how often Fox News “sops” the plate after media professional throw-up all over themselves. It is as if they have to become sufficiently soiled in some way to meet the Fox News litmus test.  [Note: the Juan Williams hire was another example of extreme sopping after O’Reilly moved Williams to a firing at NPR.]

Buzz Feeds Howard Kurtz; Sadness 

Buzz Feeds Dylan Byers, May 1, 2013. 

Howie Kurtz strikes again

From Jason Collins’ Other Hidden Secret,” by Howie Kurtz (May 1, 2013):

One of the reasons that Jason Collins’ coming out packed such an emotional punch is that he appeared to be telling all. … Except that he left one little part out. He was engaged. To be married. To a woman.

From Jason Collins’ 

 Sports Illustrated article (Apr. 29, 2013):

When I was younger I dated women. I even got engaged.
Read more linked title above

We should note The Daily Beast apologized for the Kurtz column; linked above.

During a 15 minute CNN “mop-up” segment Kurtz spoke the following.

Oh, Kurtz’s reputation and professional established recently reacted to the Comedy Central segment mentioned above.
The Raw Story
Fox host flips after Colbert mocks him: ‘Even fake news anchors should have standards’ (via Raw Story )

Fox News host and media critic Howard Kurtz on Sunday lashed out at Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert, who had recently mocked his report on Hillary Clinton’s age. “That’s right. Fox news is ready to project that in the 2016 presidential election…

The Daily GOP Ignominious: S.E. CUPP (Need Say No More)

In The Daily GOP Ignominious, The Raw Story on February 13, 2014 at 9:00 PM

If you want to see and hear a version of a Sarah Palin who can write a sentence and speak without a choppy/broken /stucco speech pattern, CNN has your fancy S.E.CUPP. Notice I avoided mention of oratory and rhetoric that verges on the ultra illogical and ridiculous. Cupp shares that trait with Palin. 

The Raw Story video below shows the extent to which conservative ideology has tuned to venom spewing demagogues to deliver their message.  After MSNBC parted company with the very (audience) unpopular co-host, CNN grabbed her up and placed here squarely on their new Crossfire Show.  The video will show exactly why the following images speak volumes about Cupp’s ability to secure platforms for her illogical dogma.

CNN will probably not explore the libido fissures Cupp garnered at Fox News. She was unable to leverage a penchant for “carnal day dreaming” on MSNBC.  As viewers become aware of the extent of her intellect and oratory, we wonder if the Crossfire audience will grow weary of illogical rhetoric. 

S.E. Cupp: Democrats are using ‘birth control for solar panels’ to distract from Obamacare (via Raw Story )

CNN host S.E. Cupp accused Democrats on Thursday of playing “small ball” by trying to distract the country from conservative opposition to the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare.” “It seems to me, Mo, Democrats really want to…

The Progressive Influence Racist Watch Via The Raw Story

In The Progressive Influence, The Raw Story on February 7, 2014 at 2:57 PM

Commentary unnecessary.  

And we now see so much from Oklahoma Republican politicians.  

Is there any wonder?   

Oklahoma restaurant won’t serve ‘freaks,’ ‘f*ggots,’ the disabled and welfare recipients (via Raw Story )

A restaurant outside of Oklahoma City is facing criticism after its outspoken owner made a series of inflammatory comments after one of his former customers, who is disabled, complained that he’d been banned from the establishment. Matt Gard claims…

And, you vote for the same politicians as this guy?