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Archive for October 30th, 2012|Daily archive page

Anti-Gay Parade And The Show Stopper

In Uncategorized on October 30, 2012 at 10:11 PM

The very best way to stop and Anti-Gay parade.  I will be damned if the two young ladies (image below) do not look more life-like, healthy, and at peace.  

You may have witnessed similar reactions with the proliferation of inter-racial relationships and “GOD FORBID” interracial marriages.  You may have seen similarly, or you may have acted similarly their very moment you realize the couple moving in next door, “…..IS BLACK”. And I suspect many of these same folk, showed similar expressions when Barack H. Obama won the Presidency in 2008.

And I suspect they did not act similar when our economy crashed in 2007/2008.  I will wager these people would rather see the following in their home than the beautiful young women in the forefront of the image above.

They will probably call fox News or Glenn back and complain about the animal Obama has placed in their basements.

The Romney Letter

In Mitt Romney, TPI on October 30, 2012 at 9:27 PM

A few days ago an article on The Daily Kos caught my attention.  It has obviously caught the attention of millions as the article includes a letter that has gone viral. You know when a piece has gone viral, it leaves the domain of social media and crosses into the realm of email. Thus, traveling through the journey from the information threads of the web (social media) to the less used, but still read email accounts. And, that means the information reaches into a totally different sent of american demographics.

We can only hope the letter makes its way to people who comprise the strange group of Americans who are showing as supporting Mitt Romney.
The Daily Kos

Romney claims that as governor of Massachusetts he was able to work well with a Democratic legislature. To refute this, I have written a short letter to the editor that might be useful for people writing their own letters. The information comes from a column submitted to the Denver Post by a resident of Massachusetts, Marsha Mirkin, whom I’ve quoted below the squiggle. I received her column as a viral email with the heading: He will say whatever is necessary to get elected.  
My letter:
Romney poses as the successful former governor of Massachusetts, but he left office after one term with a 31% approval rating, having entered the office with a 61% approval after seeming to be a fiscal and social moderate.  Contrary to his claim that he got along well with the Democratic legislature, he vetoed proposed legislation a record 800 times, and most of his vetoes were overriden, sometimes unanimously. For example, he vetoed a budget amendment to stop contracting with companies that outsourced state work to other countries. He vetoed emergency contraception. He vetoed a bill to fund stem cell research which as a candidate he had favored. He vetoed bills that would have strengthened preschool education. From his record in Massachusetts, we can expect that as president, Romney would revert to the “severely conservative” he has called himself.

The viral email:
Here I am, a resident of Massachusetts listening to my former Governor speak convincingly and with seeming conviction at the Denver debate. I was startled by my déjà vu experience and by the assumptions held by my out-of-town friends about Mr. Romney’s governorship. So, as an editor and author of articles and texts about social and political contexts, I wanted to reach out to my distant neighbors in Colorado and share my understanding of Mr. Romney’s governorship and the implications for the Presidency. Massachusetts is known as a liberal state, but we often vote for Republican governors, and the three governors who immediately preceded Mr. Romney were Republicans. Mr. Romney was a one term governor who left office with a 31% approval rating, the 3rd lowest in the entire country. What does our experience in Massachusetts say to the country?
Mr. Romney claims to have experience reaching across the aisle. Maybe he did do some reaching, but not much of it went toward the Democrats. In his first two years of office, he vetoed legislation at more than twice the rate of Republican predecessor Governor Weld. Governor Romney had a record 800 vetoes (most of which were overturned, sometimes unanimously). One example is when the legislature provided a budget amendment to stop contracting with companies that outsource state work to other countries. Governor Romney vetoed the provision. This meant that he supported outsourcing jobs at the expense of U.S. workers. He also started a huge campaign to unseat Democratic legislators, but failed and ended up with even fewer Republican seats than before he took office.
Governor Romney correctly claims that Massachusetts rose to #1 in education — but it was based on former Governor Weld’s education reform plan. Governor Romney moved in the opposite direction–he vetoed bills that would have strengthened preschool education.
However, the issue is not so much how he voted, but that Mr. Romney won the governorship by presenting himself in one way, as a social and fiscal moderate (some saw him as a social progressive), and by the end of his single term, he had acted in an entirely different way. He said during his campaign that he favored stem cell research and then vetoed a bill to fund it. He argued for a lower minimum wage than the state legislature ended up passing (over his veto). He vetoed a bill funding hate crimes prevention, and took back money approved by a former Republican governor for a bullying prevention program. He denied all requests for commutations and pardons, including one from a soldier serving in Iraq whose was convicted at age 13 for a BB gun incident. He vetoed emergency contraception. He raised many fees in my state — even quadrupling the gasoline delivery fees.
Governor Romney certainly approved some pieces of legislation that I did support but that does not change a major problem: Mr. Romney re-created himself and changed his positions during the first Presidential debate in your city because he must sound more moderate in order to win the independent vote. After that, all bets are off. We in Massachusetts know all about that. We elected a governor expecting him to be one thing and then he did something totally different and got on the national stage. He entered the governorship with a 61% approval rating and left with an abysmal 31% and with many of us scratching our heads and wondering whom we elected. The difference between then and now is that you have Mr. Romney’s speeches and positions from this past year and the contradictions during the debate. You can get nonpartisan information from And, you now know what he was like in Massachusetts. So, I hope the country doesn’t have to go through what Massachusetts went through. Regardless of your political beliefs, this constant turning into something we didn’t vote for is no way to run a state, never mind a country.
Marsha Mirkin, Wellesley, MA
Professor of psychology

ObamaCare Robo Call vs. the Facts

In GOP, Healthcare reform on October 30, 2012 at 4:19 PM

Last evening I received a robo call with a fairly unprofessional opening about how Obamacare would harm me. I to wonder the receptivity of said calls for people who have lost medical coverage in our down economy (that the GOP induced)? How about families with children who have a pre-existing condition.  Or, the family whose daughter or son are off to college with a prayer nothing happens requiring medical Insurance  the family cannot afford such coverage as the students is over 23 years of age.
As I hung-up the call well before hearing another word, I longed for the opportunity to say a few words to a human robo caller. I received no such opportunity   If the opportunity had prevailed, I would have quickly asked for a moment to rattle-off a few of the following.

Active Links throughout.
Master web page link


The Supreme Court has Ruled: Obamacare is Constitutional

Millions of Americans—from the women who can now access free checkups to the seniors saving on their prescriptions to the 105 million people that have seen lifetime limits on their insurance coverage lifted—can continue to enjoy these important benefits. And now, we can move forward on implementing the provisions to come, like new state insurance exchanges, and making sure no American is denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition.

12.8 Million Americans Receive Insurance Rebates

Before health care reform, insurance companies routinely spent up to 40% of premiums on overhead and administrative costs. Today, thanks to Obamacare, insurance companies are required to spend at least 80% of your premium on your health care—and if they don’t, you get a rebate. This summer, nearly 12.8 million Americans will start receiving their rebate checks, averaging $151 per household—and totaling more than $1.1 billion.

3.1 Million Young Americans Gain Health Coverage

Before the Affordable Care Act, young people could be kicked off their parents’ health insurance as soon as they turned 18. But thanks to health care reform, 3.1 million young Americans who would otherwise be uninsured have been able to stay on their family’s coverage until age 26—coverage that often includes free preventive care, like checkups and flu shots.

  • Justin V.FLORIDA

    My son has severe hemophilia A with an inhibitor, a lifelong blood condition that is extremely expensive to treat. Beyond all the other good things you do, my son and I are forever grateful for your work to dispose of the lifetime cap on medical insurance. We would have hit our maximum a year ago and he is only four years old. It is easier to sleep knowing we will be able to continue to give him proper treatment and I give you all the credit. Thank you!
  • Siddhartha R.INDIANA

    Thanks for removing the lifetime limit on my insurance! Over the last 29 years I was well on my way to surpassing this limit due to congenital birth defects. You’ve saved my life and I thank you for it.

    Annie O.NEW MEXICO

    Thanks for working so hard to pass Healthcare Reform. Because of you, I am now able to get an enhanced policy with BCBS which will cover all of the preventative care needs for myself and my daughter. Thank you!!

    Although my Dad is a die-hard Republican and dismisses health care reform, he has trouble denying the fact that it has helped me. I was able to get a physical for the first time in many years and found I had severe anemia. I could not have afforded the physical if I was not on my Dad’s healthcare plan. I don’t know how the rest of the health care overhaul will pan out, but this provision specifically cannot be denied by neither Republican or Democrat. Thank you!!!

    Before the Act was passed, I was diagnosed with cancer just before my 23rd birthday. I was working 3 part-time jobs and couldn’t afford insurance. I visited clinics and tried several alternative treatments that were more affordable, but the cancer continued to spread. Finally, I went ahead with an expensive surgery. Three weeks later, due to the ACA, I was able to get on my father’s insurance. Though I have thousands of dollars in bills left to pay, there are thousands more I was able to avoid.
  • Grant M.VIRGINIA

    Grant graduated college in 2011, and now interns at a prestigious think tank in Washington, DC (and has recently started volunteering with OFA). The internship, while a great opportunity, is unpaid, and does not provide Grant with health insurance. Because of the ACA, however, Grant is able to stay on his parents’ insurance and pursue his internship.
  • Elizabeth M.CALIFORNIA

    I have two children, 9 year old twin boys, with serious medical problems. Obama’s health care law prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to my boys with pre-existing conditions/ disabilities, prohibits our health plan from putting a lifetime dollar limit on benefits and offers options for long-term care, should we need that. This brings me peace of mind and allows me to care for them without worrying we will become destitute.

    "Are You Better Off…" Fox News

    In Fox News on October 30, 2012 at 3:54 PM

    Cross posted and linked (Examiner Dot Com)

    Fox News poll finds more people are better off now than they were a year ago

    Fox News recently conducted a poll which found the majority of people believe they are better off today than they were a year ago. 

    In specific the question asked was:

    “And thinking about your situation today compared to what it was ONE year ago, are you better off than you were a year ago, or not?” 

    The results were conclusive with 44% saying they were better off, 39% saying they were worse off, and 17% saying there had been no difference.

    Included in the poll, as reported by, was some mildly contradictory data

    When asked: 

    “Thinking about your situation today compared to what it was four years ago, are you better off than you were four years ago, or not?” 

    A Minister Speaks about "the Vote"!

    In MSNBC on October 30, 2012 at 2:31 PM

    I have seen this Minister on MSNBC. He delivers compelling arguments and rationale on matters of Civil Rights and “the VOTE”.

    Soledad O’Brien Five GOP Zero

    In Uncategorized on October 30, 2012 at 9:49 AM

    Soledad O’Brien and yet another GOP talking machine!


    In Uncategorized on October 30, 2012 at 12:07 AM

    Romney Ryan 2012 Patriotic Election Comeback Wallclock


    A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, “What are all those clocks?”

    St. Peter answered, “Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock move.”

    “Oh”, said the man. “Whose clock is that?”
    “That’s Mother Teresa’s,” replied St. Peter. “The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.”

    “Incredible,” said the man. “And whose clock is that one?”

    St. Peter responded, “That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire life.”

    “Where’s Romney’s clock?” asked the man.

    It’s in my office. I’m using it as a ceiling fan!